'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
M - Pull Me Closer to Love - Printable Version

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- Mati Church - 08-20-2010


goodness wrapped in wonderful

Gently Mati pushed her to the bed, each holding onto the other so that their bodies stayed so sweetly pressed together. She felt the fingers and claws at her back, their pressure making her move against the smaller female's body sensually and softly as they fell to the blanket. The heat of their lips made her yearn for more and yet when Cambi broke away her chest was grateful for the small intake of precious air. A single breath was taken before Mati found the tender skin the hid in the curve of her neck, Her lips kissed beyond the silken fur, teeth lightly dancing over it as she felt the pulse the rang with each rapid beat of her heart.

It tempted her control, calling for her to seek the pulse of another place, to touch her and make Cambira shutter and cause the beat of her heart to pause and restart with an electric generated jump. But the Church female controlled her urges, only allowing her hand to slip from behind her lover's back and run along her side. It hesitated at her hip, holding the curve there for a prolonged moment. With lips parted her mouth roamed up from the base to beneath her chin. Fingers clung to the skin of her hip, pressing gently as they moved slowly down her leg. Eyes opened to watch her dark brown face, hoping to catch the sea foam colored gaze and find the same haze need that she felt cloud her own.

She didn't even need to move, and her body felt so good against the Marino woman. Their lips need not touch and Mati still felt the fire-like heat grow. She had never wanted anything more, wanting it to last forever and trusting it completely. Cambria had never failed her, had never disappointed her and had never asked her for anything. There was never judgment in her eyes, never fear even when Mati hesitated and stumbled around her and was full of doubt. She was perfection wrapped within the most beautiful of creatures, and Mati wanted to strive to be just the same for her. Even if it took forever, she would keep trying.

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- Cambria Marino - 08-30-2010


<3 300+

The smallest of movements made the largest of fireworks light underneath her skin. Their bodies moved against each other slowly as their position changed, but it was enough to nearly make the girl moan from the pleasure that it brought her. Just as her lungs were drinking in the air she needed to survive her breath hitched in her throat as her lover's mouth played in the curve of her neck. It made her fingers press even harder into Mati's back, her silent plea for more of that ambrosial attention. That plea did not go unanswered as she felt fingers tickle down her side and pause at the small curve of her hip. It made the small wolfess shudder, a soft noise escaping from her lips. It was amazing how those simple touches made her react so powerfully. None of her most sensuous areas had even been breached yet and already her pulse raced.

Her lover's fingers slowly continued down, outlining her leg. Her body reacted without even a single synapse firing; her leg lifting, rubbing slowly against Mati's own leg, bending at the knee. Cambi's own digits trailed down her lover's back, fingertips pressing insistently into the other woman's flesh. She needed Mati now, more than she had ever needed anything before. It was as if she might die if Mati didn't gift her with what her body screamed for. There were no worries in her mind about this being taken away though. Mati wasn't going anywhere. The Marino trusted her completely with everything: her body, heart, and soul. She offered it all willingly to the Church fey. Not just offered, begged her to take and accept them. She couldn't live without her anymore, it simply was not possible.

Sea orbs were half lidded, her chest rising and falling dramatically with her breath. She could see a glimpse of that face she so loved, but already her mind was becoming so fogged in its sensuous haze that it was hard to see anything distinctly. A quiet moan came from the girl, followed by the name that had become her whole world, "Mati." Her voice was soft, but in it was all the yearning that she felt for the other woman. All the yearning her slender body could ever possess.

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- Mati Church - 08-30-2010


lmao, billy idol on the radio, right this moment! "In the midnight hour she cried 'more, more, more'"

Another breath, another beat of her heart, another inch of her body felt beneath sensitive fingertips, and Mati could feel the warmth grow between them. It beckoned for more, called to her in its silence and the Church woman could not deny it what it asked for. Not for much longer. She let her breath fall on the other’s neck and face, giving her lungs that air they needed and taking in the scent she was so addicted to. Dark curved legs moved against her own, and she felt the electric chill that came with the contact. They asked for her too, and the mere thought of it made her want nothing more then to oblige. With another long breath she collected her control, though the hand on her back came back into her thoughts as it roamed downward and pressed against her flesh. Mati moved against the fingers, challenging their position and tempting them to move once again so she could feel the spark filled sensation that their trail left along her skin.

