'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Rainy day women #12&35 - Printable Version

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- Savina Marino - 01-13-2010

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hell_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
SoSuWriMo 364

She had no idea what was going through Anselm's head, but her own was drifting off to strange places as well. Distant memories of the forest she had grown up in and what it had felt like to be young. She wished she could be a pup again, it would be so nice to be ignorant of all the horrible things in the world and to not have to worry about anything and everything. Now, what would be really cool would be if she could transform back into a pup and play with her own children. The thought was wholly confusing and wrong while being wonderful and amazing at the same time. It would be great to run around and play with her kids on their level and yet it would be so weird because she would still be their mother. She wondered what they would think of such a notion. Of all her kids she thought Gotham would find it the most intriguing after they had spent that afternoon coming up with myths about how the world worked. It'd be fun to roll around and wrestle with her son as she had with her brother when they were small.

Unknowingly Savina had gotten so wrapped up in her own fantasies that she had almost forgot she had said anything to Anselm until he started laughing like a hyena. His sudden outburst startled her and she jumped and looked at him like he was insane. Though quickly the idea of him being insane was gone as she couldn't help but start laughing hysterically herself. Tears came to her emerald eyes and she doubled over on the couch, the garage filled with their ridiculous laughter. When he spoke again she tried to calm her giggles as she looked back to him, wiping the tears away from her eyes. "Huh? What'd I do? What kinda idea?" Was it like the idea she had had, about reverting back to a puppy? That would be sooooo weird if Anselm had been thinking the same thing! "I bet you were a cute puppy," she stated equally as out of the blue, the wide silly grin still on her face.


- Anselm de le Poer - 01-17-2010

http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... s/truc.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:187px; background-position:top center; background-color:#F8BB4D; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#AB360D; line-height:15px;padding-bottom:10px;">
@&#&$It took all the self-control he could muster to turn his raucous guffaws into restrained little giggles, though his efforts were not aided by her own hysterical laughter. For some time he feared they might get stuck in an ecstatic infinite loop, although eventually the aching of his diaphragm and his need for a solid breath of air kindly interfered and snapped him out of it. "Those big jugs!" he exclaimed excitedly, though his ears fell back and his eyes grew wide when he realised how short-sighted this statement was to make; while not necessarily intentional, the double entendre was hardly subtle. Her little interjection did nothing to help him reel his mind out from the gutter, and coupled with the omnipresent sexual tension between the two, he couldn't help but squeak out a nervous giggle.
@&#&$The sound was utterly peculiar, completely unlike any he'd ever made before in life. This--naturally--brought on another bout of rowdy laughter, and he shook his head violently as he tried to assert his innocence. He lifted his hands and made to shape out one of the large water jugs in the air, although this didn't necessarily help--his wild gesticulation could've easily represented the feminine form as much as a stupid water cooler. "You, uh, like put 'em upside down, 'n it'd be very nice," he explained, too stoned to realise if he just mentioned that they were used for water distribution he'd probably be fine. "Oh man!" he yipped, tone lifting irregularly and arms flailing as he awkwardly repositioned himself on his end of the couch and mentally beat his brain into spitting out something that might make sense.

@&#&$"For water, I mean! I wouldn't need to go to the stream so much," he concluded, thoroughly exhausted. What was all that about? (As if he didn't know; he'd always found her extremely attractive, and the drug didn't make it any easier to hide this fact.) He could not lift his gaze to look at her any longer, and with an intense frown he grasped at the bowl and took another deep hit. Surely that would help.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +355

- Savina Marino - 01-18-2010

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hell_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
*gigglesnort* SoSuWriMo 410

If Savina had been having a sober-minded out of body experience at the moment she would have been staring at the both of them if they were completely out of their minds, which honestly wasn't too far from the truth. The woman had never been so completely silly outside of puppyhood. She knew how to have a good time and let loose, it had just never been quite this loose. Her head felt like it was floating away from her body and everything just seemed so damn funny. Anselm's outburst didn't make any sense to her at first and she also did not catch the innuendo that could be gleaned from it. "Jugs?" she asked, not entirely sure what "jugs" were. Though when his eyes widened and he laughed nervously Savina was starting to get that unintended hidden meaning and not at all what he was truly trying to talk about. His wild hand movements didn't help his case as, once again, she saw more of the unintended sexual messages than the innocent one. Not really thinking and doing something that she never would have done sober she looked down at her chest and her hands cupped her breasts. "These are jugs? I've never heard them called jugs before, that's silly." Savina was oblivious to the fact that this would only exacerbate her friend's problem.

