'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Asariel - 08-05-2009


Sorry it's not really good Rendall, my mother and I are fighting so I'm not exactly the happiest right now.

Asariel nodded slowly as the young one talked about DaVinci. The subleader had left, why she still didn't know. Maybe she didn't want to know, she reasoned. Then again what business was it of hers as to why the subleader left? She was sure DaVi knew what he was doing. She hear Rendall muttering something and as she looked, she noticed the deep blue that tinted her black fur. She smiled. "That's quite the interesting fur color," She complimented, her green and blue eyes staring at the abnormality.

Asariel liked things that were different. She always had, and was always on the look for something that wasn't normal. The normal was boring and overrated; you should always be yourself.

No matter what the costs.


- Rendall - 08-05-2009

It's all good, me and my mother fight all the time, so dont worry about it, i understand. ^.^

Rendall blushed at the she-wolf's comment she never really liked her fur, but she tried not to beat herself up to much about it, "Thanks, I got it from my mother..i think...she use to have golden fur with red highlights, but since my father gave me black fur, it turned out alittle more different for me." she smiled at the wolf and handed her another cup of the warm coca and blew on hers a bit to cool it off.

- Asariel - 08-07-2009


Asariel nodded as the pup explained genetics. You couldn't be responsible for what your parents gave you. The woman kind of wished she had some sort of weird, funky thing about her; something someone could find so interesting. But alas, the woman was just the same. Just a normal luperci, nothing new, nothing extravagant. She smiled warmly at Rendall. Such love she had for little ones. Asariel knew of course that one day she would want to have cubs of her own; it was just a matter of finding the right one to have them with.

Asariel took the warm cup gratefully and sipped, this time making sure that the liquid was cooled off before she burned her sensitive tongue again. "Well, I think it looks very good on you," the wolfess complimented, still smiling. "So Ty is like your older brother, hm? What's he like?" There was always an opportunity to learn something about someone, and when opportunity knocks, you answer, no questions asked.


- Rendall - 08-07-2009

The pup blushed, she was used to having so many people not like her fur, but ever since she had entered Pheonix Vally, it seemed like everyone loved her fur. She smiled and wagged her tail in response "Well thank you, i'm not used to being complimented much." she found a two stools and, after offering Asariel one, climbed her little body up and plumped down on the other. She continued to sip her coca in hopes of not burning her little speckled tounge. Asariels question caught her attention once more.

" Ty? oh yeah, he's very nice and noble as well, he even saved my life once." the pup showed the female her grizzly scar on her right leg that the puma had so colorfully given to her. "He's just always been there to help out or just to have a good old time." Rendall smiled remembering the night that her, Xeris, Anya, and Ty had spent by the hotsprings watching the fireflies and splashing each other like children.

- Asariel - 08-08-2009


sorry it sucks again. x.x

Asariel's bi-colored eyes widened at the sight of the scar. She wondered what had caused it; it must have hurt, she thought. She was proud of her friend for saving the youngster. What an act of bravery that must've been, Asariel thought. The woman graciously took the dark wood stool and sat down on it, flicking her bushy multi colored tail as she thought. "Ouch, how did that happen? It looks like it hurt," The woman said, raising her eyes to meet Rendall's face. Asariel herself had a couple hefty scars; one that wrapped around her foreleg and the other that was on her flank. She had no idea what had happened to her, but it must've been bad whatever it was.

As she sipped her cocoa she wondered where she'd gotten the scars. She'd obviously been injured when she was very young, what other reason could she have for not remembering something like that?

So many things to remember and so many to forget...


- Rendall - 08-08-2009

lol its ok

Rendall grimaced at the memory and looked at the she-wolf "I was practicing my hunting skills one evening and i wasnt paying attention when i fell upon a puma. I would have been torn to pieces had Ty not intervined, he killed the puma and got a few scratches as well while Pendzez helped me, Xeris and Anya patched him up."

She looked down at the scar, her leg, though had been set, was still messed up from the attack and she still had to stretch it every day to keep it from cramping too much. "The strang thing is is ever since then, ive had butterflies fallow me everywhere i go." she motioned to the window where a few of the annoying bugs sat quietly.

- Asariel - 08-08-2009


Asariel nodded slowly as she listened to Rendall's story about the cougar. The woman had never encountered one of the cats herself, but she could tell she didn't want to. She had an image of them in her mind; glinting yellow eyes, rippling muscles under a thin coat of tawny hide, large paws with four long claws that could be retracted. Large, sharp incisors, slightly yellowed, were revealed when the cat pulled back its lips to let free a ferocious snarl. Its long tail flicked in annoyance and it crouched; then it leapt through the air, paws spread, claws protruded. She played it out in her mind; the large cat landed on its prey (she imagined it as a rabbit; the Cat's usually only catch larger specimens by hiding in a tree until something came along, and then it would leap down onto it's victim's back and bite through the neck) and killed in instantly. She shuddered inwardly as she imagined what the small rabbit had been thinking. Had it felt any pain in the last few moments of its life? Most likely.

