'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
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- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-11-2009

Ty opened up one eye slowly to see the white noble wolf holding the petite blue pup in his arms, and a slow, gentle, caring smile. He saw the pup's concern as he slowly rose his blood-soaked head, the red fluid now drying onto his fur, turning him a brownish color. Wincing lightly, he felt his wounds again beginning to sting, he passed it off as the herbs setting in, but he didn't want to trouble anyone by moaning about it, so he kept the thought and pain to himself, keeping his lighthearted persona.

"Yeah, I'm fine...I'll live." Ty replied as he cracked his neck, still working out the knicks and kinks in his system, aside from the wounds. "They're just flesh wounds, I'll be fine in a week or so." He smiled lightly as he noticed the other two still preparing the bandages. He then continued when Rendall asked about the puma "No, I was the last thing it had contact with, it didn't attack any other wolves around here..." He then placed his head down again and breathed easier knowing Rendall was safe, after all, he had blindly gone and attacked a creature bigger then himself for her protection.

- Anya - 07-11-2009

Anya looked up from her work, seeing Rendall safe and conscious in the male's arms. Well, about time she introduced herself.

"I'm Anya. Your herbs....what all is in that pouch?"

Ty's injuries were sealing up nicely, so Anya sat back, and admired her work... Granted, it wasn't pretty, but neither was the fight that Ty had gotten himself into in the first place. She grinned to herself. From the lkooks of his scars, Ty had been in plenty of fights like that, so she shouldn't have worried so much.

"You're all set, Ty. Just don't put too much weight on that paw for a couple of days."

- Rendall - 07-12-2009

Rendall clutched onto Pendzez's neck and looked at the others, a sigh of relief escaped her as she listened to Ty's answer. Her gardian held her securely, she felt safe in his arms, for someone who was six months old, she sure was small, she realized this about herself, and looked her body down once, she shrugged and looked to Anya and Xeris " Thank you both for helping him i feel so bad for getting you all into this."

she turned to Pendzez "Thank you you saved my life Pendzez, i dont know how i can repay you." the pup was feeling more weak now than ever, she practically collasped from exhaustion in the white males arms "I guess i'm alittle more tired from all of this than i thought" she tried her best to smile at the blood stained noble to give him reassurance that she was ok. she took one last good look at everyone "You should all get cleaned up, your all bloody."

- Anya - 07-13-2009

Anya laughed, a snort through her nose, as Rendall commented on the blood over their coats. It was nothing compared to the satisfaction she felt at helping Ty. It was always like this, after healing somebody that she felt close with. Although Anya hadn't known Ty for very long, she had panicked when she had smelled is blood mingling with the blood scents of the puma and Rendall.

"Blood doesn't much bother me the way it used too." Anya sighed ruefully. But she turned her nose in the direction of the stream, half expecting to be followed by the others. A good, solid, cold draft from the water would clear her mind.

- Xeris - 07-13-2009

Xeris was relieved to see Pendzez arrive with Rendall. She seemed to be all right. Xeris was still shaking a little but starting to calm down. "Pendzez...thank you for helping her," she said softly. "And Anya...thank you for helping me with Ty. I don't know what would have happened if either of you hadn't shown up. Rendall, Ty, I'm glad you're both safe." Xeris sighed shakily and looked around at the others.

At Rendall's comment about the blood, Xeris looked down. She did indeed have a fair amount of blood staining her white fur. "Oh..." she said, "Yeah. I suppose the stream will work for that." She cupped her hand, dipped it into the cool water, and began to wash a bit of the redness from her coat.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 07-13-2009

Pendzez showed appreciation of the thanks', but he didn't want them to. He would be happy to know that Rendall was safe. That was all he asked for after this trouble. He looked down at the Rendall that was still curled up in his arms and he smiled. She was safer with him. But why didn't she see the animal? Maybe she wasn't concentrating, but what had her attention? It didn't matter. She was safe and sound now.

