'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
The rose and the thorn. - Printable Version

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- Bangle Guffawri - 11-09-2010


ooc: Yay! 5 points.

Villages seemed to deter wolves and other creatures. To Bangle, however, it meant a whole lot of things clever humans left behind for him to scavenge. It was the life, at least for the coywolf, to take advantage of all that nature had to offer. Which also included abandoned human remains. They were just so.. interesting. Bangle couldn't put a claw on it, but that was his fascination. The gears in the coywolf's mind were constantly spinning, working and formulating new and.. somewhat useful objects.

He packed light that very morning, settling only on his fur wrap around his waist, his belt full of several tools and knickknacks, and his lute strapped to his back.. something he could go nowhere without. He stretched his muzzle out in a wide yawn, sticking his tongue out as he did so to taste the cool morning air. Following, he placed his arms over his head to stretch his muscles out of sleep, curling and uncurling each of his fingers out of habit. And, with a big grin, he set off for the day.

Bangle was rather glad for a change of pace - to be in a pack full of creators just like him. He had yet to think about how long he'd stay, but it felt like it was the beginning of a permanence. Besides, the male could go off for days, to other packs and other lands, trading things here and there and bringing them back. It was about time he settled down, though traveling still thrived in his bones, he had to set up camp, permanently, somewhere. All of this buzzed through his mind as he hiked up long pathways and through grasslands, simply exploring the territory of the new pack.

It took a little while to get where he was going.. wherever the hell that was. Bangle just knew where to stop and when to pass up other places and keep going. You could call it an instinct, but the coywolf never spent too much time thinking about his ways of travel. He simply ... did. The male brushed past a hanging tower limb and into an open clearing, to several buildings which nature grip and was sinking back down into the earth. This was.. Thornbury. Right. He had heard Shaw mention it when explaining the areas of the pack.

His large ears twitched, and a grin stretched wide across his features. Old buildings meant old human stuff they chose to leave behind when they met their demise. It was simply beautiful.. a work of art that had yet to be crafted. He stepped further into the small town, admiring the buildings from the outside. When he neared the first building and peered inside the doorless frame, he wagged his tail as he placed one foot inside. It was like he was a pirate, and he struck gold, having come upon some sort of gift shop. Dusty cards, old flowers, several things carved out of glass, stuffed animals with stitches missing and stuffing popping up here and there. Bangle made a small squeal of joy, and he led the rest of himself inside, feeling welcome into the building. Home sweet home.

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- Skye Collins - 11-09-2010


Skye had been writing...for once. Ever since she had been a part of Cercatori d'Arte, she'd been very busy with other things - tending to the garden, which now had small sprouts that were growing leaves, to Skye's delight; fixing up her house, which was looking better and better by the day; trying to find other members of the pack, which had been surprisingly hard in the last few days. Skye smiled to herself as she looked down at the worn, yellowed, and crunchy old paper that she was writing on with a pencil she found in her house. She was sitting on her front porch, her rump on the first step with her legs resting on the second. Her paper rest on her lap, and she wrote away on it.

Suddenly, she heard a noise. Looking up and swiveling her ears towards the sound, she saw as someone made their way from the forest - and quite close to her garden - into the town. He had aspects of both coyote and wolf, and she assumed he was a coywolf - a mix between the two. He had large, light brown ears that sat upon a darker brown face, which was engulfed by an enormous grin that Skye thought looked quite endearing on him. In fact, he was rather cute, his medium-length dreadlocks decorated with various beads reaching down to his bare shoulders. He had a lute on his back as well. He looked about, the grin still on his face, and began to dig around in one of the houses, his tail wagging adorably.

Skye giggled involuntarily, and quickly covered her mouth. He didn't seem to have noticed her, so she simply watched him muss around the house. It wasn't anyone's so far, so she simply waited to see what he would do.

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- Bangle Guffawri - 11-09-2010


ooc: 5 points.

