'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
4:20 - Printable Version

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- Naniko D'Angelo - 03-30-2012

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Shifting never felt quite...natural to her, but she had figured out that keeping one's mind calm and free of worry or thought often helped with the change. This was so for herself and her friend Grace, anyway. She would try to clear her mind and go into a semi-meditative state, a state in which she didn't mind if someone was watching her change...and a state in which she didn't care about the sickening snapping of bones and shifting of sinew. It was only Shandom, she had told herself. She'd do anything not to look like a fool in front of him if she could help it, though.

"Some scars do. Ones earned while defending a pup, or one's pack, perhaps" The story behind his scars would wait for another day; she was in no rush and was not the prying type. If Shandom ever wished her to know what had caused the marks on his face, he'd tell her. She was sure of it. His complement made her chuckle. He was surely joking with her, something that Naniko have to pay him back for later. She was hardly a beauty, she knew that well enough. The female padded from side to side as she waited for him to shift, tail waving in anticipation.

The shifting had tired her, but only slightly. She'd had enough time to rest while they had talked and while she had waited for someone to arrive and greet her. He was quick to get going once he had shifted and she found herself watching him run off into the distance for a few moments before she realized that she ought to give chase. Perhaps she'd be the one to have to catch him, despite his old age! She began to race after him, her tail flying in circles and paws digging deep pockmarks in the soft soil. She could see him ahead and fought to gain the ground back that she'd lost. "You can't run forever!"

Table by Jenny!

- Shandom Qi'Vaex - 03-31-2012


D: This is so outdated (I'm just realizing this, fail). Wrap up soon...so we can have another thread immediately? WC - 361

The wind whipped through his coat and Shandom could not help but loose a short, yet enthusiastic, howl to the winter sky. What could be better than this? The Dawner could not remember a time when a smile spread so broadly across his scarred countenance; indeed, he'd only ever been this happy before his vision was partially torn from him and his life forever altered. He could remember laughing like this with Lea, howling in complete and utter animalistic joy. It was before life was entirely fucked up - for lack of a better world - and everything collapsed in ways he didn't think possible. It was a life without two legs when he did not know an alternative, a life that was so much simpler and reeked of wonderful. And yet he'd ruined it all for himself. Shandom would pay for his mistakes for the rest of his years.

But he did not want to dwell on his old realities while he whipped through the cooling air - the day was coming to a close, and soon Shandom would need to return to his pack family. It brought him a little sadness to know that he would not be able to bring Naniko back with him to see the inner workings of New Dawn - it was a place of magic and primitiveness, and he liked it that way. But he wanted to spend more time with her, wanted her to know more about his life, even though it couldn't be that way. She was a leader of her own pack and had her own family to return to. And Shandom? Well, he had New Dawn. Reclusive as they were, he liked it that way and would not compromise the pack's values further than he'd already done.

Shandom could feel her gaining on him, and so in a burst of playful energy the half-blind man whirled around to face her, sinking into a deep and eager play bow. His ears and tail spoke of natural excitement, and in his own joking way he challenged her to come and take his position as (in his opinion, of course) the declared winner.

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- Naniko D'Angelo - 04-01-2012

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I agree XD I didn't realize either! Slight PP of them colliding? XD She's so mean!

They were adults, but that didn't mean that they couldn't have a little bit of fun. Naniko couldn't keep the smile off of her face as she pursued her prey, giving a mocking growl as he grew closer. She'd catch him eventually. He had a head start and was faster, but the Angela was accustomed to long-distance running. She ran the entirety of their border once a day every day to keep herself fit, along with weapons exercises. So just racing along completely unhindered by anything besides her backpack was easy.

She was nearly upon him when he pulled a surprising move. Naniko wasn't able to stop in time and tumbled into the male as she tried to skid to a halt. She'd lost control of her legs at the speed that she was going and collided into her friend with a small bark of surprise. Naniko wasn't going full speed any more but it was still a bit of a crash, the Angela rolling head-over-tail and landing in a nearby bush. She nearly laughed where she lay but managed to quell her chuckles, waiting for Shandom to recover and come closer to her. She played dead, keeping her eyes closed, the tip of her tongue sticking out of her mouth. She'd show him.

Table by Jenny!