This was what she missed during the nights that they were apart. Mati wanted this always, to lavish the Marino fey with attention, to show how much she truly loved her. Their worlds would be one, their lives unable to remain separate. She didn’t believe it was possible anymore, for every thought that came to her had the name of this woman attached to it. Her mind always returned to Cambria, no matter how far she thought it had ventured. She woke to dawn’s filtering yellow hue and this was who she wondered of first, it was Cambria’s voice that she wanted to hear and the day didn’t begin until she did. And the day couldn’t end until they said their goodnights. Days and nights without her were things she didn’t wish to remember, motions to be forgotten for the anxiety of wondering and guessing was more painful then anything she could imagine.

At the call of her name Mati knew that she couldn’t be held back any longer. All the physical motions drew her in but the sound of her name rested along the sweet tones of her lover’s voice, now only a whisper and heavy with lust and wanting, pulled her further that it was impossible not to fall. Her hand ran along her thigh, so quickly that she couldn’t savor the soft skin or the familiar shape once again. Her fingers found themselves between their bodies and against female’s flat stomach, sinking through the fur so immediately that she was unable to take pleasure in the softness.

Then she stopped, bluntly while her eyes watched her face. Lips wanted to taste her neck again, to feel the pulse as it rose with the touch of her fingers. But she wanted to watch more. Slowly. Slowly she moved downward, feeling the temperature rise the further she traveled. She was ready, her heat burning and Mati felt now that every single inch of the other woman yearned for her. Gently and singly at first Mati explored her, violet eyes on her face.

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- Cambria Marino - 09-03-2010


lulz! 500+

This bed would no longer be her's anymore. It would become someone else's, or no one's. There seemed to be many people coming and joining the pack, so an extra bed and room would surely be needed. Of course no such selfless thoughts were running through her mind. The good that it would do the pack as a whole was only a vague afterthought, barely focused upon. To Cambria, all that mattered was that she would no longer be alone at night. Ever since the first day and night she had spent in Mati's bed, whenever she returned to her own it felt cold and empty to her. Her arms and hands would reach out for the warmth and comfort of her lover to find nothing but a hollow space and she would curl up tightly on herself for the illusion of an embrace. Some might have thought it weak, or wrong to be so dependent on another, but there was nothing she could do to lessen the strength of her love. Her heart always desired to be around the Church woman, and now with Mati's request it had become a reality. A reality that felt more akin to a dream than anything else.

In fact all of this felt like a dream, and for a second she worried that it was. Some wonderful dream that she would be woken up from at any second to find herself actually alone in her room once more. But no, this was no dream. It was too vivid. The Marino had had very vivid dreams before, but her subconscious could not construct something so identical to reality. It was no phantom of her lover upon her now, but the woman herself. Every touch was real, every intake of breath brought her intoxicating scent. The feel of Mati's body moving against her own fingertips. No, this was real, for no dream could ever be this sublime. Only Mati herself could give Cambria this kind of hope and passion and lust. Her mind couldn't create that, only the other female could. It was a power that she held singularly.

After her voice had called forth things accelerated so quickly it was almost hard for her nerves to keep up with the now rapidly moving hand. The brush against her thigh made her skin shiver and her heart pounded against the cavity of her chest like a taut drum-head. Her lover's hand was then pressing against her stomach and her body became still with anticipation. Slowly Mati's hand roamed down her body and her muscles tensed, and impatient whine sounding from the girl's throat. Then the contact came in that divine place and she gasped, her eyes now wide open. It didn't matter how many times they did this, the first touch always came as a blissful shock. Her fingers grasped Mati's fur tightly, her hips arching into that exploring hand. Her breath was released in a low moan, her lids covering her eyes, blocking out that sense of sight to feel things more fully.

