'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
we are all just prisoners here, of our own device - Printable Version

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- Amaranth Catori - 12-13-2010


table © Alaine
ooc: Finally
Amaranth found herself seeking out her king her father the only man she called dad now. Leroy had lost his chance so long ago. He left with Kable who she didn't call brother anymore. She had a small family Dad and her that is untill her mother could find away to fix what she had done. Amaranth wanted to find the king and talk to him. She hadn't seen him in so long and she wanted to talk to him about her and Niro. She wanted her blessing she had her mothers though she couldn't care about that. She really wanted his though it was late.

She wasn't sure where he would be so she poked around the house her mother wasn't home odd. She figured she would be. Walking slowly she circled the building poking her head in to see her fathers horse. She smiled looking at him. Maybe she should think about learning about horses everyone seemed to know except her really. Niro knew about birds and her she was the crazy cat lady. Speaking of which she looked around where did he go?

Neko She called as the white and silver tabby came up to her. She shrugged looking at him putting out her hand she let him climb up to lounge on her shoulders. Who needs a horse when I have you.

Speak think walk


- Vigilante Haskel - 12-14-2010



The King had been busy preparing for the upcoming birth of his children. He guessed that there were still at least a couple of weeks to go before the pups were here, but he had been busy cleaning up around the house. Amaranth and Ever had both moved on by now and the only one living there with the mated pair was Kambujiya, though Vigilante did not know where he was now. The room the boy was in had the room shared by Mara and Ever, so the pups could sleep in the second bed once they were old enough, he was thinking. Certainly they would never kick Kam out just because there were new puppies coming.

Though it often went unused as of late, the King was in the room he used as a workshop. Perhaps such a thing would be better-suited to outside, though it would have to wait until spring. The window was up to air out the room, as it had the lingering scent of burning metal. The door was always shut to prevent the pups from entering and getting hurt, so luckily the smell did not permeate the rest of the house. A sound outside caught his attention and the King rose, walking on two legs to the window and peering out. He smiled as he saw Amaranth and her cat outside. "Hello, Mara," he said warmly. It was nice to see her around their house, though entirely unexpected.

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- Amaranth Catori - 12-14-2010


table © Alaine
ooc: Finally
Amaranth was lost in though. She was thinking about the day on the beach when she saw her mom. Was her mom worried about her really or did it not matter to her. Amaranth looked at the the green eyed feline. Stroking his head she sighed. She didn't see her dad around so she was getting ready to leave.

looking at the horse again she jumped a little when her fathers voice ran in her head. Looking towards the sound she smiled. "Father" She said smiling running over to the window. "Its so good to see you. I wanted to tell you about Niro and I." she said. Not thinking her mother had probably already told him. She said as she looked at him with a wide grin. She couldn't wait to just sit and talk to him. It had been so long since she had seen him. She had to go and see strel to have new clothes made some time but for now she was wanting to just talk with her dad. Though she felt like her clothes had become a little small. How have you been dad? Hows mom? I mean I don't care really how she is but last I saw her she looked odd like something was on her mind. She said looking at him. She shouldn't care about her mother.

Speak think walk


- Vigilante Haskel - 12-20-2010


Neither Amaranth or Niro had told the dog King about their mateship, but word had travelled to him through Ayita. Though he did think that his adopted daughter was too young to have found a mate already, Vigilante supposed he was grateful that she had found someone that the King liked as much as he did Niro, despite the man's relations with Lolita. "It is good to see you, as well, Mara, and so I've heard," he mused with a smile, "Congratulations."

Vigilante knew that his mate and her daughter did not have a good relationship, so he chose to ignore what Mara said about not caring how her mother was. These were things that he was not involved in, and they needed to have time to work through it together. "I have been well, and your mother... She has been too, I suppose. I wanted to come tell you earlier but I wanted to wait until you were ready to come here again," he explained. He did not want Mara to be angry with the news. "Your mother is pregnant, and I'd guess she has a few weeks left," he explained gently. He mentally braced himself for her reaction.

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- Amaranth Catori - 12-21-2010


table © Alaine
ooc: Finally
Amaranth looked at him and smiled. Thanks dad. she said with a smile she was glad to see that he was at least some what happy for her. She looked around nobody was home it seemed other then him. So had ever also left the house had she gone out to start her own life happily in the pack like she had.

