'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
A plesant stroll - Printable Version

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- Jaden Ohanzee - 03-21-2011

Thread Information
Date: March 22, 2011

Setting: Halifax

Time: Between 4:00pm and 5:00pm

Character Form: Optime

RAWR! Fight time Smile

WotD+1 (Prescience) Words-400+

It was another scout for supplies that lead Jaden to find himself wandering about the streets of Halifax once again. The buildings loomed overhead, overgrown with all kinds of bushes, trees, and vines that burst out of doorways and windows as if trying to escape the haunting inside of dormant human structures. The taller buildings, ones that seemed to Jaden like they should not be possible to construct, were free of vines and plants once you got to a certain height on them. Dark windows gave proof to the undisturbed buildings. The Optime doubted any smart luperci would be dumb enough to scale the decrepit buildings to those high palces. Surely the floors had begun to fall through and the stairs become treacherous.

There was no need to go into such buildings in the first place though. The supplies Jaden searched for would only be found in shops or other places specifically for healing, most of which were marked with identifiable symbols. The satchel he wore now had become less packed due to his use of cloth to cover the long cut on his chest and to help aid a few strangers he had met nearby. It seems like people always hurt themselves around me, Jaden mused to himself. With a grin, he recalled the only canine who had been hurt BY him. The little coyote named Slade. That’s just what happens when coyotes get big heads.

The Alaskan scanned each window and building he passed by. Cities always seemed to be crawling with shady characters and scavengers. The assassin wore not only his dagger now, but his bow, gauntlets, and the moon blades which connected easily to the gauntlets were tied to his shoulder-strap near his hip. If a scavenger thought they might attack him for what he had, they would think twice at the sight of his weapons and armor. A pack of pitiful scavengers had once taken Jaden for what he was worth, but it would not happen again.

The search for supplies was fruitless though and he walked though the disintegrating city streets, avoiding rusty the broken cars, and shards of glass he could see for hours. And, for hours the city gave nothing, as if it had the prescience to see him coming and hide all of the useful goods within itself. But not a single soul was around either. Maybe this scavenging trip would be uneventful. Hanging into the doorway of an old brick building to take a peek inside, the man sighed to himself. He just worried too much.

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- Ykesha of Lynn - 03-24-2011


Word count 459 - 3 points

The city had always felt unnatural to Ykesha, much like a man who’d lost a finger and attempted to replace it with his neighbor’s. She wasn’t uncomfortable within the metal shell that loomed around her, but to say the lass was at home would be a stretch. The small coyote stumbled through the empty streets, pupiless eyes hanging lethargically on the wilting structures. Her thoughts were empty, only floating dully to the damaged parts of her body when boredom became her. The fae was still brittle from her last encounter; her left knee was swollen and she clenched at her chest as though a broken rib rested inside. Despite this, the woman seemed unconcerned. She limped idly down the street as her gaze turned to peer into the buildings nearest her. The woman’s face was lax of emotion--she resembled the walking dead. Her jaw hung open slightly, tongue lulled unceremoniously to the side. Her bangs, usually very well kept, fell like the arms of a willow tree in front of her face. She was covered in dirt and dried blood. The smell of iron was heavy on her skin.

But the coyote seemed to notice so little of her disheveled state. Seemingly, only one thing rested on her mind.

…Got to…be one somewhere…

The woman paused in her endless march into Hallifax, throat dry from distention. Her small body straightened, eyes wincing shut as the rib within her twisted uncomfortably. Ykesha’s breathing came quicker, the tongue now dripping out completely as though she’d forgotten dignity in the face of pain. Her hueless eyes slowly turned toward the store nearest her, ears lifting with difficulty as though their weight had become greater since she’d last focused them. With a momentary pause that suggested the girl’s unfocused character, Ykesha gently surveyed the interior of the store she’d stopped in front of.


With robotic movements, her weary body turned as if to climb through the exploded window. She froze soon after, spin straightening to its height despite the protest from her wounded chest. A scent befell her nose, and the woman’s lips curled impulsively at what her sleepy mind registered. Wolf. A dull snarl escaped the woman’s chest, the hair across her shoulder blades blistering and splitting like a hedgehog gone on the defensive. Ykesha turned from the building, her eyes now bright despite their lack of color. For a moment they danced about the empty street, trying to nail a flag on the perpetrator of the canine scent. Ykesha’s slim feet braced apart redistributing her weight as she leered into the overcast ruins of Man’s world. No matter the condition of her body, if she found a wolf, she would split it in half.

She swore this on her own blood.