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- Mati Church - 09-03-2010


Her thoughts were short lived, no longer delving deeply into the future that she would not experience with Cambria. She couldn’t imagine the mornings and nights together, the way their lives would be molded into one entity and the time that they would spend beside each other. They were there, the positive notion of them and the excited anticipation included, but her mind could not reach them anymore. The world had stopped turning, slowing to a halt so that she could experience her lover in the most physical and connective way and with it her thoughts lived an a world of there own.

For now she only wished to feel her, to have the acceptance that Cambria had shown with the agreement of their living situation morph into something physical, to have the love they shared transform into pleasure. The bronze woman felt the chill of anticipation and excitement melt against the lust and passion as the collided within her as she moved against Cambria, wishing for the friction and waiting for the reaction. Lavender eyes peered down at her, savoring how immediate her reaction was and yet how slow the hazy eyes closed, how heavy her breath became and how low her voice had turned.

The tightening fingers against the Church fey’s back urged her further, asking without restraint what Cambi wanted of her. Mati closed her eyes as well, allowing herself to feel the warmth of the other woman, but did not deny her for much longer. She moved her lips to the fey’s supple neck, tasting the skin beyond her silken fur and allowed her hand to slowly gain a rhythm that sought to bring the Marino fey to her peak. Lips and tongue moved along her skin, hot breath coming quick and heavy as she placed another finger within her.

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- Cambria Marino - 09-03-2010



All conscious thought had extinguished at that first moment of contact. Her mind had flashed blank and moved into that most primitive state where all that existed and all that could be processed was the intimate communion that she and Mati had engaged in. Nothing outside of this moment mattered any longer. All she could do was live in this small world that Mati had created for her. It was all there was, all there really ever needed to be. It felt as though she were falling, a sensation that tingled in her stomach and yet did not make her afraid. Nothing was frightening as long as she had the Church wolfess with her, close to her. For nothing bad could ever happen to her with Mati near. It was a physical impossibility. Here she was safe, like she was safe nowhere else. All the dangers of the world were erased, as if they had never existed at all.

As her eyes closed all she could do was feel and that was all she wanted to do. Sight wasn't necessary or important in this moment. In fact it was more of a distraction than anything else. In these moments it was like their bodies became transparent and the boundaries that separated their hearts became insubstantial, the two cores of their love moving towards each other like magnets until they became one singular entity in that moment of complete satisfaction. Cambi could see it all as lights behind her eyes, and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever witnessed.

Lips and tongue met her neck as the hand between her legs took on a steady pace and a deep, pleasurable noise sounded in her chest. Her head laid back, baring her neck fully to her lover. That deep-seated instinctual part of her being knew this to be her most vulnerable position, that she was at the complete and utter mercy of the other fey. Her love and trust was shown though by the fact that there was no fear in this exposure. In fact it was exhilarating. It made her heart pound all the more fervently, straining to join with its other half. Another digit slipped inside her warmth and a soft "Oh," came from her lips. Hips began to move in concert with the rhythm her lover had set, her breath coming in heavy pants and moans.

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- Mati Church - 09-03-2010


It was a moment of complete surrender, allowing the walls to fall away and forgetting that they ever needed to be constructed. Cambia was the only one that made it simple for the Church woman. Cambria had created that for her, allowed her go through the motions that her insecurities needed to and then still accepted her even with her doubt. But such feelings were forgotten, washed away to hopefully never return. They wouldn’t, she had let them go for the last time. She could leave them behind, live in a world free of doubt. Live in the world of security that the fragile chocolate-coated woman created for her, live as if they had never existed at all.

The emotions ran through her as powerfully as the passion and the lust that she felt towards the other woman. Her heart beat wildly, her pulse racing wildly and pounding in her ears. Her body reacted heatedly to the body beneath her, a shiver of pleasure and an undying need welling within and craving relief. And yet it was not solely carnal. She wanted to show her how much she loved her, how her heart yearned for every inch of her, and how thankful she felt for the love that she received with each passing glance of her sea foam eyes. It was almost too much, even more then if their roles were switched and it was her climax that she neared. This was something else, something that almost brought tears to her eyes. She could only call it love, for it was indescribable and so powerful that if she was even brave enough to try to name it there was only that one word that might possibly do it justice.

