'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Take me on a magic carpet ride - Printable Version

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- Anya - 11-30-2010

The she wolf trotted contentedly beside her companion, her mind whirring. The birds still sang to her, but her mind was deaf to their calls. She would soon have a new home. Unfortunately, getting to that new home meant passing through an older home, one Anya had not seen in months. Now, as winter approached, the stormy eyed wolfess wondered if her friends still remained.

Halcyon Mountain had been cold, unforgiving, but the wolfess still strode with a grace that most of her former acquaintances would not have recognized. Her fur had lengthened, and her eyes had brightened considerably. Her ears stood high, with an alertness that rivaled how she had been six months before.

However, tragedy still fell in her heart. Her trek through the mountain territories had brought her stories of her mother's family, a clan that was unfortunately wiped out soon after the humans. They had been healers, but prone to fall into the reaching grasp of darkness. Anya could only hope that she avoided the fate that had befallen her mother.

Anya paused just shy of the borders, testing the air. She coughed out a few barks, loud enough to get the attention of any wolf nearby, and nodded to Arorun. Sitting back on her haunches, she grinned, though slightly apprehensive. Now, to wait.

- Rendall - 12-02-2010


Rendall decided to head out early again. She still needed some supplies to help fix up her cabin, especially since she found a racoon in her attic last night. It was a good day for roof repair....... Ren spent her morning mostly gathering things in the forgotten city. By noon she got hungry and decided to head home for some food. As she approached the pack borders she caught a scent that was somehow familiar. She looked around for a moment but then decided best if she dropped her bag of goodies off at the house frst.

The woman soon returned to the spot. The scent she had recalled on her way home belonged to Anya. The wolfess she claimed as kin and had even lived with for her time in the Vally as a pup. She tracked the scent till it lead to a small clearing. In it sat an elegant wolfess. Had Rendall not remembered her scent she wouldnt have recognized the woman. The black wolfess, starting to shine blue in the sunlight off the snow approached the grey wolf slowly. Looking at her skeptically befor speaking."Anya?" Ren stayed at the ready, with her tail up and her ears low, not sure weather to procede further or not.

- Arorun Cindermane - 12-02-2010

Alone and afraid, Arorun had walked a great distance south from the Arctic. He had heard stories from other wolves along the way, and also from a rather old polar bear, that there were warewolf like creatures in the lands far to the south beyond the mountains. Feeling like he had nowhere else to go, Arorun felt it was best he try and find some of these creatures so that they may help explain the curse that was placed on him just a few months ago. The journey was long, however, and there were times when he felt it may be better to just turn around and go back, but it was the need for knowledge that pushed him to keep going.

The transformations into other forms were the most frightening to Arorun. It was so entirely new, that it was alien to him. The first few lasted for a hour at least and seemed to cause great pain. It was one of these transformations that finally forced his pack to leave him. Still preferring to remain in his natural wolf form, he had begun to practice using his other forms as he journeyed south. The second halfling form was much faster and stronger than this natural one so he began to use it to dash across vast distances, making his journey shorter. He used his warewolf form to grab and manipulate objects. It was all so knew, but when in the other forms it also seemed familiar.

Arorun had walked all the way to the mountain range mentioned by the bear, but fear kept him from going any farther. He was unsure of what he would see or learn on the other side. On his journey from the Arctic he had tried to avoid other wolves whenever possible, but at that point he was confused over what he really wanted. So instead he chose to stay on the norther side of the mountains, for a little while at least.

He was in search of a small rodent or hare to eat near the edge of a dense patch of trees. The ground was muddy and wet, making it difficult to run. The grass beneath his pass would tear loose from the mud which contributed to the loss of traction. After a new humorous and embarrassing falls, Arorun decided it would be best if the hunted slower prey or move to a better location. Deciding on the second option, he crossed a small stream to a large grouping of trees farther up the mountain. He was sniffing the ground, looking for a scent of something he could chase, when he caught a hint of a smell that was both familiar and new. It must be another wolf, he though to himself. Before he could even find a place to retreat to, the other wolf appeared. It was a female, but an unusual one. It wasn't the fact that she was a gray wolf, it was the strange markings on her body that really struck Arorun as bizarre. She had unusual marking like scars, yet they were not scars. They had a sort of precision and art to them. One was a deep dark red in an intricate pattern of some sort.

