'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
let's just stop, drop everything - Printable Version

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- Kansas Sadira - 03-16-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... sasban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
two pageeees! 300+

And he would love her until death parted them. He didn't wish to even consider an end to what they had, and every time such thoughts crossed his mind he felt himself feeling sick. She was what had kept him out of harm's way, and she alone; without her he would have no purpose, he would be the meaningless boy from before, for the rest of his existence. Nothing could separate his heart from hers. Kansas often thought that if ever she betrayed him, be it with infidelity or essentially anything else, he would forgive her. Because he couldn't imagine his life without her, and it didn't matter what way she may try to hurt him. He'd rather live with pain than live without her. Maybe he was a pathetic excuse for a man, to depend upon her for his happiness; maybe it was simply the cost of love.

Her mere touch made his skin shiver with pleasure, delicious chill icing his nerves as her massaging hands worked his thigh, and traveled onward. Already the moisture of her flesh had hardened him, but now he could barely breathe, and was full of anticipation toward where her hand would go next. It was all he could do to focus on pleasuring her, but he didn't want to fail. His finger tenderly ran up and down her flesh, then smoothly entered her body. He moved his finger around the tight, wet space, the feel of her ever-dampening skin as pleasing as satin. Flicking several times against her most sensitive place, in a teasing way, he stopped without removing his hand, wanting to save the peak of her enjoyment for later. The alcohol had guided him into complete bliss; he wanted her so badly, but he knew that this would become beautiful no matter what.


- Savina Marino - 03-17-2010

yaaaay! a little pp, let me know if you want it changed :3 365

Savina would never do anything to hurt him, never do anything to betray his love for her. Others had flirted with her, before they knew she had a mate, like Rurik had but never once had the thought crossed her mind to indulge their attraction to her. As soon as she had realized the subtle flirtations she had quickly announced that she already belonged to someone and after that no one had pressed her further. If anyone ever dared, she would leave, and if they pursued her she would fight them off tooth and claw. No one would ever make her turn against her love. He was the only one she loved and the only one she ever wanted to be with. If she ever hurt him she would hate herself for it, just like when she had betrayed his trust when she had gone and attacked Hybrid. That was the lowest she had ever felt and she never wanted him to be disappointed in her again. Savina only ever wanted to be his cause for joy.

She could feel the heat of his skin as her fingers moved up towards the meeting of his own legs and she also felt anticipation, her hand searching for its goal. Then she felt the hardness of his organ beneath her fingertips and a satisfied smile grew on her lips. She gently caressed him, her hand wrapping around him and rubbing up and down his length. As his own fingers entered her she moaned again, her grip on him tightening. Kansas' teasing touches were driving her wild and she leaned her face over to lick his cheek seductively. "Kansas..." she said breathlessly. Feeling a spike of arousal, she quickly maneuvered her body, changing her position so she was straddling him. Her warmth pressed up against his hardness, satisfaction saturating her at the feeling. Lips moved close to his ear, whispering to him, "I love the way you make me feel, I want you so badly." Ivory teeth delicately nipped at his ear as her hips ground slowly against his'. She didn't allow them to join just yet, but neither of them would be able to wait much longer.


- Kansas Sadira - 03-20-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... sasban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
It's all good! 300+

Kansas didn't spend enough time out of Crimson Dreams to encounter the type of women who would take interest in him. On the rare occasion that this did happen, he never failed to make it clear that he was not at all interested, however gently and politely. He honestly couldn't imagine touching someone else this way; the very thought chilled him. He could not understand the way some individuals had, of seeking sex only with random partners. How could one enjoy being touched so tenderly, so personally, unless there was history of love and compassion leading it? He'd had a taste of this kind of life, and when he looked back upon it he was disgusted, as was well known to those who were also aware of this mistake of his. He wanted only Savina, and her touch was the only one that could possibly bring him pleasure.

She was definitely proving it tonight. The rhythm of their hands was in perfect time, nothing awkward or naive about it. Her fingers caressing his hardness roused a growl from his chest, that rumbled deeper when her grip tightened. She whispered his name tickled his cheek with her tongue. In one fluid motion, she like a dancer was astride him. Her warmth against his groin, her sensual, asking words ignited a burning flame that threatened to engulf him. She leaned toward him, and he felt his hand lift to grab one side of her neck, listening to her words and sighing with need. His hand drifted down the curve of her neck, across her throat and downward to grasp her breast as he responded. "Savina... you're driving me crazy...," the last word uttered in almost a snarl as his other hand rested against her hip, roughly guiding her movements against him.