Mati pushed deeper, softly and slowly. After a moment she drew back, her teeth grazing the soft and wet skin of her neck and feeling the heat and the flush of blood that raced just beneath thin strands of flesh. Again, as she listened to the pattern of moans and gasps, Mati continued until she regained the same pace. She quickened, listening as the reaction was heard in her voice once again and gauging now close or far she was with the motion on her narrow set hips. Her nose ran up her neck the cool dampness dragging across her the warmth of her fur. Pink tongue touched her jaw and her lips sought those of Cambria’s as it inched closer to her mouth. Kiss me. She spoke, a soft whine laced within as she pleaded as if fearful that she would be denied and yet knowing that was impossible.

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- Cambria Marino - 09-03-2010



They were both full of imperfection, especially when either of them looked in the mirror. Sometimes still the wonderment came to her as to how Mati could love such a weak and fragile creature as herself. Until she had started her healing apprenticeship she had had no discernible skills, nothing she could contribute. In her eyes Mati's talents were as wide and deep as the ocean. She could draw and paint like nothing she had ever seen. She had both the gentleness and the mettle to look after the pack's youngest members. That was only what she did for the pack, no mention of the countless things she had done and continued to do for Cambria. The girl had never thought she would be able to open herself up so completely to another, and yet Mati had not had to do a thing for the Marino to expose her heart to her.

Her body had become completely arrested by the other woman. A puppet that Mati controlled with every single touch. Cambria couldn't have moved in any other way even if she had had the desire to. Mati knew exactly what her small body longed for, knew exactly the way to touch her. Consumed by bodily pleasure as she was, her heart never lost sight of the larger picture that this act was meant to convey. With every single electric contact she felt the love that the other woman held for her. Her heart blazed in her chest like a bright beacon, growing ever more luminous as their act of love progressed. It was all so beautifully overwhelming, more so than it had ever been before. Perhaps it was because with each passing day their love continued to grow. Whatever the reason though, she had never felt so amazing, both spiritually and physically.

A choked cry came from her as she was penetrated deeper, her body shuddering around the welcomed fingers. The pace regained and outdistanced itself and her slender back arched, pressing her front up against her hovering lover. The energy inside her was quickly building up, waiting to be released when her peak was reached. Moisture gathered at the corner of her closed eyes, her breathing becoming so fast it was erratic. Mati's cool nose running up her heated neck elicited a long moan and when that request was voiced she willingly obliged. Her tongue licked the other's lips before their mouths locked again, a pleading whine vibrating high in her throat.

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- Mati Church - 09-03-2010


The hot tongue touched her lips, and then Cambria kissed her. Their chests pressed tightly together, their breathing unified in their lustily gasps and heavy moans. Mati kissed her deeply, but the contact did not last long. She was too short winded to deny her lung that now shorter breath that it pleaded for. As perfect as the moment was, and always was, their pace steady and in flawless rhythm it felt as if there was an element of chaos wrapped within each ideal second that passed. Like they were both unraveling in each other arms. But it was without fear, knowing that the other would gather the strands and together they would hold each other together.

Eyes hovered partially closed, grasping a small glance of the dark face, of the beauty that she held while so enthralled in the moment. A moment she had help to create. She couldn’t place words to the feeling, knowing that she was the cause of all this and it was happiness, and love in the purest way. Mati pressed her nose into her neck, lips parted, eyes closed tightly and lashes holding the smallest glistening tears. Her body moved forward slightly with the movement of her hand, their chests pressed together and causing a blissful friction.

Experience had taught her how quickly to move, how deeply Cambria enjoyed and how far she could press without causing discomfort and bringing true pleasure. She took pride in that art, though before Cambia had taught her she had been fumbling and clumsy. She had been so unsure, questioning every movement and hoping that it was right. There was no doubt now, for there need not be words to describe the bliss that was brought by the contact. No, she was completely transparent. Any moment now. She knew that it would be any moment.

