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put your man right out in the street - Printable Version

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- Deuce Rhiannon - 03-07-2008

set 2/22

destiny_lioness (2/22/2008 9:59:57 PM): the male knew she knew, she had not see him, but she was sure she knew. Knew about his love affaire with Jasper, the male could not say that he was sorry, no. He could, not it felt great...no it felt like a holy being had come down and had blessed him with the exotic feeling that the male offered up to him. The black male walked into his den, with a fresh rabbit, one few for the year as he sat it down in front of her licking his lips, it was steps to making a peace offering.
Vanna (2/22/2008 10:02:08 PM): She was toying with the knife again. Erik had been silent since her recovery mission, but she never knew. Lucifer walked in and she looked up. He was holding a rabbit. She hadn't seen him in a while...not since he rescued her from the coyote in Inferni. that was all still blurry to her, she didn't remember much. She gave him a guarded smile, wanting badly to make peace with him.
destiny_lioness (2/22/2008 10:04:54 PM): There was the smile that he had not seen in a long time, though he was not sure if it was something that he could trust, but what the hell. The male stepped closer to her, as he gingerly tried to offer her up a tender nuzzle. "What's with that knife Deuce?"
Vanna (2/22/2008 10:08:01 PM): He gave her a nuzzle and the smile lost a little of it's tentiveness. The knife seemed to slide, to attempt to hide of it's own volition. Something flickered in her eyes- fear? It's the knife I used to kill Erik. It holds part of his spirit.....if I keep it with me, i don't hear him anymore. What had Erik done to her? She sounded insane....
destiny_lioness (2/22/2008 10:10:44 PM): The male gulped looking at the knife, it...this knife had killed him..Would it kill Lucifer too. The male stepped back away from her, with a nod. Trying to hold his fear in, looking at her, and then the knife. "Really?" The male sat down with a nod. "Dear....evil is only evil if you believe it's such."
Vanna (2/22/2008 10:13:28 PM): -poor luci. lol- She looked at him quietly. He seemed afriad. Of her. It tore at her heart. Despite their problems, she wanted to help him, to have his love. She set the knife down, looking to him, her heart in her bi-colored eyes. Erik was..is evil. That's why he haunts me. And because I killed him.
destiny_lioness (2/22/2008 10:17:30 PM): The male shook his head with a sigh. The black male wanted to help her, but really was there still a hope for her? "No Deuce, He's dead, you killed any evil that could have still been alive. That knife is an object...nothing more...nothing less."
Vanna (2/22/2008 10:19:27 PM): But I hear him, Lucifer....he says such horrible things. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and her lower lip began to tremble. Him and Shaodw both.....
destiny_lioness (2/22/2008 10:22:38 PM): Lucifer shook his head agian, she had to understand that in death there was nothing, just don't ask the male about his "ghost" "No Deuce, your think your hearing them, you let your mind wonder to much. It's your mind's way of saying that you would think they would say, or ask."
Vanna (2/22/2008 10:24:40 PM): She was trying to undersatnd, but her mind wasn't wrapping around the ideas he was giving her. She was realy trying, trying hard. But her mind refused to let go of her ghosts. Theyr'e real, lucifer....I know they are.
destiny_lioness (2/22/2008 10:27:46 PM): The male stood up walking over to her, pressing against her, hard enough to feel his warmth, but he had to give her to room to run if she felt that she needed to. "No Deuce, you want them to be. You want them to be real so badly to end the ties with that being, weather it be finally telling Erik what you think of him, and you want to tell Shadow, how much you love him, and your sorry for not being there. Trust me Deuce it's no real...you need to give up the knife."
Vanna (2/22/2008 10:29:29 PM): She pressed aginst him, needing his reassurance, needing his love. I'm sorry I lost our pups....do you still love me? trust Deuce to try and avoid the issue at hand. Typical.
destiny_lioness (2/22/2008 10:33:23 PM): Love was such a fickle word. Did he not love her because she lost the childern, did he not love her because of all the fighting? No he was sure it was because he loved Jasper, loved the sex, loved his voice, loved his smeel. The black male lied, he knew that every thing would be better, not only for 'them' per say for the pack as a whole. "Yes." there...not a huge lie, not like he was saying it back to her either.