- Savina Marino - 03-26-2010

You get my 900th post with Savibutt! :o 334

The thought of anyone else even attempting to touch her this way made her sick to her stomach. She, too, could not understand the people who engaged in this act frivolously and with people they barely knew or did not love. This was an act of love, a way for two people to express their feelings for one another in a physical way. That was the way she saw it and had always seen it. Partially because she knew how this could hurt you if you did with someone who didn't love you back. It had happened to her mother, and she had never wanted it to happen to her. Savina needed to trust her partner completely and that was exactly how she felt with Kansas. She knew that he would never hurt her and that their love was equal. They had both had their slip-ups, as was only natural, but they had always overcome them and renewed their love. She was confident that nothing could tear their apart, because neither of them would imperil their relationship to such a degree.

The fire was consuming them both, fueling their actions and driving them forward. She loved these passionate moments where they could strip down to be exactly who they were with each other. His hand grabbing her neck elicited a playful growl that morphed into a moan as his digits moved lower to cup her breast. Savina let his hand increase her motions, the pace bordering on feverish. She couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't wait any longer. With one last prolonged stroke she moved to join them, a whine coming from her as he rubbed against her sensitive nub. Carefully she guided him inside her, loudly crying out in euphoria as they became one. "Kansas!" Savina took him all in, her head thrown back, hands clinging to his neck and shoulders. Each time was intense, but she thought that this was the most intense of all. Her warmth pulsed around him, feeling complete.


- Kansas Sadira - 04-01-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... sasban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
That was a marvelous post. :o And yay, happy 900th! -party hats- (318)

The passion between them was the most intense he imagined existed. Every day, even the days he spent essentially alone, he thought about this; thought about how close to perfection their relationship was, how lucky he was to have her. How was it that he, a nothing in the eyes of the world, was able to have something so beautiful and so perfect all to himself? His lack of status no longer bothered him, because of Savina. Why, he could be the ruler of the world, with all the material riches and social popularity possible — but he would remain alone and unhappy in that universe, if she wasn't part of it. Savina and the children they had together was all Kansas needed to feel important and happy.

He wanted her to know this, without words. He wanted to make her feel good. His mind was spinning as he grasped her body and gazed at the remarkable beauty before him. Her face as she let herself feel his touch made him feel as if he was making her feel good, as he desired; but he wanted more. Kansas almost lifted her from against him and pushed inside her, but she had this idea herself. How he wanted to feel her around him, to experience her body in a way only he could. He wanted her to scream his name.

She lifted her slender form and her body closed around him, engulfing him in euphoric pleasure. Her voice sounded, a cry and then his name (how he'd wished for that), and he groaned loudly, his claws grasping her hip gently. He pushed into her, as deep as possible, before grasping her hips firmly to help steady her if chose to move her body with his. "Baby..." he growled softly, his breath coming in quick, silent gasps as his muscles tensed in anticipation. Only she could make his body feel this good.


- Savina Marino - 04-03-2010

awwww thanks ^^ *blows kazoo* 373

At the end of the day, when all was said and done, the thing she treasured most was coming home to her family. She was of course honored at her position in the pack, but honestly, if she were stripped of her rank as long as she still had Kansas and their kids she would be as happy as anyone in the world. Part of the reason she worked so hard and diligently was so she could fully enjoy coming back to the manor and crawling in next to him at night. It was with him that she could let the worries of the pack slide from her shoulders and simply be. Be his mate, be the mother of his pups, be everything she had always hoped to be. She had never aspired towards leadership, it was Kansas that had given her everything she had ever truly wanted.

And it was only he who made her heart quicken and her body ache for him like this. It was only him that she craved. His' was the only taste she ever wanted on her tongue. His fingers worked like magic on her skin, bringing to vibrant life every single cell and nerve. Enhancing her senses so vividly that all she could focus on was him. Kansas was her world, there was no question of that, but in these moments he actually was the only thing in the world to her. Nothing existed outside of his smell, his touch, the heart-throbbing sight of him. Savina wished these moments could last forever, because everything was just right in them.

