'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Onwards - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- Alaki - 03-17-2011


Word Count: 237

Well, that was disappointing. After all the effort he’d gone through to make such a grand entrance, he’d gotten little to no reaction from the pair. Travellers theses day’s, they have no sense of fun. He’d been hoping to spook them or get some form of humorous response, but all he got was a question and a hello. So disappointing. He let out a sigh, his grip upon his weapon loosening.

The wind picked up, the breeze ruffling his dark fur before it moved on. Before him he had two options, first he could leave and go back to Anathema or he could continue harassing the pair until he got a reaction from them. The second seemed to promise more fun. Then the idea hit him, a genius and incredibly entertaining idea that brought a smile to his face.

Slowly he approached the female, one hand staying upon his Katana. As he closed in on her he reached out and grabbed her jaw with his free hand, bringing his own face up close to hers. “Aww, ain’t that a shame. Such a pretty little thing like you, stuck travelling with someone like him.” He sneered, bringing himself closer to the female so that their bodies touched. His posture was that of confidence and dominance. Looking over the female shoulder he looked to the male and gave he a smug look. Comment, make a scene. I dare you.


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Table by Alli


- Jace Wolfe - 03-17-2011

omg fail ><

She eyed him warily as he sighed and looked disappointed, as though he expected to scare them with his childish actions. She felt Temo step up next to her and shifted slightly to put herself in front of him. The hybrid wrinkled her muzzle up a little more as he came closer but otherwise did not react until the brute suddenly grabbed her muzzle in his paws and brought his face close her hers. Now her eyes burned with outraged fire, she didn't like anyone touching her, especially not people foreign to her.

His words were unheard as her paw shot up to grip the arm of the hand holding her face. Her face she ripped away from his grasp and bared her teeth, now she twisted the arm she held with surprisingly speed for one so small. She pulled it all the way backwards and yanked it upwards so the black male was forced to his knees or face the pain of his arm being pulled from its shoulder socket. She leaned forwards and growled into his ear,

"Small I may be but pushover I am not."

- Temo Wolfe - 03-19-2011


Temo Wolfe

Temo watched the other warily and was puzzled by the other seemingly being disappointed by something. He ponders what this person was up to. Temo keeps his emotions in check and face neutral as he tries to determine if the stranger was up to no good or not.

His concern raises as the stranger sidles up closer to Jace and wonders more what the other was up to as he gets ready for a possible fight. Not pleased at the stranger grabbing Jace's jaw, his ears go back. Temo noticed Jace subtly shift her weight while the other spoke. Knowing that Jace was about to do something unpleasant to someone that has invaded her personal space, his ears came back up partially and he quirked an eyebrow at the stranger as if to say "Who is making a scene now?"

His ears shot up all the way as Temo looked on with glee while Jace brought the stranger to his knees. He chuckles at the other's sudden change from dominance. With laughter still in his voice, Temo peers down at the stranger, "I see you have such a way with the women. In no time at all, we will be overrun with your pups."


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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- Alaki - 03-21-2011


Word Count: 462
Slight PP where Jace falls down, hope that okay m'dear ^^

Out of the corner of his eye, he noted an unusual expression upon the dark male. If he had to place an emotion with the expression, he’d have guessed anticipation. An eyebrow raised in question, while his mouth fell open, ready to make a smart comment towards the male when suddenly he was down on his knees and restrained by the female.

Huh? Would you look at that! The girl has some balls… probably more than her travelling companion to say the least. Pain shot in his shoulder, confirming that the female had a firm hold of him and knew what she was doing, and so in response he allowed his upper body to relax. Despite the turning tables, mischief still twinkled in his eyes as he concocted new plans and threw around new ideas regarding how go with the situation.

“Touchy, touchy” he teased the female as he raised his free arm in a way of ‘surrender’. Slyly, he looked over to the male and smiled innocently; his expression was relaxed as if to show that he was unconcerned despite the situation he now found himself in. “Who’s to say that we aren’t already” he responded to the males earlier comment, a low chuckle followed soon behind his words.