Shelves upon shelves of little trinkets littered the left side of the building, as Bangle looked around, still standing in the doorframe. His tail kept on wagging as he also looked for any potential creatures, big or small, that may have found their way in and made it their shelter. However, except for a few misplaced things, everything was tip-top shape. Bangle licked his lips and rubbed his hands together excitedly, wondering what beautiful things he could take apart and put back together in another form. To sell later, of course. He walked towards the left side of the room first, knowing there were many treasures found in the back of the room, but he'd have to deal with his hoarding addiction.. one item at a time.

His eyes were drawn to the shelf with glass pieces, and amidst the other crafted sculptures and painted doo-dahs, Bangle spotted a glass rose, of a most incredible markmanship. The male leaned down a bit and picked it up gently in one hand, afraid that even if he gripped it, it would break. Apart from the dust and grime it collected over the years, the rose itself was delicate, a beautiful red coloring from each petal. The three leaves that surrounded it were made of jade, and the stem itself, adorned with a few thorns, was a pure, perfect crystal. It would be a wonderful piece to sell, eventually. Bangle unhooked his satchel from his belt, which hung loosely down to his mid-thigh, and he opened it up and placed the glass piece inside.

The coywolf took a few other little things: Some candles, a stuffed bear, and some assorted pottery. Once he couldn't fill his satchel up anymore, he carried some things in his hands. He'd be back, the coywolf thought to himself. His hoarding addiction got the better of him, and of course he didn't bring enough materials to carry things with.
Bangle turned towards the entranceway again, about to head out. His tail brushed past a shelf full of breakables, and upon passing it, his tail swept a couple ornament to the ground. CRASH! The male stopped, and cringed, afraid to turn around in case he broke anything else. Standing there, he turned only his head slightly, looking at the accident inquisitively, then towards the main counter, with an old register still there. "Does the policy 'I break it, I buy it', count 'ere?" He asked to the invisible clerk, and then tossed his head back and laughed. Bangle shook his head, continuing his way outside again.

As his entire body came into the sunlight again, his loud guffaw now a mere chuckle, he stepped a few feet away from the building, then squatted down to place the items he held in his hands on the grass. Unhooking his satchel and placing it next to them on the ground, he opened it and took out the contents one by one. Once he had them placed side by side on the ground, the last item he took out of the bag was the rose. Bangle hesitated putting it near the other items for the moment, as he held the trinket in between his right thumb and forefinger, holding it up to the light that cascaded down on it. It shone with a magnificence all its own, begging to shed light of each color it possessed, if only it were completely clean. He turned the item a little, trying to see it from all angles, holding it up in one direction of the sunlight, and then turning his upper body to let it shine in another type of light.

"That's a beauty," he said to himself, bringing it closer to his eyes. However, he saw something else reflect in the red of the rose, a figure of white. When he lowered the object and looked ahead, Bangle saw the other wolf there, looking in his direction. "Yes indeed.." he then muttered under his breath.

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- Skye Collins - 11-09-2010


Skye watched from above her bent knees and paper as the man rummaged through the house, storing all the pretty objects he could find. Well...not all were pretty. Some were strange. But he seemed to like them all, as he put them in his pack and gathered even more in his arms. She smiled; he must be one of the new members that seemed to be coming into the pack lots. First Kanen, then Bao, then Claude...and now this new stranger! She was glad her pack was growing, and watched in interest as he seemed to knock down some accessories in the shop.

She heard his question and barely suppressed a snort; she guessed that the answer was no. And then he laughed, a loud, guffawing laugh that seemed to echo across the whole town. It was contagious; Skye wanted to laugh as hard as he did. When he stepped out, his loud laughter was but a chortle, and he was looking at a beautiful gem - shaped like a rose. It shone and glistened in the sun, seeming to show off more than its pinkish red, but all the colors in the rainbow. She was captured by its beauty, and didn't look away until she felt the male's eyes on her.

