'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Sing me a Song - Printable Version

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- Odette Winters - 03-13-2011

Word Count:: ???

Her mother was beginning to lengthen her rope. The colliewoman was starting to ease the white pup out from under the long fur of her white belly and attempt to ease the puppy into a comfortable attitude towards the outside world. The wolfdog seldom left the hotel, let alone by herself. Alaine always told her that it worried her endlessly when Odette would wander. It wasn't exactly like the little girl was prime to wandering either way, the outside world was cold, scary, alone and dangerous. The lights were bright and vivid, sounds were loud and mysterious. Why exactly would she want to simply go into that world for no reason by herself? Unless her mama was with her.... the Akita mix had no desire to simply explore on her own. It was a downfall to her person, lacking the desire to explore like a normal puppy would.

Her mother had been gone again when she woke up from her nap. Odette had whimpered and whined inside the hotel room like a helpless whelp. Her brother and sister had shown obvious distaste, Elvira had even taken the liberty to chew on her tail. Odette had found her way outside the building once again to sit outside. Her voice would cry out lonely whimpers and cry for guidance by her mother. Unlike the previous experience, her mother did not come running. Minutes dragged on and Odette was left sitting outside the worn door like the lost puppy she had once been.

Cold air bit at her ivory puppy fur causing the small bundle to shake slightly as her rump sat against frozen cobble and concrete. The ivory gate was open and swinging with ear piercing creaks ahead of her in the light winter wind. The sound was eerie, Odette did not like it. It was a big step for her to be able to go and close it on her own. Would she even be able to close it? Surely, the maroon eyes girl did not know.

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- Vigilante Haskel - 03-21-2011


300+ Vigi is here, but out of sight, just as a head's up. c: He'll come out later on~

The dark-saddled puppy thought that he was being clever, escaping the house without notice and trotting away as quickly as his legs of fading brown would carry him. He had no destination in mind, but he began running as fast as he could, glancing over his shoulder periodically with bicolored eyes to make sure that he was not being followed. Noah had boasted to Liam that he could escape without being detected, and though his brother had warned him that their mother and father would find him and punish him, the elder puppy had not wanted to listen. Instead, he moved quickly and, admittedly, a bit clumsily. He wanted to explore on his own without being accompanied by an adult, because he didn’t need an adult.

Hidden from sight, the caramel-colored dog King followed with a bemused smile. He was not angry with his son, but rather, he was curious to see where Noah was intending to go on his little excursion away from home. His training as a vigilante came in handy for this and he knew that his son had not spotted him at all, instead intent on running off to do his own thing. Vigilante realized that they would soon be near the hotel and he was not worried about his son being alone there. There were many members near the hotel at any given time and he doubted his son would be able to get into any trouble there.

Noah panted heavily as he ran, stumbling over paws that were a bit too large for him as he spotted the off-white puppy outside the hotel. They had met once before when his father had been talking to Alaine and they had played a bit then. “Hi Odette! What’re you doing?” he asked, bicolored eyes looking at her curiously. Vigilante watched from a distance, settling himself behind a tree to watch their interaction before he would reprimand his son.


- Odette Winters - 03-26-2011

Word Count:: ???
ooc sorry for the wait x.x

There was a cold chill to ivory skin, the snow of the winter was still thick on the earth at this point. The spring was not yet intact enough to melt away the scary substance from existence. Odette had been born to snow, born upon winter's cold wrath and abandoned to die in it as well. Her mother had intended for her to never see the likeliness of the warm months. Grass was never supposed to be something the maroon eyed pup saw, the smell of flowers was never supposed to be breathed. If the birth mother of this small, fragile creature had her way and will granted, Odette would not have lasted the day in the snow on her own. It had all changed when the colliewoman, Alaine, adopted her without even a second thought. Alaine was the only mother Odette had ever known, and that was the way it would always be.

Odette heard familiar sounds in the most unfamiliar of places. Tiny paws on the ground and panting of little lungs. Odette was not alone in being a puppy in this pack, they were all over the place yet....Odette hardly knew any of them other than her brother and sister. They didn't like to play with her much, so she did often feel like a little body stuck in a big world. Though as she sat upon the front step of the Chien Hotel there was a sight the ivory pup did not expect to see. A body, not the one of her mother which she was seeking but of Noah. She remembered briefly meeting this boy. He was Mr.Vigilante's son if she remembered. Mr.Vigilante was a nice man, and his puppy had played with her. Oh how much of a joyous romp that day had been.

Noah spoke to her and Odette jumped, she had not been expecting him to come over and talk with her. Was he all alone? Where were his Mama and Papa? Wasn't he scared to be all by himself? "Oh hello....Noah. I'm waiting for my Mama." Well, she was indeed waiting for the golden woman to return. Where had she gone? That was such a simple question to most, but to Odette.....it was such a huge mystery.

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- Vigilante Haskel - 03-31-2011


No worries!

The young prince certainly thought himself to be very clever for having snuck away so quickly. Noah certainly did not know that Vigilante was there and merely out of sight, having had followed him from nearly the moment the boy had left the house. He usually stayed close to home, as Liam did, because their parents were none too fond of the idea of them running off on their own. Besides, he wanted to learn everything that he could about becoming a King, and he couldn't do that if he did not stay close to his father. As he aged, he would adventure farther away and make his own mark on the world, but he wished to learn all that he could by observing his father and his mother, too.

He had never seen eyes the color of Odette's before, but they were interesting. The prince hardly knew how interesting his own were, of course, as he saw them each day and saw them mirrored in Liam's own gaze. He had seen no one else with eyes of two different colors, but they did not seem strange to him at all. "Where did she go?" he asked, peering around quickly. He did not wish to get into trouble if Alaine came back and found them playing when he should not have wandered so far from home. "Do you want to play something while we wait?" It was not often that he played with anyone but his brother.
