'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
to be Young and Innocent - Printable Version

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- Red Sol - 05-09-2008


Assume what you want I guess ^^

Red had once again wandered into pack territory. Why he kept doing it was anybody’s guess, really. Maybe he was just stupid or defiant. Or both. Since he had heard from Skoll about the packs coming from over the mountains, he had been curious exactly how many packs there were. Or rather, how many packs had taken his precious forest. Red seriously doubted that any of these new wolves would understand that trees should be respected, just like any sentient being would be.

The hybrid swung down from the fruit tree where he had been sitting. He had found his way into an old human orchard, though he didn’t know about the humans. It only struck him as odd that they seemed to have grown mostly in vows, though they weren’t as obvious because Nature had taken back her land. Sol had stuck to the coast, trying to keep from the heart of the pack lands. If he was intentionally wandering through pack territory, he didn’t want to go marching into a den or something.

Sol perked his ears as he saw a house. He had seen a few before, but didn’t know what they were called. It was some sort of nest, though he had never heard of wolves building nests. Unless the bears had made them, he had no clue why they were around. After sniffing around a bit, he wandered into the place.


- Cercelee - 05-09-2008


Cercelee was doing some exploring of her own. Although she had lived in these lands for a few weeks now, the buildings were too numerous and the female had yet to visit each one. Randomly she would choose one and look over it contents, sometimes they were interesting, sometimes not. Sometimes she could guess the purpose of the buildings, usually she couldn’t. Some were obviously meant for living in, she had slept in some of those, on the big soft structures (they were called bed, couches, tables but she didn’t really know any of these words). Others were buildings to store food, with rows and rows of strange items that the humans must have eaten, although most of these had long since been raided by other animals or had rotted away. This day she found a rather interesting one.

Built not as sturdy as the other buildings, but still it had withheld the test of time. The building, more like a large shack really, was farther away from the cluster of buildings, the two towns, and set within the fruit trees. Apples and cherry trees, and there were grape vines everywhere as well, they were obviously planned and planted by the humans, but for what purpose? Cercelee wondered to herself as she rummaged through the new building. There were many bottles of liquid stack on top of each other upon a shelf, and behind that shelf was another, and another, and yet still another. In order to better look over everything Cer had shifted, which she rarely did but during her last exploration had discovered that this form gave her better control over many of the human items.

Pulling one of the bottles from the shelf she turned it over in her hand. The liquid inside was a deep red, almost like bottled blood. Curiously, with her opposable thumbs and dexterous fingers the rosea maneuvered the bottle open, only to have the scent that wafted up sting her eyes. It was then that she heard the footsteps behind her and dropped the bottle in surprise. Gathering up the bottle which was now half empty, half on herself, she turned and smiled at the strange male, a bit nervous at being caught “red handed” now that her paws were stained.
What are you doing here? Her voice was still friendly, but a little firm. It was one thing for a stranger to wait on the borders, but another to sneak up on her in a building while she was all alone.


- Red Sol - 05-09-2008


the shortness makes my eyes bleed.

Red started and turned sharply to see a white female standing in the house. He hands were the color of blood and his own paw went toward his bag instinctively. Yet, for some reason, he stopped and looked the female over. She was holding, something in her hand, though he could not fathom what it might be. Red relaxed slightly and noticed that all around him were rows of the strange things that the female was holding.

Red held up his hands in a sign of peace. ”Yo explore. Miro place, find out about pack.” Red stopped, and tilted his head to one side before point to the thing in the other’s hand. ”What es?”


- Cercelee - 05-09-2008


Cer relaxed herself as the male signaled peace, although much of what he spoke sounded strange the Dahlia de Mai female could pick out a few key words. If the male had meant harm than surely he wouldn’t admit to exploring and seeking information on packs? Though why? The male didn’t state any loyalty to any specific pack or clan, so maybe he was researching the new packs for his own knowledge, Cer was certainly curious about them. Dahlia de Mai had nothing to hide and though Cer knew she shouldn’t make it a habit to be so friendly when strangers trespassed, she couldn’t help but smile at him.
I think it’s some sort of drink.. Cer held the bottle out for him to take and examine.

Turning to the shelf, Cercelee removed another bottle, the same color of liquid, although now the female saw that some of the bottles had clear, purple, pink and other red colors. Popping open the top of this bottle too, again she smelled the stuff and was overcome by the strength of it. Looking uncertainly at the item in her hand, her navy eyes went back to the stranger. Waving her tail behind her, a signal of friendship that in wolf form she often caught herself doing, she spoke, more cheerful this time, as if she had already accepted his unexpected presence.
I’m Cercelee, what’s your name?


