'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Holding onto the sweet escape - Printable Version

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- Rio Marino - 09-13-2012

[WC: 266 | Pts: 0] PP on him sitting, hope that's alright?

Rio looked down at the man from the top of the porch stairs. "Do you want to just... hang out for a bit?" She pointed her nose toward the wooden bench that adorned her small porch. Then she followed her own direction and sat on the creaky object. It wouldn't break; she knew this because she sat here a few times before. She beckoned Aro to come to her in a kind of 'come hither' way, using only her pointer finger.

She didn't have any bad intentions on the mind at the moment. She wanted to get to know this man, even before she was going to make her moves. He seemed important to her, and at first she thought maybe because he was her soul mate - but as she realized she was wrong, she wondered what other significance he held. Getting to know him would be the only way to bring out his importance.

As Aro sat down beside her, she turned to him. She studied his features up close, and not in an intimate matter. His eyes reminded her so much of her own. They were beautiful and bright. They just pulled her in... And within a few seconds, she realized she was leaning in to kiss him - her own eyes half closing so that she can fall into kissing dreamland. Her hand found his face and caressed his cheek so lovingly - probably extremely weird to him. Rio didn't have experience with sex or relationships, so she couldn't turn her "love" button off and on like others could, like he could.

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- Aro Marino - 09-14-2012


Out of character

Word Count → 000

Aro followed her, eyes watching her delicate features. She was a sweet gal, and something about her told him he could have her, but he didn't want to take advantage of the sweet woman. She wanted him to stay awhile, and even suggested he take a seat. He did so, willingly walking up the stairs and taking up a spot upon her furniture. She too was seated next to him. Her ocean pools looking deep into his, and before he knew it she was leaning in to kiss him. A low pleased growl came from him and he leaned back toward her. Their kiss started off sweet and slow, but soon the Marino man leaned into it putting more passion into their kiss. It had been awhile since his last sexual act and Aro was becoming easily excited. He was a male who wasn't easily sated and the more she teased him, and cut him off the more built up he became.

His muzzle parted some allowing his tongue to tease out wanting to deepen their kiss. Excitement and thrill ran through his flesh. Something about this act with her got his adrenaline pumping and Aro's hands moved up to cup her cheeks before one hand moved to brush down her arm. It soon found her side and then rested upon her hip. Low growls urged her to continue. He wanted a taste of her flavor, and so far he was liking her samples. She was much more interesting than most of his one nights. Perhaps she could be a regular on the side. He had a feeling Sidra wouldn't like it, though...he would find out later for sure. For now, he relished in the chance to try again with this cute girl before him. Rio. It was a sweet little name. He wondered if there was more to that name. Did she have a last name? Most did...though there were some out there who had none, like Raoth...

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- Rio Marino - 09-15-2012

[WC: 300 | Pts: 3] I plan to cut her off riiiiight before they actually sex...

Their kiss got hot and heavy pretty quickly. She was happy that she wasn’t rejected, and she kind of knew that she wouldn’t be rejected by him after everything that happened that day. He kept pulling her in for more, and she kept giving him more. His low growls urged her on, and she kept giving him more - more tongue, more passion, more attention. She gave it all to him. He turned her on, and she wanted him more than he could imagine. More than he probably wanted her right now.

Rio gripped the fur around his neck and climbed on top of him. She sat, straddling and facing him. She continued her kiss, but offered herself to him. "Touch me." She sat up, placing most of her weight on her knees and forcing his head to raise and him to face skyward in order to meet her lips, while still having her hand gripped his his mess of hair. She continued sticking her tongue into his mouth, and possibly down his throat. She couldn’t tell at this point. The passion, the need for him just took over her body.

There were no thoughts in her mind aside from the need for sex from him. She thought of every way possible that they could get into it. Really, she should have been thinking about the reality of things: he had a mate/girlfriend, whatever, and he really didn’t want anything from Rio. All he wanted was to get sex from her, and then that would be it - bye! But in her ignorant, pea-brained mind, she actually thought that the sex might bring them closer together, which it might, but not in the way she imagined. She was about to get a huge wake up call any day now.

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- Aro Marino - 09-21-2012

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Need an M missy and a warning on this baby XD..... :3

Aro was drawn in like a moth to the flame. Her nails and fingers gripped onto his nape and he let out an aroused growl, it rumbled low in his gut. She was good at this playing hard to get game. He just wanted her, taste her, and relish in what she was. He unique way of touching, teasing, and moving. He wanted to taste it. The feel of her tongue against him urged him closer, his hands stayed off her though. He didn't want to scare her away, he let her lead him where she wished him to go. Her body came onto him, and the urge to place his hands to her hips were fought, but the moment she begged for his touch he didn't hesitate to grab onto her petit frame. Her fur on the pads of his hands was soft and he moaned not breaking their hot kiss. His left hand traveled up her side feeling every bit of her body, a hand gently cupping her. She was so steamy, she hadn't a clue...surely she didn't. His other hand coming down between her legs. His mouth watered wanting to take her and shove her down onto himself. Fill her with all he had. He broke the kiss, his eyes meeting hers for an intense moment. His want blazing in his ocean orbs before he brought his muzzle back into hers kissing her with a deep seeded passion to fulfill his wants, and release his sexual energy and needs into this confusing woman on top of him.


