'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
lights will guide you home - READ ONLY - Printable Version

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- Jefferson Soul - 03-14-2011

PP'ed everyone arriving, so we don't have to go through a whole pack thread for just this. ;P

As written here, Jefferson will be running back and forth between AniWaya and Phoenix Valley until April 10 -- this is ICly so that AniWaya has stable leadership for joiners, etc. while Marit (Dawali) is busy OOCly. Again, this is temporary, and Jefferson is not leaving Phoenix Valley, nor stepping down, nor being detitled as Patriarch at all.

As Jefferson will be back and forth via horseback, he will still be in and around the pack, able to greet/accept joiners, etc., but generally here "less" and not overnight. I will still be moderating the forum, and any OOC leader issues can still be sent to me as per usual.

Any questions about this can be PMed to me! ^^


Parting the front doors of the church, the Valley Patriarch stepped out into the sunshine, its intensity doubled thanks to the glare of the pure, white snow; he held his sole arm up and shaded his eyes, glancing his eye up and down the street. The steeple of the church Tala was staying in bent over from behind the buildings across the street; behind him in their own little parish building Geneva was moving about inside, knowing her mate would be assembling the pack any moment. The two had already discussed his plans, as had he and Tala had done as well. She was willing of the responsibility, and although she was still new as his assistant, he trusted her. She would do fine — and the brute knew he would be back and forth as much as he was able and that the greater decisions would be reserved for him, and with that in mind he could leave confidently.

Raising his snout to the sky, Jefferson released a calm, requesting call for his members. As always, they filed in one-by-one, smiling and greeting he and one another. Pripyat looked his usual guilty self; Noah stepped in time with Yuki, subtly ogling each other; Ty puffed up his chest and looked important; Xeris and Pendzez sat close together. Even after the disaster that had ripped some of the pack's foundation from the ground, even after all the damage and pain the members had endured in that snowstorm, they looked happy. The pack was having its issues, more than usual, but they were being handled. The members were bonding, were looking out for one another. Three-legged, the Patriarch sat quietly at the top of the steps and smiled his scars at them. He knew pride for Phoenix Valley then.

"I have a few significant things to discuss," he said when they had all gathered and settled. His smile faded, his expression receding back into its hardened stoniness. "Firstly, as most of you have probably found out by now, Tala's agreed to step up as a subleader for Phoenix Valley, working directly under me." He motioned to her with a quick flick of the head, and the modest girl quietly joined him, seating herself at the top of the stairs. He continued. "You'll treat her with the same respect you treat me with. In my absence, she speaks as leader of the pack, and what she says, goes — if I catch wind of any arguments with that, you'll be reporting to me, and I know none of you wants that."

He straightened up a little. "On the subject of my absence, I will not be here in the Valley consistently for a few weeks, I'm guessing." His head still held high, Jefferson let the information sink in. His eye raised, just briefly, to watch a hawk circle quietly above them — the bird was getting impatient with him, and wished to return to Dawali sooner rather than later. "I've been informed that AniWaya is in need of some temporary leadership while Dawali's injured and can't get around well, and since our packs are allianced and I owe him anyway—" a split-second glance at Geneva, "—I'm going to spend some time out west watching out for the clan as a stand-in. I'll be traveling back and forth by horseback to make sure everything's fine here, but it's a long trip, so it won't be every day. Tala's agreed to take care of everything in my absence, and as always, if there is an emergency, send for me." He hoped that was what the bird was trying to inform him, anyway. Not like he could hear it like Dawali could — the flailing of wings and feathers and lines in the sand had brought him to the conclusions he had, and the hawk seemed all right with it.

"And on that subject..." A sigh, tattered ears twitching. "There is a black-furred male named Lucifer lurking about here somewhere. We've already had a couple run-ins with the guy, and he has something against the Valley and myself, so he's going to be back as much as he can manage." A pause. "He is very dangerous. As much as you can manage, do not go out alone, do not patrol the borders alone, and do not allow him into the territory. He has trespassed once, and he will do it again. If any of you see him, I want you to call Ty or Pendzez. They know him, and they can handle him. Do not fight him alone, if you can handle it. As I said, he is dangerous — and the first chance I get, I will rip the skin from his chest and play the xylophone on his ribs." Geneva had read in a book what a xylophone was. He looked at her hesitantly, just subtly, to confirm he was using the instrument in the right context. She nodded. He nodded. Excellent.

"I will be leaving for AniWaya with Dawali's guide later today. For now, you're dismissed."

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