'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
tread upon broken glass - Printable Version

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- Azalea - 12-09-2010


Rising early, the coal colored girl had slipped away from the cave that temporarily made her home and was quick to make her way to their newly marked borders. Both she and Naniko’s scents were strongly intermingled here, for they were fresh and clearly marked the pack that had only officially banded together days ago. After leaving behind her old life, Azalea had hope that things would begin to look up. This was where she was supposed to be, after all. Naniko had promised her power in her ranking, and now power Azalea had. The question was now, how would she use this power? She would never be fully satisfied with what she had, and so her brain was already clicking to form new plots on how to obtain more.

So these were the thoughts that occupied the new Rakeeb as she trailed the edge of Halycon her pack had claimed. Though she was curious to see if she could detect the presence of others along her borders, her mind was somewhat occupied and it was possible for her to overlook something. Still, the fact that their borders were still clearly marked comforted her, and Azalea pushed her lithe frame to carry her faster and further along the borders. It was still very early morning, and she did not expect to see many of the others out in the chilly December air until after sunrise.

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- Demi D'Angelo - 12-09-2010

hi anna

Again the little goddess was up, sleep hadn’t come to her and it was still early morning. Her hours where always flipped, slept mostly during the day, up at night. This tended to be her winter routine until the flowers started to bloom again, then it would flip so she could raise her little garden of evils and find other wild growing herbs. Today though offered a change, she was walking silently in her natural form. Demi never ever did this often, preferring the gifts the gods had bestowed upon her in her upright form. But still they hadn’t left her natural form without any such gifts of beauty. So it was no surprise that her paws struck gingerly on the ground, her eyes forward, ears perked ontop of her head as the little goddess trekked across the land.

Demi was hungry and so far she wasn’t able to find anyone who’d bring her any food like her brother used to. This really cut into her time obsessing over her work or finding a new male to play with. The little petite nose of hers sniffed the ground for anything that would intrigue her little mind before stopping with a huff. Rabbits and other creatures that she could routinely catch wouldn’t be out before the sun rose, and the scent of deer made her stomach growl but she’d never be able to bring down such large prey.

With a frown she continued before someone else’s scent caught her nose. It seemed familiar but her nose wasn’t as trained as others and she couldn’t tell it apart from the other wisps of scent left behind by her pack mates. Still she tracked after it before coming across the black she wolf. Demi looked quizzically at the female for a moment knowing she should know this wolf but nothing came to mind before she opened her mouth.


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- Azalea - 12-10-2010

Hi Matt! Thanks for joining. Apologies in advance for Azalea's attitude. XD

Though she had traveled south to find the borders of the pack not far from Anathema, Azalea did not know how many other packs were situated in the area. She had come across Inferni as she and the others came down over the mountain, but that was as far as her knowledge stretched. She’d need to either leave herself and discover these things, or send some of the lesser ranked wolves under her rule out to do this dirty work for her. She would not remain in the dark. It was best to know exactly where Anathema stood.

The sound of another reached her before their scent, and cold golden eyes sought the other female. Though she was older than Azalea by some months, the new Rakeeb still saw herself as superior. Whatever this girl had to say to her, it had better be important, Azalea figured. Otherwise, she’d only be wasting Zale’s precious time.

"Sure is," she replied coolly, voice lacking the general friendliness that Naniko’s often held. Though the coal colored girl had slowed her pace some, her four paws did not cease movement. Whether or not this girl was here, Azalea was determined to finish her rounds.

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- Demi D'Angelo - 12-11-2010


Sorry anna, she's not much on sticking around or challenging someone outright

Demi studied the she wolf for awhile as she treaded along with her. Curious to a fault but again easily growing bored if there proved to be nothing worth staying for. Her attempt at conversation was only met by a dismissive phrase back and the goddess didn’t care for it. Demi never cared much for authority or younger wolves who thought they were the end all be all. So her form stopped as anger flashed across her brow. Maybe it was due to her being on four legs that primal instinct for confrontation coupled with her complete lack of having any respect for this female and why should she!