Her attention was drawn back to Rendall when the youngster mentioned the butterflies. She blinked. Well that was unusual, she thought. "Oh really? I love butterflies." The lady set her mug down and stood up, walking over to where the six-legged critters sat. She extended her hand, slowly, then waited for a few moments. A striking yellow and black butterfly (Asariel was able to identify it as a Swallowtail) fluttered around her head for a few moments before settling down on her hand. A triumphant smile spread across her face. She walked back over to Rendall and sat down, the little insect still resting on her, folding and unfolding its wings periodically. She smiled at the pup. "I think they're so pretty. The Great One was sure creative when He made these, wasn't He?" Asariel had heard of the human's God, Whose Son, Jesus, had come to Earth many, many, many years ago, only to die for man's sins. She had found the story absolutely amazing and so interesting that she had adopted their God as her own, in a way. She wasn't overly religious; she didn't even really mention Him too much, but once in a while it slipped.


- Rendall - 08-10-2009

The pup watched as the other two butterflies came over and rested on her shoulder and head, moving around precariously with their wings calmly resting. She put her hand out for the gold red one on her shoulder, it was begining to fade in color and the pup sadly thought that she would have to say goodbay to her mother's spirit soon.

Asariel's question startled the pup..."Who's he?" she asked with pure curiosity in her voice. She had heard from her tutors in her old pack that the humans fallowed many gods, however there was one that was most popular and most worshipped as well as fallowed amongst them all. Or as some even said, he was the only true god, the one above all the myths and legends. Could this be the one that the she-wolf talked of?

- Asariel - 08-10-2009


Asariel smiled at the young one's eagerness. The Swallowtail fluttered off of her hand and she watched it go, wishing it hadn't. Butterflies had always held some kind hope, some kind of faith that kept her going. It held hope that life would turn out as she wanted it to, faith that it would most certainly. She smiled as it landed on the wall, sitting still as stone. She turned her unique, bi-colored eyes back on Rendall. "Well," she started, wondering just how to explain to the young one the story of how God gave His only Son to the world of man. She frowned briefly, confused as how to start.

"The Great One? Well, the humans called Him God, and they called His Son Jesus. Jesus was born to a lady who had never had babies before though, her name was Mary. She and her husband Joseph walked all the way to a really old city called Bethleham; and they tried to get a place to stay so that Mary could have Baby Jesus, but there wasn't any room. So, they stayed in a stable and Mary had her baby there. Angels came to three wise men and they traveled to this little town, bringing nice smelling oils and gifts for the new Lord. Jesus, and His Father are the same though, and Jesus is the Fisher of Men. He saves your soul, see." She knew it was probably a confusing story and she most definitely wasn't the best one to tell it, but she got credit for trying, anyway.


- Rendall - 08-12-2009

The child cocked her head in interest. Huh, so it was the one that her old tutors had talked of. "Yes, now that you mention it, i think i do know who your talking about. Our teachers or tutors in our old pack wuld tell us many stories of this Son of God." the butterflies whirled around her and took off out into the sunny day.

She watched them go, watched as they intricatly circled each other and fluttered about, wishing that someday she could do the same. To be able to flutter about doing your own business, collecting pollen and nectar. Moving from flower to flower, helping life continue and go about doing its thing. She wanted to be apart of it all, but she still had to find her place in this life.

- Asariel - 08-15-2009


Asariel beamed, happy that the pup had heard of God. She wasn't exactly sure what happened to them when they died; did they go to God's heaven, or...? She was so curious about that, but Asariel supposed she wouldn't find out until she herself had moved on. She sadly wondered where her family was right now; she of course knew they were all dead and gone, the disease having wiped them out. Her mother had told her that she had older siblings out there somewhere, and the young woman often wished to find them, but of course had never acted on it.

The young woman wondered what they were like; what did they look like? Were they happy and exuberant, or sad and withdrawn? Her whole family, or what she remembered, had been outgoing like herself, but she wasn't sure if her other siblings were even still alive. She turned her attention back to the youngster back in front of her. "Oh, did they now? Well, that's good I suppose. I'm not exactly sure what happens to us when we die...I know a lot of humans believed that, if they were saved by Jesus, they would go to a place called Heaven. But we're animals, though more advanced."


- Rendall - 08-21-2009

* I figured that since it was laggin a bit we can go ahead and finish up here, but i do give you props for your, (or at least i feel) bravery in bringing in the christian relationship with God. its nice to know that there are some believers out there that are willing to do that. ^.^*

The child moved about and finally realized the time. She was late for patrol duty. " Oh dear, well miss Asariel a must leave, my mentor is going to kill me if i'm late for patrol duty. Do forgive me, your welcome to stay if you'd like, but i really must get going."

The blue child slurped down what was left of her hot coca and hopped off the stool. She gave Asariel a hug before going into her room. She came back out with a golden locket on a blue ribbon tied around her neck. Rendall waved at the golden female with her bi-colored eyes and left closing the door behind her. She changed into her lupen form and took off down the path, the last thing she saw was the comfy home of Da Vinci, little did she know, it would be the last time she would find that place that warm again.