When he finally mentioned something about water her head cocked, one ear flopping to the side. "Jugs are for water? These aren't for water! What are you talking about? I'm confused." The words were spoken in quick succession as her foggy mind also did its best to climb out of the gutter that it had unintentionally fallen into. She wasn't consciously thinking about sex, but the undercurrent was certainly there. There had always been a bit of a spark between them, but she had mostly ignored it for she just didn't think about anyone other than Kansas in such a way and assumed (wrongly) that other men didn't think of her in that way either. Though as he was clearly avoiding looking at her and now frowning she felt sad. Why was Anselm frowning, they had been so happy just a few moments before. Ears folded back against her head as one hand reached out to touch his arm. "Anselm, what's wrong? Did I upset you?" She didn't want him to be sad! She wanted to go back to laughing and smiling and being silly.


- Anselm de le Poer - 01-18-2010

http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... s/truc.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:187px; background-position:top center; background-color:#F8BB4D; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#AB360D; line-height:15px;padding-bottom:10px;">Alternate ending found here.
@&#&$His eyes were drawn to the movement (as most animals' were) and as she began to gently fondle her breasts they grew wider than ever--it was remarkable, really, that they didn't pop out of his head entirely. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and despite the chilly temperatures inside the garage, he managed to feel hot. "Not that those aren't lovely, but that's not quite what I meant," he whimpered softly, violently jerking his gaze away and focusing on the small pipe. As he exhaled and squinted into the smoke, she continued to ramble on--despite the innocence of her tone, it was fairly obvious that her mind had dipped further south as well.
@&#&$By the time she reached out to gently touch his arm, he lost it. He squirmed around, crossing his legs and searching the garage in a panic. With a deep breath, as he placed the pipe down on the table--he hoped that the slight tremor was only in his head. He was confident the woman hadn't intended for this to happen, and though it would be all too easy to let things slip downhill, a remarkable surge of self control found him on unsteady feet. He peered at her sharply, though his gaze was not unkind. He stuck to looking at her face alone--her beautiful, concerned face and the smile he offered felt awful.

@&#&$"Savina, I have to go for a sec. I'll be back in less than fifteen minutes. You'll be okay here until then, right?" he asked hopefully, giving her less than half a second to respond before slipping out the side door and heading around to the back. Once there, he leaned lightly against the structure and closed his eyes. By the time he found his way back inside, he could put on a casual smile. He hurriedly picked up one of the towels and wiped his hand off on it before tossing aside to the floor to be washed later. He plopped back down in his original seat and beamed a winning grin--he was now much more relaxed. "Sorry 'bout that, eh? What were we talking about again?" he implored her, his bloodshot, half-lidded gaze betraying--despite his moment of clarity--he was still completely twisted.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +378

- Savina Marino - 01-19-2010

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hell_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
SoSuWriMo 519

She didn't even notice Anselm's eyes bugging out as she unintentionally groped herself, her own gaze fixed on her chest. It was really only in the presence of her mate that she ever felt herself to be an attractive, sexual creature and so she didn't realize that her actions would have an effect upon her friend. She honestly just thought she was inspecting her body, not putting on an accidental peep show. That innocent frame of mind seemed to have been increased by the drug she had smoked, finding nothing arousing or peculiar about the way she was handling herself. When Anselm said that they weren't what he had meant her hands dropped back down and she just offered him a peppy smile. "Oh, I see. I was just confused. What were you talking about?" She was quite interested to learn what these "jug" things were. Apparently they held water, but she could not picture them at all in her mind.

As she touched him he squirmed around and seemed incredibly uncomfortable and unsettled. Her hand pulled back, guessing he hadn't wanted the contact and she looked at him confused and quizzical. This was so weird, why was he acting like this? She'd never seen him like this before. Was it what they had smoked? Moments before he had seemed just as relaxed and goofy as she had and now he was all tense and acting very oddly. Savina just sat there quietly, waiting for him to calm down. When he turned to finally look at her again she noticed a strange light in his eye, though what it was she couldn't place. His request seemed odd, why did he have to go? "Uh, sure?" she replied but by that time he was already moving out the door. What the hell was going on! Savina leaned back against the sofa, huffing out a pouty sigh. She was trying to work out in her head what he needed to leave for when it occurred to her maybe he was getting one of those jugs to show her. They were also out of water now, maybe he was thirsty. Yeah, that had to be it. Content to wait she just looked bright eyed around the garage until he returned.

When Anselm walked casually back into the garage her tail wagged, happy that she didn't have to sit all by herself anymore. As oblivious to what he had just done to himself as she was to what had caused his sudden and intense discomfort. "Welcome back! Didja get a drink of water?" Since he hadn't returned with one of those jug things she assumed that a drink had been his reason for running off. "Uh, jugs! You need to tell me what they are!" she answered, her head nodding lazily. Despite the momentary weirdness, Savina was really glad she had come out here and run into Anselm today. She usually wouldn't partake of such substances, but she had to admit this had really helped her relax. The two continued to laugh and chat into the afternoon, their highs slowly leaving their systems.
