'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
So, how'd you find 'Souls? - Printable Version

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- Kaena Lykoi - 03-08-2011

QUOTE (Tatiana Carrow @ Mar 8 2011, 12:58 AM)
QUOTE (Arkham Lykoi @ Mar 7 2011, 11:39 PM)
QUOTE (Tatiana Carrow @ Mar 7 2011, 11:08 PM)
I joined ages ago, then left. Then Shawchert told me that they played and I had been thinking of coming back, so I did. Found the link on RoT. Big Grin [/quote]

I am old as hell and have been here forever. [/quote]
WHAT DO YOU MEAN. I thought there was only one of me. .___. [/quote]
Baaaaaaaaack in the day, we had a player here "named" Taa. ^^ Her real name was Evelyn, if I remember right! Her character was named Taaktuq, so everyone called her Taa. She was here, uh, 2001 - 2004, maybe? Kiri and I are crusty as hell, and that is why we remember this Taa. XD She hasn't been here in yearsandyearsandyears, though!

- Bao Di Luca - 03-08-2011

Neopets is the portal to better role-playing sites, I swear.
But that's not how I found 'Souls. Harbinger and 'Souls are affiliated, 'nough said. Totally boring story. Tongue

- Ykesha of Lynn - 03-08-2011

Well, it's a bit of a long story, but I'll try to sum it up in about 45 paragraphs...

I was searching for the Hobbits in Isengard when suddenly someone (a non-hobbit, mind you) jumped out from behind a bush and stabbed me in the belly with a toothpick. After being run through by such a heinous weapon I landed here at 'Souls...Where I haunt people with tampons. And socks make me cry.

- Noah - 03-08-2011

I can't remember how I found it, I know once I saw it I loved it. I tried a few times to join but got turned away. I tried to find a foot hole to get in many of times but never felt right because I'm not the best typer rp'er.

- Tatiana Carrow - 03-08-2011

QUOTE (Kaena Lykoi @ Mar 8 2011, 01:02 AM)

Baaaaaaaaack in the day, we had a player here "named" Taa. ^^ Her real name was Evelyn, if I remember right! Her character was named Taaktuq, so everyone called her Taa. She was here, uh, 2001 - 2004, maybe? Kiri and I are crusty as hell, and that is why we remember this Taa. XD She hasn't been here in yearsandyearsandyears, though![/quote]
D: That ain't me. Now I feel bad fer having the same name. ;___;

- Vigilante Haskel - 03-08-2011

QUOTE (Strelein von Rosnete @ Mar 8 2011, 12:34 AM)
I blame Meggles and Marie c: [/quote]
Damn straight the two of you better blame me. ;D

BUT. Yeeeears upon years ago, like, 2005 or 6, I started my own site that was around for like... idek, 3 or so years. 'Souls requested affiliation and I stalked it for years before finally joining... And dragged Marie and Gen in with me because they were on my site. Big Grin I'd been rping with Gen off and on for a few years (SMW then my own, SW) and Marie since... idek, we've been friends for ages lol.

- Jaden Ohanzee - 03-08-2011

I googled! lol last choice is perfect for Sie Big Grin

- Shawchert Menue - 03-08-2011

QUOTE (Muddle @ Mar 7 2011, 11:32 PM)
Do you think I could remember if I wanted to?!? I've had a kid since then!

Actually autumn sunrise got me to follow her here a long time ago.. Then she deserted me and by then I was addicted... [/quote]
Muddle, aka Shannon and Nuki dragged me in... mostly Nuki she dragged me in with my arms flailing and everything!! .... I'm glad she did Big Grin

- Ezra Rosen - 03-08-2011

wait... Taa as in the crazy old Taa who had the character taaqulakhjfdkshfjksadfh ? XD

i was doing wolf rp's on neopets and my ooldoldold online friend and i joined souls together, but she left like 2 weeks later and i stayed. that was like, 5 or 6 years ago, jeez x_X i joined back when we were all on ezboard hehe :3 and then i pretty much quit throughout high school but i kept stalking every 6 months or so until senior year when i had a ton of free time and rejoined ^^

ALSO, JENNY, I REMEMBER NCW OMG D: i dont even remember who i played there but i was a member!! >>; fish and i used to talk, like, every day D: i wonder what happened to her

- Sage River Lykoi - 03-08-2011

Oh man, I didn't see that last option, haha. Should've just put that. Tongue

And no, it's a different Taa, I'm pretty sure, not Taaktuq.

Edit: oh, derp.. Sie already confirmed that! Lol.

- Zebedee - 03-08-2011

Google is how I find everything :x

I was cruising the Bad Rpers Suck LJ and a bunch of people were talking about werewolf rps that were really cool that they were a part of... And well, I haven't had a site I've rped on since Gaia about a year or so ago so I decided to google up some werewolf rps and explore a few forums. Souls was the first one to come up, and I spent an entire night pouring over all the info Tongue I was bought, haha.

- Gabriel de le Poer - 03-08-2011


I have no idea how I found Souls but I have been here since 2002. <<

- Samael Lykoi - 03-09-2011

The Kamchatka Pack was the first legitimate wolf rpg that I ever joined, and since it was created by people from WWS1, I just kind of followed a trail of affiliates that eventually lead me to Bleeding Souls back in late '01. Of course, I didn't actually stay for any serious length of time until mid-05 when I joined with Chael Kyan. (; I found that first site through a spam link posted on the Balto fansite that I'd been living on since that summer.

- Taliesin Dir Rhiannon - 03-09-2011

I stalked Sonia here...The first layout I ever saw from Souls was the celtic grave stone one with all the gorgeous shades of greens. Sonia played Mercido here. And I joined with Kyler. I was such a n00b....

- Slade Auctor - 03-11-2011

I actually found 'Souls a long time before I joined... I think. The Afraid of the Dark skin was up.
I don't know how I got here in the first place, because I wasn't really a huge roleplayer. I think it was a combonation of WWS stalking (when they actually let guests see stuff) and constantly checking out the Top 50 Wolf RPGs list.

- Nayru - 03-11-2011

I followed Sie here from WWS 1, in spring 2002. tralalaladeedeedee.

- Jefferson Soul - 03-11-2011

Back when WWS1 closed in 2002, I was 12 years old and loved it. I played a guy named Shrine [very poorly]. While I was there, I remember hearing about Bleeding Souls and seeing the ads for it a lot, and once or twice while at WWS I glanced at it and was too scared of it. That may or may not have been around when it was darkest (Salvaged Eternity, etc.?). After WWS closed I tried joining, but I was having a hard time coming up with a character because everything was so dark, so I posted in the OOC forum asking for help... and then Libri swept in and was like MY CHARACTER JUST HAD PUPPIES, ADOPT ONE. I was terrified so I said sure, and Maluki had a player!

I played him in and out for like, a year maybe, with really yucky consistency... and then stopped for a few years. My freshman year of college, I was finding myself with a lot of free time, so I was wondering if 'Souls was still alive. I googled it and it was, so I was like hey, why not play again? And so I shaped up Maluki into Jefferson and rejoined the next day. Tongue

- Salem D'Angelo - 03-11-2011

I'm with Mel, I found this place in 2003 and I've been in and out since lulz.

- Tak - 03-11-2011

I lurked around the place for ages and brought Socrates in who lasted for...his joining thread. Than I made up Misery and the D'Angelo's and fun was had by all Big Grin

- Pixie Frost - 03-20-2011

An ad on another RP site, called Children of StarClan.