She looked up at him and hoped she hadn't spent too much time accidentally ignoring him. She grew slightly embarrassed, but cleared her throat and smiled. "Hello," she said. "I'm Skye." She wondered who he was, and if he was indeed a new member of Cercatori d'Arte or just a passerby.

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- Bangle Guffawri - 11-09-2010



His eyes were kept on the other wolf for a moment, how long had she been there? Then he looked back down at the glass piece, then leaned forward to place it along with the other objects, but hesitated as it was inches from the grass. Bangle seemed to change his mind, and put the grime-covered glass ornament back in the satchel. The red and gray furred male then placed his hands on his thighs for a moment, before getting back up to his feet again.

As he brushed himself off, that's when he heard her speak. His attention turned towards the female, his eyes shining with charisma. Carefully stepping over his things, he decided to walk in her direction.. figuring there wasn't anyone around to steal his odd stuff anytime soon. As he approached the steps she sat on, leaving a bit of space in between, he stuck his hand out, waiting for it to be shook. but also an offering for her to stand up, if she wanted. "How d'ya do? Name's Bangle!" He grinned again, putting his other free hand on his hip. "Ya seem to be more in'trested in me than what yer doin' there," he noted jokingly, nodding down to the paper he saw laying at her lap.

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- Skye Collins - 11-10-2010


"Skye," said Skye in reply to Bangle's introduction of his name. She grasped his hand and shook it, which reminded her of Pixie Frost, who seemed to shake her hand whenever she had the chance. She laughed softly, a light, tinkling sound, and patted the porch step next to her. "Room for one more," she said invitingly.

"Ya seem to be more in'trested in me than what yer doin' there," the brownish creamy colored coywolf said, and Skye felt her skin grow hot under her fur. She wasn't sure what his accent was - perhaps he was from...from...she couldn't even guess. She'd never heard an accent like that before, and of course you couldn't hear accents through books. She didn't know what a Southern accent was, nor a Scottish one, nor any of the ones described in the masses of books she'd consumed in her relatively short time on Earth. But she did like the sound of this stranger, Bangle's, voice, and decided to focus on that for the moment rather than his pointed comment about her staring at him.

"I tend to take interest in new members of the pack," she said a bit flatly. "Assuming you are a new member, and not just passing through?" She smelled the scent of Cercatori d'Arte on him - it was a faint but alluring smell of thick, damp forest, wildflowers, fresh soil, and, curiously enough, a mix of paint and dyes. Skye guessed that was from Ouija and the other various artists of the place - the paint and dye fumes tended to drift across the area and lay a thin but noticeable coat of the scent on the trees. If this coywolf had been just passing through, he wouldn't have picked up the scent - but from the smell of it, it seemed that he had been living here for at least a few days.

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- Bangle Guffawri - 11-11-2010

You can call me..

ooc: I'm such a tard and didn't log over originally XD. Luckily it's all fixed now. 3 points.

Bangle was well open to invitations of any sort, and after Skye shook his hand he turned and took a seat on the porch, leaning his body forward and resting his arms on his thighs. "Don' mind if I do!" It wasn't like his things across the way were going anywhere anytime soon, so he figured why not? Bangle's jewelry jingled while he was in the motion of sitting, then settled to the quiet of the morning. He kept his grin as he watched her slightly fluster at his comment - he was well used to it by now. Running a hand through his dreadlocks for a moment, he watched her eyes as she spoke.

Ohhh, so she was a wizard of the pack as well. Judging by the paper and pencil, he guessed she was a writer. At her question, which sounded a little rhetorical, he looked up and across the way. "Nope, jus' passin' through. Thought I'd ransack this village and the pack's resources b'fore, ya know, I skedaddled." He tried to keep his face serious for a moment, wondering if the female would believe him. But, of course, his creeping grin, then sudden burst of laughter, gave that guess away. As Bangle chuckled, he slapped his knee for a moment, before settling down and running his tongue across his teeth.

