'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Somethin' filled up my heart with nothin' - Printable Version

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- Savina Marino - 01-09-2010


     SoSuWriMo 481

     It was funny to know that, on this certain subject; her knowledge was on the same level as her son’s. This fact did not embarrass the woman in the least however. Being ignorant of certain things had never been anything that had bothered her; it only presented new opportunities and new things to learn. If not being knowledgeable about everything was something that bothered her than she might have never left Monti Sabini. She might have not snuck onto that boat and ended up here. When she arrived here she might not have felt comfortable being thrust into a way of life that was so very foreign to her. For all the hardships she had faced in these new lands, she could never regret coming here. Savina had made so many friends, she had met the love of her life, been reunited with her siblings, and she had been blessed with Gotham, Amata, and Cambria. She had learned and gained so much from coming to Nova Scotia that it had truly become home.

     She also had noted the distinct problems that would come from a dragon being the one to replant the flowers in the spring. Such creatures were larger than life and even at night it would be nearly impossible for them to roam around and not be seen by anything. It wasn’t a problem for Kalseru, Tirta, and Lumi being they lived in the ocean and flew in the skies with the cover of the clouds. She guessed that maybe it could work in the ground, but something so large rumbling beneath the earth would surely be noticed. Still, her mind was stuck on mythical beasts and so creatures that were more normal didn’t even come to her. When Gotham suggested moles her ears perked and it made a lot of sense. They were small, lived in the ground and could store things such as seeds. “A mole, that’s a great idea Gotham! I bet they all work together to bring the flowers back in spring.” Of course the moles would have help by some of the other animals, such as her friend Anu.

     The thought of taking her children and mate to see the lands she had grown up in had crossed her mind many times. Savina loved Italy and wanted nothing more than to share it with her loved ones that had never had the chance to see it. Still, there were many complications. A ship journey could be very dangerous, as she well knew. Plus that would mean leaving everything she had here behind, if even for a few months. She didn’t feel a need to be a leader, but Crimson Dreams had become important to her and leaving it all behind was not something she could consider lightly. Perhaps sometime, in the future, but for now she was content to stay exactly where she was.


- Gotham Phoenix - 01-10-2010

557 words


Not all heroes could be handsome creatures, possessing charm and wit and dashing good looks. As the two wolves discussed the dragons, their portraits were painted in Gotham's mind. Kalseru had a long slender face and sharp eyes, and Tirta had a strong brow and graceful jaw. Moles, however, were tiny creatures with beady eyes and stubby noses. They would not go down in history as the most beautiful beasts, but if it was them that brought back the flowers, their role was remarkably important. Without the flowers - oh! - what a dull world it would be. Indeed, the bugs that munched on their syrup would not live, and the bugs that used their petals as rooves would shrivel beneath the high noon's sun. Gotham felt upset only thinking about it, finding relief only in the fact that the flowers would come back as soon as the winter was over. The seeds would be taken from the endless underground shelves and planted systematically by a team of green-thumbed rodents.


Gotham had confidence in this idea when he had voiced it, though he had barely uttered the mere shell of his idea. Still, his mother's enthusiasm and agreement made him feel even better, and her thinking seemed to be in line with is. Once again, this made him feel as if the idea was much more sound than it might be had only one of them thought of it. Since Savina was on board, the boy said the rest of his thoughts, articulating them as carefully as he could so that none of the meaning or profundity of the idea would be lost. "And I bet that they have lots of tunnels underground, and rooms where they keep the seeds collected from summers before. And then when all the snow goes away they take these seeds out and plant them in the ground so that they grow. It would take lots of moles." He paused for a second, blue eyes staring into the rain that had started this entire game. "And these tunnels are very long and connect with lots of places, and that's why a same type of flower might be found in lots of different places! Maybe there are different mole packs for different places, like fields and forests and stuff, because they have really different types of flowers." His idea was fuzzy and required some investigation. However, the youngster didn't want to disturb the moles, though, lest they not come back the next summer.


The thought processes of the young wolf had made something of a transformation. While the boy had always been inquisitive and curious, he had previously been stubborn and reluctant to accept anything that seemed improbable. His denial of caterpillar metamorphoses had been somewhat of a turning point; here was something that seemed nigh impossible, and it turned out it was true! Now there was nothing that was unbelievable and he had no trouble believing that the rain and the tides were caused by dragons, and that the flowers were replanted in the summer by moles. More than improbable, the ideas were fanciful and compelling. Perhaps there was just a little bit of the boy that knew it was make believe, but, gosh darn it, he would believe it, and he would keep believing until that little sliver of doubt disappeared!


- Savina Marino - 01-13-2010


     SoSuWriMo 469

     Just as it took all kinds to make a pack work it took all kinds to make the world work too. Every creature had some purpose or they simply wouldn't exist at all. Wolves helped to keep the populations of elk and deer in control, birds and smaller mammals would eat insects that could be harmful to plants, and it seemed at least one of the purposes of the moles was to help replant everything once the earth thawed out of its cold slumber. Spring was the time that the Marino adored the most and so the next time she saw one of the little near-sighted animals she would have to thank them for helping to make her favorite season possible.

