'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
crawling i position myself below your broken wing. - Printable Version

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- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-09-2008

There was something different about the girl now, the blue-eyed hybrid that had been almost soft in the past. She'd found herself now, her purpose and that one thing in life that set her apart from everyone else. It wasn't so obvious though. Rachias still held that soft blue gaze, a quaint sort of look that had taken her over ever since she'd shifted for her first time. Locks of tan and blonde hair fell from her head in large curls, blending nicely with the tone of her coat. She was large for a coyote yet small for a wolf, a nice mixture of the two, and obviously built more for speed and agility than she was power. There was very little bulk there, leaving her lacking that weighted look that most larger creatures had, replaced with feminine curves and proportions.

It had been some time now since Rachias last visited Inferni. It was the day that Gabriel and Faolin had their pups. Her mind had been busy with thoughts lately, mostly of what paths in her life she wished to go down now that she was old enough to understand. That didn't excuse her from visiting her family though, which is what she intended fully to do, she'd been planning it for a week now. As usual now, the girl paid little mind to the borders as she crossed them, arms hanging idly at her sides as she walked. It was nice to feel her feet in the sand, which was something that she had yet to experience in this new form, and it caused a very light smile to stretch across her face. She'd wander the beach for a time, perhaps, and then make her way toward the house.


- Samael Lykoi - 03-09-2008

xxxxxIt was strange, the way his memories were stolen and faded into nothing, leaving his existance as almost a blur. The One had taken memory from him once long before, replacing them with the seed of insanity that expanded and blossomed in his tainted blood. But as sanity cracked and frayed, the tangible world around him blurred and dissappeared, replaced by what he knew was from the world beyond. Faces drifted across his conciousness, unknown if they were real or not, names and titles lost as though they'd never been there.
xxxxxThe sky had cleared, allowing pale, wintry sunlight to wash across the beach. Seating himself in the sand before the water, he dragged a stone across the edge of his blade, sharpening the already deadly steel into perfection. Pausing, he touched a finger to the edge, drawing it away and smiling faintly at the line of red that'd appeared on the tip. Licking his hand, he returned the knife to it's sheath and turned vision onto his surroundings. There was a shape in the distance, unfamiliar from this point, but as it drew nearer he realized it's identity. Rising, he approached his half-sister, a cold, serpentine smile twisting his dark lips.
xxxxx"It appears the 'Lost Daughter' has returned," Samael said lightly, crimson gaze drifting across her form. He hadn't seen her since she'd been but a child, and had never seen her shifted into full optime form. "What could bring one who prefers the company of wolves to wish to come here?" he asked, cold eyes dancing.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-09-2008

Little power play, thwack me if you want me to change it. :]

Young Rachias was only just beginning to understand things about herself. Her love of holding small animals down to hear them scream was advancing ever so slowly. Larger animals screamed louder, a sound that brought her a greater rush of pleasure than the small ones. They also seemed to bleed a lot more, they were able to sustain more wounds and thus were able to live longer. In her runs of trial and error with the larger animals she had also come to discover her love of blood and flesh. It was different than eating to sustain her health, rather she seemed to indulge in it. However normal it could have seemed, soon enough it would blossom into something more.

It wasn't the sight nor the sound of her brother that let the girl know he was there, it was the faintest scent of coppery blood that caught her attention. She reached for the scent of, grabbing at the air with her nose in an almost frantic way, at least until her head turned enough to find her blue gaze resting on Samael. He was on her way toward her, which caused the girl to stop promptly in her tracks. Her eyes faltered away from his face though, trailing down the length of his arm and settling on his hand. She could see the sheen in the sun as the smallest droplet of blood clung to his finger and for a moment she simply stared.

