'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Under new stars - Printable Version

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- Aletha - 03-01-2011

Rolling onto her feet for there was not much more need to be that submissive other then common edicate. She looked around the world though it had changed little and had opened with brand new possibilities and wonders. Her paws tingled and her cheek was slowly pulling back into a grin.
'my first pack' She thought her tail now high wagged a it in the glory of her revaluation. Her body and mind now buzzing with energy and excitement, making it hard for her thought's to get in order. She walked over the hill crest toward the stronger pack smell, hesitating a bit then taking a deliberate step. A wave of personal victory engulfed her leaving her giddy, with excitement and happiness.
With a toss of her tail, she lept into a happy sprint. Dodging trees and hopping rivers. She loved to run! It was so freeing and intoxicating, that feel of being weightless, there was nothing else like it for her. Suddenly a homely, warm, rich smell hit her with force. Rabbit. From a dead on sprint she lept into a crouch like a cat. Her ears, and nose twitching, but her eyes had grown serious. Picking up the sounds she crept forward, noting happily she was downwind and as long as it didn't hear her. With powerful back legs she jumped from her rocky perch and crushing the rabbits spine in her landing. Picking it up tenderly, not willing to break the skin and release it's still warm blood. Bringing her head up to look into the forest, the dim light of twilight on her. She sighed for a second placing the rabbit back at her feet.
The thing her mom had insisted was knowing direction by stars, for her mouther was a wanderer, and she was destined to be one to. When on the tundra and everything looks the same they were your lifeline and way around. Here they were different, some were the same and new ones doted the ski in brand new patterns. Yet the moon and the north star stayed the same. Both dangling in the velvet of night.
Her mind wandered then she remembered. "Noah" she barked to herself in anger, why must she be so rude. She grabbed the rabbit in her jaws and took back off.
Leaping back over the hill hoping he did not go very far. "Noah! Noah! I'm sorry" she tried to yell through the rabbit fur, but it came back more like "Nerry!, Nerry! Omph airy!"

- Noah - 03-08-2011



Noah was getting better and better about putting on a happy face for everyone, because that was what they expected from him. Everyone knew Noah was a kind soul, one that was easy to talk to, and knew that he would not say much if any back. Noah loved his pack dearly, and would do anything and that was a huge gap for the pack. However the silver male had made it his mission to live in the pack that his mother and father had both lived in however the male planed to make a good name out of both family names, even after Jefferson had made it clear how he could not stand either mother or father of the male. Hearing the barking order for him, the tripod rolled to his legs, he had found him-self laying and looking at the fire in his cabin loathing in self pity more and more, depression that ran though his mother’s blood was starting to run though his. He was not going to allow him-self to fall to her depth; she had cut her wrist while Noah he knew that would only hurt his body and the one’s around him. Hopping out of his cabin he grumbled under his breath about being utterly worthless with the missing leg.

Following the soft sound of someone calling out his name he figured it was the Lady Aletha calling for him, he did need to take her around the lands and make sure that she was stealing in okay and if there was anything she needed or wanted that he could provide for her. Skipping in a not so merry way to the lady, the male stopped once reaching her panting, he was still getting use to being without all limbs, working or not. ”M’Lady called?” He tipped his head up with a pushed on grin, giving his tail a wag.


- Aletha - 03-11-2011

Aletha ended up wandering around lost as if in a mist. Were would he stay so she could say sorry. About to give up she drifted to the trees. The rabbit now cold and damp from being in her jaws was hanging limply and about to fall from her mouth.
Suddenly the big black wolf seemed to appear out of no were, or her senses had really dulled. She lept like a deer in the air and dropping the rabbit with a soft thump onto the cold earth.
"Noah!" SH perked her ears happily at seeing the old scarred male who had helped her so much this day. Then the circumstances of why she had been so rude to run. Her face turned into a heavy frown.
"Noah! I'm so sorry I ran away. But I got exited at being in a pack, so I had to run and I didn't think much of the consciences in till after I had caught this here rabbit, then I noticed it was getting dark so I stopped to see the stars for a second then I remembered you and how I had been so rude and ran off and making you and myself disobey the alpha and my first order too, so I ran back to the beach as fast as I could have and when I got there it was to late, so I ran around looking for you, and once I was losing hope you showed up, even though I had been so rude as to run off. So I brought you this rabbit as an apology and thank you for helping me get into the pack." She said it all quickly in one breath. Panting a bit at the end of her rant she looked up ears tucked back on her head smiling sheepishly hoping for a sign.

- Noah - 03-11-2011



The male brought his head up as she spoke looking to the rabbit that was once a fresh kill that she had dropped to the ground, then looking back up to her, his tail stopped looking at her with a warm friendly look in his one good eye, the male stood there letting her talk as he closed his pale blue eye letting the babe talk about whatever she had to say to him. What else could he do? He knew it was rude to not let a lady talk, and she was just that to him a lady and she had to be respected as such. The male gave a nod as she spoke, trying not to let his mind wonder off while she spoke.

