'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Take me Ouut tonight - Printable Version

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- Lucifer - 06-13-2008

With a stiff cough the male looked to his adopted son, nervously shifting his weight. around trying not to look at the child after he had told him about the big old "m" word. Lucifer never really got that talk. Noah wasn't around then Lucifer needed to hear it, Lucifer was off playing in lands he quickly got old of seeing when some one told him no. The black father looked to the boy stunned he knew one of the "toy" words that came with mating when a mother or father didn't want to tell there child about mating. "Erm...fun? Well...uhm...yeah...BUT...ONLY WHEN YOUR IN LOVE" The father wasn't sure how to tell the child about it. His voice stressed the last part of it.

- Jazper Rhiannon-Knight - 06-13-2008


The male juts looked at his dad's akwardness and became even more curious. As his dad spoke it took alot of effort to hold back all his quesitons as they poped into his mind. He simple say still and bit his tounge until the werewolf stopped talking. "Why do you have to be in love? I wrestle with Tal all the time!" He woofed quickly fustration from not understanding the concept growing, "besides you and deuce wrestle, i've heard you. I've also hear he arguing iwht you after you got her mad, I guess you lost. She told me you liked to wrestle with other wolves. So why can't I?" He just kept yappin gon without being phased. He had no clue as to what 'wrestling' actually ment to adults and he had never been told, he didn't knwo better.

- Lucifer - 06-17-2008

wc: 307

The yapping was going on and on, and normally the yappy question would be cute, if not a bit funny, but since they where about a topic that the father like figured didn't think the boy was ready to know about yet, it was....disturbing to say the very least. He shifted his weight upon his paws, he wanted to quickly to end this topic and move on, maybe letting Deuce handle this one, and every one after that...would be nice, but the male knew that it wouldn't help. Lucifer looked to the ground letting the child go on till he got to the point where he got to what Deuce had told him, the male snarled with a bark. "Enough Jazper!" The male didn't mean to come off so harsh to the child but he brought it up by this topic of him sleeping around on Deuce.

Sighing softly he looked back up to the child his blue eyes looked to the child. The father and the child was going to have a long talk, though right now, the male knew his child was to young. The father looked down to the ground then back to Jazper again. "When your older we will talk about what you think it is and what wresting really is. " Lucifer would have to have some time to think this over and how to talk to the adoptive pup. Yes he was slowly becoming an adult, but he wasn't there yet. "Now lets take the food back to the pack young man." He voice had lightened up by then he was so close to saying sorry to the child but so far with in the same hand. Lucifer wasn't sure how to tell him that he was sorry, it was a hard word for him to say.

- Jazper Rhiannon-Knight - 06-17-2008

He chattered on about Duece and the older male in an inocent fasion until it came, ENOUGH JAZPER! The words his him like a ton of bricks as he stopped in his tracks just staring at his father, eyes wide. He didn't understand. He had done nothing wrong in his eyes and thought he was simply being inquizative, the questions had all disapeared in that moment. Maybe it was wrong to ask so many questions. The wolf decided to limit his questions to his father form now on, not wanting to bring on another snarl.

He simply lowered his large dark head and placed his ears backwards. Was he not old enough? He was nearly an adult in so many ways! A mix of feelings filled his body. Part of him wanted to snarl back at his father becuase he didn't know what he had said wrong. While the other half simply wanted to stay silent forever. As his father sighed and turned back into the proud, happier dad Jazper did not speak. He simply rose from his sitting position in silence with a heavy heart and waited for the older male to lead the way back to the house.

OOC: awww Sad Jazz just experenced his first snarl from a loved one <3

- Lucifer - 06-30-2008

His heart sunk to the bottom of his chest, he didn't want to yell at his son but really he was touching onto topics that he wasn't ready for him to ask so many questions and then when he brought up things that Deuce had told him, he was sick of her taking stabs at him using his childern or having other come after him, Sh would pay one day and it wouldn't be any thing that he done, he would let karma play out her cards.

The male looked back to Jazper, maybe it was well past time that Lucifer gave Jazper that father son talked that truthfully Lucifer had hoped to pawn off onto Deuce. The male looked back to the dark colored child, seeing him hugging the ground with shame he sighed. "Lets drop your food of, we are going to be out for the night. It's way past time to have a father and son night out, live of the lands, not worrying about where our next meal is coming from." The black father stood up to take his son back to the house, granted that was his child's first hunt but with all the questions that was being asked today it was clear what time it was. sadly his baby boys where growing up.

- Jazper Rhiannon-Knight - 07-01-2008

OOC: Just going to move then towards the house and drop off the kill...hope you don't mind! Do you like the yellow or the green better? o.O Also, are we just going to do the werewolf transformation in this thread or should we make a post-dated thread soon for that? (I PMed you about it!)