It was his words that brought her back to attention, lifting her eyes to his face and allowing them to settle. "Oh Sammie." She practically cooed at him, curl her lips into the softest smile that she could imagine. "Aren't you happy to see your baby sister?" She cocked her head to the side slightly, hair falling into her eyes as she made a mock pouty face at him. "Besides, it looks like you need me anyways." She reached for his hand at that moment, taking it lightly in her own and bringing it to her face to examine it. "You're bleeding Sammie." She seemed concerned, furrowing her brows as she stared at him. Without a bit of hesitation, without even taking her eyes away from his, she slipped his finger into her mouth, cleaning away the blood with a tender stroke of her tongue. She knew how to play games now, too.


- Samael Lykoi - 03-09-2008

xxxxxHe'd never truly needed to discover himself, for fate had managed to find him even before he was born. Even before the prophecy had been stated from his Father's lips to his Mother's ears; before Astaroth had come to Kaena and procreated himself and his siblings. Samael couldn't remember anything before his birth; before he'd opened his eyes to see his Mother's face, when he'd still been back in Hell, but this didn't bother him — after all, he could barely remember many things from this life anyway. But the Shadows told him what he needed to know, whispering things from the Darkness, and Kaena had raised him well, training him to be a killing machine and to embrace the destiny already laid out for him. Everything had come together when the One had come to him, bearing the appearance of a beautiful angel from on high, and teaching him the last things he needed to know — granting him darkness and lust unable to be sated by mere murder.
xxxxxHe was the Prince of Fear, who's fate it was to destroy the world and everyone in it. And it even seemed he'd taken over his sibling's destinies, perhaps in their abscence, for he was a Liar and a Whore, cheating to get what he wanted and taking what was his, reveling in the feeling of physical pleasure and pain inflicted on himself and others. When Rachias sensed his prescence it seemed she was looking for something beyond him, searching almost desperately through the air until she turned and saw him. He smiled at her words, a smirk born by a thought invoked by her actions. He allowed Rachias to take his hand into her own and examine the wound inflicted by his knife. It was amusing to think she, or anyone alive, thought he needed help, especially with cuts and bleeding with his own affinity for self-mutilation. But Samael didn't fight her concern, whether it was honestly genuine or not — he was used to the lies of devils and demons, and it seemed Rachias wasn't so pure after all. He hadn't helped notice the interest she'd shown at the sight of blood, no matter how small.
xxxxxBut even he was suprised by her next actions, as she drew his finger into her mouth and licked away the blood with a stroke of her tongue. Fangs bared in the ghost of a grin, he watched her now with a new interest, curious about what his little sister had become, and was yet to grow into.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-09-2008

It was far to obvious that the younger girl was allowing his finger to stay in her mouth far beyond the amount of time that it took her to lick away the blood. She held it there, swirled her tongue around it and tasted his flesh, all the while staring directly into his eyes. Surprise was something that she would never expect from her family, there seemed to be little that could surprise any of them, and it didn't even seem to reflect in his eyes. Rachias knew it was there, knew by the way that his face suddenly changed and her brother seemed slightly less cold. Only slightly. Her mouth twisted into a small grin as she finally removed his finger, dragging it along her chin and neck, stopping it at the bones that separated neck and chest.

Instead of letting go of his hand, Rachias flattened her own against his, forcing the palm of his hand against her neck. She slid forward the, extending her free hand toward him to lay on his shoulder, wrapping around his neck as she drew near. She moved his hand as she slipped closer to him, down her shoulder and arm, across her side, until she left his hand to rest against the small of her back. Rachias pressed herself against him then, moving her other arm around his neck as well. Head tipped inward, curling against his chest as she pressed it there. "Aren't you glad to see me Sammie?" She asked him then, her tone quiet and suddenly innocent, speaking so that her warm breath would slide across his fur.

It was true that she was taking time to figure things out, but those things seemed more like pleasures and delights than anything else. This, her actions now, were not something learned. It would seemed nature almost, just something that she knew and understood, and that could be said about many different aspects of the Lykoi children. Rachias had just been given something a little different.