     Her son was far from done extrapolating upon his idea though. The mother listened and watched him carefully, taking in the details he presented and mulling them over in her own head. Yes, it all made sense, perfect sense. Her head nodded both in agreement and in encouragement for him to continue upon his train of thought. Such a bright boy she had and once again she felt her chest swelling with love and pride for him. She couldn't have asked for a more wonderful son and she would not trade him for anything in the world. As he talked though another idea came to her that could possible work in conjunction with his'. "Maybe the moles have help from the birds too. They could give the birds some of the seeds to fly up in the air with and drop them down onto the ground over large areas." The moles could certainly do a lot on their own, but they couldn't have tunnels wherever there were flowers or the ground would collapse. Non-predatory birds didn't eat moles and so it seemed that they would be able to work together without issue. Green eyes looked into the blue of Gotham's expectantly, wondering what he would make of her addition.

     There were many things in the world that were fantastical and so it was easy for Savina to put her heart into believing the myths that she and Gotham were concocting. She truly believed that there were spiritual and magical forces flowing through their world. If there weren't how would she have survived being washed out to sea? How would she have been reunited with her brother and sister? The world was huge and the three siblings could have each ended up in a completely different place, but they had all come here. She didn't believe that such occurrences were accidents or flukes and neither could the weather or the changing of the seasons. They would have to share their new stories with the rest of their family, perhaps even the rest of the pack if Gotham wanted to.


- Gotham Phoenix - 01-24-2010

535 words


Gotham, too, was developing a sense of respect for the little moles that were so important in keeping the world beautiful. They had an immense job to do, in replanting all the flowers, and that was to be commended. His mother's comment found a hole in the youngster's explanation that he would not have found himself. There were flowers in places that moles probably wouldn't be able to get to, and also vast fields of flowers that couldn't all be planted from beneath. Gotham nodded slowly, thinking carefully, as the inky wolfess proposed another explanation. This did, for the most part, make sense. All the animals could work together to plant the seeds! The moles would play the central role, as curators of the seed repository, and other creatures could do other things. The birds, as Savina had said, could fly above the ground and drop seeds from very high. Gotham often spotted mice scurrying around in fields, and he wondered if they were involved too. Heck, all the animals could be involved in a major replanting of thawed earth! The insects, which fit into Gotham's trifecta of Really Awesome Things along with dragons and princesses, could carry seeds around too, or maybe serve some other purpose. This hypothesis was looking more and more attractive, and the more he considered it, the more the boy's smile grew.


Of course, not all the animals could be involved, because then the wolves would be in on it too. But wait! Gotham stopped his thoughts in their tracks as he envisioned Anu's garden. Maybe she was in on it, as a chosen replanter. Maybe she had a secret agreement - nay, assignment - from the moles! They had given her the seeds to replant, and she had done it. After that, she would take good care of the garden so she could make more seeds, and then she would give those to the moles! The green-thumbed wolf was certainly in for some questioning the next time Gotham ran into her. He felt a little left out at this epiphany; why didn't he get to be in with the moles, too? True, the boy wasn't even able to plant a seed. When he had fingers to use, perhaps they would approach him and induct him into their secret flower planting society. He desperately hoped so, and wondered what made Anu so special. With sneaking suspicion, he eyed his mother. Was she part of this secret society, too? She did seem to know an awful lot about the whole thing.


The fact that the two Marinos were making up stories seemed to dissipate, leaving a strange sense of truth behind. They were not simply inventing a new story about how the world worked, they were inventing the ways in which the world worked. While thinking that his mother might know more than she was letting on, Gotham didn't want to let her see that. For one, he might be wrong, in which case he would feel slightly embarassed. Also, he liked inventing this story with his mother, and liked feeling as if he had a part in shaping the way the world worked. "That sounds right! The moles can't be everywhere." The thrill of this game had already half-buried his suspicion. "Do you think that maybe other animals help too? Like mouses and bugs 'n stuff."


- Savina Marino - 01-28-2010


     Maybe wrap up and have an updated thread or something? :3 300+

     It could be hard to see what role the smaller creatures of the world played in the grander scheme of things, but now it appeared as if her son had found their purpose. They actually could do a lot that larger animals like themselves could not and they could do it secretly as well. This only made her respect for the tinier beings grow. Sure, they could easily boast about what they did for the world and how skilled they were at it, but they did not. They kept their talents to themselves and were humble about their abilities. Savina was herself a humble beast and when she saw that trait in others immediately she respected them. Being boastful once in a while was alright if you had accomplished something, but having a big head was not a good thing. It made one annoying and tedious to be around. Maybe Cambria had found that quality in the world's small creatures and that was why she cared for them all so much.

     The idea that Anu was a part of the mole's and other animals secret effort to replant the world was interesting, though it did not cross the mother's mind. Of course she did not know anyone completely, not even herself, but she knew a great deal about her second-in-command and accounted her gardening and love for plants as simply that: a love for plants. Perhaps in that way she was blinded by her age and experience. Her mind was more fanciful than some adults were, but of course as you grew older there was no helping losing some of that mysticism in the way you looked at people and the world around you. Savina was too focused on what she knew and not what could be.

     Of all the games she had played with her children, this one was quickly becoming her favorite. There were endless possibilities and the two could no doubt go on for hours upon hours upon hours concocting their theories and coming up with new explanations for the ways of the world. Savina was glad that he approved of her contribution and once again her smart boy had taken it one step further. "You know, I bet they do! I bet that all the small animals and bugs help replant the flowers every spring. That's a very large task but with all of them contributing they could get it done very fast." The resprouting of plants in the spring didn't happen all at once, but it didn't take long for it to happen.