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- Cambria Marino - 09-03-2010


500 words ON THE DOT. Couldn't have done that if I tired XD 500+

Their kiss lasted a few blissful moments before they had to break apart again by needs of oxygen. The need now that was greater than before, for both their lungs could only take in short gasps of air, their bodies burning with the passion that had flared up between them. Modesty was usually something the cocoa femme held as sacrosanct, not wanting to draw undue attention to either herself or her blossoming relationship with the Church woman. In moments such as these though, there was no holding back. Even if Cambi had wanted to she would have been physically unable to do so. Every nerve of her body was working overtime and the only outlet she had to cope was the sounds that came from her with growing frequency and volume. She couldn't be asked to care if anyone else heard. In moments like this she wanted nothing more than to sing her love and adoration for Mati to the heavens and let the whole world know to whom her heart belonged. She didn't care if they were judged by others, as long as she had the multi-hued woman's love she would require nothing else.

Whatever had happened between her and fiery haired woman all those months ago had become something half-remembered and meaningless to her. It may have been her first experience of the technicalities of lovemaking, but there had been no love there. Being with Mati, that had been her true first experience. For the thing that made this act amazing was the love the fueled it. Without love it was empty. It may still feel good, but it couldn't reach the transcendent ecstasy that was possible when you did it with someone that you loved so completely. The only person that Cambria ever wanted to do this with was the Church fey. No one else would ever lay like this with her beside the woman that was with her now. She was the only one that the Marino would ever want for the rest of her days on this earth.

Mati's body moved on top of her's, their torsos rubbing against each other, spreading the indescribable feelings throughout her entire form. Her lover's nose pressed against her neck and the summit was coming up fast. She felt the electricity build in her spine and the heat in her core grow to its height. Back arched even more dramatically, her eyes clamped shut. "Oh, oh....Oh Mati!" her voice cried out loudly as the waves of her climax crashed down around her, every muscle in her body tensing. For an uncountable stretch of time she fell into oblivion before she came back to herself and her form melted back against the sheets, exhausted. Her chest continued to rise and fall heavily, her lungs drinking in the much needed air. Tired oceanic eyes flitted back open, looking to her love. A contented smile formed her lips as a sigh escaped from her chest. "You're...so amazing," she said, breathless.

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- Mati Church - 09-03-2010


Their pasts meant so little. The fact that Cambira was more experienced and she had never touched another creature before her had so little to do with who they were and what together they had become. To Mati, Cambi was her everything. She was her beginning and she would be her end. With all certainty the Chuch woman believed that there would be no on after her. Together they would live long happy lives. Thoughts beyond that single truth were too painful for her to even skirt the outer edges, to even let them pass through her thoughts with no actual seriousness. All she cared for was the present, the now and this moment and of a future where they were together. The past was nothing but a blur of moment that led up to these ones. A foundation that had created this.

There was no worry that they might be heard, or even that someone would be suspicious about the noises that filtered through the wooden walls and door. There was no one to notice, since such worries and thoughts had disappeared long ago. They were alone, and Mati wanted nothing more then to hear her voice, to hear the sounds that she provoked and to know that the results were just as uncontrollable as the actions themselves. She loved to hear her, loved the sound of her name on the sweet voice that had turned deep with lust. It was satisfying, wonderful.

Mati grew still, feeling her climax from inside as well as holding her shaking body and hearing her crying voice. Her chest heaved vividly, and she had to blink to clear the moisture from her eyes and it was not until her loved softened against her and into the bed that rose her head to look to the gentle features of her face. Their gazes met, and she ever so slowly withdrew her fingers and fell to the bed beside her. She refused to be separated, her arms moving to keep their torsos touching, still wanting to feel the heat of Cambria radiate against her.

She felt amazing, feeling every bit of those words true. It was a wonderful feeling, sharing such an experience with the woman that she loved and being the one to invoke it. Your beautiful. She said as purple gaze looked at her now soft and tired face. Mati found beauty in her in every situation, no matter how Cambria might think she looked. But she was certainly the most beautiful right at the moment that they both drifted down from.

