'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
On a hunt! - Printable Version

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- Niro Takekuro - 05-04-2010


he plan was perfect, it was well synchronized, Niro didn’t know that Orin had it in her to read his body movements if he did he’d have taken her hunting even still back in florida. He watched as his sister moved to the other side of the deer. He moved himself back behind the deer where he was figuring it would be and waited. The waiting was the bad part. It felt like itr had been hours before Orin found her spot and then when she moved after the deer it was as though it was another good few hours. But once that deer moved he could see it slowly turn and he was right up behind it. He hunched onto his back feet and leaped when the deer turned towards him. He caught at her neck where the esophagus was and clamped his mouth shut. The deer reared up in a horrified attempt to escape and Niro lost his hold and he fell to the ground. He knew he got the deer good because a chunk of her neck was in his mouth.

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- Orin Takekuro - 05-05-2010


ooc... WC 356

Eyes rounded as she watched her brother spring from the brush and snag the doe clean on the throat, but the deer was in motion and without fellow wolves to slash at the deer and trip her while he worked his killing blow, Niro was thrown from their quarry. She could see the river of red liquid spill from the creature’s neck and the droplets that flew from both the doe and Niro as they struggled and spattered on the trees and shrubbery around them. She barely caught sight of Niro as he sprang back to his feet after falling to the ground from the attack; if he wasn’t careful, a sharp hoof could clock him good.

Gritting her teeth together, her haunches bunched and snapped, forelegs shoving against the ground with all her strength. Her slender body made a clean arc in the air, and then she was atop the doe’s back, digging in with tooth and claw to try to fell the beast so Niro could get a second chance at suffocating it, or ensure that the fissure in the neck would at least cause the deer to bleed out. But her weight was not enough, this was a strong beast they pursued and Orin’s slight body hadn’t the bulk to bring down the frightened creature.

Her fangs sank into the hind’s muscle at the base of her neck, and Orin’s limbs hugged the creature’s back as tightly as she could, claws vying for purchase. The doe stumbled, but her survival instinct was strong, and Orin soon realized that the foliage and flora were whipping past her at an alarming rate. Branches lashed at her face and sides as the doe clattered inelegantly through the woods, trying to flee the attackers. The wound Niro opened in the doe’s throat looked severe enough, but Orin didn’t know if it had been sufficient enough for the deer to bleed out. Well, she would see, or she would be bucked off! She tipped her ears backwards to listen for her brother, hoping he was in pursuit or perhaps had some other idea to impede the deer’s flight.


- Niro Takekuro - 05-05-2010


Niro’s heart plunged when he saw his sister jump on the back of the deer. He scrambled to get at the deer but it was too late, she ran off through the woods. He groaned, this is what he got, for not bringing an extra pair of teeth. He chased after the deer. He hoped he could catch up to the deer before he lost his breath. He ran through the woods dodging the trees and the brush, hoping to get to them. He spotted the deer and went straight for her, but she was in a dither, and he wasn’t sure she would let him get near her with her fear and she could see him now, he gritted his teeth, his sister was in danger of getting thrown off and hurt badly, he breathed hard knowing he didn’t have much time to catch up to him. He let out all of his adrenaline. His paws felt like they barely touched the leafy ground, he knew he was kicking the leaves up and he hoped he didn’t make a fatal slip and fall, he’d lose both his sister and the deer. His sister was what mattered more.

He huffed his tongue lolling from his mouth, before he caught the hoof of the deer. Both wolves fell, but the deer fell too, with a great thump, she hit a bush, he only had seconds before he could get up and grab her neck. He jumped up his sides hurting from the sudden rush, and his forepaw aching from hitting the deer’s back leg, he then grabbed the deer’s neck and held tight.

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- Orin Takekuro - 05-05-2010


ooc... WC 306

A piercing yelp cut through the woods as the doe crashed sideways into the bushes and Orin was thrown free. She missed the bushes completely, unfortunately landing against the stubborn roots that ran like veins through the forest floor, but at least she did not get trapped beneath the deer’s crushing weight during the fall. As her side hit the ground, her legs splayed out to catch herself, but she still rolled twice before coming to a stop. Her ribs hit the earth hard, and the wind had been knocked from her lungs.

Determined to recover quickly she leaped back to her paws, aided by the adrenaline coursing through her fiber. She thrust herself through the thicket and landed on the deer’s side, going dead-weight across its forelegs to try to keep any dangerous hooves from cracking Niro’s bones. To hold herself in place she dug her teeth into the shoulder once more. Trapped beneath Niro’s capable jaws, the deer could not even make a final, mournful cry.