Pendzez looked up at his friends and the new female. He needed a bath in the stream to wash the blood off of his pelt. The red doesn't go good with it. The scent made him sick. "Can we please hurry, if we can? The stream is over there," he said as he moved his to the direction of the stream. North, where he was pointing his head to. Rendall needed to be washed to get the blood off her too. DaVinci is going to have a fit.

- Rendall - 07-13-2009

Rendall began to slowly wash the blood from her leg, she whimpered from the pain it brought to touch the tattered limb, she could feel where the break in her bone was, she needed Pendzez to set it or else it was never going to heal well, she looked up at the male with pain and demise in her eyes, she didnt want him to do this but he had to, she didnt trust anyone else to touch her leg, all he really had to do was pull it straight, but that, even when touching it hurt, would be an adventure all on its own.

"Pen...Pendzez, i need you to do something for me." she started to studdered and shake real badly after that, she wasnt a fan of pain and the thought of going through more of it already scared her. "My leg, as you may already know is its broken, i need you to set it." she didnt want to put him through this, he'd already been through enough, however, she didnt, couldnt trust anyone, just him at least for the moment "All you have to do is pull it straight, its quite simple." she tried to hide her fear with a smile, she didnt want anyone to know how much this was going to hurt.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-13-2009

Ty nodded to the stream idea and slowly got to all four paws, however keeping his wounded one from pressing down too much, as he did not want to damage it or re-open the wounds. He grunted and winced slightly slightly as he began to take steps, still wobbling from blood loss, which the water would hopefully replenish. However, something caught his eye, the dead puma carcass was still simply laying there, and Ty almost felt like scolding everyone there. Had nobody realized that was fresh meat? He spoke quickly and curiously, motioning to the dead creature. "Hey....not to slow us down or anything...but is anyone going to eat that puma? I mean, the meat of the creature is pretty tough because it's all muscle...but it seems a waste to just leave it here...anyone want to eat it now or take it with us or something?"

He looked to the other wolves for an answer, his own stomach was grumbling slightly, but he alone was not going to be able to take this thing with him. And by the time they got back, the carrion birds would already be picking the corpse clean of any real meat. Ty could already see some ravens circling above, their black ominous wings beating as they waited patiently for the wolves to leave so they could swoop down and tear away at the corpse until nothing was left but the bones.

- Anya - 07-13-2009

Anya heard the rumble in Ty's stomach before she felt the rumble in her own, and laughed out loud. Puma meat was better than nothing.

"So, what do we do? Sit down to eat now and take turns going to the stream to clean up?" Anya furrowed her brow worriedly at Rendall's request. From the way her leg was hanging, it was indeed broken, but Anya couldn't set a bone straight very well.

- Rendall - 07-15-2009

The pup looked at the puma's carcas her stomach growled but she ignored it " Uh...you guys go ahead....i'm not too keen on eating something that just tried to kill me..." she tried her best not to look disgusted, instead she turned away and continued to wash her tatterd limb in the stream as well as every other blood covered spot on her little body.

- Xeris - 07-15-2009

Xeris was slightly unnerved by the idea of eating the puma. She'd never had puma meat before. In looking at the animal's body, it was rather disturbing to her; this creature had very shortly before now been alive and trying to kill two of her friends. She was a little bit hungry, but was just rather put off by the idea of eating that monster.

The white wolf sat down beside Pendzez. She'd stopped shaking, her heartbeat had slowed to normal, and the tears on her face had dried. She looked down at the ground, busy in thought. If it hadn't been for her friends, two of the wolves sitting around her might not be alive right now. It was scary. Xeris had never come this close to losing someone before. As the others conversed, she sat quietly, thinking.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-15-2009

Nobody said anything besides Anya and Rendall, but Ty could read the faces of disgust amongst most of them. He guessed that it wasn't their fault, they weren't used to just eating whatever they killed like he was, after all, he wasn't the best tracker, so when things came to him, it was just that much easier to eat for a day all alone. He shrugged and said "Ah well....guess we can leave him to the birds....let's go to the stream!"

