'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
The one with the pup and the snow monster - Printable Version

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- Wretch D'Angelo - 02-15-2011

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It seemed as if their second entrance was going to be covered in snow for the rest of the winter! At least until some of the snow melted, anyway. She didn't think that it would warm up that much until it was spring time, though; spring, she had been told, was the time when all the snow went away and when things called plants and trees started to grow again. It had to be warm for them to be able to do that, and the snow had to melt.

The pup was quick to turn around and head for the first entrance, the one that she was a little less familiar with, shooting through the gaping hole and out into the blinding white of the mountainside. She needed to get farther into the woods without the snow monster discovering that she was infiltrating his territory. She took a few steps into the powder before jumping up onto a small boulder, then a larger one. He would never know she was outside if she kept her paws out of his snow!

When she ran out of boulders, she looked about for something else to jump onto. Aha! A log. The whelp leaped for the log but partially missed, her front paws scrabbling at the frozen surface for a moment before she was able to pull herself up. Whew; that was close! She didn't want to land in the snow and alert the monster to her presence; this was his domain and if she went into the deep snow then he'd be able to catch her and eat her!

Wretch continued with her game, jumping from one object to another, to another, always careful not to allow herself to touch the snow. She was feeling pretty good about herself until she came upon one final obstacle, a rock that was slightly higher than the others. Determined to place herself upon it, the D'Angelo girl crouched down, rear end wiggling as she focused on her jump.