Once she stopped the male gave a chuckle and then yip shutting his mouth, feeling bad for laughing at her, and did not want her to feel like he was laughing at her, well in a way he was, but it was more of her action then her. She was so worried about what he thought; he knew how it was standing at the borders. The male gimped forward leaning over the rabbit pushing it over towards her with a shake of his head, it was not that he did not want it, or even could use it. However the reason be hide the gift was not something male felt was warranted. Slowly bring him-self up trying to keep his balance and hopping that he did not fall flat on his face. ”You need it.” He smiled to her, it was fine to want to run and play after all you where only a pup once and you needed to live life as such, some are robbed of it before they have a chance to really enjoy it.

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- Aletha - 03-14-2011

Aletha pinned her ears back at the males deep chuckles. Even though she was aware that he meant no harm it was still very embarrassing. She sat awkwardly and aware of how odd she acted. But thankfully the Noah was a very calm presence and slowly the tension left her body knowing silently that she was forgiven.
Relaxing she slowly edged forward in till she was lying down, her mouth partly open with a bit of her pink tongue peeking out as she gulped the cold night air.
Startling a bit as Noah got up and hobbled toward her. She put her head down in submission and respect for her elder as he came forward.
"You need it." His voice startling her making Althea look at the rabbit he was nudging toward her. "Are you sure?" She asked casting a glimpse of the rabbit. She did want him to have it but to the truth when she had been looking for him the idea had come into her mind more then once. Silently smacking her mouth she looked back up to Noah her eyes silently asking the same question.

- Noah - 03-28-2011



The one eye, one leg monster watched the female she was trying her best to be nice to Noah and he could see that, so the male would try to return the kindness. The three year old male missed the days when he could run and play like she was able to, but they were short lived with how his mother and father was. A bitter war between the two family members, only to be locked up and taken care of by an older brother. Watching the female lower her head down submitting to him, was a bit strange to the silver sable male. He was in one of the highest ranks for the pack, however Noah had not put much thought be hide it, it did not mean that he had earned more or less respect then the next member in this pack. The only two that the silver male believed had earned a great deal of respect was Jefferson and Tala, they where the leaders of the members and the lands.

The look in her eyes begged him to agree to her to eat the meat, her body did not hide that she had gotten a taste of the blood and wanted to taste more than just that. The silver monster smiled a soft tender smile like one that a lover would look upon the other lover, of a father seeing his child for the first time. He understood how hunger could drive someone to far distance and willing to just about anything for just a bite of food. The male gave a slow dip of his head approving of her eating the meat that was now closer to her them him, the male lowered his head again as he nudged the rabbit again closer to her again, he knew how important it was to make sure that everyone was able to have food in their stomach.

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- Aletha - 04-03-2011

Aletha flicked her gaze up to Noah a bit startled and entreaged by how he was looking at her. She had no past experiance with her father, for he had left her mother with only a belly of pups to contuine on his travels and she barley had any postive mother experiance. Only Kale that dear old fox, may he rest in peace, had ever been any thing of family and he had been more of a brother then anything. The tendernice Noah was showing to her was a totally new thing, not knowing very well how to take it she just looked up and smiled.

He then surpirsed her by pushing the rabbit back towards her, instintently her mouth filled with saliva. Finnally knowing it was ok she opened the rabbit up and torn cold the meat from the bones eagerly in her hunger. She then stopped for second thinking and then torn off an other large chunk and nosed it to the scarred male. Her nose now dabbed with blood she said, "here you should have a bit too"

- Noah - 04-05-2011

The male would not ever take anything from a female they where the one’s that carried the litters, they where the one’s that where over looked many of times. The silver male had been healing from a life time abuse but when she was in her right mind his mother was great and showed the silver male how to treat a female. The male would never take from a female, Noah Sawtooth, the son of Lucifer Sawtooth smiled at the female actually kind of happy despite knowing that his fellow pack members where being hurt by his father, being raped and being abused it was slowly driving the silver male crazy.
That tender smile quickly faded as she torn off a rather large peace and tried to give it to him, a stern look came over his face, as he raised his head high with what pride he could have. With a shake of his silver colored head. He wanted her to eat it; he wanted the health of the pack to be good over his own. ”Eat” The silver brute spoke the one word but it was clear that where was no room for her to think that he was going to be the push over that he normally was. She was still new in the lands, and Noah wanted to make sure she had a full stomach and had full energy for when she started to move up in the ranks and had no time for fun hunts.

- Aletha - 04-12-2011

The rabbit settled into her stomach, automatically the new nourishment warmed and comforted her. Here she was happy and full with a new friend. A very much different wolf then she had been a month ago, cold and empty stomach. It was a very much presenter change.
Nudging the meat again. The silver male raised his head acting like a father or big brother, encouraging her to eat it. If an other wolf had showed his dominance like that she would most probable have cowered. Yet having been in his proximity enough t get a good feeling of the male and the almost certain knowledge that he would not hurt something if it was not needed.
"I'm not hungry now, I already had most of the rabbit." She laughed lightly. For it was true small frequent meals had served her well though she had a much smaller stomach then the average wolf, it usually meant she had to eat more regularly though.
Ignoring the meat wether the old male wanted to eat it or not. Laying on her side she started to groom her feet and muzzle from the clotting blood of the kill.
"So how long have you been in the pack?" she asked trying to start up some small talk in the peaceful lull of a full stomach.