'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
i needed you; you didn’t need me - Printable Version

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- Silas Agata - 11-05-2010

Sorry this kind of fails. :3

The sun hadn’t gone down and it wouldn’t for awhile, since it was only a few hours past noon. The darkness was quick to swallow up the days this time of year, and the lack of sunlight didn’t seem to help with Silas’ current state. In fact, the early onset of dusk easily influenced and accentuated the weight in his chest. There just wasn’t as much to bring him joy now. The boy’s icy eyes only seemed to light up and have any sort of vibrancy when he was around Halo. Other than that, they were ghastly cold.

He lingered just outside of the mansion, poking at some flames he had set only an hour or so ago. There wasn’t much on his mind, at the moment. Silas had somehow reached a state where he felt almost completely numb. Pale eyes stared down at the flickering orange and that as the only thing to consume him. The young Vigilies had barely noticed the area around him – members of the clan could have easily come and gone from D’Neville without him noticing. It didn’t really matter anyways, did it? If it wasn’t Halo or his family that was approaching, nothing really mattered.

With a disgruntled sigh, Silas tossed the stick he was holding into the flame. Black razored hair fell to obscure his eyes, and the boy rested his chin in a palm, eyes focused (and yet unseeing) on the crackling fire.

table by kahilli
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- Amos Arphralos - 11-07-2010


Dusk was always such a beautiful time. Less had loved the the time when the sun kissed the horizon, and dyed the world many colors. It was the best time to sit outside, to gather around a campfire, to sing songs. Cassius had been awfully busy recently, so Amos hadn't been able to get his son involved in what used to be a all-but religious practice to the old coyote.

Today, peering his broken window, Amos saw someone had already started a fire. It wasn't yet dusk, wouldn't be for still some time, but that was all good and fine. A proper campfire started before dinner anyways.

Ruffling quickly through his sparse belongings, the old pulled out a dirty ziplock full of rabbit meat, an unopened dusty twenty year old bag of marsh mellows, four wooden rods to impale the food on, his hat, and his harmonica. All these were shoved into the graying male's leather bag.

Cheerfully, the old coyote trotted down the stairs, and out.

The fire was small, but that was fine. It wasn't about the size of the fire, it was about the company. The fellow sitting at the fire was a young mutt that Amos had not yet met. "Howdy thar!" Greeted the old coyote, as he approached the other wolf.

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- Silas Agata - 11-11-2010


Fire could be such a destructive thing, and yet it held such wonderful beauty. The young Russian sat captivated, icy blue gaze focused entirely on the churning flames before him. Nothing around him even factored into his senses, and the boy seemed consumed by the flickering gold. The flames filled his vision, seeping into his mind and pushing everything else out. All Silas could see was the fire now, and the rest of the world had dissolved. Even thoughts of Halo failed to filter into his brain, and what was left was just the eerie hollow shell of the former Russian.

That was, until the cowboy managed to pull Silas back to reality. The thick, strange accent was not entirely unusual to the young Russian, and icy eyes snapped away from the flames to inadvertently focus on Amos. It was not someone who he had ever spoken to before, but he could easily place money on the notion that he was somehow related to Cassius – the boy whom lived in the garage with his raccoon companion. "Hey," he greeted in response, though his voice lacked all of the enthusiasm that Amos’ seemed to muster. Icy eyes went from the man’s face and down to the bag he held, wondering what items he found necessary to carry with him.

That feeling of emptiness returning, the young Vigilies let his gaze return to the flames. He found his stick had almost burnt away to nothing, and instantly regretted tossing it in. Whether or not the stranger decided to stay, Silas didn’t care. The flames had once again stolen his attention.

table by kahilli
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