Her chest rose and fell dramatically as she encompassed him, feeling how he filled her up completely. The pressure of his hands on her hips and his muttered word brought her gaze back to his face. Pleasure clouded emeralds stared intensely at her lover, her heart beating in her ears, her body screaming for more. Her dark hands moved to cup his face as she kissed him passionately, her hips rising up before coming back down again, moving her warmth over him. Savina moaned into the kiss, her tongue searching his as she began a slow but steady pace of movement, her pulse mounting with every stroke.


- Kansas Sadira - 04-05-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... sasban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
wc 305
Kansas is freakishly obsessed with her. Smile

One of the many things that made her a Goddess in his eyes was her ability to maintain a perfect balance in her life. Savina always seemed to be busy, as she was an important woman in so many ways; she dealt with things as a leader of Crimson Dreams that he never had dealt with. But never did she allow her duties to the pack whittle time away from her family. She was infallibly there for their children, there for him. He honestly could have understood and accepted less from her, but he didn't have to. She was completely awe inspiring in this way.

He wished every inch of their skin could be touching; he wanted all of her. In this moment Kansas knew he had her, for they touched intimately; he felt her where no one else ever had, and ever would. He would make sure of this; he would be enough for her just as she was more than enough for him. Her body above him was a shape formed by the hands of Providence, every curve and twist so exquisitely beautiful that the pale boy could barely contain himself.

The rhythm of their bodies was synced. His eyelids fluttered uncontrollably, but he revealed the vibrant pools of turquoise completely as her face fell ever so slightly, her lips touching his in a feverish kiss. A snowy hand caught the tendrils of her soft mane, wrapping through the tangles up against her skull and grasping gently as their kiss intensified. He shifted slightly after a moment, wanting now to do it all for her and allow her to simply feel. His hips moved more quickly, angled into her body to strengthen the feeling inside her slender body. He held her hair more firmly, pulling slightly as his pleasure became almost too much.


- Savina Marino - 04-15-2010

psh, they're freakishly obsessed with each other, but in the most loving and awesome way 8D 387

She would have been glad to know that he didn't feel at all neglected by her busy life and that he thought that her balance between her professional and private life were good. Savina always worried that she didn't spend enough time with him, or with their children. Especially with how fast their pups had grown she felt like there were things she had missed whenever she was out attending to the needs of the pack as a whole. There had even been moments she had considered stepping down and handing the reins to someone else so that she wouldn't miss anything, so she could completely devote herself to being with her family. No complaints had ever reached her ears though, and that was the only reason she had kept her position. If they ever wanted her around more she would do what was necessary to be there.

Savina wanted to be as close to him as was physically possible, to blur all lines that separated them, to leak into shades of gray instead of perfect sable and cream. That wasn't possible though, and perhaps that was a good thing. It wouldn't be good for either of them to lose their personal identities, no matter how much they were tied up with one another. Even if their bodies couldn't be completely and inextricably linked, their hearts were, and that was what truly mattered.

On his lips she tasted wine and arousal and love, all the things he must surely taste on her own. She was so happy to be out here with him, that he had put this together for them. Oh, she had needed this, even more than she thought. It had been a while since they had felt each other this way, too long. The kiss was hungry, displaying how much she wanted, no, needed him. Kansas' fingers tangled in her hair and her own went to run through his chocolaty mane. Her other hand snaked downward, gracing over his neck until it came to his shoulder and she grasped him firmly there. The movements into her became stronger in both force and feeling and she had to pull back from their kiss, gasping. Her jewels were half-lidded, breath coming in pants. She rocked her hips along with his', completely swept away by their passion.


- Kansas Sadira - 05-01-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... sasban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
oh yes!! and here's a dinky little late post.

He was so frightened that he'd never be able to make her feel good enough, which was why it was important that he pay attention to her and what she liked; where she liked to be touched. If his body could only spark a fire within hers... It was what he desired the most. He knew only how he felt after they made love, and that was that their love was expressed in a most passionate, physical way. He wanted to bring her to her highest tonight, because it was what she deserved.

He could feel her need in the touch of her lips, so sweet he felt that warm honey was on his tongue and in his throat. She placed her body in such a beautiful and perfect way, her eyes glowing as precious gems under the light of the moon, her hand gracing his shoulder where he hoped she would rake her claws into his skin. He rested his hand on her hip, then slowly trailed it down to once again touch between her legs. His thumb moved against the sensitive area, slow at first, them building up to meet the rhythm of their bodies. Kansas wanted to make Savina feel so amazing that it was almost unbearable to her. Time had passed, and the pale man knew he could not hold himself back any longer. He caressed her back with his other hand and looked up at her as he climaxed. It was the right moment he knew, and she was just too beautiful.


