'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Chronic Pain While Shifting - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Chronic Pain While Shifting (/showthread.php?tid=14920)

- Rewdeynetya - 01-30-2011

I was curious as to any conditions that could be in place to cause chronic pain while shifting. I had a character idea in which someone rarely shifts because of a very painful, very difficult time shifting due to...some birth defect or another, I was thinking. Maybe severe arthritis or inner scar tissue from repeated injury? What do you guys think?

- Ever Mayawyn - 01-30-2011

I would imagine that a birth defect, such as a a chip off a bone or a torn ligiment, would make it very difficult to cope with the shifting of bones. It is also possible to be born with a broken bone or an extra bone, loss of bone, etc. Hope I helped! :]

- Arkham Lykoi - 01-30-2011

I think that's fine. I know we've had a few characters that were essentially "stuck" in one form or another because of previous injury or arthritis, so I don't think it's a big stretch to say that such an "injury" has been present since birth. :3 I like mild arthritis would be a good go since there'd be precedence.

- Gabriel de le Poer - 01-30-2011

Any sort of joint/bone pain like arthritis would do that. My old character Ahren couldn't shift to lupus form because of arthritis in his arms. :]

- Kaena Lykoi - 01-31-2011

Yep! Here's an example for you: Corona Lykoi couldn't shift to either her Secui or Lupus forms due to a medical condition. :> I'm not sure what age it started or what it exactly is -- profile just states that it's an unspecified medical malady, unfortunately, and I dooon't think her Wiki expands any on it. :<

I'd assume you'd want something that'd be enough to hinder shifting but not enough to seriously hinder flexibility/mobility, considering Rewdeynetya's past. Oh, unless you wanted to go with some kind of progressive thing...? Maybe it's only really starting to act up and slow her down now. ^^;

I am not a doctor at aaaall but maybe this resource can help you? One thing I found was this. It causes sharp pain and other joint problems -- maybe she could experience sharp pain in Lupus form, preventing her from wanting to shift to that form? If not, though, it's totally fine to just say it's an unspecified thing that prevents her from shifting, too. Big Grin

- Rewdeynetya - 01-31-2011

For Rewdeynetya, I was planning a minor thing where discomfort with shifting is psychological, due to certain issues she has with her Lupus form. However, the idea was more for a future (possibly) character, if the idea ever sprouted properly, as well as putting the question out there for a lurker who wants to join with such a character.