He turned his head towards her again. "'Course I'm new. Maker 'n seller of oddities and commodities, I am!" He pointed to himself and grinned, loving it when he gave the title. "Among other things." The coywolf then leaned in for a moment, giving that charismatic grin he always gave to potential customers. "And I might be able to interest ya in some things I've got fer sale. I'd even give ya a good deal." He winked at her, the way Bangle always did when he tried to charm someone to take a look at his handmade wares. Always with the good deals, or bargains, or things half-off (literally or not). As if others were going to know his pricing on things.

Bangle sat upright again, and looked up to the sky for a moment. It was a damn shame he left his cart back at camp, he made a mental note to bring things for sale with him wherever he went. But that was what he was out here for - more materials. The craftsman would take them apart, and put them back together to make something new. That was the gist of it, anyways. Presently, he side-glanced over at the paper she held in her lap. "Yer a writer there, lass? Or is that a love note to yer special someone?" Bangle joked, nudging her briefly, his eyes sparkling with humor.

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- Skye Collins - 11-11-2010


ooc: I think I'm bringing these tables back in style! ;D xD

"Nope, jus' passin' through. Thought I'd ransack this village and the pack's resources b'fore, ya know, I skedaddled." Skye glanced at him suspiciously; he seemed to keep a straight face. He had to be joking. And just as Skye knew it, his face broke into an enormous grin and he started to laugh uncontrollably once more, the loud sounds echoing across the entire town. Skye couldn't help but grin herself at the ridiculous but still funny joke he'd told.

"Course I'm new. Maker 'n seller of oddities and commodities, I am! Among other things."

That was interesting. So was Ouija - or, at least, sort of. Ouija made the strange things, such as animal pelts and unusual markings on his pelt, but he didn't sell them, as far as Skye knew. 'Oddities and commodities' - it was a jumbling, strange motto, but it did have a certain ring to it. The coywolf went on; "And I might be able to interest ya in some things I've got fer sale. I'd even give ya a good deal."

Uh, oh. Skye flattened one ear and looked at Bangle queerly, raising an eyebrow. A salesman, was he? In Skye's experience, they were swindling, always attempting to charm you into buying something you didn't need. And that little wink didn't help soothe Skye's doubts about this charismatic coywolf. How old was he, even?

"Yer a writer there, lass? Or is that a love note to yer special someone?"

His unexpected words pulled her out of her trance and she looked at him, a smile pulling at her lips. "Oh, yes," she said, her eyes shining. "It's for my one true love!" She snorted a laugh. "But, really, I am a writer."

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- Bangle Guffawri - 11-11-2010

You can call me..


Bangle blinked at the other female, noticing just a hint of strange curiosity float through her eyes when he mentioned that he might've had some things she'd be interested in. He occasionally got that glance before, but with a little reassurance and haggling, Bangle always got the result he wanted out of a customer. The coywolf noted, long ago when he started this traveling merchant way of life, that females liked.. prettier things. Shiny things. Males, on the other hand, were a bit easier to impress.

"It's for my one true love!" He suddenly heard, being reminded of the present. Bangle stuck his tongue out and snorted as well, moving a red-gray hand behind his head to scratch at his neck. He leaned back on the front porch, his bracelets jingling as he did so, staring up at the walls and up to the roof. Bangle wasn't much for big constructions like a house, but he tilted his head back a bit before looking to the female. "So whatcha doin' 'ere, lass? No other porch steps good 'nough for ya?" He grinned again, stretching his legs out so that his toes reached the ground. His left foot tapped to a beat that he began to make in his head, and thought it might be time soon to reach around his back and get that lute of his.

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- Skye Collins - 11-13-2010


ooc: : D

"So whatcha doin' 'ere, lass? No other porch steps good 'nough for ya?"

Skye snorted and looked about the town of Thornbury. There seemed to be more pathways than this little street, and she made a promise to herself that she would explore them later. But for now, she focused on answering Bangle's question.

