'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Dancing through life - Printable Version

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- Noah - 01-02-2011

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He was so happy that some one thought of him to offer him yet another skill he needed to learn, then not only would he have the skill that she was being so kind and offering to teach him without telling a being about his rarely known secret. Looking down at the charm that she gifted him, Noah Sawtooth looked up to the friend he had been lucky enough to acquire since he was able to join these lands. It was so kind of her to think of him not long to help him learn how to shift, but also to gift him with this lovely charm. Looking at the female the male smiled at her, as warmly and with as much happiness as he could have for the matter, she was turning out to be as sweet and kind as Tala was to him. Being here made the silver male so thankful that he left his mother, father, brother and half sister back in the lands that he did, it wasn’t a happy land to live in, but he was sure that his mother and father had a reason for leaving here.

He gave a chuckle seeing her turned away watching the fire, he knew why she was looking away she put down a big offer on the table, not only a physical gift of the stag charm, but she was willing to teach him how to shift and she even promised not to say a word to any one and even find a place where it would only just be the two of them.”So thoughtful.” He tipped his head slightly to the side keeping his better ear up pointed towards her. He was sure that she was by now blushing, but he couldn’t tell with her darkened fur coloring. ”Thank you!” He whispered softly as he stood up walking over the black faded lady in front of the fire and nuzzled her. He hoped that he wasn’t making her feel uncomfortable. He gave a wag of his tail as he stepped back lowering his head nuzzling the charm up over his head, as it feel down around his neck.


- Rendall - 01-02-2011


word count 385

Ren gave the male a happy look, she was proud to have him as her friend. Ever since the northern islands she hadn’t met anyone who was quite like him. She heard him chuckle when she had turned away and couldn’t help but snicker a little herself. She glanced at the silver charm and grinned when he spoke the words about her being thoughtful. Ren nodded shyly and look back up at him. “Your welcome.” She almost giggled when he nuzzled her. She turned and nuzzled him back in return, happy to have made a good friend in him. It was nice not to be feared anymore, but welcomed happily back into her family here at Phoenix Valley.

She watched as he put the necklace on and saw how it glimmered in the firelight. She thought it looked good on him. Ren nodded happy with her decision. She hoped her and the male would be good friends still in the future. The wolfess snuggled up nicely to the male. It was all too cold outside and the idea of spending the day inside talking to Noah was more than tempting to her. The fire warmed her fur and the male gave her a nice safe feeling. But, like any feeling, sometimes they don’t always stay undisturbed and once again another question formed in the woman’s mind. “Noah? Do….Do you have any siblings?”

Ren had only met her brother Vulcan but she still longed to meet her sisters Yiska and Zeru, they sounded wonderful and the only memory she truly had of them anymore was right before they left. They were just as young as she was when she left Phoenix Valley the first time. She wondered how on earth they survived so well and young when they had to grow up in a world outside souls. One that was so hateful sometimes. Her mind went back to the months when Vulcan taught her the peace of mind in the old abandoned temple. That was a world she would want to show her family. Perhaps all the other northern places as well. Maybe she would meet that male again. She wondered about him a lot. With him in her mind she began to rub her feather lightly in her fingers as she listened to Noah quietly.

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- Noah - 01-03-2011



When she gave a chuckle her-self the male was glad that he hadn’t upset her. It was rather funny how she was so worried about what he thought when really he was just a being of very simple pleasures. She really didn’t even need to give him any thing he was just thankful for the company that she offered to him. He gave her a soft and playful nudge as she nuzzled him back, she was so sorry about everything. It was nice really it was to have someone care that much about him. It was different but nice never the less. The male thumped his tail on the ground as he chuckled at how everything had been playing out.

Noah had no plans to go anywhere, these lands where so warm and full of members that where so unbelievable, everything here was like stepping into one big family. As soon as you got the clearing from the leader to join the mesh of wolves that called the lands home, you are welcomed into a family setting where you where always greeted by one of your brothers or sisters here.

Setting back down Noah snuggled into the female, as he tried his best to answer any question that she would have. After a soft sigh the male gave a nod, he wasn’t sure if he wanted it to be known but it was nothing but the truth. He lifted his head up a bit as he gave a nod to the question. ”Brother, Jazper.” Well it was more of a foster brother but the black male was there for him more than his own litter mate brother. ”Niece Addion” He wasn’t sure if she knew it or not Noah did as soon as she said who her mother was. The Sawtooth male had not had a chance yet to meet with her and connect with her, and see what happened to her mother. Though it was strange to say that he had family member in this pack and yet he can’t say he knew any thing about her other then her name, how she looked, and who her mother was. After that he was clueless and totally lost. Pushing his head down he bumped his maw into her shoulder.

