'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 05-12-2009

In the end they would all revert to their roots and even under the influence there was something savage underlying the passions of their crimes. The rising wildfire that had exploded between their forms was threatening to engulf them in the act of all that was natural. Gentle touches were rewarded by soft subtle sounds, telling him his actions were not in vain as he teased and taunted the lady with the warm brush of his breath against her netherlips as his tongue danced over that hidden pearl, the cause for the state he'd brought the woman to, and once more abandoning her at the brink. It was cruel, but savage was the beast.

The fire and passions that played in her eyes as he brought her to the edge, that dangerous game of cat and mouse between the two lovers moving onto the next level as they both came to realize the craving had gone beyond the point of abandonment. His fingers traced her body as slowly but surely he graced his lips and tongues artfully across her curves and valleys. His eyes half closed as he was fully engrossed in the acts of pleasure.

Finally in the moment when he felt her body arching in need for what he was giving he pulled away from her yielding flesh with a sly smile upon his lips. The cast she'd passed towards him as he moved his body away from hers, the fires dying down for a moment as he repositioned himself before returning to the close proximity of their passionate dance of desires. He moved against her soft body as the heat began to rise, the pulse of their actions growing to a level of intensity that had not developed between them yet. There was no answer to his taunting words as he brushed across her body, the canvas where he would create a masterpiece, if only for a moment in time.

The torment he brought to her form was soon returned though as he felt those slender fingers tiptoeing across his abdomen, down his hips and finally barely resting upon his bared flesh. The touch sending shocks of electricity through his form as he caught his breath for just a moment. His muscle arching against her silky touch as a shiver ran down his spine. Her warm breath lingering on his neck as those artful fingers caressed his manhood, causing a moan of pleasure to escape his lips as her tongue gentle sketched a path along his jawline before meeting his own, his breath rough as he laden her with soft sweet kisses.

Within seconds he felt their bodies pressed closer as her leg curved along his thigh in an attempt that was working in every single way. He felt the heat burning along his entire length of bared flesh that was pressed so close to the treasure he'd drove her to the edge repeatedly for. The teasing touch of her tongue along the rim of his ear caused him to catch his breath as the desire that resonated from her words caught his full attention as that one word would release her from the game he'd so elegantly played upon her flesh.

Swiftly he lowered his body down against her willing flesh as once more he brought that muscle to the edges of her netherlips before finally crossing that boundary and thrusting through the slick walls to penetrate her very being. The next strokes were soft and slow, a new form of torment as he was enveloped in every way by the mysterious woman he'd surrendered to. There would be no end to the ache and pleasure that resulted from the act until they'd reached the climax, then it was all just a downhill ride from there.

- Anu - 05-12-2009


She was far from safe, far away from the security that she had always known. It was dangerous to lay beneath him, to let herself be teased and excited by him. The alcohol had stripped her of her inhibition, but it was his touch that took all sense from her mind. Anu let it happen, not caring as she bordered on the climax that he rose from within her. She pushed him further and further even when he had asked so kindly if she was ready. It was dangerous, the passion that shocked both of their bodies as they collided. It wasn’t safe to loose herself completely, allow him to have her in a way she hadn’t felt in ages. Her body screamed, her heart ached and both desired to be satisfied. It was too late to picture that faces that made her so whiling to seek refuge in another’s arms, but it was also too late to forget that their actions pushed her towards him. The rejection, the refusal she felt from them couldn’t be forgotten, as she tasted the forbid fruit from a tree she had since ignored.

His tongue and his fingers were just as good as any others. Dancing and teasing the flesh that blazed between her legs. He knew the way to give and take, to prolong her release and tempt her with his teasing. Anu hated him for it, her anger growing into a ravishing passion that made her want him, made her ask and beg with her voice and body. She hated that he showed her that all her choices in the past had been wrong, all the effort in vain. Hated that he was right for her, fitting where all others hadn’t and giving her the one thing she had been asking for.

To enthralled to find amusement in his reaction of her touch she only hoped that it was the pull he needed. Ear listened as he spoke his enjoyment in the deep moan that slowly came from his throat. Anu kissed the soft flesh under his chin as she broke from his lips. Tracing the tender and taught skin, she let her teeth follow the curve gently almost tasting the sweetness of the blood that flowed so hastily beneath it. Her actions weren’t in vain, and with eyes closed Anu accepted him whiling into her. Breath lost, she felt as it caught in her chest as he filled her, only to be released as he slowly withdrew. He was a blaze of passion and yearning, but his control was just as infuriating as his teasing. Wanting to move him to the same aggressive obsession she felt met his movements, taking more and more.

