'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
tearing off the mask of man - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- Kol Stormbringer - 03-11-2009


Out of Character

Sorry for the delay babe, work's been pretty stressful lately. x.x And we should wrap this up soon so we can start a newer thread yes? Kol needs to request her co-rank and maybe Haku can tell her what happened to Svara as well? And when is the exciting thread?!? XP

In Character

Kol neither smiled nor frowned, showing no emotion as Haku revealed just how much faith he'd placed in her. However, her amethyst eyes softened with his words, her soul warming a little as she felt fortunate to receive her leader's trust. "I am honored, Haku. And I will never let you down." She dipped her head in respect as she spoke, her soft alto melting gently into the night. Sure that the bond between the two had been secured, Kol moved her thoughts back to the daughter the Lilium abhored.

The Circee agreed with Haku's description of his offspring, at least from what she'd heard of the girl. It would take meeting her face to face to come to some sort of proper idea of her, but the way she was spreading news of her rape around Dahlia disgusted Kol. Yes, it was horrible, but so was using that horror to one's advantage in order to gain pity and attention. It was extremely childish, Kol agreed, and Colibri was not starting off on good terms with at least one member of the pack. That wasn't to say the Stormbringer wouldn't be cordial or pleasant toward her at first, but Haku's daughter would definitely have to make a good impression to earn the black female's respect.

A flutter of movement in the corner of Kol's left eye caught her attention, and she sighed softly at the squirrel that had descended its tree in search of food. Her gaze then rested on the distant eastern sky, where the first grey rays of false dawn had started to lighten the blanket of night. Time passed quickly when one kept good company, and Kol knew it wouldn't be long before the duties of the Lilium would call him to the borders, and Kol would more than likely make the short trek back to her comfortable bed just as Lexey was rising for the day. Most Stormbringers tended to be nocturnal, at least partially. It was one of the contentions between her family and their longtime enemy.

Table by Fishie!


- Haku Soul - 03-12-2009

This thread did not turn out as we had planned at all XP It was good- 500+

Her eyes told him what he needed to know, and he was more than content with the path this night had taken. Her words were honest enough, and he hoped she was able to realize at least a fragment of the meaning. It was odd how he had managed to made the choice to trust the raven woman so quickly after so long. They had never seemed to connect properly in the past, but this was where the Lilium had failed. In the earlier days he had treated them like pieces of a chess board in a game he did not pay attention to. He had willingly sacrificed every piece of his just to wound the opponent. He had abandoned that strategy a while ago, but he still went back from time to time to wear those good old shoes where no one and nothing mattered to him. He knew who Kol Stormbringer was and where she came from. She would not be used in his games ever again, she was too valuable now. Silence settled around them in the tranquil evening, humbly requesting its own space back. Haku was more than willing to pick up his original purpose to come here, the dead child that he would never get to know. It had been a little Sadira girl, and though he felt responsibility for her grave, the deceased piece of flesh was as good as nothing to him.

He got up on all four and shook his fur casually, ignoring the little squirrel in the top of a branch. It was late, but Haku would most likely return to the borders like he always seemed to do. He was far from perfect, but actually any other words to describe his devotion in his co-rank would not have could justified with anything else. His blue gaze searched her amethyst eyes one last time before his glance turned to the dark. ”Good.” He had already spoken more than what was usual. Haku was not a man of words, and so it seemed after a certain amount of sentences he could not be bothered. It was not a conscious decision; it was just the way Haku Soul worked. He was about to walk away when he hesitated. ”If you need me, I will most likely be close to the borders.” If she had more stories to share, good or bad, he could always lend a free ear so that she could empty her little heart or whatever else. A part of him wished to spend more time in her presence, but most of him rejected that. He knew he could be weak for certain individuals if they came too close. He liked being alone. It became more and more obvious that the longer he stayed with Firefly, the weaker and more pathetic he got.

Then he was off, and as usual without a goodbye, but that was his style anyway. His paws found the way to the child’s shallow grave, and found the body missing. A trace of fox lingered in the air, and he could not do anything else but to shrug his shoulders and start his patrol. He thought he would have liked to hunt down a pretty fox fur in the future.
