'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A Need For Something Long Lost - Printable Version

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- Roran Wolfe - 03-04-2011

About a week ago, a young white wolf had joined Pheonix Valley, and although he was happy to have found a home, he wanted, ney, needed something more, he needed parents. Someone to guide him, to care for him and treat him as thier own. He wanted someone that would care for him, someone that wouldn't leave and never come back, as his natural parents had. He wished for people that he could call his parents, people that he could trully be at home with. Though the past was still fresh in his mind, he wanted to start over, to gain a new true family, he was ready to leave the past in the past, and move to the future.

Roran Had found his way to a large hollow tree upon gaining entry to the pack, though he was a member, he still had little knowledge of what he should do, so he had found his way to this small sanctuary in the hopes of coming to grips with what he wished to do. After nearly 4 days of thinking, he finally came to a conclusion that he wished to have true parents. He wished to find people that would be able to guide him. He smiled to himself as the sun beat down on him as he left the little home he found for himself.

Upon leaving the tree, he attempted to pick up the scent of his new packmates, but he couldn't smell anyone nearbye. Failing to smell anyone, he began to walk towards what he hoped was somewhere in the middle of the pack's territory, thinking that he would have the best chance of running into someone there. He threw back his head and let out a long low howl of sadness and longing as he went, then returned to looking around and trying to catch a scent.

- Falgar - 03-04-2011


OOC: Hope you don't midn if I join ^.^

WC: 500+


It had been quite some time since they had gotten a pretty day. When the snowstorm had gone by not only did it leave destruction at its wake but also a constant stream of dark grey clouds, almost always blocking out the sun’s warmth and leaving everyone else that was under it with the chill the snow and the wind produced. But on one of the cloud cluster there was a single blue patch, and through it the golden light of the sun was beginning to pour in. It was definitely a welcomed change to the male wolf, he could finally rest somewhere where he would be able to avoid freezing to dead.

Yawning loudly Falgar stood up from his resting position. His nerves wouldn’t sleep just yet but he could at least lie down and take some minutes to regain some of the lost energy. After all he had spent this past week’s running throughout most of Phoenix Valle’s territory, helping whoever needed it and seeking ways to help the battered land to recover. Taking a few minutes to let his body warm up he began walking forward, a smile slowly appearing on his face as he was finally able to rest some of his weight on his right forepaw, yet it still hurt like hell if he was to apply to much weight, giving him a rather weird and hopping walking sequence. Even though he was wandering with no target his sense of direction instinctively guided him to the pack lands heart.

Falgar had been left drowsy with the moments he had been resting, leaving all of his senses on a confused haze. Right now it was hard for him to smell, see and hear as everything seemed blurry and distant. This had made it impossible for him to sense the young wolf’s presence until he was practically crashing against him. Instinct took hold of the rains of his mind and he stopped on his track, finding himself a few inches away from Roran’s build. This awakened him completely, making him use his healthy limbs to take a jump back

“Oh I am so sorry young one, I was distracted and didn’t see you. Please accept a must sincere apology”

Falgar pulled his uneven ears back in embarrassment as he lowered his head, how dumb could he get to be that he was about to crash into a fellow wolf?

The male titled his head slightly to the right to observe Roran. He had definitely never met the young wolf, the scent of the Valley made him fall on the conclusion that he was a new member. After some rather awkward moments he finally gained the courage to speak

“You are a new member to the Valley right?”

The Secui then sat down, the heavy head moving into a quick nod for the white wolf

“Allow me to introduce myself, I am Falgar, a fellow member of Phoenix Valley, and please allow me to apologize myself once more, I should have been paying attention”

this time he pulled a grin instead of lowering himself once more, trying to seem as friendly as possible.

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- Roran Wolfe - 03-04-2011

He nodded his head and laughed at the other male as he turned towards him and sat down. "No harm done" He said smiling a cheerful grin at meeting yet another new face. "And yes, i am quite new to the pack, indeed it has only just been about a week or so." As he finished that sentence and tilted his head to the side and looked the male over, seeing how he avoided putting too much pressure on his right fore paw.