"Lets drop your food of, we are going to be out for the night. It's way past time to have a father and son night out, live of the lands, not worrying about where our next meal is coming from." As his father spoke his curiousity gained fuel onece more. Questions came back flooding his mind and a smile filed his face. A night out with Lucifer! What a treat! He gave a yip of glee as he jumped up at his fathers side. He started to walk towards the manor in excitment.

As he ran into the house and put his kill on the table calling for Naniko to please put it away and that they would be back the next day. He came charging out as he skipped to a stop infront of Lucifer, "Where are we going? What are we going to do?" He questioned in quick yips. Mind finally slowing down he remembered a question he had wanted to ask his father...his real father. He silenced himself quickly, it wasn't time yet.

- Lucifer - 07-13-2008

OOC: Green it don't hurt my eyes as badly. WC:535

It was clear that Jazper was ready to be an adult he was already asking all the questions of an over active minded child. The father didn't look to the son that was bouncing around at his feet the male kept walking trying to in forced the idea of that this was a time to think and a time to be somber. He was going to give his son every thing that his mother had offered his father once she had thought he was ready for it. Lucifer blue eyes scanned the ground and a area around the two, always watching always waiting for something to happen. Tonight was something that he knew he would have to do at least two more times though there was always going to be some one some where doing somethings like this.

Taking the back trail that would take the two, down to the beach he knew with how small the pack was it would be pretty isolated. Lucifer knew this ceremony of passage towards adult hood had to be rather antediluvian, after all this wasn't the first child that was taken in by an odd looking family. Lucifer stopped as he jumped upon the rock looking down at the bright yellow eyes that belonged to his son. "Jazper...soon your going to be an adult. I want to talk to you about adult things before something happens that would make you do something that would cause you regret, also tonight I want to give you the chance to be come more like me..."The male felt his bone snap and crack the slow process of shifting into the black haired, two legged male that he was once shifted.

After he shifted the male sat there upon the rock looking to his son. "I want to talk firstly about sex..Jazper...sex is great. HOWEVER sex can cause fight and if I hear of you having sex with any one against there will I will have to kick you out of the lands. Like my father did to me once about your age. Never drink, and stay away from drug." Lucifer didn't want to see his son travel down the same path in life that he was traveling, yes he had a nice pretty rank with in the pack..but really it wasn't worth it. He would give it all up to see his father again, and just to have him back in his life.

"Any questions so far? The male reached be hide the rock into a wooden box he had found in the human lands and pulled out his shorts, a white tattered shirt and a belt that had loops in it for storing things, pulling out the blessed knife of his mothers the male slide it into one of the pockets of waist belt. Looking to his son, the male stood up and dressed him-self, finishing the male smiled down to the child. "I was born this way, like my mother. You are like my father, born with no ability to shift. I'm offering you the chance to shift like my mother had done to my father. Your choice, and your choice alone Jaz. I will not push you either way."

- Jazper Rhiannon-Knight - 07-13-2008

OOC: Okay Big Grin Oh wow, it's the 13th yay!
WC: 641

As the 9 month old raced around his father excited from the long day. As he followed his father he was quick to notice his fathers meloncoly and silent ways. The young adult cleared his throat and took his position walking at the quick, steady pace Lucifer was walking at. Silence was erie to Jazper, he didn't like it. Sure, it was okay when you are tiered or when in morning, but this was a time for cemlebration and his mind refused to stay silent, even if his muzzle was. He glanced at the older male as they walked side by side. The males were practicly the same in size and color. Lucifer could easily pass as Jazz's biological father. He even looks like Ares.

Suddenly, his adoptive father leaped onto a rock infront of him and started to speak. "Jazper...soon your going to be an adult. I want to talk to you about adult things before something happens that would make you do something that would cause you regret, also tonight I want to give you the chance to be come more like me..." With this he started to shift. Never before had the black coated he-wolf seen a luperci change. He had only heard of them, and seen his pack members in their wolf form and werewolf form, never the changing process. He watched carefully, not in fear, but in curiousity as his dad grew and stood on all fours, finally looking like a man-wolf.