Ty soon began to limp his way to what he thought was the way, he could already see the ravens descending on the corpse, the gutsiest ones getting the good parts before the more cautious ones, but not even that could upset Ty now. He was just glad that everyone was alright, especially Rendall. He didn't mind not getting a thank you for it, he was just glad to see that she hadn't died, nor had anyone got too worried either, it was a good day...or at least...a good end to it, he certainly think that a puma attack was 'good'. Although, somewhere deep inside Ty, the feeling of battle somewhat energized him, somewhere inside, he enjoyed it.

But that wasn't something he was about to share.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 07-20-2009

Pendzez had led the way to the stream. He felt calm when he heard the sound of running water. He walked only knee length in the water, where he placed Rendall in so she could clean the blood off, which he saw run in the direction the water was running to. He lifted her broken leg up softly so she couldn't feel much pain. He ran his hand through the fur to remove the blood. It was washed and he steadied it carefully. He torn off some cloth from one of his pant legs and grabbed a stick. He placed the stick on the leg on the side and wrapped the cloth around it, tying it with the other end. She had to keep the leg straight so nothing goes wrong. "Best to keep it straight, ok?"

Pendzez had left Rendall in the water so she could finish cleaning herself. He sat down on a decent rock as he watched Rendall. Xeris came by and sat down next to him. She looked relieved, yet so afraid that Rendall would die. Pendzez placed his arm over her right shoulder to comfort her from this thought. "I know how it feels. She's safe now. She has us to help her."

- Rendall - 07-22-2009

The pup whimpered as Pendzez set her leg and sat her gently on a rock in the stream, she continued to wash the blood away and tried to ignore the pain that still lingered, no matter how much it bothered her, she allowed the cool water numb her limb slowly, she looked over at all her friends washing themselves clean of all the blood, she felt so terrible for all of this, had she been smarter, they would be relaxing happily by the stream instead of washing blood from thier paws and such, a single tear rolled down her cheek, she quickly wiped it away hoping noone saw it.

she continued to look around, she saw Anya and Ty sitting next to each other, they really did make a handsome couple, both opposite of eachother, her fur a stormy grey and his a sunny gold. She hopped they would eventually see that if they hadent already. Her gaze then turned to Pendzez and Xeris, she could almost see it in his eyes that he cared for her, wether it was as a sister or more Rendall didnt know, but it didnt matter. she looked back down at her leg and looked up at the butterflies that she had finally noticed were all around her as well as Pendzez and began to think about what it all meant, what she saw at least

- Xeris - 07-22-2009

Xeris watched quietly as the others began to wash themselves in the stream. Looking down at her own body, she saw blood--probably Rendall's--staining her white fur. She'd get it off eventually. She placed a foot carefully in the water to test it and found that it was rather cold. For a few moments she attempted to wash some of it off gently, then finally sat back with a sigh as she realized that there would still probably be a bit of a reddish stain there for a while. And most of all, Xeris was tired. It was very late; she'd only now realized how much time had passed.

As she sat back down she felt Pendzez's arm around her shoulder. She blushed a little, but was thankful that he was there. "Yes," she said, "You're right. Thank you, Pendzez." It really did comfort her, being surrounded by friends and with Pendzez to sit beside her. Xeris looked over toward Rendall who was still washing the blood from herself. The little blue wolf seemed to at least be doing OK, but Xeris couldn't help noticing a look of guilt in Rendall's eyes. Xeris frowned, knowing in her heart that what happened wasn't Rendall's fault; however, she decided not to speak up so as not to bother her friend.