- Aletha - 03-05-2011

ooc: Hope you don't mind me joining in but I haven't had much of a chance to rp Smile

Aletha slowly opening her eyes. She saw a haze odd blues and whites of snow. The bright colors assaulting her vision. She quickly closed them and slowly got up, the thin den of snow she had made her self, fell apart around her. Her fur was wet and the snow around her paws was slushy. She let out an irritated gruff and shook her dewy coat once again, all the while still trying to get her eyes used to the harsh white of sun and sunlight.
Finally opening her eyes fully and looking around, the sun was dancing upon the snow, and the trees were raining glistening drops of water. This was the not the first time she had slept in, nor she did not think it would be the last. She had only been a member for a few short days, and done nothing other then hunt small prey. More taken to avoiding others then communicating. It still was all very new and bit over taking for herself.
The sun warmed her fur and she welcomed it heartily for that reason, but the snow had became soft and slushy making it in convenient to walk on and through. Starting into a brisk trot to warm up and continue doing what she had done yesterday, explore.
She walked daintily around the mud puddles, she did not mind water, or ice but mud stuck and clung to her fur, and was a pain to work out.
As she contained on her way, she heard a soft howl, a howl that was not meant to be heard but was an aching sort of howl. She Arched her ears toward the sound and turned into a soundless hunting gait. Her curiosity was aroused and she didn't want to intrude.
Moving to a small bank over looking the scene she propped her canine self up with a log to see what was happening. She looked over to see a white wolf with startling blue eyes, merely a pup really. The pup was talking with an other heavily scarred wolf with a dark grey coat. The grey wolf didn't look like he was planning to harm the adolescent, nor did an thing else located in the area seem to have hurt the pup. He must merely been moody she thought. Ignorantly shrugging it off that no one in the area had did the howl and it was better to move on. As she attempted to hop off the other side of the log her paws slid upon the damp bark making.
The female fell on top of the white pup in a mass of fur and paws. She then lept off in a rush and whirled back to look at what she had caused.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry" she gasped and then starting to splutter out more apologies.

- Falgar - 03-05-2011


OOC: of course not! the more the merrier. And also sorry for Falgy's rudeness, he is just shocked out of his mind xD

WC: 500+


The dark grey male’s embarrassment lifted of his shoulders as soon as the young one smiled up to him, it really made him feel better that he had not offended the white wolf in any way

“I am so glad to hear it! I would have hated if any harm came to you due to my clumsiness”

the white wolf had pretty much ignored his introduction yet it was not enough for the erase the cheery smile form his gray face.

So he was a new member? Having new members made Falgar happy, that brought more opportunities to meet different kinds of wolves without even having to move from the place you called home. This brought to his mind the moment when he joined, how nervous was he that day! Luckily it had gone quickly and in no time he was already among Phoenix Valley’s ranks.

“Glad to have you among us then! How had your time been since joining?”

when finished he moved uncomfortably on his place, changing his weight from side to side. Judging by the direction Roran’s eyes where pointed he was looking directly at his injured paw. Was it really that obvious? The fact made him panic a bit.

Falgar opened his maw to speak once more but abruptly froze up in the middle of the action. Uneven ears shot towards the direction of an unknown noise, it was the characteristic noise that wood made when you pressed your weight on it. The Tueris ignored Roran for a moment as his attention was completely set to the general area of the sound. Moving up from his sitting position he stiffened his once relaxed stance, ready to put his body in action in case that the causer of the noise where aggressive. As the white and brown flash stormed down on them Falgar jumped back out of instinct, moving forward once again as soon as his body stopped sliding upon the humid ground.

Ebony lips where pulled back as the newcomer had landed directly in top of Roran, kept this way even when it jumped off him and started blurting apologies. It took him a few minutes to calm himself from the shock and finally quit the defensive stance.

“Miss, may there be a reason for you to practically turn young Roran here into paste?”

his tone stern and serious. It was not his nature to be aggressive or cold but the situation was calling for it. This type of moments where the ones that he called his “father” moments as he acted in a similar way his father would. It was also a bit of ironical as he had almost done the same some moments ago

While waiting for an explanation Falgar moved forward and slightly over Roran, using his own body as a shield if the female where to have any idea to show any kind of aggressiveness. His mind was trying to tell him something by something familiar his nose was sending but he was currently ignoring it, even though he had already calmed himself down his mind was still alert as if they where being attacked and had now time to stop and smell the “flowers”.

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- Roran Wolfe - 03-08-2011

Having suddenly been flattened by a falling wolf, Roran had been stunned for a moment as he remained still in his slightly crushed looking pose before slowly getting to his feet with a slight whimper of pain as a jolt went through his left front leg. He sat down and looked at his leg as he kept his paw off the ground. His mind came back to the present as the grey male moved himself between himself and the female who was now blurting out apologies.

"Its okay, she didnt mean to" Roran said and tried to look uninjured, though he whimpered once more and picked his leg back up off the ground. "Though that did hurt a bit" He muttered as he looked past the male and to the female. "So did you hear my howl, is that why you accidently fell on me?" He asked, though his leg hurt, he didnt wish to be rude to the female, out of hopes that he would gain a new friend.

