'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Asariel - 07-04-2009


Asariel watched Ty stand up and briefly wondered what he was doing, but then her question was soon answered as she watched him step out into the rain, letting the water roll off his slim and attractive body. The young woman felt momentarily ashamed of her mild infatuation. But then she wondered, why shouldn't she be attracted to him? He seemed like a nice boy, the loyal type anyway. But then she reasoned that she didn't exactly want to get herself mixed up with the Nasphrite's -- why she couldn't place. She stood up and wandered out into the rain with him, letting the nippy water flatten her fur and plaster her mane to her shoulders.

She smiled at his compliment and, if she had been able to blush, she would have. She nodded in agreement as he said that he would have to keep these things in mind and she looked at him. He was a charming fellow indeed and she decided not to hide her temporary attraction --in the event things with Lysander went south, if they were going anywhere at all, she could perhaps have something of a backup (if Ty were willing of course) and besides, what's the harm in toying with a heart or two here and there anyway? Then she frowned. No, no no. This was the wrong state of mind, she shouldn't be thinking this way. It was wrong to toy with someone's heart for their own personal game.

"So..what do you usually do for fun? You've told me about everyone else, what about you? Got any hobbies?" Ty asked. She mused. "Well, I have a bit of a talent with wood work, kind of...I'm not genius but I'm still not that bad. I can make pretty good arrows," she laughed, then continued. "I'm skilled in healing and working with different wounds and sicknesses, but that's not really fun. Otherwise, I just kind of wander around and think. That's what you found me doing," she smiled warmly. "Such an exciting life I live, isn't it?"


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-05-2009

Ty smiled as he again shook his body again, sending more water scattering away from his body. He then noticed that Asariel had walked out into the rain, and he couldn't help but observe that she had a stunning figure. She was indeed an attractive and beautiful woman, but Ty wasn't the most forward man, which is most likely because of his rather polite and innocent manner, so he didn't say anything about it. However, he couldn't shake the feeling she was giving him that same manner of look, that sort of attracted glance that Ty had thought he gave.

However, he heard her speak up about her hobbies, and he gave another genuine smile. "Why yes, that's very interesting." he chuckled lightly, he had caught the sarcasm in her voice, but sort of ignored it as he responded honestly. "I'd love to see one of your arrows, I bet they're very finely crafted." He chuckled as he splashed a puddle, sort of looking at his reflection in it as he did. "What other stuff can you make out of wood?" He asked her curiously, turning to her with his odd yellow-blue colored eyes, both colors giving off a certain shine.

- Asariel - 07-05-2009


The woman smiled as she caught Ty's glance. She wasn't really used to being checked out, but she had to admit it was kind of nice. But, she couldn't help but feel guilty. If she was going to do it, she was going to toy with an innocent mans heart and hurt him. Asariel didn't have the guts to do that to him. She had what some would call a bleeding heart, something where she couldn't stand to do something for fear of another's feelings. She sighed softly and looked at Ty, considering what she wanted to do. Not was she should do, she never took that into consideration for one moment.

She looked at Ty again as he inquired about her woodwork. "Oh, well...not much, I'll admit. I made a couple of chairs once...or I should say I attempted to." she smiled. "But they fell apart not soon after. They weren't very sturdy. I've made a few flutes here and there. I'm not too terribly skilled at woodwork. Still learning and working out the kinks." She explained, looking at his eyes. He had nice eyes, she noticed. She liked his eyes. Though, she liked a lot about him.


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-05-2009

Ty nodded as he listened to the woman's tale of how her chairs would fall apart after she made them. "Well...everyone makes mistakes before making a beauty." He said with a chuckle. "I'll bet that when you get good at woodwork, you'll make really great stuff!" He spoke with a tone of assurance and sincerity, meaning every word he said.

Ty made eye contact with her, and noticed she was most likely confused by the fact both his eyes were two different colors. "Ah....my eyes..." He said as he averted his own from her before staring at the grass. "Yeah, I know their odd, I don't know why they are both yellow and blue, it doesn't make sense to me either."

- Asariel - 07-06-2009


Asariel smiled briefly at Ty as he offered her the compliment. She sat down on a (rather wet) boulder nearby, letting the rain shower down. The top layer of her normally golden fur was now almost soaked through and as she looked up at the sky, she reasoned that the rain wasn't going to let up any time soon. She heaved a sigh and rested her cheek on her dainty hand, strands of chocolate mane becoming ensnared by the short fur on her face.

