'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
With the tiniest of tails - Printable Version

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- Mati Church - 12-13-2008


Purple eyes watched the puffed tail twitch and the little tuffs of ear fur wave. Mati listened, nodding her head at her brother’s words. They were a great team, working together to solve their earth shaking problems. Her life would consist of returning to her brother for advice, on all sorts of problems.

I guess yous right. She shook her ears, as if there was some itchy fur tickling them. Something was in the distance, a noise other then her brother and their squirrel. The noise of breaking sticks and moving leaves was matched with a deep musky scent that she was far from familiar with.

You smells that? Mati took her paws of the tree trunk, nose to the air.


- Haven Aatte - 12-14-2008

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ablev2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Haven was so engrossed by the squirrel that he almost missed the scents and noises of the other thing that was somewhere near. After Mati moved and asked him that question his ears perked up, trying to catch what she was hearing. His snowy ear twitched. There was definitely something else around.

He followed his sister's lead and removed himself from the tree trunk, sticking his nose into the air. Little black nose took in quick whiffs of air, picking up the same musky smell Mati must have noticed. "Yahs, I smells dat. It don' smell very goods." Not exactly the most pleasant scent he had ever sniffed, that was for sure. "Shoulds we goes look for it?" he asked, turning to look at her.


- Mati Church - 12-21-2008


bc I <3 you

Purple eyes looked back to his burnt orange face. The expression she wore was something that spoke her answer. Go after something that smelt like that? Was the smaller, though braver, pup crazy? Mati stood motionless and had lost her voice for a few moments. She looked away from him, toward the scent that they didn’t understand.

It grew stronger, and the noises louder. No, Haven. They were the only words that she could speak. By instinct she was scared, even though what ever it was stayed out of sight. If they stayed any longer it would find them, but her shaking knees wouldn’t allow her to move. Eyes looked to him to be brave.


- Haven Aatte - 12-21-2008

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ablev2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

After a few moments of his sister's silence, he turned to look at her. The fear plain on her face startled him. Sure this thing didn't smell great, but was it really that bad? Bi-colored ears gently laid against his head. He walked back to her, nuzzling her face. "Okies Mati. You wants to go home?" The will to adventure one was strong inside of him, but he was more concerned about his sibling's feelings. He didn't want to put her in a situation where she was afraid.

As the scent became more overpowering and the noises louder and closer, he himself began to feel a sense of foreboding crawl up his back. Haven saw Mati shaking and his eyes filled with concern. "C'mon sis. Let's go, I's right here wif yous." The boy nudged her, urging her to move back towards the safety of the den.


- Mati Church - 12-26-2008


here , we, go!

Haven would be her favorite; there was no doubt in her mind. She played favorites, though she would never admit it when she was old enough to understand how unfair it was to do so. He would calm her fears and show her how to be strong and brave. It wouldn’t just be this single time when he would come to her rescue, and she wouldn’t be able to thank him enough for all his dedication.

She stayed silent, nodding her head as they began to move toward home. Their steps were swift and deliberate, far from the leisurely gallop that they had indulged in earlier. Passing large trees and through the underbrush they might have gotten half on the way before something stood the their path.

Purple eyes stared and the black orbs that bore deep holes on her tinny soul. The rest of it was the color of their brother Salem, deep black tipped with a lighter brown. It was covered with the rank scent that they had inhaled earlier, and its large mouth no doubt held hundreds of teeth. It was ready to eat them both.

The bear cub was most likely as lost and as distraught as they were, his large paws having the same effect on him as they did Mati. In her eyes he was a giant and monster that would certainly be the death os her, but in reality he was a late season cub of the last winter, and just as innocent as they were.

bwaaaaaaahhh Screaming just came naturally.


- Haven Aatte - 12-26-2008

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ablev2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

They were walking side-by-side, but Haven was a nose ahead. Taking a bit of a lead to help Mati feel more comfortable and confident. He was certain they would get back home perfectly fine. That was until his jade green eyes took in the large black form in front of them. Brows furrowed together and his ears rolled back. The boy stood in front of his sister protectively. Nothing was going to lay a paw on her, not on his watch.

The boy was too far into protector mode to even notice the hints that this bear cub was just lost and scared. A tiny growl rumbled in his chest and he barked at the larger black animal baby. The black cub cowered and stumbled backwards. Fear was now obvious in his large eyes and he began to cry out. Suddenly Haven felt very bad for scaring the bear. He was just scared without his momma. His tail tucked slightly and he mouthed "sorry" to the cub.

The pup turned back to his sister. "Comes on Mati, he's jus a bebe, like us. He wants his momma too. He won' bothers us." The Aatte pup led his sister in a wide arc around the bear, heading back off into their original direction towards the den.


- Mati Church - 12-26-2008


end soon?

Just a baby? The idea that this creature was just a pup was almost unbelievable. Mati stared at it for a moment, and a new realization came to her. If this large beast was only a cub, then there was a much larger variation of it sweeping the forest looking for it. She could imagine on of its two mothers searching high and low for their little baby.

Silently she followed him, avoiding eye contact in hope of seeming submissive. Trailing her orange brother she couldn’t think of anything other then her mothers and the safety she would feel beside them. The chocolate pup passed the bigger cub, and as soon as it was behind her she had a strange urge to turn around and face him.

Eyes on the bear’s back, Mati spoke up. Straits ahead. Yous will find her. the pup saw the fear in his eyes, a fear that matched her own and spoke of nothing other then finding ones mother. He would find her there; back where the two wolf pups had been playing. No doubt as distraught as he was.

The moment of courage had passed, and she ran quickly to meet Haven once again, nose towards home and their den. The two little pups would be able to go back home and brag about how they wrangled a squirrel and tamed the wild beast of a bear.


- Haven Aatte - 12-26-2008

http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ablev2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Si! You can reply one more time or we can end now. Just let me know. Smile

He thought that his sister would be bolting for home now, if she hadn't been already. So the thought of her pausing to say something the big black cub didn't even occur to him. He was simply moving along at their steady pace when her voice broke the air and he knew that she wasn't talking to him. The pumpkin head turned around to see her facing the bear. She had told him where she thought his momma was. He hadn't even thought of that at all.

A warm little smile lit up his face as Mati ran to rejoin him. The boy licked her ear. "Dat was weally nice of yous, Mati." Haven was so proud of her sister right now, it just beamed off his little orange form. She probably understood being scared without a mother better than he did, so she was able to relate to the cub at being afraid without his.

After only a few more moments of walking the den was clearing in sight. Tiny tail wagged, even the adventurous pup was happy to be safely home. But one last little playful spark hit him and he glance at his sister, the familiar sparkle in his eyes. "Wace you insides!" he exclaimed as stubby little legs shot towards their cave.