- Aletha - 03-08-2011

ooc: thanks, and I would be pretty rude too if I was in the situation

Aletha took a step back at the males bared teeth. The back of her neck started to fluff out more and she felt her lips trying to uncover her teeth. Turning her head a bit while narrowing her eyes at the males rude words. "I had not by all means tried to turn the poor thing to paste, next time I'll land on you instead." she forced herself to say in a soft voice though it hummed with an angry growl.
Her ears twitched at the pup behind him. She dove her head down and tried to see through the thick legs of the male. She had a problem seeing so she tried to inch around the grey wolf and see the adolescent behind.
She flinched with the pup as he tried to put wait on it. How could she be so terrible! She thought frantically to herself in panic and guilt at if she had lamed the poor pup.
"I'm so sorry about that" she said her voice much friendlier then it had recently been. She gave a wary look to the male before trying to inch a bit closer to the white pup.
She closed her eyes when she heard the whimper feeling horrible about the situation.
"Sorry!" she said in a faint whimper.
"Yes I did, but I didn't want to be rude and barge in so I looked to see what was happening then I fell when I tried to leave."

- Roran Wolfe - 03-09-2011

Roran watched her as she looked between the grey males legs and then began to inch around him and closer to himself. Upon hearing her apologize he shook his head. "Its okay, curiosity can do many unforseen things when you dont want it to." He said as he cocked his head to the side. "And besides, if i were you i would have tried to see to, though im not sure if i would have positioned myself above me in the first place." With these words, a laugh was accompanied as he kept his leg up, though smiled at her. "Accidents happen to the best of us now and then." Even for a pup, Roran was very hard to upset, and understood many things that happened unexpectedly in life.

- Falgar - 03-09-2011


OOC: Le gasp! I has been skipped O.O. Naw don't worry, I deserve it for taking so much time to post. xD

WC: 400+


It had been quite some time since the grey male had found himself on someone’s bad side, he could clearly see it on the other female’s eyes, he was definitely not doing a good job at being his gentleman at the moment, and it made a part of him feel guilty. He ignore much of Roran’s words as his eyes followed every movement the newcomer made, that was until the pup whimpered loudly in pain. Completely ignoring the white female he focused his attention on the pup’s raised paw, taking a few moments to examine the damage done to it. It was nothing but an injury was still an injury.

Forcing his body to relax Falgar moved down to a laying down position next to the pup, feeling a bit awkward as he was getting right in the way of their conversation. His expression was much softer as he again laid his ever examining eyes back on the female’s brown eyes, a slight spark of guilt and shock.

And this was the moment that he understood the constant calls his brain had been sending him for a while now. The scent that was reaching his nose was no other that the one every member of Phoenix Valley carried, and that only worsened the guilt he felt. He waited for their conversation to get over before he carefully asked

“If I may ask miss, are you a member of Phoenix Valley? If so I believe we haven’t been introduced, same reason for my past behavior”

he knew the question was rather dumb if she hadn’t been a member how would she be so deep into the territory? His mind slapped him and his own lack of attention. And no matter how hard he wanted to apologize he was just too embarrassed to do so, he couldn’t even look into her eyes without having to lower his sight again.

“Roran could you please move your paw around? I want to see if there is any kind of damage”

he had decided to focus his attention on the young wolf’s injury in a try to dispel the shame that was looming over his shoulders for the way he had behaved himself as it definitely was not the way he should be acting “No Falgar that is not the way you treat others” his mind had been scolding him for quite some time while using his father’s deep and stern tone. He definitely felt like a complete fool at the moment.

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- Aletha - 03-11-2011

Aletha smiled as the pup talked. He was a wise little thing, giving his age. Feeling a little more at home she wagged her tail softly giving a warm smile back.
"True, true" she agreed lowering herself softly to the leaf litter. Taking in the haze of smells that surrounded her in it while listening to the little one talk like one with many more years under his girth.
"Maybe not but it served at the time I was just being stupid." She chuckled feeling the tension in the area lessen considerably as the male changed into more of a relaxed posture by lying by the pup.
She felt eyes on her and glanced back at the males greenish ones, she felt a bit uneasy even at the males regretful eyes, she had been uncomfortable of late, in her new pack. 'New pack' what a foreign thought she thought but with a happy bubbly feeling mix with it. She then quickly everted her eyes back to the up. It was much easier to communicate to the younger and listened good naturally to the best of his words.
"Yet the best probable wouldn't have made such a silly mistake." She laughed little giving a warm smile at his wisdom that she seemed to be laking in this group.
Relaxing into the comfortable silence and her eyes easily getting distracted with the new signs of spring. Dripping of snow, the buttery sunshine hitting the rocks and dirt in warm rays.
Suddenly the males deeper voice shook her out of her trance, creating her to jump a bit. Listening warily to his words.
"Well yes I have for all of four days. " She said with an uneasy smile at him hoping he would not act aggressively again. Watching his body behavior she could see he was much more submissive really, and seemed to be ashamed.
'Ashamed of what' she thought before her eyes and mind, drifted to a dry old leaf clinging hardily to a branch over head.
Jerking her head up as he again spoke this time to the pup as he asked about the paw she herself had crushed. Frowning a bit at that. She then watched curiously as he focused on the injury.
"You sure you should be doing that?" She said abruptly, not really thinking of the wolf's past training but more of the time she tried to her a coyote hurt in the woods and ended up only making it far far worse, lucky it's family was near. SHe thought frowning deeply at the memory.