It was a wild guess, but he had a feeling that the black one liked the female a great deal; and so he was going to use that theory as his weapon to mess with both of the strangers. Titling his head up to the female, he tried to look as helpless and harmless as possible, “I was only messing, you mind easing up there a little missy?” he whined. As he spoke the words to keep the two distracted, he shifted his weight around so that he could move one of his legs more freely.

Once his body was in position, he twisted his head round to look at female, then flashed her an mischievous grin before he twisted around; swiping out with his now free leg and aiming at the females legs and knocking them out from underneath her, simultaneously he pulled his arm free from the females hold. Mission accomplished, now to claim my prize…

Following up from his little escape, he jumped on top of the female who had now fallen to the floor. In a matter of seconds he was sat upon her stomach; his legs restraining the female’s arms. “D’aww doll. I think the phrase ‘touché putty tat’ would work here, no?” he laughed at her. Once satisfied he had her securely pinned, he turned his head to face the male and shot him a smirk.

Turning back, he leaned down and gave the female a friendly kiss on the cheek. “A kiss for the princess”.

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- Jace Wolfe - 03-28-2011

She giggled at Temo's words, the sarcasm amusing her, as if on some unknown cue the entire atmosphere relaxed as though the hostility had gotten bored with its play toys, now the amusement took hold and she felt the dark male in her arms loosen his muscles although her grip never wavered, even his words and appeasing hand gestures did not appease her sense that he was up to something, the male was acting shifty to her, moving himself around on his feet.

He twisted around to flash her a mischievous grin and before she knew what was happening the male had swung around and swept her feet from underneath her, yanking his arm from her grip that has loosened as she tumbled backwards. She hit the ground hard although the vegetation cushioned the blow to her back. Twin weights held down her arms and an even heavier weight came down on her stomach, pinning her to the ground effectively in a few short seconds. She stared at the male and let out a huff of indignation, so much for those self defense lessons.

She laughed along with him as he came back with some smart ass remark and she scrunched her face up as he proceeded to lick her cheek,

A kiss for the princess A kiss indeed she thought, then before he could pull his head away she wiped her tongue all over his face, drooling over every part of it she could reach from her position on the floor, getting drool into his ears as well.

- Temo Wolfe - 04-03-2011


Temo Wolfe

A slight tug to a corner of his mouth trying to pull it into a smile when he hears Jace giggle. An eyebrow lifts some as he watches the tables get turned on Jace. He got ready to step in and help Jace, but chuckles when she slimes her attacker all over his face.

Seeing his chance with the stranger keeping busy holding Jace down and trying not to get slimed more, Temo takes a couple of steps and reaches down, grabbing the hilt and as he removes the sword from it's sheath, "A worthy adversary indeed." he says as further distraction. Taking a quick moment to heft the sword and felt it's weight in his hand.

With a slight smile on his muzzle, Temo laid the sword across it's owner's shoulder with the point just under his chin, the sharp edge barely a hairs thickness from the pulsing jugular. "Touche, I believe is the word that the one with the sword would say right about now." Temo quipped.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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- Alaki - 04-17-2011


Word Count: 390

He breathed through his teeth, creating a sharp whistling sound. Well I’ll be dammed! He’s a right slimy git… So distracted by the female, he’d forgotten about the boring male that accompanied her; not that it surprised him that the black one had escaped his attention. He had ‘kill joy’ and ‘boring’ written all over him… But now was not the time to be internally insulting the guy who held his own weapon to his throat. He needed to accesses the situation and think up some plan that didn’t involve his death as quickly as possible.

After a moment of further internal debate, he had a few.. rather drastic plans, and so he knew he was at a minor disadvantage. Well, atleast the sour git is starting to become a little more interesting, he humoured the idea for a second, before changing his mind and decided that the dark one was still a party pooper.

This wasn’t the first time someone had held a blade to his throat and no doubt wouldn’t be the last time. It would seem that he just had this way with others that resulted with them holding a sharp, shiny object to his throat. Really, I’m just a severely misunderstood guy, his internal voice was sarcastic, lined with inappropriate humour, considering the situation. A smile tugged at his lips; he worked on reigning in his humour, before he done something stupid and made the situation worse.

