'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Am I blurry in your vision? - Printable Version

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- Axelle Napier - 10-15-2012

[html](306) Ooc.

Axelle remained still as Itzal leaned his head against her own. It was a weird feeling - no one had done that to her before. Her neck had to strain a bit to keep both of them up, but not by much. She thought about Kai's ignorance to the situation, and suddenly felt a little bad. ”No.” Kai didn’t know who she was secretly seeing behind his back or even if she was being sneaky. She would need to tell him, and she dreaded that too. Even though Kai wasn’t as crazy as Itzal, he still had his dark side. That’s what drew her in, in the beginning. She loved the darkness about him, but loved Itzal’s darkness a lot more. She could deal with Itzal’s problems, but couldn’t deal with Kai’s change of heart toward her. If he would’ve only remained himself, and not softened up – maybe they would be happily together right now.

She moved away from Itzal now. ”I still have to tell him that I don’t want anything with him anymore.” The rain outside wasn’t letting up at all, and she gazed out into the storm. Where was Tyko? She wondered if her father-figure had found shelter or would the storm take away her task?

Axelle turned back to Itzal, and settled down next to him placing her head back on his lap. She doubted anything would happen when she told Kai. Since he had gone soft on her, she couldn’t see him getting back from that. She couldn’t see him doing anything drastic toward her. Either way, she could handle herself.

Axelle sighed looking out the cave’s mouth. She watched the rain splash onto the rocks out there. She snuggled more into Itzal, hoping for a little more warmth. She looked up at him with only her eyeballs, ”I love you.”

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- Itzal - 10-15-2012

(000) Ooc text here.

So Malakai didn't have a clue about Itzal. Itzal wondered if he had caught on at all. Had he noticed Axelle slipping away from him. Did he have any clue that Itzal was right under his nose with Axelle. It wasn't like Itzal and Axelle had done anything wrong. Sure, there had been moments since Itzal had returned that they had been slightly intimate, but they had never crossed any lines. Maybe Malakai was completely oblivious. It was probably better that way right now. But he would have to find out soon, one way or another.

Itzal watched Axelle move away, then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Itzal still felt like tearing out someones throat. But he was keeping it under wrap for now. "Axelle....be careful. If you aren't careful...if I lose it..I'll kill him." He growled, squeezing his eyes shut and trying not to let the rage boil over. Itzal would, and it wouldn't bother him at all. Itzal would have no problem ripping out Malakai's throat and watching him die. But afterwards, when he was exiled from Anathema, or worse, he would have a problem. He would be cut off from Axelle, and he wouldn't ask her to leave Anathema. And, even if Axelle didn't love him anymore, his death might hurt her. Itzal knew all of that. And he still wanted to rip Kai's stomach open and watch his guts pour out.

As Axelle snuggled back into him Itzal forced himself to let out a deep breath and focus on Axelle's warmth. Itzal wondered what this would mean. It would mean that Axelle would be leaving Malakai for him. For him. Itzal chuckled once at that, feeling somewhat smug. He smirked, laying his head back on the stone and laying a paw on Axelle's neck, his paw sinking into her fur. He could feel her pulse under her fingers and focused on that, using it to pull himself out of his anger. He was so dangerous close to losing it right now. Eztli was a constant voice in his ear, but he tried to tune him out. He had to get a grip before he returned to the pack. Or else he would kill the first person he found, and god damn the consequences.

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- Axelle Napier - 10-18-2012

[html](320) Ooc.

Axelle sighed, laying on Itzal. She was home, she was comfortable. ”I know.” She didn’t doubt Itzal’s capabilities – she knew well of them herself. She even tasted a bit of them when Eztli tried to kill her that day in Halifax; and that day she also learned that she could take him. She could defend herself from the ‘Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde’ couple.

Thoughts about Kai’s reaction swirled around in her mind. She didn’t fear for her well-being. She knew Kai was a crazy bastard, but not towards her. When they finally became friends and companions, he grew soft for her. There would be no reason that he would suddenly snap back to being cold and crazy. There was no logical explanation for that – but then again, Malakai didn’t need a logical explanation to do anything. Their meetings and development as a couple defied all the logical explanations that one could give. Their love made no sense, just like Kai’s reaction would make no sense.

Axelle looked up at Itzal, lifting her head from his lap to look up at him. She still felt his hand on her neck and didn’t bother removing it or shaking it away from her. She trusted Itzal’s touch, no matter his intent. ”What are your thoughts on all this, love?” She cocked her head a little bit to the side and eyed him – like a dog that just heard a weird noise. She knew that he wasn’t taking it very well – she could feel how tense his body was. She could feel all the negative energy he was emitting from the air. ”We’ll get through this… You and me.” It was more of an afterthought, more to herself than anyone; but she made sure he heard it too, so that he knew she was in it for him no matter what. She had him back now; she couldn't let him slip away again.

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- Itzal - 10-18-2012

(000) Ooc text here.

His thoughts? Itzal had a lot of thoughts on the matter, but he wasn't sure how to share them with Axelle. But he did smile at the love part. He glanced at Axelle and gave her a somewhat convincing smile. "I'm thinking that I love you more than Malakai possibly could. And that if I had never left, we wouldn't be here. You and me would have already been...more." He blamed himself. If he hadn't left, Malakai would never he squeezed his way into her heart, however short lived it had been. "But mostly, I'm pissed off that I didn't notice. That I've been back for however long now and I'm just now finding out. I'm pissed at Malakai, for thinking that he could have you. I know he doesn't know about me. But...I don't care." He explained, unsure of how to word everything. He couldn't explain everything but that was the gist of it.

Itzal smiled, nodding his head, "I know we will." He said, leaning down to nuzzle Axelle's neck. They would get through it. Itzal wouldn't leave this time and he sure as hell wouldn't sit back and let Malakai try and get Axelle. She had chosen him, and Malakai would just have to live with that. And if he couldn't, Itzal would happily end his life for him.

Itzal didn't know Kai that well, but he did know that Malakai and him shared many of the same interest. Maybe he was also a monster. But Itzal considered himself more of a monster by far. Itzal himself was a monster, a bad one. And Eztli was worse. Maybe Eztli's own monstrosity made Itzal's worse. Either way, it was who Itzal was. "Axe," He said, looking at her with a wicked grin on his face, "Do you think I'm a monster?" He asked, wanting to hear what she said. Itzal wouldn't hurt Axelle on purpose, but he still wanted to know what she thought. Did she think of him the way he thought of himself? Did she like the monster in him.

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