"No," she said, "this is my house. I've been trying to clean it up a bit since I found it; it was covered in vines and weeds and things like that." Cleaning up her new home was easier than she had thought it might be; the vines came down with relative ease, and the cobwebs and various animals had left the house since Skye had moved in. The only thing was being careful around broken bits of floor and not sitting down in any rotting or dangerous furniture - the bed, although slightly moldy, was very comfortable, and Skye had washed away the mold with some water from the lake.

Overall, her house was in better condition than the wooden ones. Some wooden ones were still intact, but many had missing boards or were rotten away altogether. She was glad she had chosen a sturdy, stone one for the winter and storms that were sure to come.

She looked at Bangle, wondering where he lived now that he was in Cercatori d'Arte. She cocked her head. "You can claim a house if you want," she said. "I'll help you pick a strong one."

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- Bangle Guffawri - 11-13-2010

You can call me..


The coywolf began to tap his foot to a beat he made up out of the blue, thumping it on the earth where sparse grass grew. He kept leaning back on the porch and looking up to the sky and to the tops of other buildings nearby, occasionally glancing at his belongings once in a while. "..this is my house.." His foot stopped thumping, and he looked at her in a disbelieving way. Since when did wolves live in houses? In human-made ones, at that? Sure, he took an appreciation to human trinkets and the like, but Bangle was too used to setting up camp - literally. Tent and all. He never imagined he'd live inside a building so large.. and wasn't sure he was used to the idea.

"Iiiiis it, now?" Bangle said to the mentioning of this being her house. "Was won'drin why it looked so clean. A bang up job," he complimented, though he hadn't even seen the inside. Bangle sat up, and then got up to his feet when he heard Skye suggesting he get a house, too. "Oh would ya now?" Bangle said in the same tone he carried prior. He put his hands on his hips and looked around, but to him each building looked the same. "Can't say I see one that nature hadn't already claimed!" He looked to her, then to his things a few feet away, unsure if house-shopping was something that would have to wait, or would be done right now.

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- Skye Collins - 11-13-2010


"Thank you," Skye said in reply to his compliment about her house. She had worked on it hard to make sure it was clean and presentable; after all, not many other wolves lived in the town, and she wanted it to seem as though her house, at least, was lived in by someone.

Bangle suddenly got to his feet and looked around, remarking about how most of the houses looked as though nature hasn't let go of them yet. And it was true - but that didn't mean they couldn't be fixed.

"Well, there are more houses over there," she said, nodding towards the small pathway she saw earlier that seemed like it lead to another section of town with more houses. "And, of course, I'd help you fix up whatever house you find, if you want." She stood as well, leaving her paper and pencil underneath a loose floorboard so it wouldn't fly away with the wind, and began to walk towards the pathway.

Peering through it, she saw she was right; it was a short little path that soon expanded into a large section of the town that had many more houses. Some were wood, some were stone, and all had vines; next to yet another pathway was a large tree covering a wooden house.

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- Bangle Guffawri - 11-13-2010

You can call me..

ooc: 3 points.

As he saw Skye nod towards the direction of other buildings, he turned his head to see where she was looking. Bangle saw another small outcrop of houses, in what looked to be a circular like pattern. The male turned back to her as she stood, and smiled genuinely at her offer to help fix up a house if he so desired. If he even picked one, that is. "That's mighty kinda of ya, Skye, but--"

When she began walking in the direction of the set of houses, he called after her. "Hold up!" He walked in the direction of the belongings on the floor, and scooped them up to put back in the satchel that lie next to them. He finally picked up the rose, more gently than the other items, and held it in his palm for a moment before putting it in the bag, and hoisting the sack across his shoulder.