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- Jaden Ohanzee - 03-25-2011


Short post Sad


Jaden was no longer a religious man, but what he saw when he stepped back into the middle of the city street made him wish he was. A low and angry snarl echoed off glass and rubble from down the block, causing him to turn and notice her demonic looking form. A female Optime stood, holding her side and blood matting her fur. The fearsome grimace that held her muzzle was almost as potent as her scent suddenly was. Though she was only a little way down the block, Jaden had not noticed the heavily coyote laden smell of blood until now. For a good few seconds, her pupil less eyes shocked him into complete silence as he wondered if she were possessed and interested in taking his soul as well. Nothing would have sent him groveling back to his former violent religion faster than that. But, also noticing she was injured and limping, his romantic notions of superstation faded and the surprise on his face was replaced with disgust. “I don’t care what is ailing you, coyote. Stay clear of me. I don’t want to dirty my weapons with you weak blood.” He growled. She sounded ready to fight but Jaden didn’t fear any coyote, especially an injured one.

Spitting on the ground in disgust, the Alaskan turned his back and began to walk away from her, not even caring if she made a reply to his words. Anything she had to say after her initial snarl was unimportant. If she hadn’t been already injured, Jaden very well might have attacked her for it. Coyotes didn’t have any place challenging him in any way or for any reason. The lighter colored Optime was just lucky she had not meeting his blade already.

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- Ykesha of Lynn - 03-27-2011


If the post is unclear I’ll just let you know that all of the images of her choking him are in her head. I’m not power playing, I swear! ^_^ Word count 449 - 3 points

If rage had been the tyrant of Ykesha’s face before, the expression which now befell it was the hand of a martinet; the woman felt compelled to hurt this little beast. She imagined her hands around his throat, her thumbs placed on either side of the delicate tubes which created the core of his throat. The fae’s mind enhanced the image--how tender and supple the throat was! In Ykesha’s head, the man was laying on the ground, his face alive with terror as the stripped lass straddled his heaving torso. His tongue lulled to the side, dripping with weariness and saliva. The pair were covered in sweat - for their battle had been a fierce one - yet Ykesha had prevailed. The wolf’s eyes confirmed her victory. He was afraid. She had delivered her promise despite her broken self, and now this mighty creature was humbled by the awe that was her prowess in combat.

‘Bow before the might of Inferni!’ onlookers called. ‘Behold the Lass of Lynn! See how she glorifies us so!”

Yet the images in Ykesha’s head were no reality. The wolf was not afraid of her. No victory was at hand. No battle had been fought and won. The reality was Ykesha was injured, worried, and pissed off.

But she was Inferni.

The lass gritted her teeth, eyes ablaze despite the pain that ran through her already broken body. She took an uneven step forward, her balance so disturbed by the pain that shook within her torso that she nearly lost herself. The woman staggered, eyes still locked on the wolf. His comment echoed within her brain, washing out the praise of the onlookers she had been picturing. The image of closing her fingers around his throat was dim. The audience’s applause seemed faraway. All the small hybrid could hear now was the wolf’s taunts and the sound of his footpads scraping across the cement as he walked away from her. Weak, he’d called her. She was weak. Feeble. Sick. In pain.

And she was Inferni.

With reserves the coyote wasn’t sure she possessed, the girl launched herself at the man’s turned back, her mind appalled at the candor of his comment. Weak was she?! She’d show him. The girl’s brindled body sped after him, closing the distance between the two in several seconds. Her fur bristled with agitation, eyes narrowed to slits and hackles raised. As she neared the stranger the woman jumped, her body drawing in as though to tackle him and sink her teeth into his shoulder. As the lass flew through the air her mind began to imagine once more. Her fingers were around his neck and there was distant cheering.

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- Jaden Ohanzee - 04-05-2011


Sorry about the wait and its plenty clear Smile Words~300 WotD+1 (Irascible)

Not often had the Alaskan turned his back to a foe. When he had, they too were coyotes. A coyote who’s friend he had just murdered or whom Jaden had banished from his former territory. Never did a single one have the courage to attack the assassin when his back was turned, choosing to instead pad off with their tail between their legs and ears laid flat.

So now, hearing quick steps dashing toward him shocked Jaden’s mind into a momentary halt, wasting valuable time before she struck. When his senses came back, several thoughts flashed through him. Being incredibly irascible when it came to coyotes, he first felt anger. Bitter anger scorched him at the other optime’s nerve. Pushing past this then fought the instinct of self preservation. How to best survive this encounter coupled with a year of intense defensive training caused the dark man to throw his weight back as hard as he could in an attempt to stifle the others attack. Their bodies connected in a stiff jolt and Jaden quickly realized he had stifled nothing when sharp teeth and a white muzzle flashed next to his, clamping tightly down on his shoulder.

With a powerful snarl, the darker Optime thrust his elbow back toward the coyotes injured midsection to loosen her grip, then dropped to one knee and threw her weight forward, trying to send her sprawling onto the asphalt before him. When she had disconnected from him, Jaden faced her with hackles raised and teeth bared in a fearsome grimace. “Have you no brain? I will tear you apart you pathetic coyote!” He roared before charging at her. If he tackled her as he planned, he would do everything in his power to bite and tear at any part of her he could sink his teeth into.

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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