Vanna (2/22/2008 10:36:05 PM): She smiled, clinging to him. He loved her faterall. it made her feel so much better. She looked up to him, inot his eyes. Lucifer...I want to try again. I want to give you the famly you always wanted....please let me try again. I'll be careful this time....
destiny_lioness (2/22/2008 10:40:23 PM): Now? here? The male panic, he wouldn't let her see him lose her cool. The male smiled tenderly, or atleast tryed to show her that compassion that she wants from him."I have a plan. Then it's time I want to have childern." The black male wanted to figure out the matters of his love before he gave her childern."Be sides...I don't think it's a matter of being careful, you where the last time Deuce, I want to make sure that your healthly, and I want it to be a blessing a gifted blessing."
Vanna (2/22/2008 10:42:42 PM): She looked at him, secretly relieved. She wasn't ready. She was five, and not getting any younger. Did you know Deirdre may be pregnant? She styed cuddled to him, grateful for his warmth. She was slowly having more sane days than insane. Having his help, his support was good.
destiny_lioness (2/22/2008 10:44:23 PM): the male hoped that it was not from rape, he wasn't aware that she had found a love with in the pack. The male shook his head. He hadn't talked to her in a while. Why should he, the male only talked to her when there was something going on with her mother. "You don't say?"
Vanna (2/22/2008 10:46:13 PM): Her and pilot. he's a good boy, good for her. She's done good for herself....Had her mother? Deuce looked to Lucifer quietly. She loved him so much...but there was something almost reserved about him tonight. Is everything okay, lucifer? 'Are we okay', she wanted to ask.
destiny_lioness (2/23/2008 10:05:15 AM): The male gave a nod, yeah things where fine with him. No with them, but he really wasn't okay. His mind tossed back and forth between Jasper and Deuce, between Jasper and Naniko. Was Deuce really what he wanted? Yes, Deuce. never once had he called her dear, or love.
Vanna (2/23/2008 10:07:57 AM): She looked up at him quietly, waning more then that, wanting his help and all his love. Erik whispered in the back of her mind He's got someone else, and soon he'll leave you for her... She flinched, looked away, clung tighter to him. I know we've had a lot of problems.....but please don't leave me....
destiny_lioness (2/23/2008 10:11:39 AM): Lucifer seen it in her eyes, she knew that he had thoughts about others. Lucifer looked at the female with a shooken look. Leave you? Where would I go? We have one of the nicest den around. He knew what she was talk about, though he had every plan to act like it wasn't leaving as in ending there path as one.
Vanna (2/23/2008 10:14:58 AM): She looked back up at him, her heart in her eyes, her fear, her lonliness, her anxiety. Promise me you'll never want to leave me for someone else, Lucifer? Her voice was soft, timid. She was scared, so scared...but she needed to hear it from him, that he wouldn't leave her. They were mates, and mates were supposed to be forever. And then Erik mockingly reminded her that she and Soarn had been mates, too. And look ho0w that had eneded.
destiny_lioness (2/23/2008 10:17:17 AM): If he couldn't leave her, could he make her leave him? The male gave a deep sigh, as his chest feel, he gave a nod. Fine. Fine, he wouldn't leave her for some one else, but he was quickly thiking of ways to get out of this issue.