Now is not the time to be laughing he scolded himself. He had to take the dark male seriously; for he had his own weapon held against his throat. But… he was struggling to take his current predicament seriously, and it didn’t help that he was now covered in drool. He eyed the female, pinned underneath him, she started it and so he would have his revenge, when the miserable one wasn’t present.

Sighing, he returned his attention back to the male, all the while holding himself still, trying to move as little as possible. “It would seem princess here needs to keep better company, how her dear life must be so boring stuck with suck a kill joy” The words escaped him before his brain stopped him.

Well, that was one of the smartest things you’ve done in a long time. Life was good, if a little short.

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- Jace Wolfe - 04-19-2011

This is the last round? Yes? Big Grin

Jace cackled loudly at Temo's words, the peal of laughter echoing off of the trees and startling several birds from their perches, they called angrily at the intruders that disturbed their peace and Jace turned an ear towards them as she laughed. She flicked her eyes up to Temo and wiggled her eyebrows at him, her tongue hanging from her mouth. Jace shifted subtly underneath the grey chested male that had yet to introduce himself trying to find anyway she could escape from his grasp.

The man's blue eyes, so like her own sapphire eye were slightly hypnotic to look into, if he took his attention off of her and onto Temo a little bit more then she could escape 'Cocky bastard' She thought to herself with a mental grin as he stared down at her. And then he made the mistake she had been waiting for, he took his attention away from her and onto Temo throwing words that he thought might fluster her long time companion but Jace knew better. The Wolfe man was quick of mind and sharp of tongue when he wanted to be. Weight raised off of her in the slightest amount but it was enough.

With speed in every movement she wrapped her hands around the legs that pinned them down and hauled her entire body upwards, her back bowing with strength. She turned to the side, taking the child like male with her, as soon as her arms were free she brought them up and gripped his arms forcing them down under her knees. In a matter of seconds their position was reversed and he now found himself in the same position he had held herself. She drooled on him one last time and poked his nose with a claw "That's you dead." The grin on her muzzle was wide as she leaped backwards from his frame, landing about three foot away with her arms folded over her chest and then moved to stand next to Temo

- Temo Wolfe - 04-25-2011


Temo Wolfe

Temo thought he was having some fun with this upstart wolf by taking his sword and putting him at the wrong end of it. However, being called a kill joy seemed to disprove that. His face having gone deadpan, not showing his emotions. He did not want them to know it hurt because he thought of himself as a fun loving and joyous wolf.

He pulls the sword away when Jace makes her move so as not to unwittingly impale anyone. A slight grin breaks his facade at Jace's words. As Jace steps up to stand next to him, his grin disappears and he points the sword at the other's face reminding him who was at the wrong end of a sharp and pointy weapon.

For a few moments, Temo ponders the wolf laying on the ground before him. An idea comes to him and he says "As you think I'm a kill joy, I'm going to kill your joy." Without preamble, Temo swings the sword and moves forward. In one smooth motion, he brings the sword down, stabbing it into the soft earth right next to the prone wolf's genitals. Still holding the sword and leaning over a little, "A pup need to learn manners before leaving their packs."

With that, Temo stands up and moves back next to Jace leaving the sword stuck in the ground between the others legs. Turning to Jace, but still keeping an eye on the other,"Shall we continue on our journey?" he says to her, pretending the third wolf no longer exists.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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- Alaki - 05-03-2011


Word Count: 195
Blah post with Key leaving >.<

With his attention upon the male, he did not notice the female plotting an escape plan before the hybrid shifted and freed herself from underneath him. Letting out a muffled curse, he went to grab her once more, but then thankfully remembered the inconveniently placed sword.

Helplessly, he could do nothing as the other pinned him once more and drooled over him again. But his time restrained was short and the female quickly released him. Turning over, so that he faced them, but still remained upon the floor, he started to plot on what to do next when his katana was thrust into the earth close to his genitals. Instead of plotting, he simply stared at the blade, in which was only a few millimetres from touching him.

Thankfully, he had a moment of rational judgement and decided to make a hasty retreat before his own katana actually connected with him. Reaching out, he pulled his blade free from the earth and swiped it in the air to somewhat clean it before he eased it into its sheath.

Glancing at the pair, he noted the others words and decided to leave the scene in silence.

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