Noah Sawtooth

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- Noah - 01-03-2011


- Rendall - 01-04-2011


everything alright? lol word count: 423

Rendall watched the fire for a while thinking happily as she was comfortably curled up next to Noah. She sometimes wished she would have someone she was related to here. She saw how resistant he was to answering her question and regretted that she had asked. She didn’t mean to make him uncomfortable, but it felt nice to relate to someone a little. “Jazper huh? I heard hes nice…but I don’t know your niece. I’m sure she’s really nice too.” She sighed almost depressed at the thoughts in her head. She didn’t know if she was ever gonna get a family to be honest. The thought scared her, she didn’t want to be alone her while life but the thought of getting close to a male enough to hurt her scared her even more.

She sighed again and thought to herself, I still have many years ahead of me I really should be worrying about this. She didn’t look up at Noah instead just kept her blue eyes on the flames that were a little smaller then before. “I wish I had some family here. The only ones I can say I’m close to being well close to are the wolves here in this pack. All my relatives are in their own packs far away from here. I’m almost sure that my sisters don’t even know that I’m alive anymore. But at least I got to know my brother. Vulcan. Hes like the opposite of me, physically and emotionally, I have blue highlights, he has red to go along with his brownish fur. The only thing we share are our eyes. But he always wanted to stay put and watch over my fathers pack, he didn’t like being luperci either. I was the adventurous one, I loved being able to change forms and exploring, but I really cant blame him. I mean we weren’t even in the same litter so he didn’t really care what I thought when I was younger.”

She looked up at Noah and blushed again “Sorry, here I am rumbling on about my family, it doesn’t really matter, it’s in the past. So whats your brother like.” She wasn’t sure if she wanted to really ask him that however she didn’t want to linger much on her brother anymore then she had. Plus the nice male next to her didn’t need to hear her problems either. She wrapped her tail around her feet in order to seem like she wasn’t pondering on the subject but instead listening to him.

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- Noah - 01-04-2011

Yeah I have issues Wink Blame it on "mother hood" lol

The silver Sawtooth male knew how the female felt, he might have family here but really did he know them? Jazper was always out learning thing from Noah’s father, Taliesin was his one and only litter mate and really they were not that close, his was father’s favorite and it was nothing less than the color of his coat. Noah gave a grunt as he pushed his head into Rendall’s shoulder as she spoke about how she had no family here. He could see it bothered her, he felt bad he really did. He had family but he didn’t really know any of this so called family that he did have here. He felt bad after seeing how miserable it made her not have any one here that she could call a real brother, or even a real sister. With a heavy sigh he rested his head down upon her paws not sure what he could do to help her and that was bothering him. He wanted to help her and normally he could always think of something to say or something to do to make someone feel better, this time he was at a lost.

Hearing the pause in her voice the male looked up at her, her white cheeks had a flushed tone upon her pale color facial skin. The male chuckled as he raised his head up off his paws and touched his cool blacken nose to her warm flushed cheek. Pulling his head back he gave his head a shake, no don’t stop! He wanted to hear her stories they sure beat the ones that he had to tell. Her was about a family that she wanted to meet, he had only a few more member of his family that he had to meet and then he was pretty sure he was done, well..Pretty sure as one could be. You never know with some of these female that liked to pop the pups out one litter after another.[html] ”Don’t know.” [/html]The male rolled his shoulders to her question, really what could he say about Jazper? He was gone so long from seeing one another that Noah didn’t really know him or know much about him, other than he was an older brother figure to him.

- Rendall - 01-05-2011

ooc: Aww I'm sorry, I'm only an auntie but I find that I have to take care of my nephew alot XP lol though I cant say its anything close to being a mother. keep your chin up though I'm sure things will get better Smile, Word count: 502

Rendall froze for a moment when Noah put his nose to her cheek and looked at him for a moment, no male ever did that to her. She stared only for a moment more before looking down shyly. “You sure you don’t mind? I usually don’t talk about this stuff…with anyone.” She didn’t like talking anyones ear off, and according to the old man who watched over her on the boat, she did it a lot. Well, technically she did it a lot to him, she thought it was funny to see his annoyed reactions knowing that he was stuck with her all day while out on sea. Though she always wondered why he never left them when they made port. Vulcan told her it was cause she was the only one who ever cared about the old man enough to talk to him. Though she knew that the old wolf had much more reasoning than just that…didn’t he?

She was lost for a moment again before she heard Noah. She looked up at him surprised, He knew as much about his brother that she knew about hers. Ren felt pity on him though she knew the fact didn’t truly bother him as much as it did her. But that was alright, it was what made him nice to be around. “I’m sorry. I know my two sisters are kind alike me…except Yiska. I hear that shes kinda mean. Maybe its cause shes the normal colored one. She was the only one that wasn’t born with highlights or unusual fur.” Ren rested her head on Noahs paws and thought for a while more. Perhaps it was a good thing she hadn’t met her sisters. Perhaps they were changed and wouldnt accept her even though she was their little sister.