He followed her into the pathway, which expanded into a large circle of sorts, and stretched out into another pathway to the left. Bangle looked about, in a sort of awe. Had humans lived close together like this before the disease? His large ears perked as his sights fell on a wooden house, half-covered by a massive oak tower that seemed to compliment the house nicely, as well as give a good amount of privacy to anyone who might have lived there. Before he knew it, his feet walked towards the house, which, to him, seemed to stand out above all others. He scanned the wooden front porch, and just beside it the start of the large tower grew, about 10 feet taller than the roof of the household. It shaded the left half of the house beautifully, and Bangle turned back towards the female. "Anyone livin' 'ere?" He said, with hints of interest in his voice, yet he tried to seem casual about it.

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- Skye Collins - 11-13-2010


Skye watched as Bangle walked into the wide circle of houses. There were several trees in the middle, but he wasn't attracted to those - no, he drifted towards the enormous oak tree she had noticed covering part of a wooden house. She smiled as he asked if it was taken, and she shook her head.

"Not at all!" she exclaimed, glad he found a house he liked. "Do you want it? It's very nice, and that tree is bound to give protection from storms." That was true; while the other wooden houses seemed to be rotting away, with several boards of wood falling off or missing, this house had been protected by the tree and was standing, still intact. It was covered in vines, of course, but they seemed easy enough to pull down - and Skye would help him with it, if she could.

What she was a bit worried about was the way he didn't really seem to want a house. That alone wouldn't have worried her if it weren't for the fact that he seemed like the type of person who didn't adapt well to permanence; she hoped he would stay in Cercatori d'Arte. It wasn't that the pack needed more members, although they certainly did, but she was beginning to like this quirky new member of the pack, and knew that it would be winter soon - she didn't want him to try to fend for himself in the harshness of the cold to come.

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- Bangle Guffawri - 11-13-2010

You can call me..

ooc: ^^ 5 points.

The coywolf's ears twitched on his head in thought, still holding the string which tied his satchel closed, slung over his shoulder. With his left hand free, he casually ambled over to the oak tower and laid a hand on its trunk, his head looking up to see if he could see all the way to the top. It was indeed a sturdy tower, which looked worn from age but gave the house a sort of.. two-sided look to it. The right side of the house obviously needed a bit more help than the left side, and he nodded idly at Skye mentioning that about storms. Well, it would be a nice change.. at least for the wintertime. Any thoughts of traveling would have to be put on hold until come spring.

But it was strange.. Bangle never had slept in a home once inhabited by humans. He got used to the fact that he carried his home with him wherever he went, or taking shelter in caves if he wasn't in a pack at the time. Bangle still kept his hand on the tower, leaning on it slightly as he focused more on the front of the house. The male chuckled, now remembering that Skye had answered his question. And inwardly, he was glad and yet curious that this house had not yet been claimed. "They'd 'ave made poor housekeepers anyways, eh? Haha!" His stomach rumbled with laughter, letting it float through the air.

Then he fell silent, letting his hand spring from the tower and taking a couple steps towards the house, his eyebrow quirked as he looked over his shoulder for Skye. "But I don' have anythin' fer trade that's equal ta' this." It was how the male's mind worked. Nothing came free, you either worked at it yourself or traded something in equal compensation. His eyes couldn't help but look over the craftsmanship of the house, and as worn as it looked, it was still quite fancy. But it still bothered the male that, even if he did want to live here (which would have been a hell of a lot better than the small camp he set up), he wasn't sure what to do with so much space. Such a thing had never been available to him before, and Bangle grew to love the clutter that often surrounded the space he also slept in. It was something he had to learn to live with, but during his travels it had also grown to be comforting.

But another thought itched at the back of his brain, and Bangle lifted a hand to scratch behind his ear as if he could get rid of it from the outside. Having a home, one actually set in the ground, was another little step to... permanence. 'Could this really a place to call h--' But he left his thought unfinished, and the male shook his head as if it were a buzzing insect that annoyed him. He didn't have to think about that kind of thing now.. right? Right. He had to look at it as a bigger shelter, one he didn't have to burden himself with carrying on his shoulders, and it would also house his things securely when he wasn't around. And then, come spring, he could just pack up and leave if it was time to move on again. Bangle grinned and nodded, turning around to the female a few feet away and nodding his head towards the entrance. "Let's see if th' former owner left anythin' good inside, eh?"