Amaranth snarled at the news. She couldn't beilieve that her mother was going to have more pups. I can't belive that you would have pups with her. Are you going to let her help raise tham? Or are you going to be smart and keep them away from her? She asked looking at him with her intense purple eyes. She didn't want any siblings of hers to end up hurt. She looked at her father stepping over to the window. I just don't think she's ment to be a good mom she wasn't there for me and Kable left so hows that for results.

Speak think walk


- Vigilante Haskel - 01-25-2011


335 words.

Amaranth was still quite young to have a mate, and Niro seemed to have a lot going on with the women in his life. Vigilante knew of his children with Lolita, as Niro had told him himself, and he also knew about the fight that had happened between Niro and Anatoliy because of the Russo man's sister, news that he had heard from Haven, who had been the one to break up the fight. Though the Haskel man was fond of Niro and he was happy for his daughter, he could not help but be a bit apprehensive about the news. However, Mara was obviously happy, and the King did not doubt Niro's feelings for her, so he could not say anything other than positive words about their mateship.

Everything about her reaction had been expected, for the dog mutt knew the way that Amaranth felt about her mother, even if he did not understand the specifics. Vigilante had expected her to be angry and to lash out at the news, so her words did not bother him. He simply allowed her to finish, knowing that it would only anger her further if he interrupted her if he told her that she was wrong for feeling that way. He could not, for she had every right to feel the way that she did about her mother. The King just did not agree with her.

"You are allowed to feel that way," he said gently, "but I am happy." He had done everything that he could to be there for Amaranth and Kable when their father had not been, and he hoped that she knew that. Vigilante would be a good father to these puppies when they arrived. "I am excited to be a father again, now that you and Ever are out of the house. I have Kambujiya, but he still looks for his mother, and I do not know if she will come for him," he added. "I hope you will come see them."

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- Amaranth Catori - 02-01-2011


table © Alaine
ooc: Finally
Amaranth was caught off guard by her father. She couldn't even think of a good retort. He understood and it was ok to be mad at her? That was not what she was expecting. She wanted to be understood and Niro understood her and so did her father. She was shocked she looked around and smiled. "Thank you dad." she said.

She wasn't sure she'd want to see her siblings. to her they were full Vigi had been more of a father then her mutt of a father who took off. She would treat their pups like siblings the siblings she wished she had. For her brother was no where to be found he must have taken off too. "Alright dad, for you I will." She said. She hugged him tightly. "I missed you more then anything." she said the man had ment everything to her. Because he was not like the others she knew he listened and had patience. He was the king after all.

Speak think walk


- Vigilante Haskel - 02-03-2011


500+ words.

The bond that he shared with Amaranth meant a great deal to him, and he did not view her as his adopted daughter or his mate's daughter. The red and white patterned girl had been his own daughter for quite some time now, and he would not change that for the world. Though he had never been fond of Leroy, even before Amaranth and Kable had been born, the King felt that the husky male had lost the world when he had abandoned Amaranth. Vigilante would never fully understand why he had taken off with Kable without so much as a passing good bye to his daughter or the mother of his children, and frankly, the noble King did not think he wanted to. There was no excuse for what Leroy had done, in the former vigilante's mind. He did not think that Amaranth would ever forgive her biological father, even more so than she did not forgive her mother. Though he thought that it was supremely sad that Leroy had hurt her so magnificently, he was more than thankful to have her as his daughter, shared blood or not.

He hugged her close when she reached out to him; he would not have thought of doing anything other than. It meant a great deal to him that she would be penalize her unborn siblings because of her own dislike for their mother. Though Vigilante did not entirely understand what had transpired between his mate and his daughter, he did not hold it against either one of them. These were matters between mother and daughter, and he felt that he had no right to attempt to interfere. All he could do was be there for both of them, for he loved both women greatly, of course in different ways. Perhaps Ayita and Amaranth would eventually overcome their differences, but it was not up to him to do this for them. He had learned long ago that it was not necessary to interfere when it came to matters of the heart and he would need to set aside his own feelings on subjects that did not directly involve him. He had been trained to not emotionally tie himself to any other canine, but certainly that had changed for him when he had come to the royal court a year and a half ago. Perhaps he had never been meant to distance himself.