- Red Sol - 05-13-2008


I'm sorry this was so late ><

Red was glad that the female hadn’t immediately attacked him and smiled back at her. Several of his previous encounters with the new wolves had gone badly for him, especially with females. They all seemed to want to kill him for some reason that he couldn’t fathom. He couldn’t understand her word ‘drink’ but whatever was in the bottle was some sort of liquid. Red reached out and took the bottle from her, gently. He didn’t want to ruin the mood and have her attack him suddenly because he had moved to fast. Red sniffed at the liquid in the bottle and found it to be quiet strong and sharp, whatever it was. It reminded him of rotten fruit somehow.

Red wasn’t really paying much attention to the white female as she grabbed another bottle. He looked at the color of the liquid, and sniffed it some more before daring to take a sip. Red found that it tasted about as strong as it smelled and almost spit the whole lot out. As it was, he had already spilt some down his front, not knowing how to drink from a bottle. Sol forced himself to swallow it, and he found that the taste was pleasing, after you got past that first bite. He then noticed that the female had asked him a question. Red smiled at her and pointed to himself. ”Red Sol.”

Red regarded the bottle of red liquid as they both stood in the umbrage of the shack and commented on it to Cercelee. ”Yo creo es bien beber. ¿Tú bebes?” As he asked the female his question, he first pointed to Cercelee and then made a drinking motion with the bottle. Unfortunately, he still didn’t understand that the bottle was open, and dumped most of the remaining liquid onto himself.


- Cercelee - 05-14-2008

Red Sol. The stranger had a name and despite the language gap, Cercelee found that they didn’t have too much trouble understanding one another. Gestures and body language seemed to help immensely, at least for her. Cercelee couldn’t imagine how it would be to live in a land where you spoke a different language than most of the inhabitants, however Red seemed to know some of the words Cercelee spoke, so he could probably learn quickly if he wished. As the male gestured for Cercelee to drink, as she hadn’t understood any of the words he had spoke, she could help but laugh at the liquid pouring down onto him. Embarrassed, Cercelee held out her paws to show him that she wasn’t laughing at him, but at the both of them. Already they had gotten more on themselves and on the floor than in their mouths.

Taking the bottle in her hand, Cercelee drank out of it more slowly, but was unprepared for the strong taste. Alcohol had never passed her lips before, and she found that the taste stung in the same manner that the smell had. Yet it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. After the first drink, which she caused her to cough and choke, the female took a moment to compose herself and this time prepared took a longer drink. Smiling at the male she licked her lips to emphasis.
It’s tasty, yes? Setting her bottle down, Cercelee looked at the other bottles and this time selected one that was almost a clear color. Opening this one, she smelled it as she had the others. It smelled sweeter, and after she had taken a sip it was confirmed that it tasted sweeter as well. Handing the bottle of clear liquid to the male, she went in search of yet another color and flavor of the strong drink. Turning back to him, she smiled again, sweeping her arm to gesture at the rows and rows of bottled wine. Don’t be shy, we have a lot of it. Indeed, Dahlia de Mai was stocked full of wine and other fruit made alcohols, and Cer decided that it was her duty to taste as many of them as she could. As she moved towards another bottle she couldn't help but smile, she felt lighter somehow, warmer.


- Red Sol - 05-14-2008


When the white female laughed at him, at first he merely stood dumbfounded. Red still didn’t understand what had happened, but all of a sudden the liquid was all over him. For a second he felt embarrassment before the female showed him her hands, which were also stained with the liquid. He couldn’t help but to laugh along with her at that point. After he had though, he realized how long it had been since he had last laughed. ’Too long.’ Still, Sol decided that he liked the strong liquid, and proceeded to drink what was left in the bottle; this time managing to get most of it in his mouth.

He nodded at her comment, which seemed to have to do with the flavor of the liquid. He stood where he was, smiling like an idiot as she handed him another bottle, this one with clear liquid rather than red. Thankfully, it was opened already, because a cork might have defeated him for the moment. With a sniff and a sip Red found out that the clear liquid was much sweeter than the red had been, and emptied the bottle quickly as he took rather large mouthfuls. Still, some of it managed to drip down onto his chest.

After finishing this second bottle Red let out a rather loud belch, which reduced him to a giggling fit. He couldn’t understand why he had found it so funny and sat down hard on the floor, letting out an occasional chuckle. Red crawled over to the nearest shelf and dragged out a random bottle. This one had a very dark colored liquid in it, and he was egger to try it. After a few moments he pulled the cork out with his teeth and began sipping.


