'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
hyaline - Printable Version

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- Gabriel de le Poer - 12-05-2010


This is dated for November 11th. Seyonne gets to reply first, but this will be open for anyone after that.

With the little fox keeping up an admirable pace despite his feet (Gabriel had seen enough to believe something was wrong with them), the two had traveled east and towards Inferni’s main hold. The sable-coated hybrid did not hesitate to cross the invisible line that stunk of his clan, nor did he spare a glance to a worn and clearly canine skull. He was entirely silent until they left the beach for the tall grass, falling in line with a trail worn by paws over the years.

“Are you hungry?” He asked suddenly, looking over his shoulder at the fox. Though Gabriel was not, there were certainly enough small animals to feed a whole herd of foxes if so desired. The coyotes rarely wasted their time on mice or rats when rabbits bred like mad and offered more meat for the effort.

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- Seyonne - 12-06-2010


Seyonne, determined, never slowed as he followed behind Gabriel. His feet still stung, but he ignored them easily enough, and the first thing that gave him pause was a skull. A canine skull to be precise, and on a spike. His resolve nearly broke at that sight - it was something so profoundly disgusting and strange to him. Thinking back, he couldn't remember a single time he had seen a skull of much more than a mouse or bird. To put a skull, especially canine, on a spike as though a piece of décor... well he was rethinking everything. Especially what little he thought he had figured out about Gabriel. He stared at the skull, mind reeling, until they passed it. Then he looked forward quickly, hoping Gabriel hadn't seen the horror playing clearly across his face. He drew in his emotions and made his face unreadable, secretly glad for the grass they now walked on as it felt better than sand on his feet, and offered something else to think about.

He had nearly forgotten how hungry he was until his guide mentioned food. His stomach immediately grumbled in reply, making him admit that he was. "Yes, I am. Though I'll be fine without." It seemed rude to take food from this clan, especially since he was a guest and already in Gabriel's debt. If a mouse was plopped in front of him he would eat it happily. If he was asked to hunt for himself, he would probably put it off for awhile longer until he knew for sure just how welcome he would be here. A place with skulls at its border put him on edge for whatever reason. His eyes scanned the surroundings, and his ears flicked involuntarily at the smallest noise. He flicked his eyes back to Gabriel, attentive, but his ears still swiveled about as though they had a mind of their own.

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- Gabriel de le Poer - 12-09-2010


The coy-wolf did not wonder if the fox worried with the skulls. He had seen the way strangers and outsiders looked at them and accepted it, just as he had accepted the way coyotes looked at him and saw wolf. Without a missed step he continued on, keeping his face ahead and his expression blank. There was no need to react and worry the fox—he was likely far more worried about these savage coyotes than he had been about wolves.

“If you’d like to hunt, there’s probably something suited to your size here,” Gabriel offered. He paused and nodded towards the thin border of the forest to their east. “Should you want avoid wolves, the forest that way is usually sparce. Go south and you’ll run into them. We try and stay as far away as we can, which is why we live in the Waste.” It being autumn, there was hardly much to suggest this was a wasteland. Tall grass the color of straw covered the open field, and the forest was ablaze with color. Rocks jutted out around the edges of this, rising to peaks in several areas. It was an elaborate illusion, to have such stones rearing up like spikes. This was why Gabriel had chosen such a place and not gone to the more fertile southlands.

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- Seyonne - 12-12-2010


ooc: We really need some Inferni members to spice this up. Moving this ahead a little and assuming it's okay for Seyonne to take off and hunt. Tell me if you want it edited. If no one shows up to harass Seyonne, then he makes it back to Gabriel.

Seyonne was glad that Gabriel either didn't notice his reaction, or chose to ignore it. He was also glad at the news that wolves wouldn't be a problem while he hunted. He still wasn't entirely confident about leaving the protection of a member of the clan, but now that food had been brought up, there was little room in his mind for much else. He looked toward the colorful forest skeptically, then back to Gabriel. "Okay. It should only take a minute, and I assume you will wait here? Or should we meet up somewhere else?" He waited for a response, then trotted off towards the woods.

As he entered he kept his ears alert for signs of both prey and other wolves. He moved less gracefully across the leaves than he usually did, and he missed two mice before he finally caught one. He reared up in classic fox hunting style, and landed on it with all his weight. The mouse didn't even squeak. He ate the kill quickly, then started retracing his steps out of the forest. Barring any encounters with a clan member, he would be back with Gabriel in just a few minutes. He wasn't sure how long he had been looking for prey though, and this worried him some. He quickened his pace, not bothering to be quiet. He got lost once, and had to circle back to where he made his kill. Once he got back on track he was confident of his way. It was more time wasted, yes, but he was good with forests, and wouldn't get lost again.

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