"Thank you," he spoke genuinely. The noble dog mutt had hoped so completely that his daughter would be able to love her unborn siblings, just as he hoped that Ever and Kambujiya would be able to bond with them once they arrived. "I have missed you, as well," he said, and so he had. It had felt empty without her and Ever in the house. "Please, tell me what has been going on in your life. How is it being a mated woman?" he asked with a smile. He still felt that she was very young, but he thought that Niro was as good a wolf as any for his daughter.

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- Amaranth Catori - 02-23-2011


table © Alaine
ooc: Finally word of the day nimbus

Amaranth smiled at her father. She had never had a chance to really get to know her real dad and she was glad she had the time to take and get to be with this dad. She was happy being with him. she was happy getting to know Vigi and doing things that fathers and daughters do.

She smiled at his response. He had missed her and it made her happy to know she was glad that she was missed she wanted to be and she wanted to be loved. Amaranth looked at her father happy as could be it seemed like he was a god to her. He made her day better no matter what seemed to be wrong. She looked up at him the setting sun behind him emitted a nimbus behind him. He was the king of the land and a mighty one, maybe that was why she saw the nimbus behind him. Stoping to think for just a moment she smiled once more. "Well its different. I expected it to be but I didn't expect to do all I do. Niro he works hard and helps out but I also do a lot. I clean and get food together. I also still train a lot with my uncle." she said. "I want to get a co rank to he's helping me learn skills needed.",/b>
Speak think walk


- Vigilante Haskel - 02-24-2011


Though he could not wait to have his own puppies enter the world, they would not replace Amaranth in his heart, for though he had not contributed to her making, he had raised her and she was very much his daughter. It warmed his heart to know that she still loved him as she always had, despite her problems with her mother and the changes in her life. He thought of it as a sign that he had done something right by her that she had come to visit without being asked, specifically to see him and to talk. She had not come to ask something of him and she had not come to get something, but simply to visit with her fahter.

Admittedly, he had been a bit worried about how she would handle the changes that came with mateship, but he was glad to see that she was doing well for herself. It did not surprise him to hear that she was still training with Zafier, though he could not say that he was thrilled. The man had never liked the dog mutt that his sister had chosen to be mates with, and the pair of males had not gotten along well from the very beginning. He could not say anything about Amaranth spending time with him, though; he was her uncle, a family member she was close to. "What co-rank are you interested in?" he inquired.

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- Amaranth Catori - 03-05-2011


table © Alaine
ooc: Finally

Amaranth looked at her father. She was enjoying the time she was spending with her father. They were together for the first time in so long just talking like nothing had ever happened. He was the best lisener she knew and he was her idol.

Well Uncle Zafeir is teaching me to fight like a real warrior so I want to go for one of those kind of jobs I just don’t know how to get a co rank. she said looking at him who better to go to then the man in charge anyhow. She was hoping that he would help her and show her the way. What do you think? I really want to help make a difference.

Speak think walk


- Vigilante Haskel - 03-17-2011


wotd: apposite (appropriate, fitting)

It had been a minor interest in learning how to work with metal that had eventually led to Vigilante acquiring his co-rank within the pack, though there was not often work for him. He would need to look for something to do with his crude skills and if he could find a job to do, then it would be great. However, he knew that his presence was more important as the King than the blacksmith, so it did not bother him greatly that he did not have much work to do with his small workshop in his house. If a job arose, he would give it his full attention, but there did not seem to be any work.

Vigilante was not fond of the idea of Amaranth being a fighter, though he had known for quite some time now that his brother-in-law had been training her. "I think that being a Squire is what you would be looking for, if you wanted to pursue a co-rank in defensive fighting" he spoke carefully, choosing his words wisely. The Miracles pack was not one of fighting, and he intended to keep it that way. He could only assume that any fighting would be defensive. "If that is what you wish to do, then it would be in your best interest to talk to Haven, I would think." The Knight would know whether or not Amaranth would be apposite to the job, he could only assume.

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