- Cercelee - 05-14-2008


Cercelee turned at the loud belch, and then amused at Red’s laughs reduced her to laughter as well. More and more the female was beginning to feel lighthearted and relaxed. Any tension that had built up in her muscles was being released and although Cer was normally a little quirky and always friendly, she felt even more so now. Looking at Red as he manipulated another bottle into being open and began to sip from it, Cercelee smiled. Somehow, she knew that she wouldn’t be this happy if left on her own, and so even though Red probably couldn’t understand her she spoke in her cool, melodic voice.
I’m glad you’re here. It was silly she knew, but Cer was happy that someone was here to share the wine with her, and that she hadn’t discovered this all by herself.

Gathering up numerous bottles that interested her, Cercelee moved over to where Red sat on the floor and lowered herself beside him, the bottles falling out of her hands and rolling onto the floor as she hit the ground. Laughing at her clumsiness, she grabbed for one and popped the cork off, which flew with some force across the room. Smiling at Red, as if she had just discovered a magic trick, she grabbed another bottle and attempted to repeat the maneuver, but failed. Pointing to an unopened bottle, she spoke
Yoou try now. Her tongue felt just a tad bit heavier, and when she thought about it, her limbs felt heavier too, but when she forgot them again it was like she was weightless. Shrugging, Cer began to empty one of the two bottles that she had just opened. The happy warm feeling was growing stronger, the female was getting more relaxed as time wore on and the more she drank, and Cercelee could only assume the notable effects were happening because of the fruit flavored stuff. Setting down her current bottle and picking up one of the darkest she could find, Cercelee opened that and took a sip, however the strength of the drink was too much for the female and after she had swallowed a hiccup escaped her. Uck, this un’s no goood. Pushing the bottle away from here, it fell over on it’s side and begun to spill it’s content over the already stick floor. Yet she couldn’t help but laugh at the mess they were still making as she scanned how many empty and half empty bottles were strewn about. What would her pack mates think if she came in to see this?


- Red Sol - 05-14-2008



The two wolves were sitting in sticky, strong smelling liquid and laughing their heads off at every little thing. Red liked the strong, dark liquid that he had picked up, though he took it in smaller mouthfuls than the others he had tried. The male giggled as the female dropped the bottles and dropped his own bottle, which spilled its contents on the floor. He pointed and gasped in awe when Cercelee shot the cork across the room. ”Esho esh amazzzthing!” He stopped and then burst out laughing at his own speech. Red was too happy and carefree to be concerned about his tongue feeling so thick.

Red saw Cercelee pointing to an un-opened bottle and he grabbed at it. After missing it a few times he picked up the bottle, his hands shaking slightly, but he didn’t seem to notice. Sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth, he held the bottle neck with one hand and dug his thumb claw into the base of the cork. With a loud pop the cork flew across the room and knocking some bottles off the shelves. The shattered as they hit each other with a crash. Red pointed, laughed, and fell sideways onto Cercelee’s lap.

He grinned up at her like an idiot and hiccupped. ”¡Jjjjú esthhh muy bonitar! Much purdy is jooo!” He laughed and burped, which only made him laugh some more. Trying to hold back giggles and gazed up at the pretty white she-wolf.


- Cercelee - 05-14-2008

The explosion of glass and the spray of liquid had only served to produce more laughter from the two of them. Dimly Cer thought that she would have to return and clean this place up, although it was not Dahlia de Mai’s only wind shack, surely sooner or later someone would run across the mess if she didn’t hide the evidence. Yet the thought was soon buried in fog. Right at that moment, Cer felt far too good to be trouble with responsibilities. At that moment, the mess did not matter, her pack did not matter. All that mattered was that she felt good and was having fun. And boy, what fun it was. Cercelee took another swig of wine.

Without realizing how the male had arrived there, Red was in her lap looking up at her. Yet it was not unwelcome, and Cer giggled and smiled down at him. The words he spoke, she didn’t quite understand, pretty was among them and if her face was not covered in white fur she would have flushed red, deep red due to the alcohol. Yet she recognized the tone, quite well, for often it was directed at her from Slay. The black and white male flashed before in her mind for a moment, and a Cercelee felt a little hollow pit in her stomach, but it quickly left as Red laughter reached her ears. Slay flirted with all the females, so what did it matter that she was here with Red now? Smiling down at him, she gently stroked the side of his face, uncontrolled giggles escaping her every now and then.
Dou are quiiite teh cuitie, douself, Reed. Her speak sounded off to her own ears, but her inability to speak clearly only made her more jovial. Sliding down so that she was now next to Red, instead of him on top of her, Cer plastered her self against the male, resting her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around his torso. He was warm and it felt nice, she didn’t question it.