Other leg matched its pair as Anu straddled him while her hands moved upwards to hold his neck. His rhythm was slow and deep, the complete opposite of the rapid pulse that beat from her center. It seemed to off for the rush of heat that radiated from just beyond her skin, almost too weak to contain the fire that raged through her veins. She arched her back towards the stranger, taking as much of him as he would give. She pressed her chest against him skimming his arms with heavy fingers, letting them fall down his back and further. She finally rested them on his hips, adding pressure as she expressed a greater need for him. Closer and closer he drove her, stirring a shudder that threatened to engulf her entirely. Her voice rose, uncontrolled it rang into his ear sounding her ever-growing climax.


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 05-16-2009

Perhaps it was because he had no reason to play on the safe side, though he probably could contribute it to the pain and heartache that had befallen his already chaotic life. Whatever the reason he'd dove into the lusty realm with no desire to turn back. Their forms mingling and entwined until you couldn't tell where one ended and one began. The raging fire that the passion drove through their veins was like heroin, so deadly yet so addictive. Neither should have even stepped foot on the path that brought them together but they couldn't deny that this wasn't what they needed, even if it was only for a moment in time.

The pulse that rang through his body, from his throat to his erect member sang of the desire that saturated his very being. At the tip of his touch he could feel the overwhelming passion that throbbed, that sacred pearl, a treasure beyond all others. He taunted and teased only to leave her on the edge, teetering but never reaching that final step. His nature was sweet but tempered with a cruel fine line that he played upon in everyway from day to day interactions to the very soul of love making. There was a beast behind his stormy eyes but he kept it on tight rein never going to far though the need and want was there. His nails traces tracks down her back as he felt the arch in her body, the begging that didn't need words as his tongue danced across the soft tender flesh of the woman.

Her fingers flushed his skin as blood pulsed through his body, driving him to the very brink that he'd so cruelty tested her upon. The kisses and trail of those deadly fangs that traced so tenderly his flesh brought a whole new level to the games they played in the sands, enveloped in a mist of mind altering infusion. When the frenzy came to the point of no return he sheathed himself fully, their bodies drawn together as though they were two pieces of a puzzle, long lost but finally finding their place in eachother.

A soft smile played upon his lips as he felt the aggression of the woman, demanding more, pressing further, meeting his motions instead of waiting for the wash of pleasure that came with every stroke. The impatience of his counterpart was met with the same controlled motion. The pull and thrust causing ripples of ecstasy through his body, increasing as she tried to gain the upperhand and wrap herself around him, sending his phallus deeper into the core of her passions as he adjusted his hold on the woman's frame, his hands firmly placed along her slender back above her tail as he pulled her down further inch by inch, the arousal increasing as he thrilled in the cruel nature of the lust.

Back and forth they strived to gain victory over the other, each claiming one more ripple as they rode the tidal passions that had begun so carelessly yet now had engulfed the two with no chance of escape until the final grand release. Each stroke brought their bodies into place and like the tides they ebbed away only to roll back in place where for now they belonged. He could feel the shudder that coursed through her palace and seemed to double the pleasure that was his reward with every push and pull. The vocal expressions of the girl drove him to frenzy as he felt the whole pace and tone of the dance move up a notch.

A ragged growl escaping his lips as the soft gentle strokes were forgotten as he rocked her slight form along his member, the ripples from her treasure milking his muscle as he broke loose of the elegance of the dance. Laying back against the sands that had originally cradled them he pushed past the brink, letting the woman take control like she'd so thrived for, his hands on her back guiding her against his manhood, wanting to see if she was daring enough to take what she'd so wanted moments before.

- Anu - 05-16-2009


He took from her everything she thought she never was. She wasn’t fire, or passion or lust. Yet it poured from her veins, beat so heavily in her chest and rang in the deepest parts of her that it was like finding herself for the first time. It was something that she felt had never been discovered, something that had been hiding in the distance watching until she was ready. She could see his fingers draw it from her skin, and when it made contact with the open night air it turned electric. Mingling with the thunder that rolled above them, intertwining with the lightning that broke the black sky and showered light down upon the two lovers.

