'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Times of Healing - Printable Version

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- Ruri Aceline - 06-07-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

The female smiled when Heath promised that he would ask first before touching her again. That was polite of him, and she appreciated it. This way he wouldn't unintentionally startle her again. When she felt his hand move beneath her own to support it, the delicate, blind girl took a quiet, but deep breath as she allowed her fingers to trace the edges of his hand, feeling every finger and whatever unique characteristics his hand possessed. The first thing she noticed was how large it was compared to hers, and so very powerful, although the muscles had relaxed as soon as she had begun to feel it with her fingers. From her examination of his hand, she was able to discern a fair amount of information about his body. He was muscular, although not overly bulky in appearance, for his hand seemed relatively lean. His hand felt like he'd been in at least a couple fights, judging from the occasional scars her sensitive fingers found. Finally, her analysis of his hand complete, Ruri wrapped the slender fingers of her delicate hand around the male's hand in a friendly, understanding gesture. This male had been through more than his share of hardships in his lifetime. His hands told her that. However, despite those hardships, he was still kind, and that made her happy. He was definitely someone she would like to get to know better, and she was glad she had befriended him.

Her thoughts were drawn back to their conversation as Heath asked her another question. Would she stay here? This was not an easy question to answer, as Jac was not here. He was the king, after all. It would be up to him whether he wanted to stay here. However, it had been his plan to set up a new kingdom once arriving on these shores. Surely Firefly, Svara, and Leroy would be willing to join the pack. After all, they were almost a miniature pack already. As she thought of this, Ruri offered Heath another friendly smile, her pale blue, pupil-less eyes locked in Heath's general direction. "I'm not sure, Heath. The plan was for us to claim a territory once we had arrived here in these lands. It will be up to Jacquez whether I stay here or not. However, I have a strong feeling I'll be here for quite awhile," she laughed slightly, thinking about how she would try to persuade Jac to settle in this area. There were numerous possible courses of action. Surely one would work. Of course Jac would settle here, wouldn't he? It was the perfect area after all.


- Heath morte dre Soul - 06-07-2009


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... athban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I PM’d you :]

Gold eyes watched the smile that came to her face, finding comfort in that what he said brought her a small sense of happiness. He was unsure of his actions around the sightless woman, and he could not help the worry and anxiety that her feels brought to him. It was a warm and heavy sensation in his chest, while his stomach was light and uneasy. The male could not help but smile as she did, finding it incredibly contagious. She was beautiful, yes, but he had found many women with he would call beautiful and none made him as nervous then she did. But in the same moment he felt his form relax before her and he could not pull away.

Sitting still as she examined his hand, Heath felt as if she read his thoughts. Soft light fingers danced over his own, tracing lines down his palm and following the cracks and scars that blemished his fingers. He felt the fur on his neck rise as her touch hovered effortless over the center of his paw, tickling the sensitive nerves that lay just beneath the skin. Gold eyes watched as she rested her hand kindly in his, wrapping the small fingers around it. It felt as if his hand was being held by a feather, so soft and light. His own rough heavy fingers tried their best to hold her hand gently, though he was sure it was still coarse against the soft velvet of her own. It was her voice that broke the concentration that he held on their friendly embrace. When he looked upward he found her eyes and took in the soft words that danced into his ears.

He held his feeling of anxiety in, knowing that she maybe lost, and pushed the ever-present questions aside. Of course she did not know, the decision was up to the man she was connected to. Though her ending words held hope, and gave him back the fragment that he had been holding onto. Heath did not know why it mattered so much, his own feelings confusing him just as the woman did. He did not like that she had such a passive power over him, but no matter how unknown it was, he could not deny it. Instead he spoke warmly, I am sure he is a reasonable, good man. If you asked, I cant imagine him saying no. A small bit of laughter was held in his voice, he couldn’t see any beast saying no to her. If this Jacquez was any sort of man at all he would be as powerless as Heath was. He looked at Ruri for a moment, before adding a simple, I hope you do.

table by erin


- Ruri Aceline - 06-08-2009

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

Yay for short ending posts. So...this can be archived now?

Ruri smiled at Heath's comment about Jac. "He is, and I'm sure he'll say yes," she replied, turning to face the distant sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Jac would come back soon. She knew it, and when he did, they'd settle down right here with Firefly, Svara and Leroy. She was sure of it. When Heath announced his desire for her to stay, the delicate female blushed timidly. She knew that he meant it, which made led her face to flush pink even more. Her plumed tail wagged gently behind her, showing how glad the tiny border collie mix was that her newest friend had said that. It was nice to know that someone wanted her to stay. It made her feel more at home in this new land. With what little strength her delicate hand possessed, she squeezed Heath's muscular hand in a gesture of silent, but exuberant thanks for his words. "I'd be glad if you stayed for awhile, Heath. I doubt the rest of my friends will be returning for several hours. I'm sure we could find something to talk about..." she trailed off, realizing how desperate her words had just sounded. She hadn't intended for her request to turn into an outright plea for him to stay, but she was confident that she had at least made her point. The sensitive girl turned once again to face the male, her soft, ivory-furred hand clasping his as tightly as she could. She knew he would stay, at least until someone else arrived to keep her company. She didn't know how she knew. She just knew.