- Shandom Qi'Vaex - 04-02-2012


His play bow had, apparently, misfired on them both. Before either of them could do anything about it, Naniko barreled into Shandom, sending them both flying in a tangle of limbs and general discombobulation. The now disgraced white male yipped in laughter, wagging his tail rather frantically when he finally regained his feet. Unfortunately, he was covered in even more dust than before, and while his white pelt was still, well, white, the creature was most decidedly dirty, one of his least favorite state. And yet he could not bring himself to feel any sort of anger towards Naniko, simply delight that he had a comrade to play with. He very rarely let his playful side show, instead preferring the dignity and slight aloofness that he often radiated.

His right eye searched around for her, the blind compatriot following in useless muscle memory. Of course, his nose led him to where she was - he was never sure why he sometimes tried to rely on sight alone. When he saw her "dead" body, Shandom whined in mock grief and fear - what would he do now? He'd killed the leader of a large, nearby pack: that would inevitably bring war to New Dawn. Well, then, it would only make sense to try and bring her back to life! The larger male began to butt his head against her body rather frantically, sniffing and whining and generally making a ruckus. Hopefully that would bring some sort of Zombie Naniko reincarnation back to life, and he would be out of trouble.


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- Naniko D'Angelo - 04-03-2012

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She hadn't expected him to start headbutting her, but tried to keep herself still. Her tongue stretched even farther out of her mouth, lolling to the side. After a few moments of headbutting she gave in, opening one eye. "You're no fun" She said, grinning. It took some maneuvering, but she managed to flip herself over onto all four legs again. Naniko shook out her coat, nearly falling over as she lost her balance for a moment. She felt lighter than before...like something was missing. Her necklace! She gave a small whine, digging her snout back into the brush in search for it. A small clinking sound brought a smile back to her face and she picked the chain up in her teeth, tossing it backward so that it would land over her neck once more. "Caprica made me this, so I've got to keep track of it" She explained. Naniko was very proud of her dark daughter and the place she'd made for herself in Anathema. She was turning out to be quite the craftsman!

The Angela heard a howl off in the distance, a voice that was very familiar to her. Her son was finished hunting! "Severus must have caught something. I should get heading back" Her tail waved steadily back and forth behind her - she didn't want to end their fun, but she had responsibilities that she needed to attend to. Time seemed to pass by so quickly when she was with Shandom, and so slowly everywhere else! "You should come visit me in Anathema sometime." She'd have to dig up a present for her friend, to show him that she appreciated his making the trip there if he did choose to come...along with something for the leaders of this pack, since they'd drank half of the gift away and smoked a portion of the rest of it. "I had a lot of fun today. It's nice to have some time off every once in a while" For a moment she stood in uncertainty, not knowing how to say goodbye. In the next moment a decision had been made, though, Naniko stepping forward to try to nudge at his cheek. "See you soon". And with that she turned, padding back toward the lands from which she'd come.

Table by Jenny!

- Shandom Qi'Vaex - 04-03-2012


The subord smiled as she came back to life slowly with a playful stab at his general "funness". An equally impish smile spread across dark lips as the half-blind man gave her a saucy wink, stepping back to allow her room to stand. That's not true. In fact, I get even more fun the older I become. It was true, to a degree - cantankerous though he might be, Shandom had been hot tempered and overly emotional in his youth. The wolf he was now remained to be scarred and flawed, but he was an infinitely better person for everything he'd gone through. That, at least, was what he kept telling himself. He was momentarily distressed over her irritation, but it was quickly relieved as she found her necklace and explained the reasoning behind her attachment. It is lovely, he responded. Caprica is very talented.

But all good things had to end, loathe as Shandom was to admit it. Naniko's child, Severus, was finished with his hunt, and the white male dipped his head in resignation. I'd be glad to visit Anathema, and you, he promised, his small smile fading as he considered the duties he'd abandoned for an afternoon of play with the white woman. The subord would not be returning to the Dawn packlands until he had sobered up, so to speak - Shandom could still feel the effects of their earlier fun, and it did not seem right to bring such a human stain into New Dawn home. The moments where goodbye should have happened were slightly uncomfortable, as neither knew what to do, but soon Naniko nudged at his cheek and turned in the direction of her home.

He sighed and looked after her, not moving for several moments as Nani walked away. Eventually, Shandom wagged his tail and whispered his own goodbye into the wind before turning to find some small prey.

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