- Red Sol - 05-14-2008


I think I'll put a mature label on this for safe messure. ^^

Red licked her hand gently as she stroked the side of his face, he didn’t notice that both his face and her hand were coated in the sticky liquid. In fact that made her hand taste better. As he thought this, he burst into giggles again, though he kept hiccupping while he laughed. He didn’t care about anything but right now, and right now he was happy. Nothing could have ruined this for Red. He giggled some more at her distorted speech, not understanding anything she had said.

Suddenly they were both lying on the floor of the shack, and the female was resting her head against his chest. He felt warmth spreading through his body from where she was touching him. Red could not think of a time where he had felt like this; it was new, sort of frightening, but definitely exciting. It felt good to have her close to him, and Red let a hand stray over her body. The hybrid hadn’t been lying when he had said she was pretty, because Cercelee was a beautiful female; with her vibrant eyes and white fur.

Red put his arms around the female and caressed her back, feeling the gentle curves her body had. He moved his muzzle against her neck and kissed her gently. If he hadn’t been drunk he might have been worried about being rejected, but this felt right to him now.


- Cercelee - 05-14-2008

Red’s hands were suddenly on her body, simultaneous with him kissing her neck. The caresses were foreign, although she was friendly and warm with those she knew, frequently Cer would nudge or stand close to them, she had never been romantically involved. Never physically arouse either. Yet now she was both, and there were numerous emotions flowing through her. The alcohol had inhibited her normal steadfast control of her own feelings, yet she welcomed the rush. Excitement, confusion, and a warmth she had never felt before. Where his hand touched turn hot and spread, his kisses created this sensation ten times over.

Without knowing why or what she was doing, Cercelee was returning the kissing. Working her way closer to his face, her hands strayed as well (just enough to settle her curiosity). After feeling Red and being content with what she found, one hand settled on his back, and the other his butt. Without being able to explain, her hand placed there gave her great enjoyment. Now she was kissing his face, on his lips. It never really occurred to Cer that this was her first kiss, that this was really her first interaction of this sort with anyone, only that at the moment it felt right, and that she was willing to go along with whatever Red did. She would have said as much, but between their different languages, and now their drunken, slurred speech, it would have been impossible to communicate that. Instead the female just pulled him closer, if that was at all possible, so that he was nearly on top of her.


- Red Sol - 05-15-2008


Red felt giddy with happiness. Cercelee was returning his affections, and the two of them were kissing and caressing each other on the shack’s floor. Her face was closer to his now and he had an excellent view of her eyes as they kissed. He smiled sheepishly at Cercelee as he felt her hand explore him. He felt a rush of warmth between his legs and he returned her kisses profusely. Red’s hands stroked her sides and chest, taking in her body. He closed his eyes and kissed her down her neck to her chest.

Sol let out a soft, happy grunt as she pulled him closer. Everything they were doing just felt so right to him, like it had been written long ago that this was happen. That what is, is what must be. One of his hands strayed between her legs as he lavished her with kisses to express his paean. He felt the moist warmth and gently stroked her. Red gave the white female a playful nip near the ear and nuzzled her around the neck.

Red removed his hand and pressed himself against Cercelee. It felt like fire where their bodies touched, but in a good way. His hazel eyes met her soft ones as he kissed her and let his tongue explore her mouth in a way that mirrored how he was exploring the other part of her. The male let out a soft grunt as he feel into the rhythmic motion.


- Cercelee - 05-15-2008

It was happening in a blur. Confusion merged with happiness and Cer just gave way to both, letting come what may. The female knew what to expect, yet had she been sober more thought would have been given to this moment, more detail taken in to think over later. As it was thought escaped her as she moved mostly on automatic. Cercelee reacted to Red’s actions, and so when he began his exploration of her body, she only helped and encouraged with her body movements, never hindered.

Cercelee felt the fire too when their bodies met, but at that same moment she was met with a different sort of flame. A pain shot through her, and though she let out a small cry, still she did not push him away. Instead she found that the pain lessened as she moved her body with his, and so she continued in this manner. Yet that feeling of pain had shot through her fog, the drunken cloud that had kept her ignorantly happy in the moment. Now although she continued to comply, Cer took a moment to wonder why she was doing this. And she didn’t have an answer for herself. Instead she clung tighter to Red, closing her navy eyes to the night and burying her face in his fur as he buried himself within her, because she could think of nothing else to do as she waited for him to finish.
