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i'm done feeling like a skeleton. - Printable Version

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- Rendall - 08-30-2009

She looked over at the big silver male, her eyes bent back in ashame at her memories of vicous the she-wolf leader Avery. "Well, in my old..pack, my fur wasnt normal, they were practical wolves, ones who practically worshipped being normal. I obviously wasnt normal, so i was always told to be in the shade and never come out unless it was raining, its just habit nowadays. Afterall there are many different wolves in souls and i dont wish to offend anyone by strutting out my fur"

She smiled shyly at them then looked concerningly over at Spirit, that had to have been the tenth time she scratched her ear. The pup sat down and cocked her head, she guessed that in Spirits wild life, she didnt really groom much, which wasnt a bad thing....until ticks and fleas got to you, it took a true master to become one with those crazy little demons.

- Spirit Moonfang - 08-31-2009

Spirit listened to Rendall intently. She thought it was strange that Rendall's pack didn't like being different. It was interesting learning about each other's backgrounds.

Spirit laid back down and closed her eyes lazily.

- Charon Amrithai - 09-01-2009

http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/char ... _tears.jpg); background-color:#0E141B; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:246px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">

    The silvery canine nodded, looking at Spirit with a mix of wonder and sympathy in his eyes. Maybe they weren't so different, after all. Even if she was as feral as he was sheltered and kind, they had their similarities. He offered her a muted smile, lighting up his azure eyes from behind for a long moment before he spoke. "I understand. I love my family, and as much as I miss 'em, I dunno if I ever wanna go back," he said, shaking his big head from side to side. "Sometimes the ones you love most can be the worst to you, huh?" he asked rhetorically, able to view the feral femme in a new light altogether. She was not so different from the pallid wolf.

    Rendall also seemed to have experienced a fair amount of trauma in her young life, and Charon frowned, disappointed to hear that others would find her beautiful coat abnormal. Well, yeah, it was pretty weird and abnormal, but that didn't make it any less pretty. Her fur gleamed sapphire in the sun, devouring the light and casting it back in a different color—so what? That wasn't any reason to hate her. "Well, that's not fair at all, Rendall," he said, frowning. "Your old pack should have seen you for what you are, something special and unique," the wolf said reassuringly.

    He didn't know many of the canines in Souls, but he couldn't see how any of them could hate her simply for the color of her fur. Char sure didn't, he thought it was really pretty—and maybe if they were closer in age, he might have pursued her, but Rendall was still a tad young for his tastes. If he was right, she wasn't even a yearling yet. He was almost three himself, though it certainly wouldn't seem it from his childish demeanor and his kind, happy nature. Still, she hardly deserved poor treatment just because of the way she looked, and it almost made Charon angry to hear that she'd been kept to the shade for a good part of her life.


- Rendall - 09-01-2009

She listened to Spirit and Char talk for a while, she nodded in agreement with them. "We all love our families very much, and thats what keeps us tied to them the strongest i guess." The sun felt warm against her fur and she was finally able to truely relax. So many memories to sort through it seemed, at least at them moment.

In her short life, the child was never hidden from the truth, only because she wasnt truly appart of the pack, or so Avery had said. Most of the pups born with her were told many lies to keep them thinking that they're old leader was a hero. Charons comforting voice brought her back. She wagged her tail happily at his comment, people like him were the reason she could never truely stay away from this wonderful land. She hoped that she would also bring back her family, or what was left of it, back here as well.

She grinned at the large loving wolf, "Well it wasnt always that way, you see my father, Seff, he was the pack alpha. My mother, Ylva, was his luperci mate. With him in charge the pack and everything in it seemed at peace. Until Avery, his cousin i think, well she killed him and claimed the pack as her own....it all seemed to be very cruel at that point, even pups who were my friends werent really allowed to talk to me." she laid down and put her head on her paws. It was a sad fact in life but many people have had it worse and she was glad to just gone through it and be here with her friends.

- Spirit Moonfang - 09-01-2009

Spirit opened one eye and nodded in agreement. "That's true." She paused before turning to Rendall. " This Avery person seems a bit tyrannical if you ask me. My tribe is a bit violent but if one of us did something like that, we would be mauled on the spot."

Spirit yawned before laying down again.

- Charon Amrithai - 09-01-2009

http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/char ... _tears.jpg); background-color:#0E141B; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:246px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">

    The pale silver wolf did love his family, but it was that very thing which had driven him away from his family in the first place. Even if Vasilios and Delia had been nasty to Soare before they died, they were never bad to him. And he loved his mother very much—but his stern father? He loved him because he had to, but Charon wasn't Ezra's biggest fan. As the eldest son, Char was supposed to have taken over his father's leatherworking once his father grew too old to do it, but his father was a young man, and after two and half years of living in that halfway state, that state of purgatory. Char felt as if he was not progressing forward enough in life, and living in his father's shadow had only increased the feeling. He smiled tersely, but said nothing, preferring not to comment. If his mind wanted to bring up Ezra, that was fine—but Char wouldn't vocalize much of anything about his own family, especially not now that Rendall was revealing more intimate parts of her past.