No one could ever really know anything about the people they haven’t met. She sighed. It didn’t matter now, maybe she would meet them in the future, if not she knew that they had good lives with mates and pups. The thought made her smile knowing that she was aunt. Maybe she would go on another trip in a few years and meet them. For now she needed to stay in Pheonix Valley and relearn everything she had missed. She looked up at Noah and nuzzled her face into his chest. “Thanks Noah. For listening and all, maybe one day I’ll tell you the whole story.” Now that she felt a little better…again, she thought about how to teach Noah to shift. “So, I guess when I start to teach you the first form we’ll start with is secui, it doesn’t require a lot of change on your body, so itll be easier to do.”

- Noah - 01-05-2011



The heir to the title of Sawtooth knew that the more that she talk the less that he had to talk about his life and history, and everything that required him to talk. IN his book the less talking he had to do, well the less psychically words that he had to speak. The silver male laid his head back down as she went back to telling the male more thing about her sisters. With a content sigh he laid there with his ears (well more like an ear and a stub) held tall and strong forward towards the blackened hued lady’s words. Noah welcomed all of her talking, it was also a chance to get to know more about her, and he didn’t feel like he was having to push her to get information out, after all wasn’t it rude to make any one talk about something they didn’t want to talk about?

She had a lost look to her blue green eyes for a second or two; the male raised his head twisting his furry noggin to its side, what was on her mind? She always spoke of interesting thing and the male enjoyed hearing them but at the same hand he didn’t want her talking about these things if they upset her so much, or even upset her in the slightest of portion. Oh! So she was slightly upset that he said he didn’t really know what Jazper was like, moving a paw placing it over her own paw, he shook his head. No don’t feel sorry for him, he made the choice to leave and try to find a land away from his family. It was not any choice or fault of Jazper’s that Noah made the choice to leave. Removing his paw, he went back to listening about her sisters and how they each differed from one to the other, furs and personalities. Feeling her head being placed up his paws he reached over nipping be hide her ears softly. She reminded him of a butterfly. Rare, exotic and ever so pretty, but please do not touch the wings fro it could harm them and render them flightless and make the whole reason for them to be alive done for. ”Any time” Really any time, he would let her talk all day and all night if he knew it made her feel better and made her happy. That what he felt was the reason he was placed upon this earth, for letting other’s vent and talk while he listened and didn’t say a thing, other than a nod here or there. He understood that and he was very fine with that. ”When your ruh…uh…re…ruhd…rud…ready I will bu..buh…be here M’Lady” And he would to, all she would have to do is give a howl out for him or even come to his cabin and he would welcome her in and let her tell everything that she needed to.

That talk of him learning the process of shifting from four legs to two was a joy for him. He was almost three years old and never learned how to shift from one body to another. It made him over come with joy and a little fear, just as he did with Tala, he did not want to disappoint her. This was her gift to him and he wanted to make sure that their gift wasn’t a waste on him. She spoke on the shapes and forms of shifting, he gave her a very lost and very confused look.”What’s that?” He felt like a fool asking these question he lowered his head down and rolled his ear and stump back against his lowered shameful head.

Noah Sawtooth

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- Rendall - 01-08-2011

OOC: I'm sorry for the wait Sad but here we are lol if you want to we can finish this thread up and start on the one for her to teach him. word count: 493

Rendall looked at the male, he was so kind and helpful. She smiled when he called her M’Lady, she was no duchess but the male still treated her like so. She crinkled her nose and smiled when he playfully nipped at her fur. She lifted her head and smiled. This male would have been a proper fit for Rendall in her mother’s eyes. But ren had a feeling his heart was elsewhere. She licked the side of his face as a guesture of kindness. She was happy to have him as a friend. Hopefully, If he stayed in the Valley, daily visits with him would help heal her past scars. Hopefully.

Ren perked her ears forward when he asked about the form. “Well as a luperci you have three forms you can shift into. Your lupus which your in now, and the other two forms, Secui and Optime. Your optime form allows you to walk on two feet and and use devices that the humans used long ago. Your secui form is a mix between your lupus and optime form. Its good to begin with cause your body only changes alittle. Once you get that one down you ken take it up a bit and try optime form.”

She stood up for a moment and grabbed a blanket laying near them. She then winked at Noah and closed her eyes. Clearing her mind and thinking of the Secui form. It helped her when she thought of which form she wanted. Then as her body responded to her minds demand she relaxed letting the muscles shift around the cracking bones easily. When she opened her blue eyes back up she smiled again at Noah. “This is the first form I told you about.” She moved around for a moment showing the differences between the two forms. “Not as revealing as the optime” Ren laughed and closed her eyes again and thought of her optime form. This time though as her body changed she wrapped the blanket around her body. Allowing all the more…..embarrassing areas to be covered. “This one is the second. Itll take time to adjust to but as you get better…”She shifted back down to her lupus form with ease. “Itll be like walking from one form to another.”

