'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Joining ! ^_^ - Printable Version

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- Braelyn - 04-18-2010

◦Character Name: Braelyn Phe'noia
◦Character Birthdate (including year): January 20, 2009
◦Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
◦Species:Canis Lupus
◦Gender: Female
◦A secondary form of contact: AIM: XrogueX54; E-mail: torieeab@ymail.com (best method, I'm never on Aim -_-)
◦How you found 'Souls: Hmm, I do believe it wasadvertised on another site.
◦3 Roleplaying Examples or fill out your profile: Profile filled out ! ^^

- Tayui Aston - 04-18-2010

Welcome to 'Souls!

Hey, welcome to 'Souls. You've just joined the craziest bunch of wolf roleplayers on the vast internet. If you haven't done so already, you should check out the rp guide for detailed information about our werewolves and other general role playing information.

Now that you're accepted, you need to do two things:
___1. Make your first IC post within five days.
___2. Update your profile with a bit of background information on your character.

You can also start saving up points toward titles and icons and cool stuff. Check out the Open Threads and Thread Requests forum for people looking to roleplay. You can post random out of character chat in the OOC Garbage with us, too.

- Tayui Aston - 04-18-2010

A very interesting history! I enjoyed reading it. Big Grin You might want to mention the journey to 'Souls, since you have to cross the Atlantic by boat. :O

*toddles off to title you!*

- Braelyn - 04-18-2010

Hmm. Odor blocking body wash by old spice flew her over there....?

naww, I'll go figure it out lol

- Kaena Lykoi - 04-18-2010


I *love* all of the Terry Crews commercials for the Old Spice stuff. I think they are Old Spice commercials, anyway. I just know that Terry Crews is in them and he is hilarious.


- Braelyn - 04-18-2010

I just sat here for a good half hour watching them over & over. I wish I was a man, so I could smell like a man, man. And have double sun powerrrrrrrrrrrr. ^^
and thank you!

- Tayui Aston - 04-18-2010

Hahahaha XD

Yeah, just something to think about since it is a looooong ride and plenty of us forget. I am totally going to make a little chart for distances in 'Souls :O

- Kaena Lykoi - 04-18-2010

Omg, screw it. I actually like most scented things to be manly-scented, like bodywash and so forth... most of the girly stuff is too girly and flowery. :| Also, man-deodorant is way more powerful than most girl-deodorant and seems to work much better anyway. SO I WILL USE MANSTUFF AND SMELL LIKE MAN. But a good-smelling man, not a stinky man with powerful manly odors because ewwwww. Big Grin

Also Tammi I totally agree with the distances chart thing and think it would go well on the World Territories map thing I made?! I would love to input this onto the maritime map thing! :O

- Bris Stormbringer - 04-18-2010

*random* Aaahhhhh "Unforgiven!" That was my very first 'Souls character's theme song!! ;-; Nostalgia...

Welcome to 'Souls! BUILDING KICK!!!


Ok I'm done now. ^^

- Braelyn - 04-20-2010

I wasn't going to have Metallica, since it seems very over-done nowadays "/ but it fit well with her background, so oh well haha.