'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Don't be a Chicken - Printable Version

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- Dixie-May Jackson - 05-04-2012


so cute xD

Word Count → +

Hadley was a great building partner. He seemed to know what needed to be done and when, and had no problem with letting the female do her share of work. Dixie knew plenty of males that would rather make the women do less physical work...something that she was greatly annoyed by. The only way she ever got anything done was by doing it herself, no man was going to do her stuff for her! Most times they didn't know what hit 'em when she got riled up, if the girl wanted to do something, there was almost no stopping her.

Grinning, Dixie stepped up to Hadley, pleased that he was chewing on the rest of the food she'd pressed into his hands. When he lifted the wall of wood, she lifted the saw and leaned over, positioning herself to get to work. Little arms pressed together and the held the tool with two hands as she pushed the blade back and forth over the rough planks. At first it was kind of hard, but finally she got a rhythm down and had the side smoothed out quickly.

Image courtesy of PNNL@Flickr; table code by the Mentors!

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- Hadley - 05-05-2012

The wooden piece reverberated in his grip. Hadley braced himself to keep still, holding it steady for the dog's work. The saw cut down, trimming off what they couldn't use with relative ease. Hadley's portion of the work was relatively easy compared to what Dixie was doing, sawing through the wood. It wasn't his place to take over and suggest they switched though. He was the follower, simply supporting her in her work. He wasn't too sure where they were going with it, so it was best to let Dixie go ahead and do what was needed, him simply moving around and making sure she could do it.

The one wall section was finished easily enough, time eaten up as the next piece was picked up. Again the work was repeated, starting slow before it hit a rhythm. There was a point where Hadley needed to remove a nail the saw hit, but that was it for delays, working relatively swift in comparison to what could happen with various mishaps delaying them. It was a good thing Dixie was in charge, as Hadley would have been sure to screw it up already at this point, doubling the work. He held still as the finished wall joined the first, holding the third ready for work.

- Dixie-May Jackson - 05-06-2012


so cute xD

Word Count → +

The two Luperci worked well together, quickly getting the wood sawed down and ready to begin nailing. When the few large pieces were set on the ground, she glanced over them and frowned a little bit. I think that the coop should maybe be built a little bit off the ground. If it rains hard, we don't want the water getting in there... Rubbing her face, the woman glanced around, clearly looking for something. A few moments passed before she seemed to remember and grinned up at Hadley. There are some thick pieces of wood cut from a few trees...they are almost like stumps. If we evened 'em out, they could be a base.

Reaching out, she patted Hadley's arm and leaned down to tug one of the slabs of wood up, setting it against the wagon. Can you lift the other and hold the edges together? These can be two walls, and the third slab will be the floor. Grabbing up the hammer, she slipped one hand into the basket, grabbing a few nails and positioning one in place before beginning to smack it with the blunt edge of metal. It only took three hits before it was lodged in deep, holding the wood together. Four more down that side and they were good, done with those pieces. Next was to settle them on the third slab and position it correctly for hammering.

Image courtesy of PNNL@Flickr; table code by the Mentors!

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- Hadley - 05-06-2012

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OOC goes here for all your OOC needs

Hadley frowned at the words. He hadn't thought about that. The hybrid was unsure what they could do to lift it off the ground. Hadley hadn't thought much about this at all, simply going along and expecting it to act similar to a house. The smile Dixie gave with a solution set his tail wagging. There would be no problem then. They'd build the frame, place it on these 'stumps', and nail it down. The house would be complete.

He stiffened slightly at her touch, loosening up again as orders were given so they could complete the work. Lifting the wood Hadley made sure that the walls were placed properly. He held it perfectly still, letting Dixie work at fastening it together. With that part completed Hadley picked up the third, carefully balancing it with the other two. This was more tricky for Hadley to manage, keeping it all balanced for Dixie to work on hammering together. He managed though, and the first part of the coop was complete.


- Dixie-May Jackson - 05-06-2012


so cute xD

Word Count → +

Things were moving very fast now. When the three sides were put together, Dixie sat up and looked around again, panting softly. She was a little bit warm from doing all of that hammering and standing at such an odd angle. Stretching her arms into the air, she groaned and then sighed softly. Hadley? The chunks of wood are near some of the shops a bit closer to the court house. You think that you could go grab a few? I'd do it myself...but...I don't think I could carry 'em. Shame brought her expression down and she glared at the grass. Her size had always been a sore spot, always wishing that she was bigger and stronger like the others.

Huffing to herself, she thumped down onto her knees and grabbed some single boards, shoving them together and smacking the hammer down on the nails roughly. Building would allow her to get her frustration out without hurting anyone or herself. About fifteen minutes passed and she had six boards put together, creating a nice half wall that would need to be attached. A square hole would have to be left open during the warm months so someone could get in to clean it and collect the eggs.

Image courtesy of PNNL@Flickr; table code by the Mentors!