Her breath was heavy, and she took each mouthful of air as if it would be her last. Each time their bodies met it drove the air from her lungs, threatening to never return. The exhilaration made her forget the task of and Anu forgot everything that had brought her to this moment. The pain and heartache had slipped away with mindless ease and what had brought them together did not compare or even matter as the melting fire that they sparked and ignited.

Even with her persuasion he fought her, keeping his slow strokes as she begged for everything more. Taking her as he wished, Anu savored the moment as he controlled her. Fighting more and more only increased the pleasure that he gave her. Asking and pleading for the one thing that she had rejected and forgotten made her passion swell and her lust grow. The victory was ten times as sweet when she felt his reaction, the increase of his speed and finally giving in to her demands. Anu smiled, her voice sounding from deep wtihin her throat again and again as he filled her deeply and rapidly. Hand left his hips and moved to hold his neck, steadying herself against him.

Blue eyes hidden behind tightly closed lids Anu felt it rise. Starting from her very core the climax that he brought forth starting with the innocent teasing would end with the rapid deep strokes. She moved with him in earnest, no longer savoring the feeling he gave but taking every pulsating penetration greedily. Her legs tightened their grip, while her fingers once again found the long fur of his mane. They no longer simply intertwined within the silky stands but held tightly as if she would somehow flout away without an anchor.

Anu felt the shudder grow into something greater, the vibration that he had created within her pushed her over the edge that she had teetered for what had felt like ages. Falling brought the release that he had made her beg for, her voice sounding even louder as she slipped oh so whiling into a place she hoped not to return from. It racked her body, took her breath from her and made her hold him closer and tighter.


- DaVinci 'Dait Nasphri - 05-22-2009

The brilliant flash of lightning from the stormy sky overhead cast a hard edge to the passionate exchange of the two bodies in the sands. The threatening call of the thunder warning of the rains to come seemed to rumble through their bodies, vibrating in their very beings as tongues and fingers collided on a dangerous course. The pulsing call from the core of the male seemed to be echoed from the woman he took that night as a lover. Perhaps they might never see one another again but just for one evening they found a place to belong.

The ragged heavy breath of the blue eyed girl was mirrored in the male as the shock of her touch nearly drove him to the edge. They kept pushing farther and farther, the intoxicating passions that made them forget the world around them the same force that turned their bodies into a raging inferno. Sparks dazzling the eyes as the raging weather set the rolling pattern of how their night had started, and would end. The feeling that had started off as something tiny had built up into a massive squall. Sooner or later it would have to break and wash away the tension of the frenzy they'd stirred up played upon each body as though the torment was worth every pulse that rippled through their form. Perhaps it was for again and again fingers traced lines of electricity across the curves while tongues and lips teased and taunted, giving and receiving but never enough.

He had learned a thing or two in his lifetime and even in the frenzy that he stirred within her body he knew that in the end it would be worth it. The tug over who had control would continue back and forth as the tides within grew stronger and stronger as he had his way with the woman. Though she tried time and time again to push him into a faster pace he never gave in, the roll of pleasure with each stroke rippling through his body as slowly but surely he teasingly increased the momentum of each thrust and pull. His reward for surrendering was the call of her passions so clear in his ear, coaxing him along, letting him know that he had to power to give and to take away. From here on out though there was no return, they had come to the last rise before the crest.

DaVinci watched through half closed eyes as the greyscale woman arched into his every motion, her body driving forward, craving the release that only he could give her. Hands cast over the back of his neck he could feel every pull as she brought him closer, deeper with every thrust and stroke of his body. Increasing the power of the tides that stirred within them thrice fold as he finally closed his story orbs, an echo of the sky above. His voice a soft moan from his lips as the woman tightened her body around his core, her fingers interlocked in his mane as a growl guttered in the back of his throat.

His hand harshly pulled her even deeper as the first shudder of that climatic moment occurred. The pulsing of their cores meeting as one on the rise of the tide. Cresting together as he felt the tension released in the last final strokes. Pulling her body up close against his the shudder rolled through his body taking him into an ecstasy he had long forgotten. Erasing the heartache and pain of harder times as for once he knew the bliss he'd locked out way back when. His ragged breath hot against her skin as the heaven's above opened up and the floods came down.

The heat from their bodies rising in tresses of steam up to kiss the rains that cast down upon their once lived fantasy.