'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
Patience is a virtue - Printable Version

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- Sedition Wick - 05-05-2008

http://avatars.ourdarkarts.net/souls/ot ... bottom.jpg) no-repeat; background-position: center bottom; width: 400px; border: 1px solid #000;" align="center">
For anyone. After this computer virus I need to get my activity back up so I thought, “hm, yay for random threads.”

Change made everything better, greener, healthier. So why wouldn’t this damn cough go away? Sedition’s lungs had been producing wheezing noises ever since that flu that forced him to become a hermit for a week. The fire, with its soot and ash and smoke hadn’t helped matters. Vorr’s feathered friend had brought a couple herbs from Berowick with a note to make a drink out of them. It had tasted disgusting but it had lessened the pain in his chest significantly. There was still a wheeze there though and he wondered if some of the smoke had actually damaged his lungs worse than he thought. Rooting through the human pharmacies in the city center hadn’t helped much, his knowledge of human medicine that wouldn’t kill him wasn’t like Zenith’s. Getting a letter to her over across the seas would take time. Put it on the ‘to do list.’

Half-shifted the silver wolf gently crouched, watching a hare just barely visible through the thick trees. Sedition had never been a good hunter; he could catch his meals but it always took so much more effort compared to others. Being half-shifted didn’t help either but fully-shifted only made matters worse. Carefully, gently now. The mantra ran through his head as he struggled not to just run over and grab it. Quietly, don’t stomp. Blue eyes watched as the hare came a little close, nose twitching and ears flickering. Almost there. How he had stayed hidden was beyond the older Wick but he was almost within arms reach. Just a little more. He may not be a great hunter but he was patient.


- Ember Phoenix - 05-05-2008

[Image: ooc-1.jpg]

People keep reading over my shoulder and it's seriously annoying me :/

She was sort of afraid of trying to shift again. She had shifted once or twice, but it hurt a lot...and she didn't really like doing it if she could help it. The first time she had ever done it she hadn't even meant to, so she wasn't sure if she was doing it right. Usually it just sort of happened when she thought about it--she'd invision herself with longer legs, standing upright...and then a lot of pain...and then she would be there. Or at least halfway there.

Ember wasn't interested in shifting if she didn't absolutely need to, so she was staying in her four legged form for today. She padded through the territory slowly, looking about. There were still some faces here that she hadn't met yet, and she was contemplating searching some of them out. She was really interested in meeting her cousin Melisande--Fatin had spoken really highly of her.

The eight-month-old was nearing adulthood, and was learning some interesting things. Hunting was one of them. Tristan was slowly teaching her how to catch prey, the one skill that was imperative, even for a pack wolf. When she had lived by herself she'd had to try and support herself on whatever she could catch...mostly grasshoppers and birds.

The green eyed wolf heard movement ahead and stopped, ears perked forward in interest. She sat down to watch the scene in front of her, unsure if she should help or not. It was a wolf, one much larger than herself, staring at a nearby hare. Maybe he was trying to catch it.


- Sedition Wick - 05-23-2008

http://avatars.ourdarkarts.net/souls/ot ... bottom.jpg) no-repeat; background-position: center bottom; width: 400px; border: 1px solid #000;" align="center">
Thanks for the poke via inbox. Smile

He crept a little closer and the hare twitched. It was a tiny little movement but one that Sedition's icy blue eyes caught nonetheless. The hare was now on full "what the hell was that?" mode and he didn't need it to run now -- he was so close; closer perhaps than he had achieved in a while. Muscles coiled and ready he could smell the faintest scent of another nearby. Ignoring it he got ready to make his move. It was then that his cough decided to resurface and he felt the first bubbling and tickling sensation before the noise actually came out. The hare bolted back to its burrow and although Sedition naturally let his prey drive take over to chase it he was left standing outside of the hole, wide-eyed and peeved at his own inability to remain quiet. Cursing obscenities under his breath he turned back towards the others scent, irritation written like red magic marker across his face.