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- Skye Collins - 11-14-2010


Skye tilted her head. It seemed a bit lopsided, that was true - the left side had been protected, while the right side was...shabby. Worn from the storms, she bet. She could help Bangle emend it later. And it seemed that he didn't mind, in fact, he made another joke, and let his laughing float through the air again. And, like last time, Skye found the laughter contagious, and began to laugh herself.

Then he asked a curious question that made Skye think for a second; "But I don' have anythin' fer trade that's equal ta' this." What did he mean by that, exactly? It puzzled Skye for a few seconds until she realized that he wanted to pay for the house. She began to laugh; it wasn't a loud laugh like Bangle's, but a soft giggle that sounded a bit like bells. She smiled at him. "It's not mine," she said, "and I doubt the human that owned it before wants payment now." She giggled again and went on. "Nope! You can have it for free, Bangle." She didn't believe in selling things that weren't hers - and, after all, what would she want that she couldn't just forage from the forest or get from her own house? She would only ever claim one house, after all - there was no need for any more than that.

She peeked through the house's windows; it was really pretty, the wooden house, even if it wasn't as sturdy as a stone one. But with this tree? It was as good as. "Let's see if th' former owner left anythin' good inside, eh?" Bangle said, nodding towards the house, and she nodded.

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- Bangle Guffawri - 11-14-2010

You can call me..

ooc: XD 5 points.

As he kept on staring at the front of the house, taking a step or two up the creaking porch steps, he stopped mid-step. "Nope! You can have it for free, Bangle." His eyes widened. Something like this couldn't have come for free. Sure, it was his favorite number, but as his brows furrowed, and he turned his upper half to look at her in a disbelieving way, he was sure there was a catch. "C'mon now. Yer pullin' mah leg!" Whether she was admitting to it or not, Bangle would sometime soon find a suitable trade for these new living quarters.

He made his way up to the front door, and peeked at Skye who was observing the house from a few feet behind him. The male grinned, shook his head, then steadily opened the front door. It opened with hardly any effort at all, and Bangle let it swing open until it hit the wall on the left side. "Honey, I'm hoooome!" Bangle called out jokingly, taking a step inside and looking around. It was a cozy shack of sorts, with a table and some knocked-over chairs to the right of the entrance. Behind that was more clutter, but what looked to be an open area for relaxing and what not. The left side opened up near the middle to the back of the house, with another table that had some fallen objects on it, and next to that, a set of wooden stairs that led to the next floor. To the very back, slightly to the right by the base of the stairs, was a small room, but in the dimly lit space it was hard to see it.

He took a couple more careful steps in, the floorboards creaking with age as he put weight on them. Bangle's hand moved across a dusty table, adjusting his eyes to the dark. "Tsk tsk. Honey, yer housekeeping skills are a lil' rusty." He muttered to his invisible companion, scrunching his face up in disgust as he pinched his thumb and forefinger together to rid of the dust that caked on them. Cobwebs littered the place, of course, and holes were found along the right side of the walls and the ceiling. Bangle's lip quirked in thought, when suddenly his ears twitched at th sound of the pitter-patter of a.. tiny house guest. His eyebrow quirked, and he took a more guarding stance, his hand placed on the hilt of his bone dagger. "Shh! Ya hear that?" He said to Skye as he squatted down to the floor a bit to see if his presumptions were correct.

His orange-yellow eyes scanned the dirty floorboards warily, not once moving his right hand from the weapon at his side. "I believe we 'ave an unwanted guest 'ere," he said quietly, as if any louder a noise would disrupt the creature in hiding. "Come out, come out, wherever ya arrreeee... I got som'n you might liiiiiike.." the male said in a teasing tone, finishing his sentence as he yanked the dagger from his tool belt.

