'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Like A Roll of Thunder Chasing the Wind (P) - Printable Version

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- Cuomo - 04-14-2011

Private for Delilah Grace.
Time: Early afternoon
Location: Wolfville
Cuomo is in Optime form.
330 words.

Cuomo squinted against the noon sun that had crept out from behind the low hanging clouds that kept the sky overcast and gray. Despite the presence of gray colored clouds in the sky, the fact that spring had come was very obvious to the dark brute. Warmth lingered in the air. Cuomo welcomes this after a long, white winter. He much preferred the spring and summer to the cold clutches of winter and fall. He supposed that most would favor spring and summer. Those seasons were plentiful times, since prey would not be scarce and it would not be completely necessary to secure shelter right away. Not that he had to worry about that now - since he had joined Dahlia de Mai, he knew that he had a home to return to whenever he ventured from the borders of the pack.

The Dahlian male still had to adjust to the fact that there were so many human buildings within the territory. From his small explorations, he could see that many of his pack mates seemed to inhabit these structures. He had taken shelter in run down ruins left behind by humans before, but he had never given a thought to staying within one and making it his home permanently. Since his birth family had been almost completely nomadic, he had not really given a thought to establishing any sort of permanent home.

Cuomo’s orange eyes glinted in the soft sunlight as he curiously crept through the cracked asphalt streets. Nature and inorganic human creation seemed to be slowly morphing together within the streets of Wolfville. Trees twisted their ways out of cracks in the sidewalks and spread their branches out to provide shade. Small, weed-like flowers were also prominent here. The warring scents were almost dizzying, the dry scent of the plaster and concrete warring with the fresh scents of small flowers. How strange it seemed to see these two things united. How strange to now live among them.