    Even wild Spirit seemed shocked by the level of violence in Rendall's homeland, and the big, silver wolf immediately felt very bad for her and furious with this unknown Avery wolf. Even if she was a female, Charon would have kicked her ass (or tried to, anyway) for being so nasty to Rendall and killing her very own cousin, Rendall's father. Anger showed on his face, a rare emotion for the big wolf. "Well, damn," he said, the curse slipping from his mouth. He almost winced afterwards, half-expecting Ezra to slap him on the back of the head for uttering such a word. His ears flicked backwards and he shook his head. "I wouldn't ever go back there if I were you, Rendall. It doesn't sound safe," the silver wolf said, frowning. He didn't want her to get hurt or worse, not after they'd only just become friends.


- Spirit Moonfang - 09-02-2009

Spirit opened her eyes again and grunted in agreement. " Charon's right. It wouldn't be wise to return until you are strong enough. After that time, go ahead and open a nice big can of Avery whup-ass."

Spirit chuckled and laid back down, resting her head on her paws.

- Rendall - 09-02-2009

The pup laughed at Spirits response, the she-wolf was one of little words, but they did have meaning behind them. She turned back to the silvery male and smiled "Well I'm not about to go battle charging in there, that would be stupid, but I need to see what she or anyone else in the pack might know about my siblings." She wagged her tail lightly and sighed happily in the sunlight. "Until then, I was thinking about traveling around and seeing my share of the world, granted i may be young, and the world isnt nearly as kind as my home here, but, if not now, then when?"

- Charon Amrithai - 09-03-2009

http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll42 ... est-26.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;padding-top:0px;background-color:#001a36;background-position:bottom;">
         The pale wolf turned to Spirit's words, and he laughed merrily, agreeing with the sentiment wholeheartedly and enjoying the joke. His azure eyes twinkled brightly and his infectious laugh echoed loudly in the otherwise quiet forest, stirring up a bird that had been perching above them. This only served to amuse the big wolf further, until after a moment he calmed down, shaking his head. The pale wolf turned back to Rendall, listening to her words intently. He liked her a lot, he considered both of these wolves his friends now—he didn't particularly want either of them to get hurt, but he had a feeling Spirit could take care of herself. It was Rendall, with her injured paw and smaller frame, who had to be worried about.

         "I understand. Family's really important..." he trailed off, smiling. He understood the second part of her statement, the wanderlust—it had driven him from his snowy home, bidding him to seek the open spaces and new places in the unknown world. It was almost like a fire burning in his gut when he'd been home, as if he was chained down and bound to the Amrithai until his death. That was an uneasy feeling, at best—he loved his family, but he knew there was more out there in the world than just them. "I hope your siblings are okay. I'm sure you'll find 'em if you go looking," he reassured her.

         The silver wolf paused before continuing to speak, considering his words carefully. "The world's a big place, Rendall. I've seen a little bit of it, myself, maybe walked the same path you did to get here. I dunno," he shrugged. "This is as good a place as any, I suppose, and I'm sayin' that as somebody who isn't in a pack. You must like it too here, eh Spirit? Otherwise, why'dya stick around—all the handsome men?" he laughed, winking at her with another merry smile. No sense to sit around gloomy and contemplating the dark past—here they were in the present, alive and mostly well, and with friends. Charon couldn't think of another place in the world he'd rather be.

thanks to jael for the table!

- Spirit Moonfang - 09-03-2009

Spirit let out a snort of laughter which sent a few dried leaves flying. "Yeah, it is. I don't know about that, though. I haven't met any handsome men yet."

Spirit returned Charon's merry smile and laid back down on the leaves.

- Rendall - 09-04-2009

Rendall bursted out giggleing, handsom men? in Pheonix vally? it was just too much especially with Spirits response as well " Handsom men...heh, i dont think so." The pup tried to catch a breath and rolled back over onto her belly, then mischeviously looked over to Spirit.

With the sun sending blue rays off her back she crawled over to the female and laid down in front of her. Rendall placed her head infront of Spirits ontop of her own paws and simply stared at the she-wolf. Curious to see what the female might say at the closeness.

- Spirit Moonfang - 09-05-2009

Spirit pricked her ears, startled at the closeness between her and Rendall, but Spirit calmed down and agreed with Rendall. "Yeah, I didn't think there were any handsome men around here."

She flicked her ear and closed her eyes again.