"I want to talk firstly about sex..Jazper...sex is great. HOWEVER sex can cause fight and if I hear of you having sex with any one against there will I will have to kick you out of the lands. Like my father did to me once about your age. Never drink, and stay away from drug. Any questions so far?" He asked. Suddenly, he pulled out weired things which he put over his body. Of course he had questions! Before he had enough time to open his mouth the older male continued, "I was born this way, like my mother. You are like my father, born with no ability to shift. I'm offering you the chance to shift like my mother had done to my father. Your choice, and your choice alone Jaz. I will not push you either way." So, it was possible for a wolf who was born a werewolf and a wolf who was turned into one to have a child...this confermed one of the boys questions. He sat iinfront of his now larger father, "What's sex exsactly? I mean I've figured out part of it: It involves an adult male and female, it's apparently..pleasurable....and it sometimes results in a child." He started to blush slightly, "But, why does it sometimes not conclude in a child? Why does it cause fights? How are the pups made? Like, what do you have to actually DO to have sex" He was now full out blushing, his coal colored face was now looking at the ground. He raised his head slightly as he still had a few more questions, "What are those things anyways? What's there purpose?" He asked motioning to the things on Lucifer's body. He was not afraid of changing, he was excited too. He couldn't wait to run on two legs, hunt with tools, made things with his hands, find a she-wolf. "Does it hurt to shift?" He questioned, he realized all his questions were probably too much for his father already but his courage raised for one final question, something he had wanted to ask his real dad Ares but never had the chance to, "What were you like when you were my age?"

- Lucifer - 07-15-2008


The black father figured hated having to talk about this topic with his son, but he knew that some one had to do it, if no one did then who was to say that Jazper wouldn't go off and with his first taste of sex he wouldn't turn into a sex driven monster. Lucifer wouldn't want that upon any one, he has suffered with the price of his crime for well over a year now. "Sex can be enjoyed between two of the same gender, and when a female is in heat, there is a high chance that pups will come. They have a sent...it's different from there normal sent while they are in heat, in normal wolves it tends to be in winter. While the female that can shift tend to do it more often. When your ready your mind will know what scents are heat and when it's not. Your body will know what to do and when it's right. I'll just know." Lucifer sighed as he sat down with his legs bent at the knees, kicking his leg freely, as he tried the best to answer to the best of his own knowledge. He didn't want to. This was all showing how stupid he was, and really why he shouldn't be a father. "I know Deuce and I was fighting over, because before you came around, she miss carried a litter and lost your older brother Shadow all the same time. I didn't want to mount her and risk hurting her and giving her pups..we where both pretty torn up about every thing. Well being stupid, I stopped coming around also. Well she thought I was sleeping around on her, and I got sick of her thinking that...so finally I did...and well I enjoyed my-self one time with some one else, and it didn't help that she found out whom and went for revenge." He rubbed his chest with a sigh as he rolled his head back looking to the sky, trying to answer all the questions. "Yeah the first time always hurts, though you will work though it just like every one else before us has. Though the more you do it the easier it gets to be and the pain becomes something you can ignore. Trust me, to me it's nothing more then a mild pain in my ass. What was I like at your age? Hmm...I was own my own. Bouncing around from pack to pack, from lands to lands. If some one told me no and I didn't like it I left...like a brat."

- Jazper Rhiannon-Knight - 07-15-2008

OOC: Can I have the link to Lucifer's tattoo again please? XD

All he did was keep silent as his fathers words fell over him like waves from the ocean. He looked to the water, not his father as he spoke. Apparently he had asked to many questions, as Lucifer hadn't answered one of them, "Oh...wait. Same gender? So a guy could have sex with a guy?" Ash the words seemed to snap out of his mouth he took in the thought, and liked it. There was a world full of wolves that could all pleasure each other in different ways. His newly found hormones seemed to be kicking in, and it would take awhile for them to calm down.

His mind quickly wandered though form thoughts of different types of intercourse to what his father was wearing, "What are those things on your body?" He questioned. He asked it more as a need- to- know more then a want to know question. Even as the words came out his mind was already moving to the next thought. When would his brain stop wanting to know things? He took in the new information about Duece and Lucifer. So, he had a dead older brother Shadow and they had lost a litter. Lucifer had 'slept' around? this surprised the young male slightly but his expression didn't change from his thoughtful stance. Where had Duece been lately? He thought to himself. She seemed to have disappeared off the face of the pack lands. The past few nights she had missed their reading time. Shortly after his mother had taught him the letters and sounds of the alphabet she had been taking out human pup books for him to read and they were slowly working their way up. He had been left alone the past couple evenings.

"Lucifer,.." He had never called his dad by his first name since they first met, it just came out that way,"Where's Deuce? She's missed our reading sessions the past couple nights. She told me you didn't like reading and never cared to learn but, I figured it would be interesting to know how to read like mum and hunt like you. I'm really getting good, I can should out almost all words now after a few tries." His grin finally appeared as he spoke of reading to the Luperci. With this he continued to blabber on, "I want to be just like you and mum when I grow up. Make you proud ya know? I mean, I know I'm not reeaaallly your son but, I want to try my best to make it so that no one has to know that but you me, mum, and the original pack members. I like having you two teach me things and I look like you anyways. I enjoy hunting, and I love reading. I just....."