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- Skye Collins - 12-13-2010


omg, noe, i'm SO sorry for the wait!

"Not at all!" Skye exclaimed, giggling at the thought of her tricking Bangle into getting a new house for free. "Like I said, it's not mine, but if you want to pay the former owner..." She collapsed into laughter, thinking of Bangle trying to give a gift to a long gone human in return for the house. She thought that since the houses were here, usable, and free, why shouldn't they use them? They weren't the humans' anymore, certainly.

Skye then followed the coywolf into the house, where they looked around a bit. It was very nice, and the tree seemed to have provided great shelter from storms; the house was in excellent conditions, despite the wear and tear the other houses surrounding it have endured. It was wise to pick this one, she realized, even though it was made of wood. It was very clean and new. Except...

There was a little scurrying noise underneath some of the wood. "I believe we 'ave an unwanted guest 'ere...Come out, come out, wherever ya arrreeee... I got som'n you might liiiiiike.." she heard Bangle say, while he drew his knife. She looked out warily. It could be something harmless - like a garden snake or a mouse - but it could also be something dangerous. She put her hand on her own dagger, ready if danger was afoot.

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- Bangle Guffawri - 12-17-2010

You can call me..

ooc: Ish okay! +3

Bangle's large ears distinctly heard the white female behind him pull something out with a dull 'schnk', which indicated a blade. His eyes were trained on the dusty floors, not even daring to breathe heavily for fear of scaring whatever it was back into its hiding place. And then he saw it - a rat. It scurried along the empty floor a few feet away from the wolves, and Bangle dived into the dark space to which it disappeared. His body crashed down to the ground, all kinds of jewelry in a chorus of sounds as he did so. Bangle was under another small table along the wall, his rump sticking out in plain view as he made to attack the critter.

But he had just missed it, and as the coywolf wriggled back out and stood back up, he huffed and looked to Skye. "Shame. Well, I guess I could live with some company," he said with a small grin at her. Perhaps he'd get the rat later, for a tail to make a rope out of, or a spine to carve into an eating spoon, perhaps. Shrugging his slender shoulders, Bangle turned his head back around to the rest of the house.

"Yes.. yes.. hm. Leathers can go there, n' bones there, n'.." The traveler began to muse to himself, his tail beginning to wag happily at the prospect of not being able to have to carry so many things with him where he went. Of course, it wasn't to say he would stay here permanently, but this place would help for the winter. He stopped speaking as he heard yet another noise, and turned towards a large space in the back of the room, what had once been a living room. Except it didn't sound like anything scurrying, more like slithering along the ground. His orange-yellow eyes narrowed, using one hand to beckon forth the other female closer inside. "More guests? We got'a party goin' 'ere!"

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- Skye Collins - 12-23-2010

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: D

Afraid of something larger and more dangerous, Skye almost laughed when the rat scurried out from underneath the floorboards. She didn't like rats, though, and kept her distance away from the creature. What she didn't expect was for Bangle to dive after it, his blade wildly slashing and his jewelery clanging and making a ruckus. She stifled a giggle at his extreme reaction and waited to see if he caught the rat. Bangle's bottom was in the air, waving about as he chased the rat from underneath the floors.

Then the coywolf wriggled out from underneath there and he gave a huff. "Shame. Well, I guess I could live with some company," he said with a grin. Skye grinned back.

He talked about storing items, and Skye's smile remained. There was an air about his voice, however; an air that said that perhaps he wasn't going to stay for long. She had sensed the opposite air about Ouija - a sense of commitment, and a sense that he would stay for long. She cocked her head at Bangle, thinking about his stories of flitting from place to place and not being able to stay for long, and she hoped that Cercatori d'Arte wouldn't be the same way for him.

She snapped her attention to Bangle and nodded. The slithering sound was strange, but then she remembered what that noise made. "It's a snake," she whispered. That was more dangerous than a rat; the snake could hold deadly venom in its fangs.