"Can you dig?" He asked, tipping his head slightly at the green-eyed wolf who stood there. He hadn't expected her to actually chase the hare but now that she was here perhaps she wouldn't mind helping in exchange for some of the spoils. Taking a few more steps towards the younger wolf he shook his head, feeling ashamed to be so blunt, so rude when it was nothing like his actual nature. "Sedition Wick by the way. Haven't seen you before." That's better, at least a proper introduction.


- Ember Phoenix - 05-23-2008

[Image: ooc-1.jpg]

no problem at all Big GrinBig Grin You replied super quick! And I hope you don't mind. She's weird.

Ember thought that he had every right to be angry with her; she could tell the look of annoyance from a mile away. He'd chased the animal to its burrow but she remained standing a few yards away, unsure of whether he was going to address her or walk away. She wouldn't have felt bad if he'd just left; she would be mad at her too if she'd scared away the prey. He looked toward her and she approached, already expecting at least a scolding. She felt so horrible about making him lose the rabbit...she knew how hard hunting was. "Oh! I'm so, so, so sorry! I can't believe I got this close--I mean, I should have noticed what you were trying to do. But I wasn't sure...one of my sisters is a healer, and sometimes she talks to the animals...so I thought you might be talking to it, or something...But please accept my apology--I'm really really sorry."

She frowned in puzzlement when he asked her if she knew how to dig. What did that have to do with anything? Maybe he wanted her to dig her own grave--who knew what he had planned. "I...I think so. I've never had to before, just a little bit so I could fit into a hole under a tree once. Please, sir--don't make me dig it myself. And could I have some time to say goodbye to my family first? I just...I just found them again, some of them, and I..." Ember broke off, her voice cracking. He introduced himself, a wasted action. If he was going to get her, why bother telling her his name first? She shivered, tail curling between her legs. "Ember."


- Sedition Wick - 05-23-2008

http://avatars.ourdarkarts.net/souls/ot ... bottom.jpg) no-repeat; background-position: center bottom; width: 400px; border: 1px solid #000;" align="center">
Oh poor Ember! I laughed at this post and then felt horrible that she was scared. -pets-

Sedition very rarely got angry. He could remember three, maybe four incidences of being really angry and they were always directed at his father or his older cousin. He hadn't even been angry when he had found out about Salvaged and all his sins. Now his dinner was under the earth and his stomach was beginning to complain. She was apologizing... Sedition furrowed his brow and then raised an eyebrow in question. What was she so sorry for? He had coughed, he had made the hare run. Whatever the case he got the point; she was very sorry.

Raising a paw he took a step towards the burrow, beckoning her towards the burrow and it was then that he got his question answered. Did she think that he was going to hurt her? Him, Sedition Wick, hurt her? Whipping his head around he waited until she gave her name, eyes now lightened by the fact that she was young, confused and he had been terribly rude. ”Ember is it? I'm the one that's sorry Ember, I didn't mean to be so harsh, I just coughed and the hare ran. Not your fault a'tall. Come on dear, help me get that hare.” His eyes brightened some, tail swishing gently. A smile lit his features and he playfully crept forward, beckoning again with his paw.


- Ember Phoenix - 05-23-2008

[Image: ooc-1.jpg]

Hehe x3

She had only just joined, but she thought that she knew Fatin better than this. How could a pack leader let someone like him join their group? She had thought that things would go really smoothly once she'd gotten accepted, but maybe she had broken some rule that she hadn't known about. Maybe wolves owned certain parts of the territory, and Fatin had forgotten to tell her, and he was angry with her for coming onto it and scaring away his food--

But her thoughts were silenced when he turned back to her. He didn't look angry at all any more. In fact, he looked cheerful. Was this just some kind of a face that he was putting on to try and get her to come closer, or was he seriously not mad? Had she been jumping to conclusions? But perhaps he was planning on doing it after she helped him get his prize."I..." But she couldn't see any way out of it. She was slow, and she couldn't shift. He'd out run her in a second. "Okay." She went toward the hole, keeping her ears and tail down, looking down into the dark. "How far do you think it's in?"