- Samael Lykoi - 03-09-2008

xxxxxMadness was something that ran in all their blood. Twisted creatures that'd make the devil proud, abandoning all hopes for salvation. From both their mother and father; even for little Rachias, who's father Samael had encountered only twice, yet knew was just as mad as the rest of them. He'd shown enough of an interest in killing and fucking to entertain the boy long enough to cure the boredom and thoughts that'd plaugued him. She left his finger in the warm wetness of her mouth even after the blood'd been cleaned away, tasting the flesh of his hand with her tongue. Samael was far from disturbed by thoughts of incest, but perhaps far to the contrary. Perfection ran in their blood, even when tainted by less than satisfactory bloodlines, like those of wolves. Even he carried trace amounts of wolf blood, though it was so minimal it was hardly disconcerting. And Kaena, his mother he'd wanted and desired and lusted for like no other. Rachias removed his finger from her mouth, leading it along down her chin and throat to rest just above the collarbone. Smile crawled across his lips, imagining his claws sinking into her flesh there, crushing the delicate bones and wrapping hands around her slender neck to choke away the breath in her lungs.
xxxxxShe pushed his hand against her neck with her own, moving forward as she slid her other arm around his own neck and shoulder. Coming into an embrace, she drew his hand down her side to her lower back as she leaned against him, placing her head against his chest. Using the hand that was already behind her, he pulled Rachias closer, her warm breath brushing across his chest when she spoke. "Of course," he replied, claws gently running up and down across the flesh of her back. "There's noone else like my little sister, is there?" He knew the power a woman could hold over a man, using his primal instincts against him with her body and blurring the lines between lust and love — he'd been afflicted by affections for his mother for too long to be unable to deny that. But he'd become hollow and empty, no longer allowing anyone to get past his desire to use others simply for what he saw was their purpose: fulfilling his instinctual pleasures. Kaena was different. Kaena he could love. She was more than a tool, she was his Queen.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-10-2008

Rachias, despite her obvious understanding of the power of seduction, knew little to nothing about the act of sex. To her it was only something that was to give pleasure to both parties, something that she assumed just happened. There was no concept of love there, no concept of attachment or anything of that sort. Her mother and father didn't love one another. Gabriel's father was gone as was Samael's. Love meant little to nothing when it came to sex or having children, at least in her understanding. The thought of incest was another thing that hadn't really ever crossed her mind. It was something she hadn't ever heard of really, or considered to be bad, because she knew no different.

"I missed you Sammie.." She crooned at him, sliding her ears back against her skull and turning her head ever so slightly where it rested. She pressed the very end of her muzzle against him, inching her way up to his collar bone while taking deep breaths of his scent. Muzzle parts slowly, tongue snaking out to run across the fur of his collar bone before teeth went at it, nibbling and working her way up the side of his neck. Rachias continued for a few moments before pausing, turning her head slightly to the side once more. "You should spend the day with me Sammie." She purred her words into his chest, pressing herself closer to him.

- Samael Lykoi - 03-10-2008

xxxxxClaws sunk in a little deeper as she spoke, tracing paths through her fur in what was still a soft, pleasing manner. Her head shifted on his chest, moving her muzzle toward his throat while inhaling his scent. Tongue first touching his collarbone, teeth following as she bite and nibbled at his skin, moving closer to his neck as she did so. Inhaling a sharp breath at this teasing from her fangs, claws pricked her flesh while his other hand whipped up toward her head, burying his fingers in her hair. Her scent was soft and feminine, filling his nostrails from her closeness. She paused, tilting her head to regard him before speaking. "What do you have planned?" he asked lightly, voice thicker than a moment before as she pressed closer to him.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-10-2008

Her body arched and moved against his fingers as they pressed against her, a faint attempt at moving them where she wanted them. It didn't last very long though, suddenly distract by the hand that sunk into her hair. It should have caused a panicked sort of reaction, it certainly would have before, but at that moment Rachias knew better. He was interested, at least vaguely. The girl pressed her head back against his hand, applying the faintest bit of pressure against his fingers as she moved her head in small motions. "I hadn't really thought of anything." She answered him in her quiet tone, blinking once before she let her eyes fall closed for a few moments.