- Rio Marino - 09-27-2012

[WC: 329 | Pts: 3] LOL you’re so spunky Wink Hornbag, much? hehe

She continued to kiss him passionately, and as he dove his fingers into her, she couldn’t help the moan that escaped her. It was so loud and uncontrolled. It was so unlike her. She continued to be on him like bees on honey – but she was more on him. Her body helped with the motions of his fingers, and she soon found herself moving in the rhythm as well.

Realizing she was basically getting down on her porch, she pulled his fingers out of her – even though, she wanted them to stay in there. Then she sat on him, not allowing anything else to go inside of her, just to touch the outer wetness of what was there. Feeling him being so near was torture enough for her, and she was sure he was feeling it a thousand times worse. She found herself moving her body to rub against his cock, all the while still kissing him.

After about five minutes of continuing that, she jumped off of him and backed herself up onto the porch rail. She looked exasperated, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Her female organs throbbed for him, but she wouldn’t let him have her. She was saving the passionate sex for someone who mattered – and he didn’t seem to want her in the way she wanted him to want her in (if that made sense). She gripped the railing like if she were to let go, she would fall to her knees – and she might. All that passion weakened her, but she couldn’t bring herself to go any further with him. ”I’m sorry… I can’t.” She was out of breath, and couldn’t look at him knowing the disappointment would be evident on his face. Soon, he would leave her alone – physically and mentally. She just needed to keep rejecting her desire for his cock in her puss. Or whatever she wanted from him. She was sure that most of it was that.

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- Aro Marino - 10-03-2012

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That's Aro for you Tongue Lol, he's such an ass...

Oh her sweet motion was like poetry to the music of drumming in their hearts. He was turned on my her motions upon his fingers. It caused him to moan as his mind pictured her sexy motions on his member. He almost wanted to move his own hips into her, but kept himself under control until she pulled away. His kissing never breaking until that moment when he pulled his muzzle from hers to taste his fingers that had been in her. "Mmm, you're so sweet.." His sultry purr spoke to her before licking his lips then reuniting their deep kiss. Her body soon began to move rubbing so seductively against his member. Oh, Fenris you're killing me! He screamed in his mind as he moved his hips to rub more against that sweet wet opening of hers. He was ready to plunge to take her and force her hard down onto him. But as his hands came up her back to her shoulders she leaped from his lap to lean against the rail. Her panting form before him. A lusty grin and spark was in his eyes. He licked his lips and began to stand to follow after her like the hungry wolf he was. Perhaps she wanted to go inside to finish this. Personally Aro didn't care, he could do his acts of adultery anywhere.

He reached for her, to place a kiss on her neck, but as he did so, she spoke, and he pulled away, ears alert catching her words. Suddenly he was in shock. What!? "...what!?" His mind and mouth spoke the words. Then he pulled back, he was raging down below. Throbbing in a mess of horniness and the woman he thought wanted this, who initiated it was turning him down. He bristled. If he wasn't an honorable man whore he would certainly force her, but he merely snarled and stormed down the steps cursing low in italian. As he got down the steps he turned around and pointed right at her. "You're a very damn confusing bitch, you know that!?" He snorted. "...I walk you home, you invite me on your porch then you start making out with me...I go along with it. You want me to touch you..I touch you..then you start grinding on me...got me all sorts of turned on then push me away! I don't get you!" He then stormed off..he would just have to hunt Sidra down and take his raging self up on her. He would give his lover the best damn hard sex she and him could stand...


- Rio Marino - 10-04-2012

[WC: 250 | Pts: 0] Lol, ended finally !

Yup, she got the reaction she was expecting. He bitched and she was afraid that he would do something else aside from that, but she was relieved that he didn’t get physical on her. He stormed down the stairs, and she turned around to watch him go, still clinging to the railing. She lowered her head, looking at the choppy grass on the lawn, as he continued to curse her. She could curse him back, but she understood that it was her fault, and she could imagine the rage that he felt after so many damn times of being turned down. She could understand, but she couldn’t relate.

She watched him stomp down the street with silence, and when she couldn’t see him or hear him anymore, she turned and went into her house and shut the door quietly behind her. She flopped on the couch and wrapped a blanket that she left there from the other day, around her and just laid there in silence. Her eyes watched things around her, but everything else remained quiet. She didn’t know what to say or think about the whole situation. Sure, she was turned on by him too, but she couldn’t bring herself to have sex with someone who didn’t think of her the same (excluding that time with Itzal). She liked Aro more than he liked her, and she thought maybe that was just not a good thing. She needed to stay away from it as much as she could.

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