- Roran Wolfe - 03-14-2011

Roran listened to the two older wolves talk while he simply looked between the two. He nodded his head when the male asked him to move his paw, he raised his leg and tilted his paw up and down, whincing while doing it, though thankful that he could move it.

"Well, im sure we should be doing this, or else we wouldn't know if it was broken, and everyone makes mistakes, no matter whom they are, it is inevitable." As he looked at the female, he had a thought, but decided to wait uuntil he knew her better to even ask. He looked back down at his paw after a moment, he was completely grateful that is wasn't broekn, and he wasn't at all angry at the female for accidently falling on him.

- Falgar - 03-15-2011

OOC: Herp, my table ran away xD


This was actually the first time that his medicinal abilities had been put in doubt, and never had he felt this bubbling feeling of anger on his stomach. If he was asking the pup to move his paw was to see if it was well, not to damage it further, did she think him a fool or something? Using every drop of self-control he had he held the anger back and sighted deeply to push it back down “Yes miss, I know what I am doing” though his answer came out drier that he had actually wanted.

In one swift motion he changed to his Optime form and reached for his faithful pouch taking out a small and arrow like plant. His fingers then rubbed against each other while having the plant between them in other to create a rough paste. A medium piece of cloth was then invited out of the coarse bag and left on the ground. Taking the pup’s injured paw softly he slowly began applying the paste on the damaged area, taking a few glimpses on both wolves before continuing. When done he took the clean cloth and began wrapping it on the injured area “This shall make it feel better in some minutes, just try not to overuse that paw” the other end of the cloth was hidden amongst the multiple layers to avoid it from falling.

Happy with his job he moved some steps from the youngling to store his goods, giving the job of being alert to his ears. When done he sat down and smiled to the pups, moving his paw back and forth to beckon Roran to do the same to check that the cloth was comfortable to move with.

His mind then hit him with one of the commentary the female made minutes ago “Four days huh? Welcome then” this welcome was not as warm as he had given to Roran but still he was not be repeat his rudeness from moments ago even if his tried to regain his manners where a bit dry. Even with the slight anger that was still covering his mind he was joyful to be able to meet the newer pack members, even if one of them wanted to pull his ears for being rude. Just like the coming spring the pack was coming back on its feet and seeing new faces around the area was a welcomed sight.

- Aletha - 03-16-2011

ooc: Your table what?! And bye I'm leaving for 2 weeks


Aletha felt the air seem to tense around her the male's ruff seemed to be growing and she was pretty sure it was at her and not Roran. She tensed lowering her head a bit more. Till her nose was breathing her warm breath onto the silver cuff wrapped around her leg, making the dancing creatures hidden in the watery fog, the very reason of asking the question. His voice answered gruffly, but not very friendly ether.

"I was just, just checking" She gulped nervously. Her previous feeling of elation of being a pack mate vanished like smoke in the wind. Maybe it had been a mistake joining the pack, maybe it hadn't been such a great idea after all. She said shifting her weight more to her back legs incase he decided to attack her. Her eyes flowed to Roran who did not seem afraid at the turn of events, coming up with a mature answer. Usually she would have smiled at the wise young thing, but she only managed a weak smile in response.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the wolf shift to a much bigger size. 'damn those luprici' she hissed in her mind. She hated how they could do that and was always startled when she didn't see it coming. She accepted the Alpha doing it because he was well... the alpha. Still holding un happy feelings about them the best option seemed to be retreat just to hide among the bushes of her own pack.

Slowly she backed up her padded feet not making a sound upon the ground. Her back end softly touched the rough bark of a tree. Feeling the slight tug of it catching her fur the best option seemed to be to just trot elegantly away with a head bob.

Then the very male of who she was trying to get away from spoke directly at her. She looked him in the eye not as a challenge but trying to show she wouldn't be pushed around even with her submissive actions.
"Thanks" she returned some what coldly. Walking into the woods