Arorun was unsure at first. He didn't approach her, but kept his ears pinned back and tail low. He offered his most humble greeting, keeping his eyes low and averted. To his surprise she was very welcoming and friendly. Sitting down on the two talked for a while. She introduced herself as Anya, a normal wolf.

Arorun was surprised to how much he spoke about all at once. It had been so long since he had any contact with any other wolves besides himself. Anya quietly listened and commented rarely. After Arorun had finished explaining the reasons for him being there, Anya pondered for a little while. After some time had passed the two began to walk and talk some more. Any decided to help Arorun find his place among the warewolves, even though it meant it might bring back some painful memories.

Anya and Arorun had become wandering companions. The trip over the mountains into the foothills was uneventful, well at least to Arorun. Snow had begun to fall and the temperature was well below freezing. Anya seemed a little uncomfortable, but Arorun caught the hint that there was much more on her mind than the cold. Fearing loosing his new guide, Arorun remained silent and did not ask any unnecessary questions.

leaving the frigid air of the mountain behind, the two wolves passed through some forested areas and foothills. Along the way, Anya would explain what she knew of the area and its different packs. The two followed a more out of the way eastern route of of Halcyon Mountain. Anya explained that it was to avoid Inferni, but never went into detail. All Arorun knew was that Inferni was not a place many wolves go for any reason. By the time the two wolves reached the borders of, what Anya called, Phoenix Valley, Anya and Arorun had become good friends.

Arorun felt a little nervous as Anya called the attention of any wolves in the area, despite the nod and grin from her. Quite a long while passed, but no one answered or appeared. Becoming slightly bored with sitting and doing nothing Arorun back tracked a little to investigate a promising small den he had seen on the way. It proved to be nothing worth giving a more thorough looking over, so he returned to were Anya was still waiting. Before he entered the clearing he spotted another wolf and froze. She and Anya seemed to know each other, but Arorun decided to wait and see would happen.

- Jefferson Soul - 12-03-2010


Even from a distance away, the short barks reached his tattered ears. He considered himself a good enough leader—yet again he recognized the owner of the call though he had not heard it in some time, like he had so many times recently with the resurgence of old but familiar faces in the pack. The winter had been mild thus far; he was still somewhat unafraid to venture outside as most of the snow that fell melted in the following days. The wind blew through him, but the puddles and mud on the ground weren't nearly enough to make his bones ache and shut him up before the hearth in the ranch quite yet.

He limped his way to the source of the call and joined Rendall's side upon his arrival, his head held high and ears tall. He recognized Anya by sight and smell, of course, but not the companion beside her. Were they visiting? "Well, well," the leader said calmly, ear twitching. "What are you doing here, Anya?" And though he said it to she, his single green eye scanned the stranger instead, unspeakably demanding his identity as well.

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- Anya - 12-04-2010

Anya stood as the blue black wolfess approached, slightly wagging her tail. The last time she had seen the girl turned woman, Anya had begged the girl not to leave their home, praying to every god that would listen to bring her home safely. Within a few short weeks, Anya herself had found herself bidding a teary farewell to Phoenix Valley to find some trace of a mother long dead.

She inclined her head, eyes glowing. "Rendall. Long time no see, little one. Although I suppose you aren't so little anymore." Within moments, Anya scented the alpha, wagging her tail and dipping her head in a bow of respect to the elder. "Jefferson. You look well." And indeed he did, to her eyes. He looked like he had found some semblance of happiness somehow.

Anya glanced back over her shoulder at Arorun, noting his tension. "Ah. My companion Arorun wishes to, perhaps, join a pack further south, but wished to see the place I speak so highly of." She stepped back, then nudged Arorun forward, so Jefferson could hear Arorun's explanation of himself, for himself, if he so wished.

