'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
[P] For Lack of a Word - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [P] For Lack of a Word (/showthread.php?tid=13996)

- Slade Auctor - 12-29-2010

OOC: For the sake of my mental timeline, this is dated to December 30, 2010.

The forest was peaceful. A full moon sent light tumbling down from the sky and spreading over the entire woodland, casting an eerie glow. All was silent. A small lake sitting in the middle of the woods was absolutely still, reflecting off the moonlight like a…

Slade growled as he walked along the outskirts of Thornbury, trying to think of a shiny thing he could use to complete his story. It was difficult to find something that reflected moonlight in the middle of the day, so he had to rely on his imagination to complete the night scene. He had been repeating the sentences for a while now, with an idea in his mind of where he would go next with the story but lacking the ability to figure out a way to complete them. Sometimes he wished that he knew a little more about the objects Luperci used; maybe one of them reflected moonlight.

Shaking his head, Slade tried continue the story in his mind, skipping over the part where he was lacking a word, but found that he couldn’t. It was an issue of his; he couldn’t just skip around and imagine a future part if he didn’t get the one he was working on down. It was a very annoying issue that made Slade quite frustrated. This, plus the fact that he had been making a complete idiot out of himself lately, was a source of anger. Whenever the young coyote was flustered, he got sarcastic, and tended to vent in some unconventional way.

Fortunately for the sanity of the branches around him, Slade decided not to gnaw on a twig and instead began to compose a very violent story in his mind, which involved nothing but two wolves fighting each other to the death. And as he was thinking, he hit another roadblock in vocabulary. It didn’t help his mood. This would only become a problem if he ran into someone else.