- Savina Marino - 05-09-2010

it's still good! 300+

She had never been left disappointed or wanting when it came to their lovemaking. Every single time he made her feel amazing and left her body tingling for hours after the fact. They were so in tune that she didn't even have to tell him what felt good, he just knew. He seemed to know what felt good to her before even she did. Kansas had surprised her with his touch many times, and none of it had ever felt bad, quite the opposite. His fingers set her skin on fire and awakened something in her that could only be sated by the heat he filled her with. Savina was glad that he was the only one who had ever touched her, who ever would. She needed no one else but him for her whole life.

Their bodies moved in perfect, frenzied unison and she could feel the pressure mounting in her lower parts, could feel the pressure her body placed around him increase. It was so good, better than she thought it had ever felt before, and then her lover managed to take it to an even higher level. His pale hand moved, and rubbed against her sensitive nub and she gasped. It was so intense and unexpected, her senses forced into an even higher gear of overdrive. Her claws dug into his fur, scratching the skin beneath. It was surely enough for him to feel, but not enough to harm him. Savina's eyes were now clamped shut, loud moans and whines coming from her with every short breath. He had accomplished his goal, it was nearly unbearable, all the pleasure. "Oh gods, oh gods...KANSAS!" she screamed as the relief of her orgasm rushed through her like a riptide. Her body quaked above and around him for what seemed like minutes but was surely only seconds.

She might have lost consciousness for a moment or two, so intense their coupling had been this time around. Emerald gems fluttered open as her breath and heartbeat slowly regained their equilibrium. Savina's body had collapsed against his, though she still clung to him tightly. Her face turned up to his as she gently kissed his neck. "L'amo...l'amo..." her tired voice whispered to him.


- Kansas Sadira - 05-09-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... sasban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Her voice came in sharp whines and exquisite moans, building beautifully upon the immeasurably amazing pleasure in what seemed his entire body. He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off her, so did he love the way she looked. Nothing about her was ever awkward, never took away from their lovemaking; no, her every movement, expression, and noise simply made it more and more difficult for him to last as long as he wished to. He needed to look away, to control himself, but that loose, unreliable grasp on control made this all the more thrilling. He must keep up until the right moment for them both, and that was what he did. He felt her muscles tense around him as they drew close, her claws stinging his skin in the sweetest way. The final ragged words to leave her lips brought him to the most complete height of contentment afterward, a physical high that he never imagined was even possible. He knew that he had made her feel just as good.

Her body lax, Kansas wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. His chest rose and fell, lifting her slighter body with it as he caught his breath. His hand brushed gently through the tangles of her raven hair, wanting to soothe her shaking form into a state of comfort, until they might sleep in one another's arms. He looked down at her after her gentle kiss, cradling her face in his fingers. Savina, I love you. he said softly, but with a definite edge of firmness. He desired that she know he meant his words with every inch of his soul. How he wished she knew. I love nothing more than you. She stood at the center of his heart, and what surrounded did not matter to him at all. All he needed was this girl.


- Savina Marino - 05-12-2010

close up? want a new thread?

This was the most relaxed, the most content that she had been in ages. All the tension, good and bad, had been drained from her body in that amazing moment of climax. Honestly she had the desire to do it all over again, but she doubted her form had the necessary energy for it. She was tired, but in the best way. Kansas' arms wrapped around her and his deep breathing rose her up and down in a rhythmic motion that reminded her of the sea. It was calming and comforting. It felt like home. Really, it was home. For wherever the Sadira man was, that was where her home was. It didn't matter if they were in the heart of the mansion or out here all alone. As long as she was with him, she didn't care to be anywhere else.

His hand lovingly brushing through her hair elicited a happy purr-like noise from the woman. Their eyes locked, and he saw the seriousness in those lovely blue orbs. His voice and words were powerful, and spoke to the core of her heart, where everything he said to her went. This more so than most though, for she could see his need to reach her there. He had no need to worry that she thought otherwise though. Savina's fingers reached up to rub against the soft fur of his cheek. "I know. And I love you too Kansas," she replied, with just as much force as he had spoken with. "You are my world." He was her everything. Her life would be nothing without him.