"I guess we'll have to do whatever you want." She purred at him, as if it was unfortunate that she hadn't anything in mind. Blue eyes flashed open once more and the girl smiled to her older brother, a thin and teasing smile. "We should go to the house though, hm?" Did Samael fear Gabriel like the rest of them seemed to? Was he brave enough to take his little sister there knowing that it might seem out of place?


- Samael Lykoi - 03-10-2008

xxxxxHer head moved against his hand and fingers tightened, tangling themselves in her hair to gently pull at her scalp. "How sad," he replied, claws continuing to trace paths across her back. He knew what he wanted to do, but whether or not she honestly did was another matter. She was still a child, this he knew, and while instinct governed her behavior as she leaned into his embrace, leading him on, Samael could only guess whether Rachias knew what came next. But she'd learn; she'd have to learn, as she grew into a woman and accepted the fate handed to her by their bloodline. He smirked as she suggested they go into the house, fingers released her hair to lightly stroke the back of her head. "Probably," he concurred, slipping from their embrace and allowing one hand to seek out his sister's, leading her toward the house.
xxxxxSamael didn't fear Gabriel. While he did avoid the house, never setting foot within without reason, it wasn't out of fear of his older sibling, but rather it didn't suit him to reside within the castle of a king he didn't wish to serve. It smelled like him. Breathed of him. The ghosts of wolves long since deadened by the constant company of the coyotes who'd since taken over the building after chasing away the former occupants. Samael didn't pick asinine fights to show his disapproval, but he wouldn't willingly bow his head and grovel beneath a crown gracing the wrong head. He was no fool, but he knew how to bide his time. The house seemed empty as they approached, nostrils flaring as he entered the darkness of the building, he turned back toward Rachias a moment as he stepped over the threshold. While he didn't know the layout of the house all that well, they could search for a quiet room to be alone, or simply sit down defiantly right on the couch in the living room, tempting Gabriel's wrath or disapproval.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-10-2008

Thoughts had long since left the girl as she stood out in the open with her brother. They had been there for a short time, of course, wondering just what exactly she had gotten herself in to. Her intentions, at least when she'd first begun her little game with him, had been only to tame the beast long enough to be sure that he wouldn't harass her. Something told her that he could be just as bad, if not worse, than Andre had been, and Rachias wasn't that keen on having two brothers wanting to kill her. Now though. Now Rachias had lost herself in her own game. Confused and curious, frightened and exhilarated all at the same time. Samael didn't know that Rachias knew nothing beyond how to get a male interested and she also knew that he likely wouldn't care either.

He moved away from her then, taking hold of her hand and leading her across the sandy beach, in the direction of the house. With little reluctance did she follow, lagging only slightly behind him as they went. All was quiet when they entered, eying her brother when he turned back to her. She'd pulled her hand away as she entered, brushing past him long enough to travel the short distance toward the stairs, where she neatly seated herself and turned her attention back toward him. "You can look around if you want Sammie, I don't think they're here." It was likely that he hadn't been inside often and though the suggestion was meant for him to find a place for them to go, she suspected that he wasn't at all interested in looking around.

