'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Question on specific rule - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Question on specific rule (/showthread.php?tid=11173)

- Inuki - 06-18-2010

In the rules it states : "Your character cannot have magical or supernatural abilities such as telepathy or elemental control."

would any of the Admin's or Mod's have an issue with a shamanistic spiritualist? One that does not use magic or anything, just reads the signs of nature, such as Astrology, Meteorology, etc. It also would entail a knowledge of herbal lore, healing, etc.

i'm trying to work on my chara and would like to know.

- Barrett - 06-18-2010

I'm not an admin or mod, but I think in general as long as the character doesn't use their powers to predict the future or what other characters are thinking/will do, it's fine. It would certainly be okay for your character to pray to the stars or invest religious belief in them.

Meteorology and healing are definitely okay--there are a good number of apothecaries and such. Big Grin Hope this helps.

- Inuki - 06-18-2010

^^ thankees. and i hope the Admin/mods agree.

And i do invest religious belief so, thank you.

- Tayui Aston - 06-18-2010

That would be acceptable, since neither are really a form of magic. Like Zero said, as long as your character doesn't predict the future, it's fine!

Just remember to explain how your character gained these skills! For example, an older wolf might have taught your character these skills. Maybe they descend from wolfdogs that a human had and after humans died, they read the books or something and then passed it down. :O

- Inuki - 06-18-2010

Okies, thankees (again) ^^

- Tayui Aston - 06-19-2010

Not a problem! Smile