'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid. - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- Deirdre - 02-28-2011

Deirdre sighed, clear gray orbs danced warmly upon the slumbering pup as she listed silently to Tailiesin. She sighed again and looked up to the male wolf, she wanted to say something, wanted to correct what she allow slip forth from her jaws, but she knew perfectly well that once said, words could never be taken back. Loss does do things to you, especially if you allow it to damage you…as I have, she told herself lowering her gaze once more upon the sleeping wolf child.

“I am sorry…” She began bringing her glance gently upon Tailiesin, “You have felt loss as well, and here I am being selfish…” She sighed. “Please…” She began, “since your cub is sleeping…” She smiled, “Share with me your pain, as I have shared mine with you.”

She could not understand what was happening to her, these two beings; the child mostly, had somehow destroyed her barrier. She knew, however, that once she left the two her barrier would return to wrap around her and suffocate her in a state of loneliness unaware to her until she once again became engulfed in the presence of others.

- Taliesin Dir Rhiannon - 02-28-2011

He hesitated for a long moment, trying to decide where to start. She was the first wolf ever to actually want to hear all of it, every word he spoke. Then he began speaking in a soft voice. "I had a younger sister...there was a mate to the pack's alpha who decided she was a threat, her and my mother, and mother sent Willow to live with Noah, and asked me to go and protect her. Along the way we got separated....I lost my little sister. Eventually both mother and father found their way to the land in Michigan. Each found a different niche to fill...my father, he forgot us as family. He nearly killed my brother Noah. And one day I was captured by a rival pack. I was made a pet, a slave to a female named Kira." He gave what was almost a reminiscent smile.

"Kira..she was pregnant at the time, and I helped her raise the pups. I felt as though they were mine. When her alpha cast her out of the lands, I followed. Her son Azza was very jealous of anyone claiming her attention. But one day he went and joined his birth father...Kira and I...we fell in love. We became mates...and she became pregnant. With my litter this time." His smile faded, his bi-colored eyes looking at Liam, but distant, focused on the past.

"She wanted to be near her son Azza so we moved back to Odadio's lands....and she had the pups. Liam, Liadain, and Brighid. Brighid was a runt, but she was stubborn. And one day...One day she went hunting. Kira I mean...she went hunting. And Azza...." He looked down, his throat suddenly very tight. "Brighid and Liam were the only survivors. I took them and ran, I just wanted to protect them. But we got caught in the blizzard when we were almost here...there was no shelter. I tried, but Brighid....she died. Sleeping, she just died."

He swallowed, trying to make the tightness go away. After a moment he continued. "There is survivor's guilt...I feel guilty every day that I live and my girls died. Liam is the only thing that keep me going."

- Deirdre - 02-28-2011

Deirdre sighed and glanced down upon the slumbering pup. Such sadness and death engulfed the two; she knew their problems were almost the same. She had lost her entire pack, her mate, her family, and her father, but he. He had lost something more, and in her mind, the death of his own children seemed a lot worst then what she had lost. She glanced up at Tailiesin, her eyes studying him.

“I’m sorry,” she said, and that was about all she could say. She was lost from words, her speech- she could not seem to find the right words to fit what she wanted to say. She sighed and lowered her gaze back to Liam. Finally she spoke, “Poor thing…” She said softly, her eyes once more fading away from Liam’s sleeping form to rest upon Tailiesin.

She could feel his pain, his anguish, and now that she rested there his cub between her paws. She yearned to stand from where she laid and nuzzle him in comfort. Pain was a hard thing to live with, but people always found ways to coup. Tailiesin had his son, and she, well she had the hawk.

“Tailiesin…” She tried to say, but her words came short. She did not know how to reply to what he had told her, she did not know what to say and soon she found herself slipping away into silence.

- Taliesin Dir Rhiannon - 03-02-2011

((I think we could probably pull this to a close??))

He gave a bitter smile, his eyes on his son. "He's a strong boy...he'll be a leader some day I'm sure. I'm very proud of him." He lapsed into silence. Liam shivered, his eyes fluttering open. He jumped up without speaking and ran to his dad, pressing against him. "I dreamed of her again daddy and her butterflies." Tal's bi-colored eyes flickered, and he nuzzled the pup. He murmured soothingly to the pup until he settled into him, closing his eyes.

Overhead, the snow became heavier, the wind blowing colder. Tal glanced at the female, then at his son. "I hate to state the obvious, but it's getting colder. I'd offer to share our den, but it's rather small for even the two of us..." He left it hanging, hoping she wouldn't feel he was being rude. "Maybe we can go hunting sometime, you and I?" He let the offer speak for itself, wanting to at least remain friends with this femme. He gave a nervous smile, his tail wagging slightly.

- Deirdre - 03-03-2011

Quote:OOC~ Yep, here is my final post. Tailiesin gets to end the thread once and for all. Smile Would like to see you end the thread with his persepective of her leave. lol If you want to that is. Tongue

The wind blew hard against her light colored fur. She sighed as she gazed warmly toward the little pup now nuzzled close to his father. Now that the cub was no longer nestled between her paws, she stood as Tailiesin spoke. As he spoke, she gazed down upon him, her gaze lingering, watching for the moment when she too would speak. She listened with ears erect above her head, eyes concentrating on her reply to his speech. When next she spoke, she still held a calm and kind tone to her voice.

“That’s alright Tailiesin,” She began. “You and Liam take your den, I’ll just go on my way.” She smiled kindly and dipped her head in a formal bow, “I thank you Tailiesin for listening, and I would be honored if we could hunt together one day.”

She offered him another formal bow and lowered her gaze upon the little pup, “Be good for your father Liam.” She began taking a moment to sample the air that brushed beneath her nose. She breathed in and exhaled. Her gaze and voice returned to settle upon Liam. “Make sure your father is never sad and always happy, and make sure that he does not get himself into trouble.”

Her tail wagged with joy as the wind blew coldness about her. She sighed and gazed up at the sky; her eyes searched the emptiness of it and then returned to the two. She wondered silently to herself if they would worry about her, it was a storm after all, why would she not take cover? She laughed to herself. What she stood in did not faze her, and because of that, she would move on. From this place, this moment she would find herself once more walking a new path. She sighed and bowed once more to Tailiesin.

“Good bye, and be safe.” She gave father and son another warm smile and turned her back to them. Once she faced a new direction, the sound of flapping reached her ears. She stopped from her single step and gazed sky bound in the direction of the sound. She smirked to herself, “And the chase begins again.” She stated loudly to herself, not aware to the fact that father and son could hear her worlds.

She turned once again to father and son, with eyes aglow with a wild delight she said her final goodbyes and darted from her standing position. Her body moved with a grace, bounding about the snow. Above and flying a head all could see the creature she chased. The red-tailed hawk soared above them all, gaining speed as the she-wolf chased after it. Her gaze lifted to the sky focused upon the beauty of the creature’s flight, and as she ran, she thought of the ones she left behind. Friends that she had encountered and hoped to once again meet upon the road.

Quote:OOC~ FIN. Deirdre has left the thread