'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Notes On Pulling the Sky Down - Printable Version

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- Anu - 08-03-2009


long if fine! though i can not match it... <3
edit; 3 pages, really? lol

Anu was happy to not ask anything of Hemming. She could think of so many that she demanded answers, emotions and commitments from. Hemming was free. He gave without thought, and Anu could give without effort. Never would she wonder about loyalty, and she found that she did not question who he was to her. That was special, making him even more unique. When she felt the light floating feeling the woman didn’t question it. Where misunderstanding, and where the unknown would drive her mind to gather into a tangled mess Anu found simplicity. The woman and man walked side by side and Anu did not let the questions rise. She did not compare him with the others that she knew, the others that held onto pieces of her heart. Others that she loved, or thought she could.

She thought instead of the shore, the lapping low tide and the chill that lived in the ocean’s water and that would settle into her summer heated bones. It would be welcomed, as would his company. Blue eyes looked at him sideways, and found that she did make heat rise to his face. Their eyes met, and he would know that she meant what she had said. There were very few that she would say were her true friend, and Hemming was certainly one of those. Others were comrades, packmates, lovers. Not this. Nothing soiled it and there were no stains upon its purity. If only she could keep from ruining it, if only.

He did not look to her as he spoke, and Anu found it perplexing. She had not wanted to make him feel like he could not looked to her, and feel comfort in his words. But instead of questioning it Anu let her voice sing between them and into the night. “ And then under the night sky, we will find that there is nothing like you and I.” The fence seemed to approach them, and not the other way around. Had they been moving? Or had they just floated along?


- Hemming - 08-03-2009

wow! haha

The wolf had never in his life felt a feeling like this, and he found it vaguely disorienting. He had never felt valued, never felt loved for who he was rather than for who he was related to. Hemming had granted to love the wrong characteristics, so used to the distant attention of his relatives and the grand schemes that existed in novels. There was a simplicity between the two wolves that walked together now, one that lacked battlefields and long distances and profound secrets. It astounded him, the attack of something so unfamiliar leaving him feeling bashful and shy. It was not really her words that had made him turn away, but the realization of his own feelings. They had been there, but never pointed out to him. Coming to AniWaya had made big changes within him, had forced him to build relationships of the kind he had never had before. It was a positive step forward, of course, but now that he reflected upon all of what he had done it seemed overwhelming. At the time, being generally friendly had come easy to him, but he never truly understood the consequences. There were wolves here that truly liked him, and associated with him out of something other than obligation.

He recovered in time to turn his eyes back up to Anu as she spoke, listening to her words drift through the air that the light was quickly abandoning. There was a tender smile on his lips, now, his body filled with the elation that came from a realization that one was appreciated. The feeling had confused him momentarily, but the wolf had never been one to analyze his feelings, and allowed it to pass quickly. Hemming did not think about the emotions that possessed him, but felt them strongly anyway, feeling even more full with life and happiness than he had for quite a while. The way he felt around Anu had been enough for him, but knowing she appreciated him, and saying it out loud, added, subconsciously, just that little bit more.

He couldn't think of what to say, next, but didn't want to settle for a simple agreement. This was a game that would only end when they parted. The fence that surrounded the Serena Reserve was lurking close by, and Hemming felt as if it had simply appeared, so lost in the different world they had created was he. The wolf did not want this visit to end, wanted it to extend to the very end of the world, the end of the universe, when their atoms would be strewn about like glass beads and still they would long for the company of their dearest friend. He struggled to find words to reply with in time, caught in a race with the pace of their steps. "My life shall be far greater than any story that has been penned, as long as for forever you will stay my friend." Hemming's eyes stayed on hers, this time. His rhyme fit perfectly what he was feeling. Never again would he turn to his storybooks when he felt lonely. Perhaps he would never feel lonely again.

james made this

- Anu - 08-03-2009


I had to end this, I hope you are okay with it. I thought it felt right. Let me know if it isn’t.. <3

Had he not known love? Anu wondered a very similar question. But how could he not? The woman found that he was surprised by her words, or was he just taken aback? Or could he just be flattered? She was by his, and the feeling of acceptance that he gave filled her and almost poured out over the crown of her skull. Anu would deny him that newness and would not say that he was feeling something new and that he had never had friendship as theirs. He must have, for who would not love him? That was a question that Anu would allow herself to ask, for she was sure of the answer. Everyone. Anyone that met him would see what she did, and fall to his life giving energy.

For a moment, as he spoke those words. The rhyme filling her ears and traveling hastily to her heart she wanted to stay forever. She could stay here, couldn’t she? Living with the simplicity that he made for her, share smiled and days filled with flying kites and looking for fossils. They could enjoy star filled nights and he could teach her to read and she show him the ways of the sun, and the life that could be born in the soil. Never again could she think of the sorrows, the pains of the heart and the burdens of responsibility. But Anu knew better then to spoil the wonder that he created, by greedily hording it.

The woman stopped, blue eyes looking into the star gold that he wore. Next time they would play, and it will be you who wants to stay. … A flower I have given you, it’s petals hold your eyes in hue… In the next our kites will fly high like doves, but never beyond the reaches of our… Simply she said, without rhyme. “Forever. I promise.” Softy she spoke. She would be his friend, and Anu did not to wait for a promise from the male. He need not say the words, for Anu read them in his gaze. It was time for it to end, before she spoiled it. A smile was her exit, and for the first time that night Anu step into the darkness as she stepped away from him.


- Hemming - 08-03-2009

Oh my gosh, I just have to reply one more time <33

He watched her cerulean eyes as she spoke, feeling as if more and more was hanging off these words. She broke the rhyme, straying from their game, and it made what she said seem all the more poignant. They hit him like a blow that would leave one winded, but instead of a blow it was a gentle touch, and losing his breath for such a cause was oh so pleasant. Instead of saying anything at all, Hemming fell silent with the appreciation of the way he was feeling. The wolf did not understand such emotions as the ones that filled him now, and likely never would, but he was still able to hold them within his skin, more precious than the blood that pumped through his veins. He cherished her words dearly, and they lifted him high off the ground, through the night air by some magic he had never known as he clung, white knuckled, to their warm surface. The promise would never be forgotten, and of course, the promise was reciprocated. It glimmered in his eyes, and he knew that Anu could see it.

Hemming fell into a deep ocean of silence as Anu disappeared into the darkness. He stared out from the inside of AniWaya, feeling weightless and whole at the same time, tethered to Earth by those three hallowed words. Even his mind, usually full with a flurry of thoughts, was quiet as he let the hush of dark fall over him, savouring the way that their visit had made him feel. The wolf knew he couldn't stand there by the fence forever, and as Anu's form was swallowed whole he turned around and traced their path back to his den. It felt lonely, walking a trail that had been forged by two pairs of feet, but it gave Hemming time to gorge himself on a feeling that had been, prior to his life in a pack, so rare. Anu would be waiting for him on some other day, and they would take that trip to the beach to find little wonders that, in the end, could never compare to the gem he now held in his heart.

And, of course, when he got back home the day lily would be waiting, a faithful reminder of a beautiful day.

james made this