It wasn’t long until the exhausted animal began to still beneath them. Orin’s ears cupped towards the deer and she listened to the sound of the small, raspy gasps it tried to make, though they were slight and few with Niro cutting off most of its breath; could feel the slowing pulse of lifeblood as it trickled out of the wounds until the heart came to its final, lurching beat. Finally the legs stopped twitching beneath her, and she leg go of her hold on the doe’s shoulder. She backpedaled, favoring a forepaw. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth in a pant as she lowered her haunches and sat, tail curling around her paws. “Good work, brother,” she panted. “I didn’t actually think we could do it. I thought it was going to be boar for sure.”


- Niro Takekuro - 05-05-2010


Niro breathed hard through his nose and mouth as he held onto the deer, he wasn’t going to let her go this time. He had his jaw clamped shut, it was not moving from this spot. He could feel Orin’s weigh right on the deer’s legs, he was thankful for her, and glad she was ok. He kept his mouth on the deer almost too tired to let go. It took him a few minutes after the deer died to let go. He forced himself so he could answer his sister. When he looked at her, starting to speak he saw her limping, his heart skipped a beat.

Are you ok?!

He said, he forgot about his own aching leg when he saw his sister. Of course something might have happened to her when they fell… he had to do it though or she would have fallen in a worse spot, it was all a hit or miss. He really hoped it was just sore and not broken or any muscles torn.

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- Orin Takekuro - 05-05-2010


Briefly, she glanced down at her forepaws and back at Niro, smiling gently and nodding. It was typical of Orin to live it up, play up the injury and pretend to be more tousled than she really was, but this wasn’t the time and finally something in her was finally beginning to discern when these antics were appropriate. They had both been pretty jostled in this hunt, it had been quite haphazard, and Niro had most likely sustained just as many bumps and bruises as she had. It would not be fair to fake the intensity of the injury and worry him after all this work.

“I’m fine,” she crooned. “It doesn’t hurt that bad, just a little sprain. I’ll change back to Optime before we head back. Alaine probably has a poultice or herb that’ll soothe it ‘til it feels better.” She twisted and began nosing at her tail, pulling out twigs and leaves that she had gathered during her little ride on the doe’s back.

“How about you, you ok?” She lifted her head and chuckled at him. “Well what are you waiting for? Dig into your kill already!”


- Niro Takekuro - 05-05-2010


He felt relief when she tld him her paw was ok, but this wasn’t normal Orin behavior, and that made him go over to her and check it out himself, and she was right just a sprain. That was a relief in itself, one that she wasn’t playing a game with him and another that she was perfectly fine. He nodded that he was ok himself, athough his foreleg hurt like no tomorrow frm that trip. He was surprised it didn’t hurt more. But he had no broken bones himself and he was satisfied about that, when she told him to dig in he did, starting on the belly part first, the raw meat and still warm blood drained in his mouth making the whole hunt worth it. He ate until he was full, his energy back a little, enough to change back into his bipedal for and get something to carry the rest of the food back, Vigil would like some of this fine deer meat, and he knew some others that would enjoy it, it was not enough for the whole pack so whoever came first got it but he owed his new friend.

<style type="text/css"> .niro-a01 b{font-weight:bold; color:#4B73D8; letter-spacing:1px; } .niro-a01 p{text-indent:25px; padding:0px 10px 10px 15px; margin:0px;} .niro-a01{width:425px; background-color:#BCC7E7; background-image:url(http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/nirotable.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:1px solid #000000; padding: 0px 0px 265px 0px; font-family: 'trebuchet ms', sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#3A4A6C; line-height:16px; letter-spacing:.5px; text-align:justify;} </style> [/html]

- Orin Takekuro - 05-05-2010


ooc... Last post!

She giggled as he came over to inspect her, dubious to her assurances that she was alright. As he got close, she let him look at her paw, and then the glimmer of her playful self shone through as she yipped and nipped at his ear. She was impatient! She wanted to dive right into the fresh meat that tantalized her senses, warm and inviting and just a few feet away from her! She hadn’t eaten all day, and now her appetite was roaring. “I’m fine, I promise.”

She nosed the ruff of fur behind Niro’s shoulders and pushed him towards the deer, and finally he went. Despite having done her fair share to bring the animal down, she felt like this was Niro’s victory, and that he deserved first pick. After he selected the tender stomach meat, she moved to the haunch and took her fill, ravenously devouring the meat, downing more than it seemed her little form could handle, until she thought she would burst. When she was done, she moved onto a bed of leaves where the sun peeked through the overlapping canopy and warmed the ground, and breathed contentedly, her eyes half-closing with the laziness that a good meal afforded. “I’ll help you in a little bit, but first, a nap.”