Ren walked back over and laid back down next to him her leg ached after the shifting and she licked at the angry pink scar that ran down it. Mumbling and grumbling under her breath she stretched it out a little and worked the dull pain from her body. “Of course when you have things like this you’ll have to learn with dealing with the ache that comes with it all. Like your shoulder. You’ll have to learn to stretch it afterwards otherwise it’ll become stiff.” She gave him a slightly apologetic look, but she didn’t want to lie to him. He needed to learn what came with the whole package.

- Noah - 01-09-2011


I will try. My son has a help me grow check up monday so tomorrow is cleaning day. lol

LHe was blessed since he welcomed into the pack, so much had happened within so little amount of time. He was really lucky and he knew that his mother’s chosen goddess was up there looking down upon him. His life had taken a spin down to a near death point in his life, now here he was standing on three good feet and with one good eye. So he didn’t leave these lands the way he returned, and sure he probably lost a few years off his life, however here he was here and now. Talking to her, learning things that his father and his mother failed to teach him. Learning how to love again, learning the joys of life and friendships. Re-finding him-self though out the this whole mess.
Rendall was helping him learn to trust again, to open up his heart to someone and be willing to have them laugh at him. The silver beast was learning that not everyone was like what he grown to accept as the normal from the lands of Unwritten, but that “normal” didn’t seem to follow through on that rule here. His tail wacked against the ground when she licked him, it was nice to have a friend, she was helping him so much, maybe more then what she would ever know. The laughter, the smiles, oh she was such a sweet heart to deal with him and he would try to keep her knowing in his own way that he was so thankful for her wonderful friendship.

So the teacher had started her lesson, the male head spun with information that he never understood, how did she learn all of this? Did someone teach her all the names and how to shift? He felt his head spinning with information as she went on telling him everything. Did he understand any of it? No...Well okay that was a lie he understood some. There was this shape and that one, and if he was right there was one or two more?!
Okay now moving on she started showing the shifting, God this wasn’t going to be easy. Secui was her first shape that she took. Then she moved on, wrapping her-self up, then she went back down to her four legs there was a dull look in her eyes. He knew what it was like to have pains that hurt badly enough that nothing could be done but grumbling about it and just hoping that would fix it. Standing up as he moved over to her legs, pushing the pressure down in the areas he watched her pretty much rip out of place time and time again just to show him how to shift from one shape to the other. ”Oh…” Yay more pain for him to deal with. Oh he would never say a word he was thrilled that she was going to teach him how to shift from shape to shape. He felt like a child at Christmas, she was the mother that worked hard all year to watch the smiling face of her child that thought Santa brought all of these wonderful gift for him. Leaving mommy with nothing but the happiness of knowing that her child was happy.

Noah Sawtooth

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- Rendall - 01-09-2011


Its fine just reply whenever you can Ok Ren is gonna get out of here now, oh and do forgive me for any long posts lol, i'm trying to catch up on sswm. word count:372

Rendall looked outside, it was getting dark, she had spent the whole day inside with him. She looked encouragingly at him “Don’t worry, the more your stretch the less it will hurt.” She yawned and got up. “However I must go now, its getting dark and I need to fix dinner for myself otherwise itll be a long night.” She smiled. “There’s a clearing that I go to up north of here to hunt hairs. If you can be up early tomorrow, we can go up there, its protected from the wind and hardly anyone goes up there. It would be a good place to practice. And don’t worry if it seems confusing at first.” She winked at him “Itll be easier to understand when I explain it all tomorrow.”

Ren went into the other room where her bow was along with her dress. She switched into optime form and pulled the dress over her head. It wasn’t much but it would keep her warmer on the way home. She grabbed her bow and went back to see Noah. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” She licked his cheek again and moved unwillingly to the door. “Goodnight Noah.” She smiled and opened the door to make her way home. She slowly trotted through the blustery wind and down the trail that would lead her home. She slipped on a few ice patches and finally reached her door. Ren opened it up and the warmth of the already dead fire kissed her cheeks happily. She sighed contently and went inside.

After dinner, Ren went to the bed and curled up underneath the thick fur blankets as she watched the flames flicker here and there. She had a warm feeling inside her that made her smile knowing that she had made a good friend today. She had learned so much about him though her feelings about him where still dull. She doubted that that curtain would ever be lifted, but she didn’t care anymore. Ren laid her head down on the cushions and slowly let sleep claim her as she began to dream of her past and many other usual things that danced around inside her head. She sighed and awaited for tomorrow to come.

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