'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
the White Knight is talking backwards - Printable Version

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- Gabriel de le Poer - 04-08-2010


Erin! Set directly after the optional meeting. :]

He had seen her, out of the corner of his eye, and seen what he had known would happen. Under his watch, under the weight of this war and all that came with being of Inferni, his beautiful sister was wilting. This was not to say she had not been crushed before—a blue eyed man had seen to that. She had recovered, she had healed, but the scars on her hip were enough proof that she was not okay. Gabriel had not waited long after the meeting before he made his way towards her home, following the smoky scent that always clung to it.

Both feet, one scarred by his own hand, stopped outside of her doorway. Gabriel looked worn, but his mind did not allow such a thing to linger in his thoughts. There was a moment of hesitation; a moment where his ears turned back and he considered walking away then and there. Of all the things he was, however, Gabriel was not a coward. He would do what needed to be done, regardless of whom he hurt. “Rikka?” He called out, looking into the mouth of her home.

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table by sie

- Rikka de le Poer - 04-08-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... kka2-2.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Big Grin

She had waited to hear all her brother needed to say and then she had slunk back into the confines of her den. Part of her wanted to go out and help move the stakes, to be useful for a change, but the fear was too great. What if the demon was out there just waiting for such an opportunity to snatch her away and finish what he had started. Rikka might not be worth anything to Inferni, but her family was and she didn't want to put them through any more turmoil. The most helpful thing she could do was to keep herself safe so they wouldn't have to worry over her. Gabriel and Kaena had enough on their plates. The last thing she wanted was to be a burden.

Rikka had heard movement near the mouth of her den, but hadn't paid it any mind, assuming it was simply members dispersing after the meeting had concluded. The woman looked upon her tambourine, hoping to distract herself from all the danger that threatened her home and family. An unexpected voice called her name and she set the instrument aside, moving towards the front of the cave where her eyes fell upon her weary sibling. Even as worn out as he looked though, his strength was ever present. She only wished there was something she could do to help him. "Gabriel," she responded softly. "Are you...okay?" It was a stupid question, of course he wasn't, but it was only said out of her love for him.


- Gabriel de le Poer - 04-08-2010


For as worn as he must have looked, he could see a shadow falling over her. It filled him with great sadness to imagine his sister—who had come here with only sunshine in her heart—broken in such a way. She had not suffered as much as others, but she had been destroyed. If he did not act he would lose her completely. A faint and honest smile broke across his face, releasing some of that war weariness and giving him back his youth. Gabriel was aging, but he was still in his prime, and still as strong as any wolf that would challenge him. Only one had; one that Gabriel sought to mount on the borders and burn alive.

And he would. Oh Lord, he would. “I’m fine,” he replied. “Can I come in? I need to talk to you.” There was no ferocity in his voice. It was a gentle tone, one he had used with his daughter in her time of need. Gabriel was a monster, but he was not, as Anu knew, made of stone.

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table by sie

- Rikka de le Poer - 04-08-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... kka2-2.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

She hoped the war would end soon, that there would be no more deaths aside from that of the monster. Rikka did not believe she had ever wished death on anyone, but she wished it upon that murderer, that rapist, that evil creature. If it had only been her that he had hurt she would have been able to live with it, but seeing what his actions had done to her brother and knowing the crime he had committed against her mother were what drove her wish for vengeance. She knew that Gabriel would find no peace until Haku Soul was gone from the Earth and so it must be. If anyone deserved such a fate, it was that blue eyed wolf.

What made him smile, she did not know, but it was a gift to her and she felt her spirits lift more than they had since all this had happened. A similar one pushed up the corners of her own lips, and she nodded at him. "Of course." Rikka backed up a little, giving him plenty of room to enter the cave. What he wanted to speak with her about was a mystery to her, but no matter the subject she would always be willing to speak with Gabriel. He was her brother, and even if they did not always see eye-to-eye she felt that they understood one another.


- Gabriel de le Poer - 04-09-2010


For well over a year, Gabriel had had no peace. He could not wash a mother and child’s blood from his hands. He could not forget the things that had been done by that monster. More had been buried. More lives had been ruined because of his ineptitude and inability to destroy his shadow. They could not exist together on this earth, and now more then ever Gabriel understood they were destined to destroy each other. Certainly, they both intended this. When that time came, all of heaven and hell would tremble and quake.

Even now, the flames of destiny burned in his clear amber eyes. Gabriel did not delude himself from his fate. He knew his purpose. He had known it all along. “I think you need to leave,” he said bluntly, standing inside of her home as if he belonged there. He had never pushed his authority, or his ownership of the land on his members, but the wolf blood taught him well. This place was his and his alone. “I don’t want anything else to happen to you. Inferni draws trouble, and we always will.” They felt like excuses, coming from his blackened muzzle. In a very real sense, they were.

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table by sie

- Rikka de le Poer - 04-09-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... kka2-2.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Gabriel would prevail. Her faith in the right of the world hadn't been crushed so badly as to think that that evil would overpower her brother. Rikka wasn't a religious person, at least not in the same way that he was, but she trusted that he would overcome Haku. That hell hound wasn't fighting for anything. Gabriel was fighting to eradicate that evil, to protect his home and his family and the lives that were protected under him. That gave him strength. She saw it in his movements, in the way his eyes glowed. Gabriel would not let the darkness defeat him. He would win. His sister believed this as she believed little else.

