'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
creating something out of nothing - Printable Version

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- Clover Love Lykoi - 01-03-2011


Aw, you are lovely, Alaine. <33 SSWM: 813

Caillen offered out both arms, and Clover collected the purple tapestry from him then. She could not help but smile at him, and it was a smile that seemingly could not melt away. This was the most kindness she had been shown in a while, and it warmed the young coyote’s heart to receive it. The world seemed to be a dark and cruel place, no matter how much Clover tried to overlook it and only see the positives. Every once and awhile, it was nice to let all the bad fade away and only focus on the things that brought comfort and peace. Caillen’s presence and, hopefully, his friendship brought that to her. It meant more to her than he could probably imagine. His unique accented words chiming into the air, he turned and went off to work, while Clover headed towards the inside of her little shack.

Though it was quaint, it was home. The young coyote smiled at the inside of her small shack, finding comfort by merely seeing all of her possessions stashed away safely inside. Though she lived alone, she found comfort in the sense of stability that the shack brought her; this was not to be permanent, but it was still nice to feel like Clover actually had a place to belong, despite it all. She went to the corner, where her tapestry was usually situated on the floor with some other skins and fabrics she had. Now that the winter was not far off, she would use the makeshift blankets she had to keep warm when the temperature dropped at night. When the tapestry was squared away, Clover settled her bag onto a small wooden shelf. While she thumbed through the things she had collected in Halifax, darkened ears picked up on the sounds of rustling brush and cracking branches, and she knew that Caillen was doing just what he had promised to do. He was too kind.

While he was at work, the girl took the time to put some of her things away. She ran her fingers through her burnt ochre hair, trying to work free any tangles that had found her long, waving locks. When she was done adjusting her appearance (making sure her rings were just so on her thin fingers) Clover reached for a jar that had been stored on one of the high shelves. She got to work instantly and with the ease of someone who knew what they were doing. Ever since she had gained the ability to shift to her Optime form, Clover had been preparing joints and other ways to smoke her precious cannabis. She rolled two, tucked them into her headband, and then placed the jar back onto the high shelf. Not wanting to take too much time to herself, the young coyote emerged from her shack to see the last rays of light fading in the tree tops.

"Oh, Caillen," she chimed when Clover came around the side to study the work he had done. Despite the fact he had not been given any tools to work with, the large hybrid had managed to create quite the sizable stack of firewood. They’d have plenty to keep the flames roaring that night, as well as enough for Clover to start one later the next day. Perhaps she could cook Caillen a decent meal the next morning before he headed off to where ever he aimed to go, and she could repay him for his generosity as well as his pleasant company. "Thanks so much for that, sweetie," she told him sincerely, gathering a small armful and stepping away from the shack to a safe distant where she could start the fire. "I’ll get a fire going then, before we lose all of the sunlight."

It did not take long for her to arrange a small pile of wood, and she used the small branches Caillen had broken off for kindling. The matches she used mostly for smoking came in handy in getting the fire going. It was only a few minutes before the first branches began to take flame. Clapping her hands together and looking up to find the cool blue gaze of the boy, Clover chimed excitedly, "There we go!" It would be nice now to just sit and enjoy the fire, and rest their feet after a long journey. There was no doubt that the girl would sleep wonderfully that night. She moved back away from the fire, now that the flames were growing stronger, and situated herself with her legs folded like a pretzel beneath her. She beckoned Caillen over with a wave of one hand, before her straw yellow eyes found the flames again. For whatever reason, the young coyote was always captivated by the flickering orange and yellow flames as they danced along the wooden fuel Mother Earth had provided them.

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- Caillen Winters - 01-08-2011


ooc: Ffff <3
SoSuWriMo: 444

He had just reached the pile when she emerged from around the side of the small shanty-house. The boy's blue eyes sparkled merrily at her compliment, a warm smile drawing about his generous face. He'd grown used to her strange manner of tacking lovable colloquialisms, but still had the grace of mind to blush slightly. If anyone else had called him a sweetie, the youth may have been insulted, but from Clover it seemed to be the highest of praise. As such, he didn't mind it, not one bit.

She spoke of lighting a fire, and he nodded, charmed by the notion of warm, crackling flames. The night was not particularly cool, and with his excessively thick pelt Caillen had no need for the extra heat, but the idea was delightful regardless. It was more the mannerisms of the thing - He liked to watch Clover go about it. She seemed so methodical, and the slate wolfdog watched curiously as she bundled some of the smaller pieces of wood he had collected. Stepping closer, drawn by the need to see her unfamiliar antics, he watched as she produced a small red-tipped stick (a match, he recognized; his mother had some back at the Chien hotel), and there! Tiny flickers of gold quickly became tongues of flame, lapping in a docile manner at the pile of wood she had produced earlier.

But this was not the most enthralling thing of the process, mind you. Oh, no, his delight at seeing the homely fire was vastly beaten by the girl's excited reaction. Unable to refrain, Caillen loosed a delighted laugh, his sky blue gaze dancing merrily down at Clover. She moved back out of reach of the golden sparks, and he did likewise; silently obeying her gesture of welcome, the gentle giant padded over to where she sat, before flopping in a not-so-graceful manner to the dirt beside her. In comparison to the coyote, everything he did was not-so-graceful, but the wolfdog didn't even think of that. He was too busy watching her, watching the flames.

It seemed they sat in companionable silence, a comfortable stillness broken only by the homey crackling of wood and occasional hissing of embers. "Why do you like them so much?" Because the question was so sudden, so absurd, Caillen quickly hurried on, "The flames, that is. T-the fire. Seems you like tae look at them, somewhat." He wanted to look away from her to maintain some semblance of casualty, but could not, enthralled as he was by the intensity of her pixie features. With the fire reflected in her golden eyes eyes, she looked... Strangely ethereal, not of this world.

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- Clover Love Lykoi - 02-01-2011



It was not a question that the young coyote could easily answer, for she knew it was impossible for her to find the words she wanted. Perhaps the language they spoke did not contain the right words. There was something in the spirit of the fire that she envied; something in its warm intensity. It was so comforting, attracting all sorts of people to its warmth and security. And yet, it had the strength to lash out and cause injury; it was so easy to leap out of control. And all the while, it was untouchable and forever changing, flames licking up into the air, and then gone the next second. Clover did not understand it. Fire was something so common, and yet something so unusual to comprehend. That was why it captivated her now, and yet she wasn’t sure where to begin to explain.

She let a soft sigh escape, a smile forming in its wake. "The flames are so mesmerizing," she explained. "I feel like I could get lost in another world if I stare into them; just float way from this place and go where ever I can possibly imagine." The fringe of burnt ochre fell above straw yellow eyes as Clover lifted her chin to find the calming blue of the boy at her side. "Where would you go, Caillen?" Her head titled, hair cascading in waves away from the halo of white braids that always adorned her head. She admired the harmony of cool colors in his pelt while she awaited his answer, but rose to her feet almost an instant later.

Whatever had blossomed between the two during their long day together, Clover was glad she had found it. This was a friendship she had not experienced so fast with anyone else. She felt an ease around the boy that was so natural and wonderful that she found herself not wanting to be left alone; she wanted his presence to linger on. Once again she found that her concept of personal space had been tossed to the wind, and Clover moved to Caillen. Smiling up at him, she maneuvered her frame up close to his. "Your chest looks so inviting," she cooed, letting a cheek rest against him, as her legs curled up beneath her. After a moment, she turned, once again facing the fire, but letting the back of her head rest against Caillen’s chest like a broad, warm pillow.

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