Ty must have noticed her staring at his eyes because he looked strange suddenly. She listened to his brief explanation and her own eyes widened. "Oh, no! It's not that, not that at all. I was just thinking about how much I liked them. They're so unique. I like unique things." She smiled warmly at him, before her thoughts momentarily drifted back to Lysander. He seemed to stick out at her for some reason, why she didn't know. He was probably just another jackass that didn't deserve another look. But what was Ty's story? He was a nice fellow. Not a smartass (she didn't think so anyway) and she couldn't help but want to get to know him more. Maybe she would.


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-06-2009

"Oh! Well...thank you very much!" He said with a small smile as he looked at his own eyes in a puddle's reflection, always noting that they were so different from everyone else's, one day, he'd like to know why they were like that, and if they were a threat to his vision. He'd seen people with different colored eyes, but never with multicolored ones, that was something he stood out with. The rain now had turned his glistening sunset orange fur into a wet orange mop, now heavy with water and clinging to him like a wet sock. He looked to Asariel as she slowly went onto a wet rock and sat down.

Ty on the other hand, wasn't ready to sit down, and was more exploritive at the moment, he began to follow a small stream that the rain had begun to make as it slithered down the road, though he didn't go that far, as he'd simply be abandoning his newfound friend. Turning back to her, he asked "So...what's your story? How'd you ed up here in Pheonix Valley?" He asked her.

- Asariel - 07-06-2009


Upon watching him start walking down the river, Asariel stood up and trailed after him like a lost pup. She felt suddenly alone. She hadn't attached herself to anyone and she couldn't help but feel like nobody liked her. Stupid emotions, she thought to herself. What did one need emotions for, anyway? Maybe to feel nice things like love, happiness, and glee. But then there were the bad things like anger, hate, and rage. Who needed those?

She offered Ty another one of her charming smiles. "Well, I came here from California. Long trip huh? The little one I told you about, Addison, she's from Cali too. It was a long journey. I'd heard things, about packs and stuff and decided maybe it would be nice to join one of them. So I travelled down here and just sort of...stumbled upon Phoenix Valley and thought it looked nice."


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-06-2009

"Ah...that's an interesting tale." Ty said with a small nod and a whimsical smile, then he added with a bit of curiosity. "I've never been to california....what's it like over there?" He asked her as he noticed she was following hm down the newly made stream. He smiled softly to her as they went, and he couldn't help but feel like something was tearing her up inside, and he began to wonder what it was. Perhaps it had something to do with the way she stared at him, maybe there was something more she wanted to say to him, which was confusing, as she hadn't really asked a lot about him yet.

However, Ty was very much enjoying this wolf's company, her soft and calm attitude along with her charming mannerisms were very intriguing to Ty. He could see himself being very good friends with this woman, then he ended up tripping over a small stone and nearly falling over. But he quickly caught himself and blushed from the embarrassment of not watching where he was going.

- Asariel - 07-09-2009


Asariel trilled a laugh and trailed after Ty, almost like a lost puppy. It was an interesting tale indeed, though she had left out some of the details so it had probably come across as mildly boring. She figured he was just being polite. She stopped for a moment, leaning against a tree as she thought to herself. Her eyes followed Ty as he walked along, asking her what California was like. Smiling, she followed him again.

"Well, it's really warm and sunny most of the time. I really like it." She smiled fondly at the memory. "I kind of miss it. It's usually pretty cool here, and rainy. But that's okay. I like it here, too. I'm pretty lenient when it comes to where I live." She walked closer to Ty, so close that her body momentarily brushed against his as she took a few steps ahead of him. "So you're dad is DaVinci, huh? I had a run in with him once. He was drunk, so I guess that can't really say much for his character, eh?"


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-09-2009

Ty simply nodded and smiled to what she said about California, he was more curious, but he only replied "Huh..how interesting, maybe I'll go visit it someday." before nodded in agreement about liking it here in Nova Scotia, as he liked it here as well. That's when Asariel brushed up against Ty, but only lightly, and Ty got slightly puzzled by it. That wasn't by accident, that was intentional, why would she do that? He couldn't help but be curious about it, but should he ask? Nah, too silly, so he simply decided to walk up ahead of her and simply brush right back, seeing where that went.

When she said how she met his father, he frowned in a sort of frown, not anger, not despair, just discontent. "Hey, that's my father, he's a good man...he's just...very emotional." Ty said with a turn to look at her. He began to wonder if she was just trying to get under his skin with that remark, or perhaps his father had really been more depressed then he thought, the silver-haired old man was beginning to succumb to his emotional tolls, and Ty began to wonder how much that really affected his psyche.