His words made a stone drop into her stomach, stunning her. Her face became a hard neutral mask, a shiver running down her spine. Rikka wasn't sure how to take that sentence until he explained further, but even then it was a hard pill to swallow. Of course she was grateful for his concern of her, but she knew the way her family viewed those who left. If she left again, she could probably never come back. At least not without facing a substantial amount of hostility. It was a blow to her pride, that she had failed in this, and part of her was still unwilling to give up and throw in the towel. Still, she knew she couldn't remain the person she was and stay here as well. "I..." Her voice felt forced, and she licked her lips. "Everyone will hate me if I leave." Though she wasn't so worried about the others. She could bear their disdain. "Would you hate me?" she asked, looking back up to him, their eyes meeting. That was one thing she couldn't bear.


- Gabriel de le Poer - 04-11-2010


In another life, it would have been Gabriel, not his father, who was chosen to take up the helm of a religious madwoman who dreamt only of revenge. This world had been burnt up in God’s fire, and here, in this peculiar place that did not see the rule of good or evil as the Aquila did. He understood the world. No one here could see beyond the safety they believed they had, or the lies that had made up their lives. Even his own family had convinced themselves they were immortal.

Gabriel believed this because he knew his destiny was not his own, and saw arrogance in those who thought otherwise. His eyes focused on her sharply, read the doubt and confusion, and he felt a pang of empathy. It was momentary, and did not last long. Even fainter then her regret was the smallest flicker of that wounded pride, and he knew then and there she was very much his sister. That same peculiar smile broke into a grin, and Gabriel laughed—it was the first honest laugh that had broken from his mouth since the war began. “Why would I ask you to go then?” His peculiar sense of humor crept back under that stoic mask, and his velvet poise returned. “No one will hate you. I want you to be safe.”

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table by sie

- Rikka de le Poer - 04-11-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... kka2-2.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

There were many ways in which she was very different from her family, but there were some things that simply just ran in her blood. Pride was one of them. They all took pride in different things, but none of them liked failing at something they set out to do. When she had come back, she hadn't been sure if it would work, but she had wanted to make it work. Rikka had been set on staying this time around. But that had been before. Before the war and before Haku Soul had crushed her body and spirit. She had worked hard to find herself, and no matter how reluctant she was to give up on Inferni, she was even more reluctant to let go of what had taken her years to find.

Rikka couldn't remember the last time she had heard her brother laugh. Honestly laugh. Even if he was laughing at her somewhat foolish question, she was happy to hear that noise come from him. Some of her apprehensions melted away and she found a smile back on her own face. "I guess that was a silly thing to ask," she acquiesced. Still, she had needed to ask it. No matter how new her bond with Gabriel was, it was important to her and she didn't want to do anything that would endanger it. His concern for her warmed her, and if even he saw how she was fading away here and wanted her to go then she should. "Where should I go?" Her knowledge of the other packs besides Dahlia was painfully lacking. It needed to be somewhere that was on good terms with the clan though. Even if she was leaving she wanted to still be able to see her family.


- Gabriel de le Poer - 04-11-2010



It was either, or both, parts of their blood that had cursed them with that unfathomable pride. Gabriel was no different—he had once been a creature of ego, and marked for this arrogance on his face. One wolf had made it painfully clear that mighty Gabriel was nothing more then flesh and blood. He had forgotten this, somewhere on his way back home, and now he had been reminded twice what had been taught. For whatever else he was, Gabriel was a slow learner; things stuck only after they had been cut deep.

His laughter warmed her, but it was not enough to cause her to blossom. His sunflower sister would never find her light in a place marked by death. Gabriel could offer her nothing now that he had failed her. She was beyond his protection. Hopefully one day she would understand that. At her question, he balked—Gabriel had not considered that entirely, and now was left scrambling. Dahlia would kill her. Jefferson had made it painfully apparent that he was not fond of coyotes. He had promised Anu not to bring harm on her pack, and felt a twinge of guilt for their budding friendship. AniWaya was too far south for his liking. There was one option for her. “There’s a pack near the coast, further south of here. They call themselves Cour des Miracles, and from what our mother has said, their leader is fond of coyotes. I think that they might be the best place for you,” he added, and then as if it might sway her: “I’ll go with you to be sure, if you want.” A half-crooked smile, a wag of the tail. Gabriel looked very much like a coyote, with that silent dare that anyone turn away his sister. He wouldn’t allow it.

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table by sie

- Rikka de le Poer - 04-11-2010

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... kka2-2.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Her strength was not that of brute force, but of willpower and the power to endure. That belief in herself had been greatly rocked though. The attack had broken her and the fear of Haku and the war that he rained down upon her family and home had kept her holed up, her spirit caged like a bird with a broken wing. Rikka was a free spirit, and to be so confined and so frightened wore her down. Dark circles were beneath her golden eyes and even the sheen of those orbs had dulled from their once vibrant luster. It wasn't the clan that had pushed her to the ground, but everything that surrounded it. Inferni, however, was sadly not the place for someone such as her to recover from such wounds.

Rikka would never blame him, or think that he had failed her. If anything, he had given her faith that she wasn't a total outcast of the family. That despite seeing the world so differently they could still love and care for each other as siblings were supposed to. Now he preferred her to go somewhere where she could be safe and happy, even if it was outside of the clan. Even if she was leaving, she wanted the war to end soon. She would worry over him and the clan until it did. However, this would be the first big step towards her healing. Rikka watched Gabe curiously as he ran through the options in his head, finding the one that would be most suitable. The place he described sounded perfectly acceptable to her and she trusted his judgment fully on this matter. His matter sealed the deal for her and she even felt her own tail stir in a contented wag. "That sounds fine to me, and I'd really appreciate that." Traveling anywhere on her own right now seemed a task too frightening to consider. With Gabriel by her side though, there would be nothing to worry about.