- Samael Lykoi - 03-10-2008

xxxxxRachias moved past him toward the stairs, seating herself on a step before turning back toward him. "Seems that way," he replied, senses searching the rest of the house ahead of his body for the tell-tale sigh of wood beneath someone's shifting weight, or other giveaway signs of life from a body. Samael didn't care if he ran into someone while here, but he'd rather not be bothered with the presence of another outside of the pair of them. Moving around, he peered in through open doorways, moving past his sister to head upstairs toward the next floor. Finding a likely door, he pushed it open and looked within, finally turning back and saying, "This room's empty." Entering, he headed for the window, leaning against the frame and peering out toward the beach, briefly curious about the view only until Rachias would come up the stairs.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-10-2008

Blue eyes were trained on her brother as he moved, paying special attention to his face from where she sat. She was dead silent for a time, giving him time to hear what he needed to hear. Nothing. He was off then, slipping through the house and peering into rooms before he finally returned to the stairs. Once he brushed his way past her she turned herself, pushing her hands against the stairs to bring herself to stand just as her brother disappeared from her sight. His voice came then and the girl began to climb the stairs, sliding her hand up the railing until the point that she was all the way up and away from them. Rachias entered the room then, searching only for a moment before her eyes found him.

"Something interesting out there, Sammie?" She asked quietly, jokingly as she turned her back to him, pushing the door closed with a soft click.

- Samael Lykoi - 03-12-2008

xxxxxShe moved into the room and he turned his head slightly, watching her. "Not as interesting as in here," he said lightly, amused as he left the window and stepped toward Rachias once she'd closed the door behind her. One arm slunk around her waist, pulling her close while his other hand rose to lightly stroke her hair. Fingers shifting to gently trace her jawline, he turned her head upward toward his, softly touching his lips to her's, testing her resolve — seeing how far she'd let him go.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-12-2008

Rachias stood at the door for a few moments more, hand pressed up against the cool wood. All fell silent after he spoke, the nothing soon broken by the soft steps as he crossed the room toward her. She began to turn toward him then, only to find his arm reaching for her, taking her around the waist and pulling her near. The cream and caramel swirled girl did not fight him, allowing herself to be pulled closer, and when she was finally against him blue eyes searching his face. The shivers came next, starting the moment that he touched her hair, then her face, and before long his lips were pressed against hers and Rachias found herself stunned. Stunned, the girl tensed and stood deathly still, staring. It was only a moment before the tension lifted away though, her hands finding his chest, sliding through the fur there, and she pressed her lips against his with gentle force.


- Samael Lykoi - 03-12-2008

xxxxxShock. Her immediate reaction to his kiss was shock, body tensing as she remained frozen in place, staring at him with deep blue eyes. Just as misgivings about her state of mind and willingness began to creep across his consciousness, Rachias relaxed and hands sought out his chest. Half a laugh threatened to escape his throat, claws once again tracing a path down her spine toward her hips, teasing her flesh as she'd done him before.
xxxxx"Do you want to run away now, little sister?" he asked quietly, lips breaking from her's as crimson eyes sought blue. He'd give her a chance to go, leaving him standing there alone in the room with only his unsated desire. Samael wasn't a cruel boy, not always — he'd let her go if she honestly wanted to. Teasing was one thing, but this was another, and Samael could respect the wishes of his family just as easily as destroy them.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-12-2008

Her body arched and squirmed beneath his fingers, reacting to the touch as he trailed them down her back. The squirming only caused her to inch in closer to him, pressing herself against him, and for a brief moment she shuddered. What she hadn't expected was the look in his eyes as he spoke, overwhelmed by the pools of red staring back at her. Would he really let her go? Would he start to let her go only to chase her down and drag her back into the room? Something told her, despite the fact that she would have thought differently at any other time, that he really would let her go. For a brief moment the thought crossed her mind, considering turning and walking right out the door. Her stomach flipped with unease, trembling nervously as she stood against him.

Curiosity was an odd thing though. No matter how much her mind told her that it was alright to leave, her body urged her to stay. The reaction to his touches were odd and new to her, leaving her curious to other things. "No." She whispered finally, her voice slipping out with an air of confidence, though her eyes screamed of just how nervous she was. Rachias was about to speak again though she stopped herself short just as the beginning breath left her. What did he expect of her? Did he know her inexperience with things of such a nature? She doubted that he would really be fond of trying to explain it all to her, so she left herself in silence, staring up at him.