- Asariel - 07-11-2009


Asariel smiled as Ty brushed up against her. Desired reaction received. She plotted and waited, just until they would stop. Then she would throw her little bit of flirting (that she had knowledge of) into action. "Yes, you will have to visit California. There are lots of beaches and warm water." She shuddered at the happy memories. "I really enjoyed it there. But when my family left and I couldn't find them...I decided it'd be best to just move on. And the rest is history," She trilled another laugh, walking calmly through the dew-covered grass. It had stopped raining, but the sky was still down-cast with thick thunderheads, threatening to spill its tears again.

She listened to the small, bubbling creek and she sighed contently. Even though it wasn't sunny and cheery like she normally liked it, but the weather had a nice chill to it and she was seemingly content. Everything was going just fine. She took a deep breath and let the sweet-sour smell of rotting, damp vegetation reach her nostrils. Ah, she loved that smell. It was kind of homey, to her anyway. To some it might be a little rank, but what did she care? That wasn't her problem. She looked at Ty and waved her hand, motioning for the other Were to hurry up and follow her trail through the tall, wet grass. The water beads were dampening her golden fur and turning it a wet-sand color, but at this moment in time she didn't particularly mind.


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-11-2009

"Beaches and warm water huh? That's quite a change from here...maybe soon I will go visit." He chuckled. "Some vacation or something, after all, I only have one life, I might as well go see all the sights before I grow old!" With a grin as he noticed the rain slowing to a stop. He looked at the sky with a mix of joy and sadness. Sure the rain had stopped, but like he said before, now everything was quite soggy, the ground now wet and soggy with rain. But, Ty let it all roll off his back as he continued to walk with Asariel, simply enjoying her company.

Hearing her story about her family, he frowned lightly, taking pity for Asariel about what happened. 'Huh...well, I'm sorry to hear that." Ty said with sincerity as he slowed his pace, looking up to the sky to see if it was going to rain again, he kind of liked it raining today, but he wasn't sure why. Looking back to the young woman in front of him, he noticed she was beckoning him to follow closer, to which he complied to instantly, quickening his pace so he was walking beside her again.

- Asariel - 07-11-2009


Forgive Me Father, For The Wrongs I Have Done...

Asariel smiled as the handsome man was beside her once more. She sensed a wonderful, budding friendship with him, maybe something a little more. Friends with benefits, perhaps? Asariel frowned then, chiding her selfish wants and needs. She shouldn't want to take advantage of Ty that way. It wasn't love (not that she knew what love was, exactly) and she couldn't help but feel terrible. Ty was such a nice guy, and here she was, wanting to take advantage of him. It was just so tempting, and really, he was the nicest guy she'd met since she had arrived here.

Flirtatious as she was, she wasn't what some people would call promiscuous. "Oh, that's fine. Don't feel sorry for something you had no knowledge of," she said with a smooth, silky tone. She wasn't one to rush into sex or to become mates with someone (Again, exactly what is love?) but she was always up for a little bit of flirting here and there. Nothing wrong with that, right?

...And For Those I Am About To Do


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-11-2009

Ty couldn't help but begin to notice that the female he was talking to was getting a little attached to him, he was a lighthearted, carefree young man, but he wasn't stupid. The female obviously was attaching herself to him rather quickly, and he was beginning to wonder if it was something else besides his charming personality. However, just jumping into it and asking her wouldn't be the most tactical of choices, so Ty decided he'd continue to play dumb and see where she was going to take this. Ty wasn't good at romance, and he was still somewhat inexperienced when it came to sexual relations, though not completely foreign to him. However, he was open to this idea, it sort of excited him, it wasn't a loving feeling though, he still viewed Asariel as a friend.

"Alright, if that's the way you feel about it." He replied with a small nod. He stopped at a stream with some rocks that looked kind of like a bench, to which he motioned to Asariel ad said "Hey, this looks like a good spot to rest...the tree above it kept these rocks rather dry."

- Asariel - 07-16-2009


OOC: Oh gosh, this is terrible, but I had to write something. Sorry Adam.

Asariel blinked in mild surprise and followed Ty to the rocks, sitting down on a dark hued boulder. She looked up at the canopy of trees, of which a couple branches were dripping from the previous rain. A water droplet leaped from the bough above her and landed on her nose, causing her to squeak in surprise. "Oh," she said, going cross eyed for a moment. Ugh, rain. It was wet and cold and horrible. Which again brought her to the realization that the earth needed it.

Asariel looked at Ty. What was she trying to do with him? She didn't want to hurt him, but she was lonely. So very, very lonely. She knew very well it wasn't fair to him, but what else was she going to do? Perhaps find some other person she didn't even really particularly like. But then that would make her feel bad. She sighed. either way it was a lose/lose situation.


