'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
instant proof of insurance - Printable Version

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- Vieira Lykoi - 01-05-2010

SSWM: 328

Vieira watched Silas as he moved and tried another door, her golden eyes watching his form and found that it was also locked. It was a little disappointing because she did not want to run all over the city in order to find blankets. If she could get them here, she could pack up and be on her way. Finally, he got a door open and she sat the bottles on the ground slowly and followed him. From a few feet away, she could smell the odor. Her nose wrinkled in distaste and as she came around the corner, saw the skeleton. She stepped back in surprise and an audible gasp, her hands covering the gape in her mouth.

At first, the slave did not know what to do. She did not register his words and her ears were back against her head as she stood, planted in her spot. It took her a long moment to shake herself and glance in his direction for advice. She did not want to go in but she could not ask him to get the blankets for her. Slowly, she jerked her legs and moved around the bed that held the dead and pulled the dusty blankets away from the bed. Her golden eyes focused on the item in her hand and rolled it up as fast as she could. Under it was a thinner blanket, followed by a sheet, and she grabbed them and rolled them up as well.

Vieira turned to leave and at the foot of the dead man's bed she saw a satchel, perfect for the items she was carrying. It was hold the alcohol and the smaller sheet so she could carry the rest in her arms. She bent forward, slung it opened, and dumped the rest out. When she had the things she need, she shuffled out of the room as fast as she could make herself and exhaled a long breath of fresh air.


- Silas Agata - 01-05-2010

alatino Linotype;font-size:12px;line-height:13px;color:#000000;">

     There was no denying that the odor emitted from the room was awful and Silas could physically see that Vieira was uncomfortable wandering inside. She didn’t speak any complaints, and after a few moments, wandered past the skeleton to retrieve what they had come for. As he watched her, Silas felt bad for a moment. He knew they could have possibly found another room with blankets she could take, but he had wanted to see what was inside, and he knew that the door would most likely open for them. Seeing that expression on her face, Silas felt slightly guilty. Perhaps he should have offered to retrieve the blankets for her. After all, he had gotten used to the smell of death in a way… the smell of rotting fish wasn’t uncommon back home in Russia where the Russo family worked in a large fishing industry.

     After she had stripped the bed bare of its blankets, the Inferni coyote stooped to empty out a bag that had been left along the floor near the skeleton. Silas merely watched her, leaning casually into the doorframe as she worked. It only took her a few moments before she was rushing towards the door. Silas took a few steps back to let her pass, and turned to smile as she inhaled deep breaths of fresh air. "Zhere," he said, smiling all the while. Now you ‘ave some blankets. Uhh, I am sorry about zhat... zhe dead." He hoped that she wasn’t too disturbed by the ordeal. He still felt guilty. "So, is zhere anyzhing else you nust get for zhis Kaena?" He didn’t know if he’d be able to help her anymore on her quest, but he’d be willing to try. After all, he liked being useful and having the company.


- Vieira Lykoi - 01-05-2010

SSWM: 242

Vieira never tasted air sweeter than she did in this moment. She even picked up the rest of her items to move farther away from the door in order to get a break. When the smell lingered several feet away and she could relax, she dropped everything and lowered to her knees to fight with the bag she picked up. Silas approached and apologized, asking to help further and she took a moment to respond. She was putting things in the bag first. The sheet, two bottles, and then rolled the sheet around them in order to protect against banging one another. She finished a moment later and looked up to the Russian, her gaze landing on his stomach instead of his face.

"It is okay," she said quietly, her hands in her lap. She then started to neaten out the two blankets and fold them nicely so she could walk back comfortably. "I think this is all I need," she admitted and dusted the dirt off them. She slowly stood, her knees cracking from the movement, and she looked over her items. "I just needed her alcohol and things I needed for my room," she said. Blankets were the only thing she could think of as a necessity with the winter coming up as quickly as it was. Vieira never experienced a winter like ones up in the north. Right now was too cold for her, something Mexico might never reach.


- Silas Agata - 01-06-2010

alatino Linotype;font-size:12px;line-height:13px;color:#000000;">End it about here?

     Silas couldn’t deny that he was slightly disappointed to hear that Vieira had gotten all that she had come to the city for. Still, he was glad that he had been able to help her, even if his help was minimal. He hoped that this Kaena person would be happy with the alcohol he had helped Vieira pick out, and be kind to her once the Quintus returned home. He didn’t know much about slavery, but he didn’t like the sound of it. He just hoped she would be alright, since after all she had been such a sweetheart.

     "Oh, I see," he responded lightly as he watched her prepare the things they had gathered into the satchel. Silas was glad she had found it, since it would most likely make her trek home much easier. "Vell, eef you need help again, I always ‘ere," he motioned further down the pathway to where his door was. He wondered whether or not Liliya was in there now, or if his sister had gone out to do some exploring of the city. The icy blue gaze went back to Vieira and Silas offered a warm smile. "‘Ave a safe valk home, ya?"


- Vieira Lykoi - 01-10-2010

[/html]SSWM: 216

Vieira could not thank the male enough. He had been so helpful through all of this and she had done nothing to repay him. She did not know what else to do for him and just left it at that and he continued to put his hand out for her. "Thanks," she said quietly and flicked her tail behind her, standing and draping the satchel over her shoulder and folding the larger of the blankets around her arms. It was heavy but she knew she would make it, even if she had to make a few stops along the way. She would have to leave one blanket behind half way home because it was too much for her tiny form to carry.

His next question made her curious and she watched his form carefully. The woman made it here all right and was in the company of Silas the entire time and she did not think of what other troubles she might run into. "I will be okay" she informed with an uncertain nod but did not hint she might have wanted an escort. She needed to go back quickly and with that, she gave him an awkward wave and began to leave in hopes of making her way out as easily as she came in.
