'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Cold Like Fire - Printable Version

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- Skye Collins - 01-15-2011


ooc: Ethereal Eclipse :3 / wc:164 sorry for short post :<

Skye was walking - and she was very angry about it, too. Denali had helped her immensely in her endeavors with Jack, and his behavior had improved, but today he had absolutely refused to take part in anything Skye had to say or do. He had stayed, stubborn, in the stall that was her living room, and had refused to move so much as a hoof in the direction Skye wanted him to go. It had been absolutely ridiculous, and now she was angry.

She stomped through the snow, her paws leaving footprints on the fluffy white substance. Like most times in the winter, she was in her Optime form, bundled up in warm clothes that were sufficient to keep her from getting frostnipped. her hands, however, were very cold - she had forgotten to wear something that had pockets and now was forced to rub her hands together and blow on them, trying to warm them up. It wasn't working very well, of course.

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- Gaël morte dre Soul - 02-01-2011

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table4.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

So sorry for the wait. SSWM: 351

Gaël remembered the way back to Orin’s pack since the day he had met her. He wondered if perhaps he would be able to see her again the next time that he returned. He had woken up early in the morning, wanting to play a bit of music to liven up the land before he went on his way for the day. The giant did not want to carry his guitar around all day so he figured he could play it now before it got too late and he would not have any time to go away from his home. He wanted to stop by the angel’s pack today just to see if she was around. He closed his eyes as he gently pulled his instrument towards him. He crossed his legs and set it on his lap. After taking a moment to feel the breeze, the male began to play a soft tune to go along with the morning feeling. He continued to play softly until he could see the sun coming into the sky, peeking through the trees and dangling above his head. He could see the reflection of the sun’s rays bouncing off the snow before him. He carefully stashed away his guitar before leaving his home and going off into the direction of his friend’s pack.

Gaël could feel the snow crushing under his massive paws as he moved along. He knew he would have a bit of a ways before he would make it to the pack so he tried not to hurry his way along. He wanted to take his time and enjoy the beauty that was around him. He smiled as he walked along until his ears moved around. The giant thought he had heard something in the distance. He carefully moved towards the sound and found the cream colored female stomping around angerly. He wondered what she was so upset about. Wanting not to make her angrier than she already was, he kept his distance. He gazed to her with his turquoise eyes before speaking. ”Hello there dear. Are you alright?”


- Skye Collins - 02-07-2011


Skye was so lost in her irritability that she didn't notice the man coming until she saw his shadow falling on the snow behind her. The shadow was so long compared to her own that at first, she thought it was Shawchert, the tall leader of Cercatori d'Arte. She was about to utter a greeting when a different voice came, low and gentle. Mostly startled at the difference of what she expected of the man and what she heard, she spun around, her tail fluffed out and her ears erect. The words had been kind, however, and she quickly flattened her fur, slightly embarrassed that she had been surprised so easily, and so near her own territory to boot.

"Sorry about that," she said, referring to her extreme reaction. "I thought you were someone else." She grinned at the man, now friendlier than she had been a few moments ago.

"I'm fine," she said, referring to the man's question as to if she had been alright. She had been stomping around, mainly slightly irritated and getting out aggression, but now she was calm, her temperament relieved in the form of this strange man's arrival. "I'm Skye," she said in greeting. "Skye Collins of Cercatori d'Arte. Who are you?" she asked.

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- Gaël morte dre Soul - 03-04-2011

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table4.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Gaël looked over the she wolf as he came closer to her. She was just as beautiful as the other she wolves he had seen in the area, especially the one he met around her. He wouldn’t be surprised if a male had already claimed this one as his own. She came over to her and watched his shadow tower over her own. The giant found it hard to believe sometimes that he was much bigger than almost all of the other wolves around here. He smiled as she turned to him and apologized. ”There’s no need for that my dear. I should not have snuck up on you like that. It was rather rude of my. I should have known this would happen.” He backed away so he was not towering over her as much.

Gaël was glad to see that she was doing alright considering that he had caught her in such a bad mood. He waited until she was done speaking before he introduced himself to her. ”Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Skye. I am Gaël morte dre Soul. I’m afraid I am not part of any pack. I am searching for my sister. I wish to speak with her before I make any decisions.” The giant gave her a small bow before he looked to the lands behind her. ”So tell me dear, what brings you all the way out here? You know what I am here for.” The male yawned as he stretched out his limbs. He wondered if this she wolf know who Orin was and wondered if she had been around. He wagged the tip of his tail as he waited for the angel to speak. He was sure that she knew about the pink haired angel and couldn’t wait to see her again.


- Skye Collins - 03-13-2011


The man stepped back, and Skye felt a bit better - she knew that when she first met Shawchert, she had been rather startled at his size and was even slightly afraid of him. But he had quickly become one of her best friends, and she never regretted meeting him - she was sure that this man was the same, nice and kind, and that size really had nothing to do with it.

She smiled as he said that his name was Gael, and that he wasn't part of any pack - that was expected. He had no scent of pack on him, unlike the familiar scents of many wolves she's smelled on different pack wolves; this one just had his own scent, the scent of a loner. But then he said that he was searching for his sister; she wondered who his sister may be. She might know him.

"What's your sister's name?" she asked curiously. Then the man spoke again, and asked her what she was doing here.

"I'm just walking. I was going to bring my horse and try to ride him, but he wouldn't budge from my house!" A little bit of the irritation that had brought her there to begin with came back, but it didn't last long - she wasn't that angry anymore. No, now she was just curious; she could help this man find his sister, especially if she was in her own pack, Cercatori d'Arte.

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