- Samael Lykoi - 03-12-2008

xxxxxTremors ran through her body, shivering at his touch as claws glided across her back. She was nervous, this he knew — he could smell it on her, the pungent odor that hung around her form like a cloud. And while this may of excited him, driving him to insanity as he turned that hesitance and insecurity to fear, tearing apart her body and ripping through her flesh, he held himself back with some effort. It was funny, really, how once before he'd hated his younger siblings so viciously, longing to tear them apart simply to remove the barrier that separated himself and his mother. But now with Kaena gone, abandoning these children just as much as she'd abandon him, he no longer had a reason to despise the girl, though these feelings still lingered. Flesh and blood hardly matter to the boy, but he'd once found himself "loving," if that was possible, both Razekiel and Ahemait, and even Molochai, Kaena's loyal son who'd aided in his rearing. It was probably this that had allowed himself to grant Rachias an ultimatum, allowing her to turn away if she so chose.
xxxxxBut confidence filled her voice when she finally spoke, uttering a simple "no" that was a good enough consent to the prince. She was nervous, this he knew, and more than likely had no idea what to do beyond teasing, but this mattered not to the Lykoi, for all a body had to do was lie beneath him and be used, and he was satisfied. A fire burned in his eyes at her word, claws suddenly pricking her flesh in the trails he made along her spine, dragging lower toward her hips and thighs as jaws found her throat. He didn't expect her to return the attentions, but he didn't mind if she did, either, tearing apart his flesh as he'd long to do to her, causing him to bleed and burn with the pain. He edged her back toward the door, pushing her body into his as fingers trailed up her side, then stomach toward her breast, cupping it beneath his hand.

- Rachias Tears de Ame - 03-12-2008

Rachias had been given no real reason to think that her brother would despise her. She'd seen very little of him in her time living within Inferni, often only in small amounts of time or just in passing. The girl had learned much about her family though, despite being away from them. She knew how different they were from the wolves that she had come to live with, how the minds of this side of her family seemed to have rotted away to nothing but pure savageness. The caramel and cream swirled youngster had also come to read eyes and it was because of this that she knew Samael would take great pleasure in tearing her bit from bit if she let him. His eyes resembled Andre's, the look that was there whenever he saw her and, even after all of her enticing, they only looked slightly different.

The moment that she felt those claws against her flesh, she knew that there was no longer a chance to turn away from him. She shuddered beneath his touch, pushed against it, and gasped all at once. Confusion and tender pricks of pleasure clouded her mind, even as she felt him nearing her throat, felt the teeth against her flesh. Her head moved in a sudden reaction, tilting upward and slightly to the right, though not denying him access. A sharp breath left her, startled and shivering as it left her muzzle, and she soon found herself up against the door. Nervous and trembling still, hands snaked their way up his chest, claws dragging along as they found their way to his back. She draped her arms there, over his shoulders, and fingers moved slowly through the fur on the back of his neck, drawing random patterns as they went every which direction.


- Samael Lykoi - 03-12-2008

xxxxxHe felt her body's reactions as she pressed against him, shuddering and gasping at his touch. There was no longer any escape for the girl, for at this point whatever sanity possessed his brain fled, replaced by sheer animalistic desire and emotion. Rachias' body continued to tremble beneath his touch, radiating the nervousness that continued the posess her, but this drove him on, teeth continuing to mark the flesh of her neck and throat, biting and pulling with his fangs. Her hands moved up his chest and across his shoulders to the back of his neck, tracing paths at the base of his spine with her nails. Each touch thrilled him, though he wanted more, so much more. In between gnawing he uttered simply, "Harder," in a voice surprisingly level. Hand slid across her thigh, making it's way between her legs as he parted them, reaching up to stroke her warmth. His other hand moved up her back, dragging his nails across her shoulder and down her arm, before returning to tracing a line across her lower spine.