'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
The Some what Lone Wolf - Printable Version

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- Dea M Smith - 02-02-2011

Okay so i guess i'll start here and say hello and get others to tell me what i want to know Big Grin

- Kaena Lykoi - 02-02-2011

Hi there, Dea! Welcome to 'Souls! Big Grin

Not sure what you're asking here, but welcome anyway! If you do have any questions, please feel free to post them to this thread -- you'll have plenty of happy friendly people tackling you with an answer. XD

One thing -- is Dea M Smith your character name? If so, I'll change your username to capitalize the surname. :> If that's your real name, we prefer for our account names to have the same name as our characters. If you're still figuring out your character, that's fine too! Whenever you know what you'd like his/her name to be, let us know and we can change your registered account name for you. ^_^

Welcome again! Hope you find what you're looking for here. Big Grin

- Dea M Smith - 02-02-2011

it's both my character name and pen name. I dont give out my real name over the net for anything. sorry Big Grin so you'll have to go by my pen name Big Grin also i wanted to know what's you character sheet at and where i can start to role play. And I love your sig Big Grin

- Kaena Lykoi - 02-02-2011

Ha, no problem. XD It's a smart way to be anyhow -- there are quite a lot of people on this here internet. >:|

In order for you to actually join the game, you'll just have to go ahead and choose a method of joining. I assume you do want to join the game as a Loner first? :O If so, you'll need to post the OOC joining form to the Loner and Creature joining forum. Once you've done that and you're accepted (I'll probably get on it right away) you can start roleplaying. Big Grin

However, we don't have a character sheet, per say -- you can fill out your forum profile to act as a character sheet, if you'd like! Otherwise, we also offer the Post and Graphic logs forum where you can post your own character sheet (and, if you're interested, I have a free character sheet for all to use, if you want :O).

But filling out a character sheet is generally not required -- you don't *have* to do any of that unless you're OOC joining and filling out your profile. X3 You can also provide us with RP samples if you'd like to just get straight into the game without fiddling with your profile.

Thanks for the compliment! ^_^ Nina, another roleplayer, drew it for me! She's awesome, and I think she actually has a studio where she is offering drawings for others. :o

- Dea M Smith - 02-02-2011

well yea. but I do want to find a mate. lol being a lone gets cold out in the world or wild. So more or lose i can jump in? And Thats so cool to have someone make your sig. At first I thought she was nude but no. lol I did my avatar in photo shop.

- Kaena Lykoi - 02-02-2011

Loners can have mates! Dea's mate would have to be another Loner, though -- interpack mateships aren't allowed, as they're not so realistic. Big Grin However, later on if you find a pack wolf you'd like to become mates with, you can always join that pack later.

And yes! As soon as you've done the OOC form and that small thing, you're ready to start roleplaying. ^^; I'm assuming you've read over at least the rules and plot thus far, of course. ;D

Yeah, she is technically nude! XD Thank goodness for fur, huh?! Your character can totally wear clothes if they want, though, is no biggie. :> Did you draw the image yourself or find it through Google or another search image? :O If that's someone else's art, please make sure they allow use of their art in public. ^^; We require that all art is credited and able to be used in public.

If they don't, Kiri has colored lineart available for you to use and color your character. If you can't color well, there are plenty of other players who would be willing to color one up for you. Big Grin

- Dea M Smith - 02-02-2011

no no no thats mine Big Grin And yea i'll work on it and start in the occ and then off to find a mate "winks" maybe there here. lol And yes fur is food sometimes. lol