'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Battle Cries and Scars to match... - Printable Version

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- Angelique du Coudray - 03-17-2010

The number of spiders in this place was amazing! It was in this place Angel would do her animal studies and learn the different species for her pack and even collect samples if she needed to. She was almost like a shaman; knowing all the right medicines for all the right kinds of pain, illnesses and diseases and even minor things like headaches or something short of a narcotic or two. Crouching on her rock she continued her studies of a small black and red spider. Upon finding books of them and other animals from old rundown towns she collected as many as she could that were not damaged and began to read upon them. One books specifically "Spiders and their Natural Habitats" was indeed very interesting for it gave all the spiders information such as breeding habits, powerful venom and their affects when bitten, eating habits, where they lived and anything else you could think of that involved a spider. As she made her own notes on another paper from the book and even some that were not listed she eyed one spider she found sitting in a web. In the book it was called the Funnel Web Spider. Typically they remain in dryer climates so Angel was curious as to why one was out here in such a place but with the amount of food that resided here, mainly bugs and insects that crawled on the ground, Angel was not surprised as to why one would not live here if bugs was what one fed on.

As she blocked the entrance with a tube and used a smaller one that was plugged in the end she aimed for that hole in the end of the tube, which was in the top, and placed it under the fangs and began to tease it a little. The tube was clear plastic and was very tiny like a blade of grass. It was more like a straw but it was plugged in one end so she could collect a couple drops of it. Once the spider was angry enough and she was able to collect the sample she pulled it out and eyed the bright yellow venom in the bottom. If there were spiders that were harder to catch and would not bite, say the Black Widow spider she read in the book, she would kill it and dissect the glands from the spider carefully of course and collect them for later. Once her collection of the Funnel Webbed spider was complete she set it in with other samples of the funnel webbed spider she had in a box she had made from wood and sealed it. Upon traveling to old towns humans resided in, one being an old hospital or at least a pharmacy it looked like, she was able to collect small vials which were very useful for this sort of fashion. Smiling she let the spider loose and walked off so she would not get bitten herself!

Once she had all the samples she could collect Angel soon headed down to the river to bathe and rinse off from being out here the last couple of days. Shaking her blackened mane that hung from the top of her head and the back of her head on down her neck she let out a sigh and stroked her hands through it. She loved the feeling of water on her body for it was relaxing and cooling to the senses. After she got out she then went back to the shore and looked at her spiders and venom samples she had collected. That way if some one got a bite from a spider she would be able to correct it. The funnel web spiders antivenin Angel had read was immunized by rabbits and their blood was collected after neutralizing the poison, purified and then given to victims of this bite. Similar ways for other spiders were made by using horses such as for the Red Back spider which was also good for the brown and black widow spider venoms, monkeys, chicken, goats, sheep and camels also had all been used for antivenin purposes. The recluse spider bite Angel also read had to be given the antivenin doses needed to keep from dying within 24 to 48 hours of the bite otherwise the antivenin would not work. Angel hoped she would never have to get bit by one for sure!