He paused to gather his thoughts and seemed to turn from a yipping pup to an adult speaking instantly, "I don't want to be your adoptive son to everyone. I want you to be proud to call me your son. I want to be able to hunt by your side and for you to be a proud father, not just because Dierdre left me with Duece leaving you responsible for me, but because you think of me as a wolf yourself and Mum could have had." Jazper tried his best to think while he spoke instead of just chattering away. He wanted Lucifer to understand. Being a shifter was what he wanted, was something he wanted to do to really become part of the pack, part of the family. One more question came to mind before he could finally keep his mouth closed in content, "Am I like you....?" Deep down he wished he could be a bit like his new dad, and like his mother. The were a lot like his blood parents, dad was strong, a leader, a hunter. While mom was a thinker and optimist.

- Lucifer - 07-24-2008

WC; 380

Lucifer wanted to end this with a sharp snap as he had done earlier that day. Though it wasn't fair, Deuce was no longer around to tell him about how mating work and with her not here Lucifer could let Jazper make his own thoughts and choices about every thing that was going to be sat in front of him. The black male gave a somber nod, any one could mate with any one. Lucifer just had hoped that Jazper would make better choice then he had. The young male sighed he hated being here answering all these questions. The male went on answering every question that the boy threw at him. "Clothing. I wear them because I like how they look on me. If you would like one day we could make a trip into the human lands and find some clothing that would make the girlys and the guys come begging to be with you." He coughed back a laughter, it wasn't to mock his son, just the whole thought he found slightly funny.

The male sucked in his bottom lip as he chewed on it, on it not wanting to tarnish the thoughts of Deuce in the boys head, a mother should be held up high on a shrine, and worship like a goddess, for with out her there is no life. With out her there is no female's tender touch. The blue eyed father glanced down to his out fit, brushing off some dirt off of it. "Deuce is no longer in this pack, kiddo. If you need to talk to her, she is running around with my mother's first mate's child friend, her name is Iskata. They are starting a pack, One of your brothers are going to go there as soon as things are set in stone. You are more then welcomed to move with her or stay here and just travel back and forth, either way. You are my son and I love you just like I do Noah." The male stood up shifting around, he wanted to walk. They where going to have to go and meet Deuce. "No Son...your not like me...your a good kid. I stabbed my father. You Jazper are so much better then I was at your age."

- Jazper Rhiannon-Knight - 07-28-2008

OOC: ermm...should we make a new thread pre dated to the 13th or should we stay here and just invite Duece?

As his father sighed he realised he had asked to many questions once again. This time though, he really wanted to know about his mother."Clothing. I wear them because I like how they look on me. If you would like one day we could make a trip into the human lands and find some clothing that would make the girlys and the guys come begging to be with you." Jazper gave a small laugh at this comment. He would definitely like to find some cloths for when he shifted. As Lucifer sucked on his bottom lip Jazz realized he must be thinking about Duece. The mention of the she-wolf seemed to hurt his father, or anger him. This time though instead of a sharp growl and stern words his father answered, "Deuce is no longer in this pack, kiddo. If you need to talk to her, she is running around with my mother's first mate's child friend, her name is Iskata. They are starting a pack, One of your brothers are going to go there as soon as things are set in stone. You are more then welcomed to move with her or stay here and just travel back and forth, either way. You are my son and I love you just like I do Noah."

It felt good to know he could always see his mom, that she was okay and starting to make a home for herself with a friend. The thing that troubled him was that one of his brothers would leave him. Sirius had gone to live with Pilot in his pack. Now, Noah, Apollo, or Tal would move to be with Duece. Yet, through his hard thoughts came a happy one, he was always welcome in three packs! His true home, he knew, was in Twilight Vale. He had come to love living in the manor with Nani and Lucifer, heck the pack was still growing every day it seemed. He would also be welcomed by open arms anytime he needed a vacation by his mother, and Pilot considered him a son just as much a Lucifer did, though Jazper found Lucifer more to his liking. "What brother?" He asked simply as he looked to his father who had gotten up. He followed at his side quickly. "Did I ever tell you I met Pilot Hadden...he said I was his son no matter how many different parents I have." amber eyes turned to his dad to see his reaction. No Son...your not like me...your a good kid. I stabbed my father. You Jazper are so much better then I was at your age." Had been his last comment. this had shocked him, his father stabbed his dad! The shock was quickly shaken off as a smile returned, he was good, better then what his fther had been, he was making him proud.His mind wandered to how it would be with another brother gone. Maybe he would ask his father about a pet, human pups seemed to really enjoy having a smaller animal companion around.