- Rendall - 12-06-2010


Ren relaxed alittle when the wolfess confirmed the girls suspicions. When Jefferson arrived though she was able to sit down and wag her tail, mildly happy to see her old friend. However, when the other wolf appeared Rendall showed more intrest. It was good seeing old friends but even better making new. The woman looked him over then turned her gaze back to her friend. "I'm not the only one whose changed. You look much better."

She turned back towards Jefferson before gazing at the male called Arorun. "Hello, I'm Rendall as you can guess, I use to live with Anya before I left the Vally." As she said that the woman went over to the grey wolfess and nuzzled her fur affectionately like siblings would when after a long time apart. Though to her Anya was her sibling. She had been devistated when she heard of Anya's departure, however, it was good to see her again."So where have you been?"

- Arorun Cindermane - 12-15-2010

The black wolfess' calm and welcoming nature allowed for Arorun to relax a little. He walked over closer to Anya, tyring to better judge her expression. She seemed glad. Arorun was about to speak, but stopped himself when he saw another wolf walking over and sitting next to Rendall. He recognized him as Jefferson Soul, the leader of the pack that lives in Phoenix Valley, thanks to Anya's description. Arorun felt tense, not sure of himself, but a nudge from Anya forced him to speak. Ears pinned back, head low, with his gaze near the ground he began to introduce himself. "Hello Sir, my name is Arorun Cindermane. I came here from the far north, looking for a home. I, um, we were simply passing through your territory on our way to join a pack farther south. Anya is my guide, and she has said nothing but good things about you and Phoenix Valley and I felt it was worth coming with her to visit." Arorun paused for a moment as the wind picked up slightly. "If it is alright with you Sir I would like to continue following Anya as she gives me a sort of tour."

Remembering that Rendall had greeted him earlier Arorun turned to her and smiled slightly. "And hello Rendall, nice to meet you." Silently he waited for the lead wolf to speak, hoping he had made a good impression.

- Jefferson Soul - 12-15-2010


They had come simply to visit? Strange, since every other resurfacing face from Valley past had opted to stay immediately upon returning, but Jefferson made no open qualms. Anya herself seemed to have changed little and her comrade seemed friendly enough; he was looking for a home, he said, and Jefferson could only assume Phoenix Valley might be it. Would that mean Anya would be returning as well? He didn't mention it aloud, but the girl's return concerned him more than Arorun's.

"Well, if you come back deciding to stay, we'll talk about it then," the cyclops said, shrugging his shoulders. "I see no reason to turn you away as of now. And Anya, you know you're always welcome back here as well. I hope you'll consider it." If they were touring, Jefferson hadn't the slightest idea what she had in mind.

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- Anya - 12-21-2010

Anya sighed. She had been many places, but she would not tell Rendall of them, as they brought up bad memories within her mind. Once she had reconciled those memories, perhaps then she would be willing to share the stories of a past life with those she loved.

"Ren, I don't think I can tell you that at the moment..." Anya spoke with a pained look in her eyes, then turned to Jefferson. "I just want to show him the sights; I want to give him pictures to go with the stories I've told him of this place...Would that be alright? After that, we'll be on our way, since Aro wants to head further south..."

OOC: SOrry for the really sucky post this week. DX

- Rendall - 12-21-2010


Ren slightly stunned by Anya's sudden reserved attitude, turned her gaze away sadly and over to the curious male, trying to keep her hurt feelings under wraps. Instead she smiled up at Aro. "I hope you enjoy your tour. The Vally is a lovely place to be, even in this season." Ren realized that Anya wasnt the same friendly wolfess she had lived with. She remembered the grey one as being someone she could tell anything to. However, time had changed them both and Anya had prefered not to face the past this time.

Ren listened to the patriarch for a moment and looked over at Aro again " I agree, it would be nice to see you again." She turned a determined look to Anya. "Both of you. So come and visit often." If it was one thing Rendall learned was that her father even as a normal wolf had given to her. The ability to give a look of authority. Ren didnt like using it...ever, but she hoped that Anya saw alittle bit of it in her eyes to know that Ren had meant what she said about wanting to see her again. She didnt want Anya to leave and never come back. She turned her gaze quickly away.

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