Vanna (2/23/2008 10:19:15 AM): She relaxed, laying her head on his chest. She trembled slightly, hearing Erik mocking her, mocking her need, her love for the male holding her. can't you make him go away, Lucifer? He's mocking me again..... Begging for help, always needing it, always wanting it.
destiny_lioness (2/23/2008 10:23:15 AM): The male looked at her, resting her head on his chest. Sher was not rough like Jasper, nor soft and sweet like Naniko. What was he thinking he shook his head, trying to clear thought of the two of them. "Close your eyes, and only hear my voice"
Vanna (2/23/2008 10:24:03 AM): (last post and then i gota go. *cuddles*)
Vanna (2/23/2008 10:26:08 AM): She closed her eyes, putting her trust entirely into Lucifer, closing her eyes and clinging to him like a raft on a turbulent sea. He was her life saver, her saviour, everything to her, and he loved him, needed him. Her breath had quickened as Erik had started to speak, she was starting to panic. But she followed Lucifer's instructions.
destiny_lioness (2/24/2008 8:22:26 PM): Lucifer pressed him-self against her, he wanted her to feel safe, to feel something that he wasn't even sure he was him-self, he moved to where his head was near her ear as he pushed against her. "Find him, find Erik in your mind. We will fight him together."
Vanna (2/24/2008 8:25:07 PM): Deuce whind soflty. She didn't want to see Erik again. But she pushed nyways, pushed to find the male's darkness, find his location. She flinched as she came into contact with it, found the darkness hovering in her mind. She trembled violently, holding tightly to Lucifer, feeling Erik's hatred buffeting her mind.
destiny_lioness (2/24/2008 8:26:48 PM): She shook, he felt it. There was no question that the male was alive in her mind. Lucifer gave her a nuzzle, pushing her onwards. "Let him know that's he's dead to you, now and forever."
Vanna (2/24/2008 8:30:02 PM): -dude. I have an idea. LOL Psychosis is a woderful thing.- She whined again. She could hear him laughing mockingly as she attempted to make him go away. She opened her mouth to tell Erik to lave aloud, but instead a deep gravelly voice exited her maw. I'll never leave Deuce after what she did to me! She sagged against Lucifer, disbelieving. She was no longer in control.
destiny_lioness (2/24/2008 8:34:05 PM): Erik was strong, but he was not a male, holding her down making her have his child, Lucifer gave a snarl, he was young but he wasn't going to take any one hurting her more then what he was doing. Don't take it Deuce, fight it. Let him know what he did to you was wrong, He was never a strong male, you stood up to the plate and did what you had to do. Fight him Deuce, you know your mind better then any one else."
Vanna (2/24/2008 8:37:18 PM): She loked at Lucifer helplessly as Erik's laughter rolled out of her maw. Her shaking was more pronounced now as she trembled helplessly. She began to shake her head as memories of the rape played through her mind. She could feel Erik's hands on her and she began resisting, not even realizing it was still lucifer holding her.
destiny_lioness (2/24/2008 8:39:30 PM): Lucifer pushed him-self against her harder, he felt like he was going to hurt her, or knock her over. Fight Deuce, for Shadow, for our pups now, then and to come. Fight. I am right here. Lucifer...your mate.
Vanna (2/24/2008 8:43:56 PM): She was hyperventalating, looking at him desperately. Pure terror was written in her eyes. And then something snapped and rage began to take over. Not at her mate, but at the shade in her head. She clung to Lucifer tightly. not real, not real, not REAL, NOT REAL! GO AWAY ERIK YOU AREN'T REAL! YOU'RE DEAD, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! She began to sob then, but the mocking laughter had ceased.
destiny_lioness (2/24/2008 8:45:32 PM): The male pushed his maw over her head pulling her closer into him, holding her, it seemed to be her only saving grace right now. He wasn't the leader of Storm where he could go into her head and fight the deamons, he could only talk her though it. Deuce?
Vanna (2/24/2008 9:06:25 PM): She continued to tremble, but looked up when he said her name. oh, Lucifer.....her sobbing only worsened when she saw the concern in his eyes.
destiny_lioness: Lucifer loved her dearly...so he thought, but he couldn't help to still be a bit on look out for her. "Are you okay?"
Vanna: She looked at him, still trembling. I think so....I don't hear him anymore.
destiny_lioness: He opened his mouth to ask for how long, then shut it with a nod it might be better if it wasn't asked. His voice shook as all he could say was good.