She fought a growl to challenge the female right on the spot, but her confidence wasn’t too high on her physical abilities. Sure she could fuck her over with some tainted meat or go after someone who’s courting her but the D’Angelo in her screamed to attack for such a transgression to her thrown. Finally she decided she’d just leave the little anti social bitch alone, save a fight for later. Her form turned around back off in the direction she had came no longer interested in not having a conversation to get to know this female. Nose back to the ground as she searched out something to hunt.

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- Azalea - 12-16-2010

No problem! Also, I secured a fight thread for Azalea, so our treatment thread should be good to go! :}

They padded along for a moment, Azalea’s golden gaze still locked on the borders and not bothering to spare a glance in the D’Angelo’s direction. Somehow she felt a surge of strength with the girl following at her side just one step behind, but it wasn’t long before Demi broke off and seemed to head off with other intentions. Azalea would have merely shrugged had she been in Optime, but instead the girl offered a sneer and continued on her way.

It was only after a moment that she spared a glance in the older girl’s direction and watched as she put distance between the two. "What’s your name?" She called after her, her pace slowing before she had come to a complete stop. Demi, however, still seemed to be continuing on.

It wasn’t that Azalea truly cared what the girl was called, but she figured she could at least pretend she wanted to get to know those of her pack. After all, she was supposed to be leading them. How could she lead someone when she didn’t know what to call them?

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- Demi D'Angelo - 12-17-2010


Demi was the poster child for passive aggressive. Never having the abuilties to rightfully challenge someone outright, she had not been gifted with a strong frame, muscles and sinew to tie her together. Grace and beauty where her gifts along with a thirsty mind for learning and the intelligence to go with it. She was a geek, and a beauty. But this other female just plainly irritated her, in some aspects she gathered from her short meeting with her, she was just the opposite as her when it came to physical prowess. Something she had come to admire in some females back in her old pack.

Her ear pricked upward at the females question. The form of the female stopped a moment before her head looked back at the other. Really she was thinking, after all that you’re asking what my names is? Was the look she gave her. A part of her wanted to walk back to her thinking not all hope was lost, but she remained steady as to her distance from the dark beauty across from her.

“Demi D’Angelo” she replied softly, Demi never had it in her nature to be submissive even though she could read enough about this she wolf to know she held herself higher then demi. A dip of her nose was offered after her name was given before she opened her mouth again.

“And what’s your name?” the Dainty female asked politely back.

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- Azalea - 12-21-2010


Though her paws had stopped for now, Azalea still felt the urge to keep moving. She knew that by stopping that she was losing precious hours of daylight, but she trying to be more personable, if only slightly. It took only a moment before the older girl turned to look in Azalea’s direction again, and the Rakeeb was curious as to whether or not the girl would answer. Surprisingly she did, and the coal colored girl was not surprised to hear that she was a D’Angelo. Anathema was founded upon this family, while Azalea was the odd one out. It did not bother her to know that many of these wolves were related, as it was part of Anathema’s culture that all members are accepted as blood. Even if she was not a D’Angelo like the rest, Azalea was still considered a part of the family. And she always would be.

"It’s Azalea," her smooth voice responded, though her golden gaze was still somewhat cold. She assumed this girl was Selene’s daughter, the other D’Angelo that had come from the old pack with Naniko and Azalea. Their history was an interesting one, though Zale didn’t realize it held more coincidence than she realized. She tried to think of more to say to the girl, but Azalea wasn’t good at this type of small talk. After a moment of hesitation, she took a half step to the side. "I’ll see you around," she decided upon, and then turned to continue her task at hand. Perhaps she had not done enough to improve the girl’s outlook on Azalea, but it was all the girl had cared to do. With a roll of her shoulders, mentally shrugging off the strange encounter, the coal colored girl was on her way.

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