- Ty Trenton Nasphrite - 07-23-2009

Ty paused as he allowed the water to cleanse his wounds to look over at Pendzez and Xeris, and to see the blossoming love on their faces. A small smirk appeared on Ty's face through all the stining pain he was feeling from his wounds, how grand love must feel, and although small now, it was certainly there for those two. Ty had intimate relationships before, but never a thing such as love, at least, not what Ty thought love was. In fact, Ty predicted love was never going to hit him, he was too much of a free spirit, a lost soul, to be hooked with someone. Perhaps that was just his adventurous nature, but he didn't feel he'd actually settle down any time soon.

However, Ty went back to wincing as the blood seeped slightly from his wounds into the water. The red fluid, mixing between all of the members at the stream, though very few of them were actually bleeding. Ty on the other hand still had a few cuts here and there bleeding, of course, Anya and Xeris had done all they could, so he couldn't complain. He looked at his front paw again, the ouma had really done a number on it, aside from the large cut on his chest, he was worried how badly it would scar. He could only hope he loosened the puma's grip enough so it dind't tear anything permanently.

- Anya - 07-24-2009

Anya noted, as well as Ty, that there was something going on between the white male and Xeris. Anya also noted a slightly wistful look on Ty's face as he watched the two converse. She had a feeling that she knew what he was thinking. As free as her soul was, Anya could only guess how free Ty's soul was. It would be cruel to imprison a soul that refused to lie still.

Anya layed down near the stream, so that she could watch everything that went on. The afternoon had gone by quickly, and she was well on her way to being exhausted. She was worried about Rendall, but also accepted that the male would be able to help Rendall more, since Rendall knew the male better.

- Pendzez Zazkex - 07-24-2009

Pendzez continued to have his gaze on Xeris. Ity something about her that made him feel something inside that he felt before. Love. Pendzez had come to love her, but he didn't want to say it. It was mainly because that he wanted her to get settled in without being claimed already, not that Pendzez would do that. However, he just hoped that maybe she would notice that the white male had feelings for her. Looking over at Ty and Anya, they looked good together. However, by the looks of Ty, he looks like someone to have hard time to fall in love with. "They look like a good couple, don't ya think?"

He turned back to look at Rendall, seeing that she was doing fine. It was better to have that stick on her leg to keep it straight to prevent further problems. He was just glad to see her safe and alive. What would he do if something happened to her, he'll never know.

- Rendall - 07-25-2009

Rendalls deep blue eyes met the nobles crimson gaze, there was so much she wanted to ask him, like what on earth is going on with the butterflies and why where they suddenly fallowing her as well? however it seemed his mind was clouded with other things and emotions, she turned her gaze to Xeris and back to Pendzez as if asking why he didnt share his feelings that they could all see.

She turned back to washing her now stiff leg in the cold water, most of the blood was gone but it did not leave without a mark, her blueish fur was now plum on her leg, and the cut itself showed its true size and made Rendalls stomach turn, the puma had practically turned her leg into hamburger, the torn muscles flailed around in the water, some of the herbs had been washed down stream but that was ok, the pup was starting to get chilly and turned her gaze back to Pendzez hopeing he would read her pouting stare and remove her from the cold water before she could say anything

- Xeris - 07-26-2009

Xeris smiled at Pendzez's remark about Anya and Ty. "Hehe, yeah, they do. They should hook up someday." Thinking about love and couples and romance, Xeris began to feel rather odd. Pendzez was sitting so close to her, right there to comfort her, and she was glad. Could she be developing feelings for him? Xeris bit her lip. Even as a younger wolf, Xeris had always felt shy and uncomfortable when it came to admitting feelings of this kind; she still wasn't sure how she felt about the white male and decided not to say anything for now.

She looked over to Rendall and saw that the pup looked rather uncomfortable. "You OK, Rendall?" Xeris asked kindly. She really did feel like a big sister to Rendall. She stood up from where she sat beside Pendzez and gently reached over to pick Rendall up from the stream. The wound in the pup's leg looked very painful, and the white female tried her best to find a way to lift the pup without hurting her. She decided that maybe Rendall just needed some comfort right now; surely tonight's events had frightened the pup even more than they'd frightened Xeris.