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- Cambria Marino - 09-04-2010



There wasn't a single fiber in her body that would ever wish to hide anything from Mati, but the girl was glad that her small experience before they had been together had never been questioned by her lover. It would have been a little awkward to explain, and the truth of the matter was that it really meant nothing in the large scheme of things. It had been something wholly unexpected; at the time Cambria hadn't even known what it meant or what had happened. It could have just as easily not happened and she doubted it would have changed a thing here in the present. Even if she hadn't had that initial encounter with Lolita, her heart still would have fallen for Mati. She still would love Mati just as much as she loved her now. It was a non issue, for her heart had never belonged to anyone else, even if her body had for less than an hour.

If she had had the capacity to think, she would have felt bad that she was receiving all of the attention at the moment and returning none of it. Cambria liked to reciprocate any and all affection that was given to her. However this had happened so abruptly and unexpectedly that she had been swept away the actions of her lover. Even if such worries had crossed her mind in these moments, she knew that Mati would know that her own needs weren't being neglected. It might not happen right away, but the Marino fey would repay the other woman in full. Would lavish the same kind of attentions on her. Would make her sound the same pleasurable noises. Plus she knew firsthand that the giving could be just as satisfying as the receiving in this instances. Really, in all things between them this was true.

As she once again caught sight of that brilliant violet gaze her heart gave a little skip in her chest. She always loved seeing her right after, perhaps the best moment at all. Her body had felt all that it possibly could, and sight again became critically important. As Mati slipped out from inside her, her slender body gave one last shudder before returning to its jellied and restful state. Eagerly she let Mati's strong arms kept them held together, her head nestling softly against her lover's chest. The lovely words Mati gave her made her smile grown stronger, her tail even giving one limp wag on the bed. "I love you," she said looking up into her eyes. "And I always will." Beyond a promise, it was a fact. She knew her heart would continue to love the Church fey even after it stopped beating.

Sleepiness descended upon her, eyelids drooping over her sparkling orbs. "Maybe a nap, and then we can move my things?" Cambria didn't want to wait a moment longer than she had to. She wanted to make the move today, as soon as her body recovered from its bliss.

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- Mati Church - 09-04-2010


Mati could not promise that she would be immune to feelings of jealousy, she would not say that there would not be hurt feelings. But she was brash enough to think that they would always know happiness, even if on the surface there was a thin temporary veneer of unhappiness showing. Deep down Mati would always be happy, happy to know that they had shared moments like this and happy to know that no matter what happened Cambira loved her. It was trust in its greatest form, to have faith that she would despite Mati’s faults.

There was no sense of neglect. Though her body idly searched for relief, long legs brushing up against the supple ones of Cambria, her heart knew nothing more satisfying. But the still calm that radiated from her lover was contagious, and the buzzing heat that Mati had felt softened and fizzled out into the far reaches of her limbs and she was left with the warmness of anticipation, knowing that she would not be left without for very long. Thinking of it, and not knowing clearly when made it even more exciting. But for the moment she would just enjoy being able to lavish the attention, taking the control that she held and savoring it. She knew that later it would be she that would loose it completely and willingly.

Her body moved against Mati’s at her soft manipulation, laying in her arms with her soft cheek resting against the tan and cream molted hue of her chest. Mati nosed her crown slightly, awakening the sweet scent that lay among the fur and taking it in with each new breath. They lay in an air of their mix arousal, and Mati looked for Cambria completely. At her voice she looked down, taking in the truth through the wide oceans that she was swept away within. Mati took a soft breath, the air coming to her easily now and her chest moved only slightly beneath her face. With an ease that she possessed each time she said that words Mati proclaimed once more with all her heart. I love you too, always. Always, always they would be together. What else was there? A walking death, a life that was meaningless.

She smiled wide at her words, seeing that the other fey was happily ready to give into sleep. We’ll move Enzo first. she spoke as a hand came to intertwine their fingers into the thick subtle waves of her mane. Eyes watched her, their lids drooped but not ready to be closed completely. This moment would end and they would wake to another that was just as wonderful and complete, Mati was sure of that. But she still clung to it, wanting just another minute before it was over and the next could begin. Still with the silence, and tired that she felt her eyes couldn’t stay open much longer and she let it happen and set her nose beside her cream tipped ear and let it end. And while minds fell to dreams, the next one began.

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