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-16-2009

Hey, it still gives me something to reply to Big Grin

"Huh....thought the rain was over with....ah well." He said as he observed the tears of water falling from the sky. He shrugged it off like he did most things, not particularly minding the return of the raindrops. Climbing up onto the rock, he stretched out on it and closed his eyes, the rain was rather peaceful and calming to listen to, it put him at ease. Ty then opened one eye, noticing that Asariel had not come sit by him yet, probably because she had wanted to get out of the rain.

Ty honestly hadn't been all that bothered by the rain to begin with, it's not like it was really inconveniencing him. However, it was also partially that he had been so involved in talking to Asariel that it hadn't even crossed his mind. Sure, he'd be regretting it later when he got all soggy, but a quick bath or something would take care of his woes. What he did wonder was that Asariel was looking at, why she was staring at him so, like she was contemplating something. He frowned lightly, something was definitely troubling her, and he decided maybe he should find out what it was. But perhaps...somewhere more comfortable should suffice.

"Hey." He said as he rose his head to talk with her. "There is a cave nearby, would you like to go in there and get a little bit dry?"

- Asariel - 07-17-2009


The young woman looked at Ty as he mentioned a cave. "Oh, that would be nice. We're going to get a chill if we're out here much longer," she said, standing up and shaking the spare water droplets off of her coat. Oh, she hated being wet. It was a nuisance and left a yucky feeling. But she focused on being dry, which would happen soon enough. Granted, heat helped when one wanted to dry off, but she would deal with the lack of heat. She then reasoned that it wasn't exactly that cold outside, just a little on the chilly side. No harm done at all. She smiled at Ty. "Well, let's go then!" She exclaimed, smiling widely at her new friend.

Though she had been here over the course of a few months, Asariel still didn't have many friends. Ty, Addison, Honoré and Lysander were her only real friends at the moment. But, though they were few, she was still content to have the friends she had. Friends were hard to come across now a days and she had to keep the few that she had.


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-17-2009

"Alright, follow me, and stick close, we'll sprint there!" He said as he suddenly took off on all fours, bounding into the rain again with breckneck speed. Of course, he held back a little to see if Asariel would keep up, he didn't want to lose her after all. The cave turned out to be just over a hill, to which Ty quickened his pace to the dry and rather warm cave, which surprised Ty, figuring it would be cold and wet, but it wasn't bad at all. His muscles easily pushed him forward, being used to running through harsh conditions, the slippery ground barely slowed him down, not noticeable unless seen by a trained eye.

Panting lightly, Ty sat down again and rested calmly in the cave, listening to the rain pattering outside. He didn't really continue his conversation at the moment, but rather, simply enjoyed her company and relax.

But it was also partially a test, a test to see what her motives of staying with him for this long was. He had the assumption he was being hit on by her, but now he was giving her an opportunity to prove him right or wrong. Ty kept himself quiet for the moment to see what she'd do, would she snuggle up to his side? Or would she feel awkward about it and not make a motion? Or would she not make any care about it at all? He kept one eye open slightly to see what she'd do. He had a feeling he was right, but this was a true test to see if his assumptions were correct.

- Asariel - 07-18-2009


Asariel stared in surprise as Ty bolted off, on all fours nonetheless. The woman didn't like being on all fours, she was too sophisticated for that. But, she decided to humor the man and she dropped to her hands, taking off at incredible speed. She rocketed through the wet grass and bushes, droplets clinging to her sand colored fur. She reached the cave shortly after Ty, standing up fluently. She shook herself off and the little bits of water flew everywhere, peppering the stone walls. The cave was uninviting, but it was dry nonetheless.

She watched Ty lay down and she briefly considered her options. She could sit beside him or, she could sit away from him. Pondering this for several seconds she decided on something in-between. The golden woman lowered herself to the ground not a few inches away from him, so that her fur was just barely touching him. At a loss for something to say she just stayed quiet, quickly jerking her claws through her long, muddy, entangled mane as she just watched the rain pelt down on the world. She stored this place away in her memory for future keeping, in case she was ever in the area again and needed a place to stay.


- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-18-2009

When she laid not but a few inches away, Ty simply muttered a small 'ah hah' under his breath, he could see now she was getting at what he thought. She WAS interested in him physically, but she was apprehensive, she wasn't ready to simply rush into it, something was holding her back. Ty didn't know what, but she wasn't willing to make that last step without coercion, without some sort of opening for her to confess, a confession that Ty would attempt to bring out of her in words, he could only hope he had the tact not to offend her.

He turned his head to face her and spoke softly, with a certain calming tone to his voice. "...It seems like you have something to say...but something is stopping you. Got something on your mind?" He asked, rolling to one side to face her. He could feel her body heat now, as they were so close, or was she just really warm? He sighed and waited for her response, hoping he wouldn't have to try much harder then that.