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- Hadley - 05-06-2012

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OOC goes here for all your OOC needs

Hearing Dixie pant after the work Hadley was hit by a pang of guilt. He should have been the one hammering the pieces together. He was stronger than her after all. Sure, holding the pieces wasn't exactly easy, but it didn't take nearly as much strength to do that. His ears pricked slightly as Dixie spoke. Was she mad that he hadn't done as well as he should have? No, she just wanted him to go get something. He nodded his head, glancing to see if she was really okay. There was nothing wrong with the way she was in Hadley's opinion. She was still very fierce. Could probably take him down without much effort.

Hadley moved over to where the shops were. He looked through the debris carefully, picking out the wooden pieces they would need. The weight wasn't the problem in this situation. Actually carrying them was. Compromising Hadley picked up two fairly large ones and trotted over to where Dixie was, dropping them down. Turning he ran back to get another two. That was actually the most difficult part that he'd done, arms aching when he returned from the run. He looked at the half wall Dixie had built apprehensively. She was not someone he wanted to anger. Picking up his carving knife Hadley worked on smoothing the tops.


- Dixie-May Jackson - 05-06-2012


so cute xD

Word Count → +

By the time Hadley got back from both trips with all four stumps, Dixie was done with her small half wall and lifting it to balance on the other three, hammering it into place easily. Pushing on the side, she tipped it forward and then held on as it balanced out, the floor slab sitting on the grass. The top was mostly even, almost perfect. Now she had to figure out how to make a water proof roof to put on the top. After stepping up onto one of the stumps that Hadley was done smoothing out, she looked over the frame and nodded. I'm going to make the roof another flat slab. It doesn't need to be fancy, just somethin' ta protect 'em.

Smiling at the big man, her little tantrum forgotten, she went back to the wood pile, which was surprisingly large still. With the slabs that they'd salvaged, already made...most of the lone pieces of wood weren't being used. Grinning happily, she lined a few up and began hammering a connector on top, effectively latching them all together. Another few were put together and then the whole thing pushed into one big piece and connected with a few well placed nails. Think we can lift this up onto those pieces together?

Image courtesy of PNNL@Flickr; table code by the Mentors!

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- Hadley - 05-07-2012

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OOC goes here for all your OOC needs

The work had continued without him, part of a wall built. It was just being hammered into place on his return. His admiration for the female just grew, watching her go without stop. Nothing would be slowing her down when she put her mind to it. Hadley examined the small set up, one wall missing. That would be fixed quickly enough. Grabbing some pieces Hadley hurriedly worked on throwing the last side together. It hadn't taken him long to smooth the stumps luckily, so they wouldn't wait on that.

He nodded his head at her words, agreeing on the simple design. That would be the easiest. Just a box with a single opening into it, raised off the ground. He finished the wall at the same time the roof was done, and attached the fourth part. He examined it carefully, wondering about hinging it open. A few carved wooden pegs solved that problem, attaching the wooden pieces like a puzzle. That would be perfect for access. Hadley nodded his head at her question, lifting it up. His muscles bulged as he moved, careful to support the freshly built coop. Dropping it was the last thing needed at this point. Huffing softly he placed it down on the stumps, glad Dixie had been aiding him on the other side.


- Dixie-May Jackson - 05-07-2012


so cute xD

Word Count → +

The small woman watched as Hadley slapped on a few finishing touches to the box of wood. When he began to bend and lift, she did the same on the other side. Even though she probably didn't make much of a difference, she did manage to help a little bit and the coop was successfully settled a few moments later. Moving away to grab the hammer and a few nails, she then crawled into the coop and knocked on the wood until she found out where the stumps were located. A few smacks with the hammer and everything was connected together.

Wiggling her way backwards out of the hole, she stood and pushed her blonde hair away from her eyes. A large grin lifted her lips and she bounced with excitement once again. Hadley...we did it! The hammer was dropped onto the grass and she jumped at the large man, wrapping him in a hug that only lasted a few seconds. Before he could reply, she darted away and into the partially finished barn, scooping up a large pile of hay and bringing it back out carefully. They'll need somethin' to nest in I guess... The hay was shoved into the coop and spread out evenly over the ground.

Looking up at the male, she sighed and stretched out, finally feeling tired and sore. You have been a damn fine buildin' partner, Hadley...thank you so much for helpin' me with this. If you ever need anything at all, you come lookin' fer me, okay? I'll try my hardest ta help.

Image courtesy of PNNL@Flickr; table code by the Mentors!

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- Hadley - 05-08-2012

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OOC goes here for all your OOC needs

The tiny female disappeared inside the small object, actually managing to fit inside. Hadley could probably stick his shoulders in there, but there definitely wasn't enough room for him. He watched anxiously, the sounds of hammering coming from inside. Dixie bounded back out, hammer dropped to the ground. He awaited information on what would be next, only to be pulled into a hug, the end declared.

It was nice to know that their work was done. It was even nicer that the hug was brief, letting Hadley stop himself from freaking out over why she was touching him. Always the first thought was what they wanted from him, what they expected, what he was supposed to do. Hard to figure out when in a blind panic. He smiled as Dixie placed bedding in for the chickens. He rolled his shoulders, loosening the muscles that had been used. Hadley nodded his head at her offer, and turned to return to his room. Surely Isa would be awake now, waiting for his return. He shouldn't delay.
